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Tuesday, February 28, 2006

HFS I almost missed it!

Another Wonderful Opportunity for SHoPpers across These Fruited Plains to BLATANTLY IGNORE Their Tio Jaime's Advice
Eastmost Peninsula is the Secret


For some reason, in the back of my mind it had occurred to me a couple of weeks ago that TAR9 is due up soon.

The Amazing Race 9 premieres tonight, motherfuckers!!!

Should be a good season. And no real way to go but up, what with the family style crap-fest that was TAR8 and the Survivor shark-jumping that was TAR7.

They need to get back to the good, old-fashioned gimmicks from the first few TARs. Like the token gays. Token minorities. The omni-present sardine-can train ride through india.

You wanna re-live the crapfests? You got it...

Ok this show fucking sucks, this doesn't even deserve SHoP billing.
i hope your kids murder you with shotguns when they come to grips with how assholey you made them
and maybe the little gaghan fucker will die
no shit your legs aren't sore, you're fucking worthless
that's why you don't let your little demon-children make the fucking decisions when $1,000,000 is at goddam stake
and now i'm laughing at carissa gaghan, or he can't speak english, but maybe he speaks the universal language of Selling Your Children Into Slavery
Tio Jaime's House of Dumbass
would've been cool if Bart had mauled the little Gaghan shits (TJ:A1)
g-sisters still fucking around w/a trailer on a highway (TJ:A1)
Congratulations, you have won $1 million


I must really like you Citizen SHoPpers, despite your repeatedly ignoring my advice. Here you go. Second crapfest starring Boston Rob...

3am Criticism of The Amazing Race 7, season premiere!!!
3am Criticism of The Amazing Race 7, Episode 2
3am Criticism of TAR7.3
(R) 3am Criticism of The Amazing Race 7, Episode 5!
(R) Live 3am Criticism of TAR7, Episode 6
Live 3am Criticism of TAR7, episode 8
Live 3am Criticism of TAR7, episode 9
Tape-Delayed 3amC of The Amazing Race 7, episode 10
3am Criticism of The Amazing Race 7, season finale! FUCK YOU BOSTON ROB


In any case, TAR9 tonight is virtually guaranteed not to suck tonight, since all the suck-ness appears to have been used for numbers 7 and 8.

Jihad Jimmy, Minister of War Crimes and Chief Defender of the Faith

<update time="2046">
See? Already with the hype! Don't miss it Citizen SHoPpers...

he was an annoying fuck and actually humped my arm
8:32 PM
TioJaime: the amazing race 9 tonight!
TioJaime: can't suck anymore than it did the last two times
TioJaime: so it *should* be good tonight!
RafterMan: I've met one of those guys
RafterMan: he was an annoying fuck and actually humped my arm
TioJaime: one of the dudes on TAR?
RafterMan: Bj and tyler
TioJaime: whoa
TioJaime: where was this?
RafterMan: I met him once and I hope he loses quickly
8:35 PM
RafterMan: one of the freaks from albany
TioJaime: oh wonderful
RafterMan: yeah, they should be extremely annoying
RafterMan: so no gimmicks with this one?
TioJaime: oh probably token gay
TioJaime: token NY
TioJaime: token hot skanks
TioJaime: no children, thank God
8:40 PM
RafterMan: I just set up my replay to record it
RafterMan: awesome
TioJaime: should be good...
RafterMan: it's been too long since I've watched the amazing race
TioJaime: dude, you literally didn't miss a single fucking thing
TioJaime: was the last one you saw where everybody called each other "baby?
RafterMan: hello danielle and dani
RafterMan: yeah
TioJaime: yeah
RafterMan: with chip and kim
TioJaime: you missed Boston Rob
TioJaime: and some shitty children
RafterMan: completely useless kim
RafterMan: but I was so happy when chip won
TioJaime: you would've liked Uchenna and Joyce
RafterMan: that guy deserved it
RafterMan: given that his wife was a useless weight
TioJaime: also black, but joyce wasn't useless
RafterMan: nice
TioJaime: she had huevos
8:45 PM
TioJaime: OK dude, gotta poop
TioJaime: will talk to you soon

Come find me at 9pm PST. Will be 3amC-ing the season premiere...

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Brotherly Advice


Don't you dumb-holes have anything better to be doing?
Don't you dumb-holes have anything better to be doing?, Part II
Don't you dumb-holes have anything better to be doing?, Part III


Looks like the misogyny-tastic posts are lingering a bit longer than we thought they would...

Aren't I a good fuckin' brother?

Jihad Jimmy, Minister of War Crimes and Chief Defender of the Faith

BigBell96 = Tio Jaime
LittleBell07 = Tio Jaime's little brother
11:20 PM
BigBell96: yeah, whatever
11:25 PM
LittleBell07: all girl robot tim?
LittleBell07: team*
BigBell96: that's so fucking gay
BigBell96: yeah, because science and technology is supposed to be *democratic*
BigBell96: stupid whore
LittleBell07: wtf, that sounds gay
BigBell96: dude, democracy is overrated
BigBell96: it's a good idea except for letting every yahoo and retard out there vote
BigBell96: and the other problem with democracy is when some ignoramus tries to apply the basic concept incorrectly to everything
BigBell96: like the Church? not supposed to be democratic. (see recap posts above!)
BigBell96: the military? not supposed to be democratic
BigBell96: use that for one of your LD cases
BigBell96: "Democracy is dumb"
BigBell96: or at least "democracy is overrated"
LittleBell07: haha, yeah
BigBell96: "Democracy is gay"
LittleBell07: well, i'm pretty sure that last one would auto-drop me, but ok
11:30 PM
BigBell96: not if you can get away with it
LittleBell07: i could probably be reported to kj for that. then she'd eat me
BigBell96: just tell her that I told you to do it. she'll understand.
LittleBell07: ok

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

"Dr. O'Malley? Stop looking at my va-jay-jay!"

Two episodes in a doubleheader for you. First one is taped, the second one is live. Enjoy.

Jihad Jimmy, Minister of War Crimes and Chief Defender of the Faith

and speaking of dumb cunts who don't know what they want...
You are now in chat room "WHORECITY."
TioJ has entered the chat room.

TioJ (8:34:32 PM): hello dere!
TioJ (8:35:17 PM): just got home
TioJ (8:35:23 PM): have two Grey's Anatomies for you
TioJ (8:35:35 PM): the first is the second part of the Code Black
TioJ (8:35:40 PM): which started right after the Super Bowl
TioJ (8:35:54 PM): ahh... sweet, sweet two weeks ago!
TioJ (8:37:19 PM): back when a certain someone wasn't just another of the countless dumb cunts who don't know what they want
TioJ (8:37:37 PM): and speaking of dumb cunts who don't know what they want...
TioJ (8:37:40 PM): here we go!
TioJ (8:39:23 PM): pink mist!
TioJ (8:39:45 PM): stupid dr. ellen pompeo
TioJ (8:40:31 PM): yeah, nice job stupid dr. izzie
TioJ (8:40:37 PM): way to be a smart woman
TioJ (8:42:29 PM): again, lots of blackt0rs
TioJ (8:44:47 PM): you stupid girl, why'd you put your hand inside in the first place?
TioJ (8:52:18 PM): and dr. izzie is still a clueless whore with no real control over her emotions
TioJ (8:56:51 PM): yeah right you're not gonna freak out
TioJ (8:57:59 PM): you're a stupid emotional woman who cries because her mom is lonely
TioJ (8:57:59 PM): ahh
TioJ (8:57:59 PM): and blackt0r 3 has a heart attack
TioJ (8:58:15 PM): wow, the day just gets better and better
TioJ (8:59:59 PM): oh yay, it's black-wife
TioJ (9:00:19 PM): so pretty much all four black people in seattle work in Seattle Grace
TioJ (9:01:28 PM): yay for women having emotional outbursts while in mortal peril
TioJ (9:01:37 PM): glad my doctors are dudes
TioJ (9:01:59 PM): oh it's Cristina Ricci, EMT
TioJ (9:02:41 PM): yeah, and nice job dr. yang being a good doctor and shit
TioJ (9:03:34 PM): you should always leave open-skull surgery because you see something out in the hall
TioJ (9:04:43 PM): and of course, bombs and open skulls and heart attacks are the best time to goof off and not follow directions from surgeons and/or bomb squads
TioJ (9:05:17 PM): and what a time to talk about relationships
TioJ (9:11:27 PM): and now George is straddling his resident
TioJ (9:13:01 PM): ha ha, you fucked up because you were busy thinking about dr. ellen pompeo
TioJ (9:17:14 PM): WTF? you stupid woman
TioJ (9:17:45 PM): heh, anna nalick's "breathe"?
TioJ (9:18:45 PM): oh blah blah blah
TioJ (9:18:51 PM): scruffy patrick dempsey
TioJ (9:18:59 PM): blah
TioJ (9:19:02 PM): how shitty
TioJ (9:20:00 PM): LOL
TioJ (9:20:15 PM): "Dr. O'Malley? Stop looking at my va-jay-jay!"
TioJ (9:22:37 PM): OK i was kidding when I thought that was gonna happen
TioJ (9:27:28 PM): heh, he wasn't asking about his wife
TioJ (9:27:39 PM): yeah duh
TioJ (9:28:08 PM): ooh yeah shower scene
TioJ (9:30:52 PM): blah blah blah
TioJ (9:33:10 PM): this episode kinda sucked
TioJ (9:33:44 PM): so a bomb goes off feet away from a OR and nothing?

If you missed the episode, I'm sorry if only because of the post title. Funny scene. But then again, you probably don't watch these shows because your Tio Jaime recommends them to you and you're the typical Citizen SHoPper who doesn't listen to me. How nice that you have a gathering place where you can ignore my advice en masse.

Pretty short 3amC here, for the tail-end of the doubleheader. Kinda like this one here.

something about mom being a filthy whore
TioJ (9:34:17 PM): next episode in the doubleheader
TioJ (9:34:54 PM): just finishing up the Desperate Housefraus
TioJ (9:34:58 PM): ooh hi
TioJ (9:35:10 PM): oh shit, that was Dr. She-Biscuit Oriental
TioJ (9:36:03 PM): SHE-BISCUIT!
TioJ (9:38:02 PM): heh
TioJ (9:39:20 PM): something about mom being a filthy whore
TioJ (9:39:29 PM): dr. izzie-whore!
TioJ (9:39:38 PM): dr. whore-zie?
TioJ (9:47:15 PM): heh, funny blackt0r 3
TioJ (9:49:27 PM): wonderful, stupid women and clever nicknames
TioJ (9:52:33 PM): ooh yeah
TioJ (9:53:07 PM): orgasm-momma
TioJ (9:56:19 PM): ooh a junior at UW
TioJ (9:56:25 PM): math major
TioJ (9:56:28 PM): yeah right
TioJ (10:00:31 PM): oh wow, more vertices in the love triangle?
TioJ (10:25:07 PM): this episode sucks
TioJ (10:25:12 PM): what happened to orgasm-girl?
TioJ (10:28:10 PM): dr. whore-zie!
TioJ (10:31:31 PM): George making his move???
TioJ (10:32:31 PM): whoa and she took his shirt off
TioJ (10:32:38 PM): roll credits?!?
TioJ (10:32:40 PM): fuck you!
TioJ has left the chat room.

Oh wait, looking at the time stamps, they're both taped. Sorry.

Friday, February 17, 2006

You're on the air with KJIMMY


Eastmost Peninsula is the Secret


K-J-I, M-M-Y. Your Red State Outpost in the Blue State Frontier.

Won tickets this morning to see Kevin Nealon at Cobb's on the Sarah and No Name Show on KLLC. It was Super-Game Thursday today, and instead of choosing the easy win with the Game-Game, I asked for Sarah's never-popular Radio Terminology Game.

Correctly answered a multiple choice about the definition of "Liners" and was rewarded with tickets to Kevin Nealon under my name at Will Call.

The coolest part about it? I got to talk to Sarah herself! Man oh man, do I wanna nail her. A or B, Citizen SHoPpers... Sarah or Darian O'Toole?

<game name="A or B">
A or B?

And yes, it is hard to find a picture of Sarah w/o No Name. Do what I did. Don't imagine No Name being there. Trust me.

And oh, how Christmas morning gets even better... they played my submission for bumper music on John London's Inferno today! They're looking for suggestions for bumper music to be claimed in an exclusivity draft opposite Darian O'Toole. I sent them-- partly in jest-- an mp3 of the instrumental intro of Joe Jackson's "Steppin' Out". Pretty cool, man... I stretched a 12 second phrase into a couple of minutes.

Find the song. Listen to it. Realize that it has no place in modern FM talk radio bringing you back from a stop set. Cool thing though, Dennis Cruz still played it on the air. "Tio Jaime sent this in to us..."

I was pretty stoked. Chris Townsend said it wasn't exactly 2006. And he's absolutely right. John London said it was still a good song and he wanted it on a button.

Dude! This is my foot in the door! I've never been on anybody's cart machine before! That's assuming they still use cart machines!

Tio Jaime

wow i'm not a boob-man, but i'll learn & OK i just want brittany to plain ole' rape me. yessir.

Your Tio Jaime was too lazy to find old 3am Criticisms for the 24-style recap. Tell you what, just click on the monthly archives to the right, and search the page for "3am"

Jihad Jimmy, Minister of War Crimes and Chief Defender of the Faith

3am Criticism of last week's episode of Beauty and the Geek
You are now in chat room "BeautyandtheOhYeah."
TioJaime has entered the chat room.

TioJaime (7:57:57 PM): hello dere
TioJaime (7:58:00 PM): !
TioJaime (7:58:31 PM): gonna watch a tape of last week's Beauty and the Geek
TioJaime (7:58:34 PM): courtesy of my grandpa
TioJaime (7:58:48 PM): and then for the second part of the 3amC Doubleheader...
TioJaime (7:58:54 PM): a live 3amC!
TioJaime (7:59:00 PM): of this week's episode!
TioJaime (7:59:05 PM): haven't done this in a while
TioJaime (7:59:13 PM): hope I haven't forgotten
TioJaime (7:59:29 PM): let's do it
TioJaime (7:59:30 PM):
TioJaime (8:00:12 PM): (was there another phrase i used before the <hr>?
TioJaime (8:00:22 PM): oh wait..
TioJaime (8:00:32 PM): here we go
TioJaime (8:02:00 PM): wow. arch-rivals after three weeks?
TioJaime (8:29:21 PM): i like brittany
TioJaime (8:29:26 PM): she has nice boobs
TioJaime (8:34:20 PM): wow i'm not a boob-man, but i'll learn
TioJaime (8:43:55 PM): the black chick and indian dude won
TioJaime (8:44:05 PM): they eliminated the dungeon master and some skank
TioJaime (8:46:09 PM): OK and now there's another 15 mins until tonight's episode
TioJaime (8:47:46 PM): "you smell good"
TioJaime (8:47:47 PM): heh
TioJaime (8:48:30 PM): lemme see if i can do this...

TioJaime (8:50:09 PM): OK, i've just put in some html tags... so right in the chat window, it says </font></td><tr><table><div>
TioJaime (8:50:46 PM): and now i'll put it up on the front-end again...
TioJaime (8:51:41 PM):

Live 3am Criticism of tonight's episode of Beauty and the Geek
TioJaime (8:52:06 PM): wow, "UltraViolet"? I thought it was a commercial for Aeon Flux
TioJaime (8:53:28 PM): ooh yeah annette o'toole
TioJaime (8:59:08 PM): ooh, are we on?
TioJaime (8:59:50 PM): Citizen SHoPpers, check out marknicodemo when you get a chance
TioJaime (8:59:59 PM): Social Experiment, blah blah blah
TioJaime (9:00:19 PM): wow that chick in green has huge boobs
TioJaime (9:00:41 PM): dude, it's not cher's fault you all suck and are hyper-sensitive
TioJaime (9:00:45 PM): ooh i like brittany
TioJaime (9:01:00 PM): ooh hi brittany boobs!
TioJaime (9:01:15 PM): man oh man would i like some taquitos right now...
TioJaime (9:01:32 PM): oh it's the Final Four!
TioJaime (9:01:39 PM): even though they're eight
TioJaime (9:01:58 PM): whore
TioJaime (9:02:10 PM): and yeah tyson.... FREAK
TioJaime (9:04:14 PM): ooh hi brittany!
TioJaime (9:04:36 PM): yeah, like they need practice with this??
TioJaime (9:04:39 PM): this is retarded
TioJaime (9:06:29 PM): well, regardless, i would like to get naked and freaky with Brittany
TioJaime (9:06:38 PM): was that inappropriate?
TioJaime (9:11:04 PM): oh i like fruity perfume, brittany!
TioJaime (9:13:56 PM): ooh brittany's hot
TioJaime (9:14:13 PM): i would like to be molested by her... hard
TioJaime (9:16:39 PM): WHORE CITY
TioJaime (9:22:44 PM): pick out evening gown and lingerie
TioJaime (9:22:51 PM): for lingerie photo shoot
TioJaime (9:22:52 PM): ooh yeah
TioJaime (9:23:12 PM): how about some leather dominatrix stuff for Brittany?
TioJaime (9:23:14 PM): ooh yeah momma
TioJaime (9:23:49 PM): LOL "orange thong in a mud wrestling competition"
TioJaime (9:24:56 PM): ooh yeah
TioJaime (9:25:08 PM): "licking your finger"
TioJaime (9:25:25 PM): "a little more risque"
TioJaime (9:25:54 PM): ooh yeah pornographic shoot
TioJaime (9:26:01 PM): "grabbing your ankles"
TioJaime (9:26:03 PM): LOL
TioJaime (9:26:05 PM): ooh yeah
TioJaime (9:26:13 PM): "you smell good"
TioJaime (9:27:45 PM): "lick it a bit"
TioJaime (9:29:32 PM): queer celebrity stylist
TioJaime (9:31:40 PM): brittany
TioJaime (9:31:45 PM): ooh yeah brittany
TioJaime (9:32:03 PM): yay, nice job brittany!
TioJaime (9:32:08 PM): i mean, "joe"
TioJaime (9:36:38 PM): ooh brittany in glasses!
TioJaime (9:36:46 PM): and w/o makeup!
TioJaime (9:37:44 PM): wow brittany's just hot all around
TioJaime (9:38:51 PM): OK i just want brittany to plain ole' rape me. yessir.
TioJaime (9:40:04 PM): "i look like a liberian on crack"
TioJaime (9:40:33 PM): would've been funny if some white chick had said that...
TioJaime (9:41:43 PM): dude, even w/makeup, cher's ugly
TioJaime (9:49:48 PM): Sarah the Whore and Wes versus Racially Ambiguous Cher and Josh
TioJaime (9:50:05 PM): I predict Cher and Josh will win
TioJaime (9:51:25 PM): heh, the beer spokesmodel gets the beer question
TioJaime (9:52:09 PM): WHORE CITY
TioJaime (9:58:31 PM): cool retro reese's commercial
TioJaime (9:59:19 PM): so it's like an amazing race thing next week?
TioJaime has left the chat room.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Enjoy your VD, Citizen SHoPpers!!!

TJ - A day late, but you'll get over it, Citizen SHoPper.
Hmm. That didn't sound right. But I can't quite put my finger on it. Eh.

Returned the Monster cable. Picked up some blank CD-R. And something else...

curly fries?
6:27 PM
TioJaime: you know what's better than porn?
Marla: umm... real sex?
Marla: haha
Marla: curly fries?
TioJaime: yes. and no.
TioJaime: nevermind
TioJaime: just ask "what?"
Marla: actually a lot of things...
Marla: what's up?
Marla: what?
Marla: don't send me any nasty pictures!
Marla: I'm at work!
TioJaime: just ask "what?" in response...
TioJaime: it's for the SHoP
TioJaime: you know what's better than porn?
6:30 PM
TioJaime: OK and now i'm tempted to just artifically inseminate this chat after-the-fact w/your responses...
Marla: I asked what already!
Marla: what?
TioJaime: goddamit
TioJaime: alls i needs you to ask is "what?" and that's it. nothing else until the very end
TioJaime: although this behind-the-scenes shit is gonna be pretty good...
TioJaime: OK MwHCock sorta did it...

Sorta. I like how my wonderful friends can't quite grasp the concept of the "set up". Nice job, Marla.

Yeah, real sex. Getting laid. No shit. Unless you're German or something.

ok, what's better than porn?
6:30 PM
TioJaime: you know what's better than porn?
MwHCock: getting laid?
TioJaime: yes, but the response i was looking for was "what?"
TioJaime: hold on
MwHCock: ok, what's better than porn?
TioJaime: Jenna Haze porn
TioJaime: you know what's better than Jenna Haze porn?
MwHCock: what?
TioJaime: Jenna Haze porn for $19.99 at Fry's Electronics
TioJaime: you know what's better than Jenna Haze porn for $19.99 at Fry's Electronics?
MwHCock: what?
TioJaime: Jenna Haze porn at Fry's marked $19.99 but it rings up for $14.50
TioJaime: and you know what's better than Jenna Haze porn at Fry's marked $19.99 but it rings up for $14.50?
MwHCock: what?
TioJaime: Jenna Haze porn at Fry's marked $19.99 but it rings up for $14.50 on Valentine's Day!

Not that we should refrain from buying Jenna Haze porn on certain days of the year, but you gotta admit that there are some days on which buying the Jenna Haze porn might seem a bit more ironic than others...

Watching the fine video in the background right now. Jenna Haze just had her scene. And now there are three blonde lesbians on a staircase.

and even then
6:35 PM
TioJaime: say hello to the SHoP
MwHCock: Hello you hard-core republicans
TioJaime: the only reason we seem hardcore is because only SixHertz and I are the ones posting
TioJaime: and even then
MwHCock: they sell porn at fry's?

Do they ever! The first one I bought from Fry's was a sub-$10 Jenna Haze porn.

And if you visit the links to the fry's webpage, it looks to be an ISP. This is not the case. It's like a CompUSA and Best Buy all rolled up into one. With cool themes. Check out the wikipedia entry here.

TioJaime: let's try this again
TioJaime: you know what's better than porn?
Marla: what?
TioJaime: Jenna Haze porn
TioJaime: you know what's better than Jenna Haze porn?
Marla: what?
TioJaime: Jenna Haze porn for $19.99 at Fry's Electronics
TioJaime: you know what's better than Jenna Haze porn for $19.99 at Fry's Electronics?
6:35 PM
Marla: what?
TioJaime: Jenna Haze porn at Fry's marked $19.99 but it rings up for $14.50
TioJaime: and you know what's better than Jenna Haze porn at Fry's marked $19.99 but it rings up for $14.50?
Marla: what?
TioJaime: Jenna Haze porn at Fry's marked $19.99 but it rings up for $14.50 on Valentine's Day!
Marla: speaking of porn, Judy Lee's going to be going to "Cal Band Alumni" ski trip!
TioJaime: LOL

And that's a winner right there, Citizen SHoPpers, even if you weren't in the know. This may have made a good post in and of itself, but I guess I just want you all to realize the sacrifices we make for you in the SHoP. And by "we" I mean "I".

Oh yes, just your Tio Jaime. Observe...

SixHertz dropping the ball. Note the time stamps, Citizen SHoPpers
6:26 PM
TioJaime: you know what's better than porn?
6:35 PM
TioJaime: OK thanks man
TioJaime: check the SHoP for a porn-related post soon

And I guess by "soon" I mean "the next day".

Jihad Jimmy, Minister of War Crimes and Chief Defender of the Faith

ps- jenna haze link is NSFW

Monday, February 13, 2006

Just an observation...

LIbEralS are having a field day with this hunting accident. Why the big deal about Cheney shooting someone in the face and neck? It's not like Lewinski wasn't shot in the face by Bill Clinton. And even that was no accident.

The World is a Carousel of Misogynistic Colors

SixHertz is asleep. But like that'll stop me from messaging him and then SHoPping it...

You're listening to KUNT... All misogyny, all the time!
11:19 PM
TioJ: expect misogyny-tastic posts from your Tio Jaime this week
TioJ: check out marknicodemo's comments for a preview

And shit, what bgcolor represents misogyny? wirehangercopper, perhaps?



Jihad Jimmy, Minister of War Crimes and Chief Defender of the Faith

Sunday, February 12, 2006

How's [Pittsburg(h) Amy]?

I already yelled at SixHertz for this, but you do-gooder Citizen SHoPpers out there? Don't ever get on my fucking case again about going to the Zoo and how there are better women outside the Zoo.

Because there aren't. The ones who don't take their clothes off for money are no different than the ones who do. Remember this next time you try to give me shit for frequenting the Zoo w/the boys when I should be out looking for a nice, normal tolerable girlfriend.

No, SixHertz didn't really say "Pittsburg(h) Amy," he said something unprintable
12:20 PM
SixHertz: How's [Pittsburg(h) Amy]? You talk to her today/after she left that message?
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: i called her, left a message saying "Wow, that was classy. There's a reason I didn't leave that same exact message on your voice mail. That should be done in person."
SixHertz: nice, oh, that's good.
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: you like that?
SixHertz: damn right, i do
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: i kinda figured you would

Maybe if I'm drunk I'll post the message from my voice mail. We'll see.

Enjoy the remainder of the weekend,
Jihad Jimmy, Minister of War Crimes and Chief Defender of the Faith

Friday, February 10, 2006

Reads just like a SHoP post...


Where can I find a bachelorette veil this morning?
Sanctity of Marriage!


SixH tells me that the e-mail I sent out was very well received. I took another look. It reads just like a typical Tio Jaime post, so I figured I'd save myself the trouble and just reformat my maniacal ramblings for your reading enjoyment.

In the recaps above, you'll find another bachelor party e-mail thread. The names below have been edited to preserve innocent's privacy. Except Trosama min Asi. That's his real name. Allahu Akbar.

JennaHaze-u Akbar,
Jihad Jimmy, Minister of War Crimes and Chief Defender of the Faith

Rounding up the Troops
Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2006 21:15:56 -0800 (PST)
From: "Tio Jaime" <>
Subject: Bachelor Party
To: "SixHertz" <>
CC:,,, He who is likely SixH's fiancee's brother?,,,, SixH's friend who was going to the Zoo w/Trosama min Asi and myself for a while there,,,,,,,, Trosama min Asi,,, SixH's friend who I met like 10 years ago,,,,

Howdy all,

Not gonna beat around the bush with pleasantries like some woman and reiterate what you already know. He's getting married and I can't even tell you when without getting up and checking out that snazzy "Save the Date" fridge magnet I got in the mail at my parents' house in good ole San Jose, CA.

But first things first. Bachelor party. Vegas. Scotch on the rocks. Consuming lots of scotch on the rocks (or Bushmills neat) and exercising your constitutional right to unabridged freedom of (drunken) speech. Sobering up and exercising your constitutional right to bear arms.

And oh, the Arms we Shall Bear...

Festivities to take place Friday 05 May through Sunday 07 May. The Sabbath to be observed at the Sapphire Chapel with Our Ladies of Perpetual Toplessness.

Now that I have you gun-happy and mildly horny, some logistics. Some rooms have been secured at Paris. Yay for the French. These rooms are $199/night and can platonically accomodate 4 heterosexual men. So my engineer math tells me that $50/night for two nights should run one bachelor partier $100 for two nights.

BE ADVISED: Four-to-a-room will require what SixH referred to as "HOT-BUNKING". Apparently that's just sharing a big damn bed with another man. Head-to-toe, if you'd like. If you're worried about the hot-bunking sausage-fest, just think nice thoughts about Bliss over at Sapphire. Ooh, or Janel.

Mmm... Janel... goddam!

Should you require your own bed/room, let me know. If you have made plans to attend this celebration of bachelorhood, please confirm this with me. The only YESses I have thus far are the following:

SixH (and yes, I'm just as surprised as all of you are...)
Jihad Jimmy (me)
Jake H
Steve W
Scott Y
Marc S
Lynn T
L Rodriguez ("lrod!" that's fuckin cool, man!)
Henry H
Matt L
Karen's Husband Brett

If you are one of the confirmed NOes and this is unchanged, please let me know. Thus far: Andrew Y& Matt Z.

You weren't mentioned? that's because this roster with which sixhertz has provided me doesn't list a response for you either way. Please to be deciding soon and letting me know which way you've picked. More rooms @ the Paris may be necessary.

More details to follow. Activity suggestions? Let me know. If enough of you voice interest, we will send a small away team with the women to see Celine Dion.

UPDATE: Further discussion about "hot-bunking" with the Bride-chelor has clarified the definition. Hot-bunking is using one bed in shifts. To qualify for the $100/two-nights will necessitate sleeping two-to-a-bed at the same time. Silk pajamas and baby doll nighties are highly discouraged, as are man-on-man pillow fights.

Should you have any other questions or concerns, please let me know. It pretty much boils down to: let me know if you're not going, if you're going and can find a foursome, if you're going but do not want to share a bed w/another bachelor partier, or even if you're going and will be sharing a bed w/your wife or something. I think I've covered all the bases. You get the picture, just let me know. Sooner better than later.

hope all is well,

ps- found some links for you! it's Our Ladies of Perpetual Toplessness! NSFW!!!

I'm sure one of these days I'll be able to look back and
think about what I've done and realize these were
some pretty neat things.
- Ilyy Mvm

S1.33 SKI++ MIL++ QUI++# RWG+++# KRA+++!
f+>++ n Ips $ 8F16, 4F06, 4F02 M1978

ps- If you've already clicked on the link and been fired, hey sucks to be you. Probably too late to mention now that the Jenna Haze link is NSFW. You'll be pleased to know, however, that the Janel mentioned above is a spitting image of Jenna Haze.

Perhaps I should've been more explicit: I was just kidding.


COMING SOON: Tio Jaime watches football!!!
Engineering as usual...
My friends are so distressed
D-U-M Dumb!
Satur-dee Chat, featuring your favorite SHoP Overlords SixHertz and Tio Jaime!
The What-Now Bowl game this weekend?
which loosely translated means, "i like your boobs / let me lick your boobs"


I've always liked the whole idea of cheerleaders. Especially since my all-boys high school and our lack thereof--

Whoa whoa whoa, before we go any further: female cheerleaders! FEMALE!!!

So anycrap, yes. Those hot leaders of cheer... I've always suggested-- in jest-- that baseball needs cheerleaders. While the world is never any worse off for more cleavage and more legs and more boingy-boingy, I'll be more than happy to draw the line at America's Pasttime.

Found this via Attu Sees All...

Florida Marlins photoset

Lo and behold, baseball has had cheerleaders for two seasons now. Where the hell have I been? And why the hell do the Mermaids link to the Padres site? Dumbtards.

So what does this mean for you, Citizen SHoPper? Well, I suppose it's just an excuse to have a SHoP cheerleading special. See the recaps above. Searched in the Dashboard for "gold rush" and "cal cheer" and "sea gals". Ain't the internet(s) grand?

<hotchicks MLBaffiliation="marlins" colloquially="mermaids">

click to enlarge in new window

<fish genus="Amphiprion" species="ocellaris" colloquially="Marlin">

Kinda creepy how the fish has human eyes, huh? Imagine these disney fish w/o irises or pupils...

<update time="0954">
Imagine no further, Citizen SHoPpers!

Look ma, no irises!


Look kinda shitty? Then get off your lazy Citizen SHoPper ass, photoshop the original, upload them to a server, then prepare some update quasi-html tags for me to cut and paste and properly credit.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Full Metal Jacket, the Rolling Stones, Bachelor Party, FUCK YEAH!, Pittsburg(h) Amy, and Doing Our Part to Kill Leet-Speak

Pretty hefty motherfucker of a post for you this morning. Can you handle it? Of course you can, Citizen SHoPper! Press on...

HFS what?
2/8/06, 11:34 PM
TioJaime: new SHoP posts for you
SixHertz: HFS
SixHertz: whatup, dude.
TioJaime: HFS what?
11:35 PM
SixHertz: HFS, I dunno. I'm in fucking Irvine.
SixHertz: I KNOW!
SixHertz: O RLY?
TioJaime: YA RLY!
SixHertz: NO WAI!

Just joining us, Citizen SHoPper? Click on the links for cross-references to inside jokes. See? Not even Don and Mike do that for you.

i almost put a fake link to shitantics.blogspot but i stopped myself
11:40 PM
SixHertz: Man with large synonym for rooster. HA!
SixHertz: excellent posts.
TioJaime: hans bricks commented...
TioJaime: and now i'm commenting on my own post in response
TioJaime: i almost put a fake link to shitantics.blogspot but i stopped myself
SixHertz: ok, I commented. take a look. :P
TioJaime: OK
11:45 PM
TioJaime: OK and i commented back
TioJaime: LOL
SixHertz: LOL
SixHertz: okay, so what's this "arouse a dead man" euphemism? I don't listen to rolling bones.
SixHertz: heh, bones.
TioJaime: someting about "she makes a dead man come"
TioJaime: beats me... go download the lyrics
SixHertz: oh, that's right.
11:55 PM
TioJaime: good stuff over @
TioJaime: fairy wire might even agree w/us
12:00 AM
SixHertz: hehe, lemme check
TioJaime: hey can you change the TTLB animal?
TioJaime: change it to "Man with Huge Synonym for Rooster"
12:05 AM
SixHertz: BOXER urges Sheehan not to challenge Feinstein?! BAAAHAHAHAHA
TioJaime: oh that's gonna be great!
SixHertz: So, Jesus and Muhammad walk into a bar...
SixHertz: ...
SixHertz: we should just make a whole bunch of lurid muhammad jokes.

We didn't go down that route. Instead, I opted for an inappropriate non sequitur and that seemed to do the trick.

and why aren't all of them e-mailing me themselves?
TioJaime: we're #1 for "bobo's scrotum polish"
TioJaime: and like #5 or 6 for "john london's inferno"
12:10 AM
TioJaime: OK due
TioJaime: dude
TioJaime: i'm going to bed
TioJaime: too tired even to rub one out
TioJaime: WTF
SixHertz: ugh.
SixHertz: heh
SixHertz: 'night
TioJaime: whoa whoa, steve d is confirming w/marc h and scott b
TioJaime: who are these dudes, now?
TioJaime: and why aren't all of them e-mailing me themselves?
SixHertz: Shiraz's brother, and his two friends.
12:15 AM
SixHertz: Steve is in Minnesota, Marc lives in Chicago, and Scott lives in Denver.
SixHertz: Oscar lives in North Carolina
SixHertz: Lynn lives in New York.
SixHertz: Merry fucking christmas
SixHertz: San Diego, Oakland, San Jose, Seattle
SixHertz: People from all across the country
SixHertz: Actually, take back seattle. He lives in Monterey, now.
TioJaime: and strippers from all across the country as well, my friend
TioJaime: and handguns from austria
SixHertz: fuck yeah

This was in reference to a bachelor party e-mail I sent out earlier in the week. I'll try to post it later today.

And it seems that we've hit a slow spot in the chat. Fortunately, SixHertz and I then created what will become one of the greatest games EVER to grace the pages of the SHoP. We're surprised that nobody else has thought of this game yet. You can figure it out.

you win this round of FUCK YEAH!
12:20 AM
SixHertz: fuck N A
TioJaime: ya rly!
SixHertz: o rly?
SixHertz: fuck no wai!
TioJaime: oh f*ck ya rly!
SixHertz: SHIT YA!
TioJaime: F*CK YA!
SixHertz: FUCK YEAH!
TioJaime: FUCK YEAH!
SixHertz: FUCK YEAH!
SixHertz: or FUCK ME!
TioJaime: FUCK YEAH!
SixHertz: FUCK NO!
TioJaime: FUCK NO?
SixHertz: NO WAI!
TioJaime: LOL
SixHertz: :D
TioJaime: you win this round of FUCK YEAH!
SixHertz: ROFL!
12:25 AM
TioJaime: we'll play again
SixHertz: hahahaha

Still stumped? Check out Team America: World Police. Pay close attention to the soundtrack. Or shit, just download "America, F**k Yeah!" from your peer-to-peer of choice.

Again, as before, click on the link to find the origin of the inside story. Keep clicking on the link until you find the first occurrence. I know you're curious.

You are not you. You are me.
SixHertz: get your ass to mars.
SixHertz: **name that movie**
TioJaime: You are not you. You are me.
TioJaime: No shit.
SixHertz: lol
SixHertz: u got it
SixHertz: o rly
TioJaime: OK dude, really gotta get to bed
SixHertz: ok, night
TioJaime: ya rly!
SixHertz: pigfux0rs!
TioJaime: picking up pittsburg(h) amy from the airporx0rs tomorrow
SixHertz: P15fVX0rz
SixHertz: whoah
SixHertz: you never sent me a pic
TioJaime: yeah
TioJaime: oh fuck me
TioJaime: OK tell you what
TioJaime: i'm gonna save this in the drafts right now
TioJaime: and tomorrow, when i make the final edit
TioJaime: at work
SixHertz: haha
TioJaime: i'll forward you the pics
TioJaime: fair enough?

Whoa. That reminder worked like a charm! I just sent the pics out.

I didn't find the Total Recall pic I wanted. I wanted the one where Hauser is talking to Quaid via the vidscreen. I hope that this one is OK for now.

maybe we can kill it off right here in the SHoP
SixHertz: More profanity on the SHoP. What else esta nuevo?
SixHertz: I wanna start putting up upside down questionmarks on the shop
TioJaime: anything less would be uncivilized
SixHertz: damn right
TioJaime: go for it dude!
TioJaime: You're a SHoP Overlord
TioJaime: oh, and check out
SixHertz: just to poke fun at the faggoty ass brazilians who think their shit don't stink
TioJaime: episode 2 is up
SixHertz: wait...that's only spanish.
SixHertz: nevermind.
12:30 AM
TioJaime: what's only spanish?
TioJaime: the podcast?
SixHertz: the upside down ??'s
SixHertz: not portuguese.
SixHertz: I should know this stuff, really.
TioJaime: oh i see what you're saying
TioJaime: fuck these foreigners
TioJaime: we should all speak in binary
TioJaime: 11001001
SixHertz: 000100101010101000100101010010
TioJaime: 0 r1y?
SixHertz: 110010101001010101fuck100010101all100101010foreigners0010010
SixHertz: read between the lines!
SixHertz: motherf10101cker!
SixHertz: ya r1y!
SixHertz: haha
SixHertz: n0 wa1!
TioJaime: n0 wa1!!!!!!!!!1
SixHertz: ROFL!
SixHertz: okay, chickenfucker, go to bed. :D
TioJaime: I think we've taken internet fads and leet-speak to new lows (TJ: more on internet phenomenons here)
SixHertz: haha
TioJaime: maybe we can kill it off right here in the SHoP
TioJaime: if not now, when?
TioJaime: if not us, who?
SixHertz: n0 \/\/41!!!!!11!1
TioJaime: LOL
TioJaime: goodnight dude
SixHertz: |\|0 \/\/41!11!!
SixHertz: ok, night buddy

The Secretary says bring flowers to the airport. I'm inclined to disagree. What say you, Citizen SHoPpers?

Jihad Jimmy, Minister of War Crimes and Chief Defender of the Faith

Dancing around the subject


Screw this. We'll go right ahead and say what KGO couldn't: Chicks are waxing off and lasering off their pubes.


It's amusing that the Stones are senile enough to forget that they were already told about the NFL's intentions, they went ahead and performed, and still thought it appropriate to bitch about it. For you Degenerocrat Little Brains out there, this is akin to us warning you days in advance that we're going to be calling one of your wives an ignorant C.U.N.T., you continue to the SHoP despite the warnings of activities which will offend you, and then you act indignant upon being "wronged".

This is what I'm talking about (see the comments), Leftists crying Wolf when it comes to Rights and Censorship and Disenfranchisement.

excerpt from Rolling Stones Decry Super Bowl Censorship
"The band was aware of our plan to simply lower Mick's mike at the appropriate moments," said Brian McCarthy, NFL spokesman. "It was discussed with the group last week prior to the Super Bowl."

He declined further comment on the Stones' statement.

The band may have known about it, but that doesn't mean they liked it, spokeswoman Fran Curtis said. Jagger sang the full lyrics during his performance, she said.

In "Start Me Up," the show's editors silenced one word close to the song's end, a reference to a woman so sexy she could arouse a dead man. The lyrics for "Rough Justice" included a synonym for rooster that was removed.

a woman so sexy she could arouse a dead man???

synonym for rooster???

Wow. Thanks for deflating the Stones' lyrics there, you Orwellian jagoffs. Your descriptions sound so unappealing and unentertaining that it's any wonder you're able to play up the shitty censorship of the poor artists by The Man angle after your clinical dissection of the offending lyrics.

For those of you just joining us, I am one of those South Park Republicans. I like political incorrectness. Not so cool with the puritanism and nutso-fundamentalist Christianity. I'm a laid-back Catholic who likes leggy brunettes in garter belts. Who are bringing me Dr. Pepper and Hooters buffalo wings.

Here is the story again, but this time not in yahoo! news. Yahoo! stories tend to expire, which is frustrating in the SHoP archives.

Jihad Jimmy, Minister of War Crimes and Chief Defender of the Faith

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Just when you thought San Franciscans couldn't get any more annoying...

Just talked to Pittsburg(h) Amy. She's packing right now. Flying to California-land tomorrow. We're having dinner tomorrow, most likely at Joe's of Westlake. It's in Daly City which is just south of San Francisco.

Had mentioned this restaurant to Pittsburg(h) Amy a while back, she had asked her San Francisco friends about it. And oh wonderful. <sarcasm>Boy oh boy, I can't wait to meet her friends.</sarcasm>

Dramatization of real-life conversation between your Tio Jaime and Pittsburg(h) Amy
PAmy: My friends were ragging on Daly City
TioJ: Your friends in San Francisco. Are they originally from the City, or did they move there from somewhere else?
PAmy: Somewhere else.
TioJ: OK. Those are the worst kind of San Franciscans. The native-born San Franciscans are bad enough. They're elitist. But the ones who move there and adopt the elitism? Those are the worst.
PAmy: Wait, you're not from San Francisco.
TioJ: No, I'm a Northern Californian.
PAmy: So what's the difference?
TioJ: San Franciscans are snooty and elitist. And the ones who move there are the most annoying out of all of them. They think their shit doesn't stink just because they're from San Francisco
PAmy: So they're like New Yorkers.
TioJ: Yep. New Yorkers, Bostonians, San Franciscans. All different sides of the same ugly coin. And at the risk of ruffling any more of your friends' feathers because I was at a strip club right before I had drinks with you that one night, your friends don't know what the fuck they're talking about.

Strong words, eh? Every one of them true. A good buddy of mine from high school moved to San Francisco. He's an elitist bastard now. And lookee here, his elitism was preserved for the SHoP TJ:A1!

Fuck the Chronicle. The Merc is a better Leftist piece of shit. Comes with Fry's ads too... What it all boils down to is this: Native Northern Californians are the least annoying out of all Californians. Out of the native NorCal-ers, native San Franciscans the most annoying if only because they're so stuck on the fact that they're natives. So do the math. If you've moved to San Francisco from elsewhere yet manage to deride me for not living in the City, you can get bent. You're the reason Californians suck. Please to be leaving.

Updates to follow on the Pittsburg(h) Amy situation.

Jihad Jimmy, Minister of War Crimes and Chief Defender of the Faith

Monday, February 06, 2006

Eastmost Peninsula is the Secret




Found a secret page on KNBR's website. This is akin to finding Easter eggs in your favorite video game. Although in that light, maybe the post title doesn't quite fit. Nonetheless, you're cool if you can recognize it...

John London's Not Just Sports Show: Ten Hall of Fame

The concept is simple enough, and new listeners on KIFR may have caught wind of the boys discussing this a few weeks back. You know what, just go check it out because it's a lot easier than your Tio Jaime explaining it to you.

Anycrap, back to the Ten Hall of Fame. What was once the Not Just Sports Show is now John London's Inferno. They have a new Museum of Tens and they want to expand it to include some of the older wings. I myself am partial towards the She-Biscuit wing for horse-faced women.

So check out the Ten Hall of Fame before KNBR finds out and shuts it down.

Oh, and they're streaming my new morning show! Check out Sarah and No Name on KLLC! 97.3 FM if you're in the area and have a functioning radio, or the internet stream. 5:30 to 10 California time.

So for those of you who are curious and hopefully even curious enough to point your browser to my radio shows of choice (this means maybe LMHBrent)...

Tio Jaime's radio line-up, now available online!
5:30am - 10:00am
10:00am - 12:00pm
12:00pm - 3:00pm
3:00pm - 7:00pm
Sarah and No Name
Darian O'Toole
Don and Mike
John London

Thirteen-and-a-half hours of FM talk. That's a lot of radio. About ten years ago that would've been Lee Rogers and Melanie Morgan, then Rush Limbaugh, and then a big break until Mike Savage. Nowadays? No politics. Maybe right before elections and right after elections.

If you scrutinize my daily line-up, you'll notice two things. First, no Adam Corolla. I gave his show a week, and it took a major shit. Stand-up comedy doesn't really have a place on the radio. Reality radio does a lot better. Like Don and Mike. And John London. And Sarah and No Name, to a certain extent.

Last, and more importantly, you'll see that I've pre-empted the last hour of D&M for John London. Oh yes. It's true. Lucky for me, the last hour of D&M is pretty much just News and Comments with Buzz Burbank. But still, for your Tio Jaime to pre-empt Don and Mike? It's probably indicative of a good show which he's wholly recommending and yet you neglect to listen.

Jihad Jimmy, Minister of War Crimes and Chief Defender of the Faith

Pot. Kettle. Nail. Head.

This isn't gonna end until a lot of the world's total sand supply instantaneously turns to glass. Oh, and San Franfreako is replaced by a giant crater. Let's not forget that.

Okay, okay. Well, maybe just the Haight-Ashbury district.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

hmph. We can kill babies, but not the poo' widdle bunnie wabbits


Screw this. We'll go right ahead and say what KGO couldn't: Chicks are waxing off and lasering off their pubes.


The video of the news segment isn't up yet, but check back in a few days. This is the epitome of California Leftist Whining.

Jihad Jimmy
Commissioner, SHoP Department of Recreational Sport (Non-nude)
Chairman, SHoP Gaming Commission and House Gaming Control Board (Non-nude)

SixHertz House of Chat
8:35 PM
TioJaime: waaaa
TioJaime: ABC 7 whining about Coursing in Fairfield
TioJaime: "it's barbaric"
TioJaime: STFU you stupid cunt
TioJaime: oh yeah, ask a berkeley representative what she thinks of it
TioJaime: dude, dogs killing animals is natural
SixHertz: Coursing?
TioJaime: you ever watch Snatch?
TioJaime: they let greyhounds or other hunting dogs loose in a field to chase and most likely kill a wild jackrabbit
TioJaime: BFD
SixHertz: jesus.
TioJaime: hold on, i'll find you a link
SixHertz: let these people loose in the midwest
SixHertz: hunting deer.
SixHertz: BLAM!@
8:40 PM
TioJaime: ?
SixHertz: ok, i didn't get that one
SixHertz: ok, got it
SixHertz: trillian munged up the link
SixHertz: oh, just because it's banned in England, it's not cool anymore.
SixHertz: Let's look to Europe for laws!
TioJaime: i'm surprised California hasn't banned it yet...
TioJaime: they fucking ban everything else
TioJaime: and i'm gonna play GTA:SA before they ban *that*
SixHertz: hmph. We can kill babies, but not the poo' widdle bunnie wabbits
8:45 PM
TioJaime: check out the video of the news story if you can...
TioJaime: you'll *love* it

SixHertz House of Super Bowl Ambivalence

Super Bowl is finished. Nobody in the SHoP really cares. Go Niners.

On an unrelated note, exploda-muslims are pissed because of a couple of cartoons. Maybe they should check out PBF.

49er Faithfuls and eagled-eyed media watchdogs chatting after a shitty Super Bowl
6:55 PM
TioJ: i fucking hate the steelers
TioJ: fucking stupid seattle
7:20 PM
SixH: seattle bungled up that one.
TioJ: yeah dude
TioJ: and check this out
TioJ: WTF, the niners were first to 5
TioJ: asshole reuters
SixH: you're goddam right they did.
TioJ: fuck pittsburgh
TioJ: fuck seattle
TioJ: fuck everybody but the niners
TioJ: i wore my #80 Rice jersey today during the game
TioJ: and my niners hard hat
7:25 PM
SixH: Just wearing that alone?
TioJ: oh, and a cock sock
SixH: ah, good.
TioJ: whoa grey's anatomy right now?? no time for GTA San Andreas
TioJ: whoa gratuituous lesbianosity
TioJ: !
7:30 PM
SixH: were the ads stupid? I missed the first quarter and a half.
TioJ: ads sucked
TioJ: except for one or two
TioJ: the one i posted on the SHoP was better
7:35 PM
SixH: ok, what the FUCK is this bi-lingual commercial I hear about? Did you see that one?
TioJ: oh yeah, i didn't think too much about it
TioJ: it sucked
TioJ: although it stressed the importance of foreigners learning english
SixH: o rly?
TioJ: ya rly!
SixH: o rly?
TioJ: ya rly!
SixH: o rly?
SixH: no wai!
TioJ: heh
SixH: hahahaha

wonderful reporting from Reuters. Way to go, people who write about football but probably haven't sat through an entire game.

excerpt from shitty article mentioned above
14 minutes ago

DETROIT (Reuters) - Halfback Willie Parker scampered 75 yards for the longest touchdown run from scrimmage in title game history to help lead the Pittsburgh Steelers to a 21-10 victory over the Seattle Seahawks in Super Bowl XL on Sunday.

Parker's record run came just 22 seconds into the third quarter as Pittsburgh claimed its first National Football League championship since 1980 and became the first team to win five Super Bowls.

I wonder if they've corrected it yet...

Oh hey, they corrected it. Ha ha. Niner nation.

OK time for the Code Black we've all been waiting for in the post-Super Bowl Grey's Anatomy...

Jihad Jimmy, Ministry of War Crimes and Chief Defender of the Faith