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Saturday, February 05, 2005

Talk about a Million Dollar Depression

Saw Million Dollar Baby last night. Wow. Talk about your outstanding movie. And talk about the ultimate double-whammy and pull-the-rug-out-from-under-you feeling you get when you see it. And not just that, but they keep on driving those nails in, just to be sure. Be forewarned, the character development in this movie is absolutely brilliant, and you will get attached to the characters. Just be sure you go see a Disney movie RIGHT AFTER you see this one. Or have ice cream, or something...Did I give too much away? Probably. If you see it and get just as depressed as I did, have solace in the fact that the person I went to see the movie with personally knows one of the two executive producers of the film, and promised she'd tell him just how "messed up" a movie he made. Definitely deserving of an Oscar.