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Monday, January 31, 2005

Democruds: If you want America to take you seriously, consider ditching Rep. Nancy Pelosi (CUNT - CA)

Great. See when Republicans do something proactive, you get cool shit like the Contract With America. Fuck Yeah. Democruds being proactive always sounds like partisan bickering.

Democruds Give 'Pre-Buttal' to Upcoming Bush Speech

The best part is this...

(Senate Minority Leader) Reid said, "Let me be clear; There is no partisan split in our commitment to defending this nation. America stands united in waging the war on terror. We Democrats simply believe we need a stronger strategy for winning this war."
Oh is that so?

Even the stupidest democruds out there have to realize that our military is stronger under a Republican who beefs up our defense than Democruds who either a) slash military spending, close bases, and outright hate the military, or b) have demonstrated that their military "prowess" was really only all in their heads. Can't accept this most basic tenet? Must suck to be you...

Get New Parts for Your Head,
Jihad Jimmy

Free Plug for a new San Diego Restaurant, Portugalia

Going off-topic for a bit--

I want to mention an awesome 3-month old restaurant in San Diego (Ocean Beach), called Portugalia. I had the opportunity to eat at this restaurant yesterday, and I was amazed with its authentic and outstanding food. It's a travesty that until recently, there were no remaining Portuguese restaurants or bakeries remaining in this area, considering the entire city of San Diego credits its first European discoverer as Portuguese (Cabrillo--a common misconception is that he was Spanish).

Considering how difficult it is for a new, non-chain restaurant to survive in any city, I figured I could give it a helping hand considering how amazing and authentic the food is there. I met the owner, and I can tell you it is a labor of love for him. His future plans with the restaurant includes opening a shop to sell both Portuguese and Brazilian foods, wines, and cheeses. I recommend the Espetada Madeirense. It's outstanding.

Don't tease us like that!

Sen. Clinton Collapses, Then Recovers

What a fucking tease.

Something to Consider

Can someone please punch John Kerry in the face for me? Look at what this ass said yesterday:

“No one in the United States should try to over-hype this election. This election is a sort of demarcation point, and what really counts now is the effort to have a legitimate political reconciliation, and it's going to take a massive diplomatic effort and a much more significant outreach to the international community than this administration has been willing to engage in.”
When asked by Tim Russert of Meet the Press whether the world
community would see the election as legitimate, Senator Kerry responded:
“A kind of legitimacy--I mean, it's hard to say that something is legitimate when a whole portion of the country can't vote and doesn't vote.”
When you consider the Iraqis had an estimated voter turnout of 60% in their first ever election in about 50 years amid the very real threat of violence, and when you consider how US turnout for our election in 2004 was LESS than 60%, (For US election turnout information, go here.)how can you not be impressed? And if this Iraq vote is illegitimate, how do you explain the legitimacy of US elections during Jim Crow laws? Was the election of President Lincoln in 1864 legitimate? The 11 states that seceded didn't vote for him, yet still had them as their president (albeit for a brief time) after the Union won. What about before women had the right to vote?

For the love of Christ, what the hell more do you want?! The vote in Iraq means that the United States is one step closer to bringing the troops home! The vote in Iraq means a bastion of freedom and democracy in the heart of brutal dictatorial regimes! I can just imagine the crap that would've come out of Kerry's (or Kennedy's or Boxer's or Byrd's) mouth if Bush had the election postponed for legitimacy's sake. I loathe to think what yesterday would've been like if Howard Dean had won the 2004 election! You can't fool me, you little liberal pricks! Admit you were wrong and move on!

Bloggus Interruptus

I have a new favorite waitress.

(And before we go on, why does my Dr. Pepper smell like Chenelle?)



OK I started that post last friday around 3pm. Got caught up looking for a change order that has seemed to have mysteriously vanished. Is this bad? No. We've already been paid about $7000 for the work in question, and that's the main thing. Although it would be nice to have that, since it's the subcontract and all.

Well, here is lovely Mon-dee. None of us want to be here right now. But Here are We and there's really no way out of it w/o any job related repercussions--

Oh F my S... i'm at DUMPCON 2, please standby



And now, after standing down to DUMPCON 5, I'm enjoying the poo-phoria and delusions of grand-dump. Never been high, despite going to Berkeley, but I can only hope it feels as nice and giddy as this.

So, very sorry that I didn't post pics of the iPod Shuffle as promised. Since I had the element of surprise but in effect shaved off all its hair and tied it to a chair and left it the desert all alone, I'll just go ahead and tell you that the iPod's name is Sookie St. James. Pics to follow later.

OK so Mon-dee. Here at work. Unfinished post on my computer about a new waitress. And my Dr. Pepper smelled like Chenelle.

No more Dr. Pepper now, but what a good waitress! I went into the H-Club on either Thursday or Wednesday, didn't finish my mint snuff before going inside. Was seated in Sarah's section, she came to take my drink order.

"I'm OK for right now, but can I have a plastic cup?"

And a few minutes later, she brings me a clear plastic cup with a wet paper towel to weight down the bottom. "So you don't tip it over."

She's dreamy. Tall, nice legs, and probably accustomed to non-blue state things like dipping. Even if it is the O'Douls of dipping. I think America would be a better place if she and I were to make out. The more veteran waitresses (Sarah is a few months new) had noted that I tend to like the slow ones. But you show me where even Hall of Famer Emily had the foresight to weight a plastic cup down. And Sarah even has my drink down...

"Shirley Temple, please, no ice."

One of the nice things about being Tio Jaime-sized is that it's not too much of a stretch that I would beat the ever loving crap out of somebody at the Zoo for suggesting that my beverage of choice is only for little girls. I beg to differ: It is a fine and suitable drink for designated drivers and those not wishing to be gouged by Zoo prices. I would never beat the ever loving crap out of somebody anyway for something like that (I've actually never thrown a punch in my life), but it's nice to give the impression that it is a distinct possibility.

So maybe "favorite waitress" is a little generous. Here's my Top Ten Waitresses in the Jimmy League (comprised of the H-Club, Showgirls, and the G-Club):

1) EMILY (Showgirls)
2) KORI (H-Club)
- Even she thinks Emily is a badass
3) MINDY (H-Club)
4) SARAH (H-Club)
5) JAMIE (Showgirls)
6) CARICE (H-Club)
- looks like Condi Rice
8) SHAH (H-Club)
9) ANDREA (H-Club)
10) NINE PERCENT GIRL (Showgirls)
- I tip more than 9% nowadays. Seems to have redeemed herself. Nice boobs.
Nicknames usually signify affinity or disdain. Tiffany was also known as "Crap On Your Bed Girl" because she was just like the cute little puppy who would crap on your bed, but you couldn't stay mad at it... Tiffany would fuck up drink orders, but she was just so cute (and F-able) it didn't really matter now, did it? She'd fix it for you... We made out in my truck one night.

find me a woman,
Jihad Jimmy

Friday, January 28, 2005

If this doesn't scream Liberal Media, send me your e-mail, and I'll Paypal you $1.50 so you can buy a Sunday SF Chronicle and STICK IT UP YOUR ASS


Cheney Criticized for Attire at Auschwitz Ceremony
(I can't believe I'm going to make you read some of this shit. I'm totally sorry.)

"The vice president, however, was dressed in the kind of attire one typically wears to operate a snow blower," Robin Givhan, The Washington Post's fashion writer, wrote in the newspaper's Friday editions.

Between the somber, dark-coated leaders at the outdoor ceremony sat Cheney, resplendent in a green parka embroidered with his name and featuring a fur-trimmed hood, the laced brown boots and a knit ski cap reading "Staff 2001."

"And, indeed, the vice president looked like an awkward boy amid the well-dressed adults," Givhan wrote.
"The vice president might have been warm in his parka, ski cap and hiking boots," Givhan said. "But they had the unfortunate effect of suggesting he was more concerned with his own comfort than the reason for braving the cold at all."

It's gonna be hard to stay coherent now, what with the all-caps and the html strong tags, but I'm gonna try my best.

Seriously, who gives a fuck what Dick Cheney was wearing and the "unfortunate effect of suggesting" that it might have had? How blindly do you have to grasp at straws to further the liberal media? Face it: THE LEFT BOTH HERE IN AMERICA AND ABROAD ARE THE NEW ANTI-SEMITES. The liberal media knows it and they're trying to find anything to pass that dastardly title to the Republicans.

Ooh, Dick Cheney wasn't wearing what other world leaders were wearing? BIG FUCKING DEAL. It's not like he hates Jews and Israel, which is more than I can say for a certain Democruddy Party that I could name.

FUCKING HYPOCRITES, ALL OF YOU. Never mind that the Bush Administration is the best friend Israel has had since 1993. Never mind that Bush and that "evil kike-hating" Dick Cheney don't invite YASSER FUCKING ARAFAT to the pigfucking White House. God forbid our Veep wear a goddam parka.

Four words for you, out there in the SHoP: WILLIAM HENRY FUCKING HARRISON. Don't know who that is? Bite me.

And you wanna pull that cold-washington-dc-inaguration bullcrap on me? Go stick your genitalia on my stove. That day was the second most, maybe even the most important day of Cheney's political career. At the risk of making you think I hate those wacky Jews too... Auschwitz Ceremony? BFD. They'll have another ceremony five years from now, and every five years until the extra-terrestrials come and probe us silly.

Or at least until the Muslims destroy western civilization, and whoo boy then you Jews are fucked.

Do you even see where this is leading? Lemme sum it up for you:

1) I wanted to post about one of my new favorite strip club waitresses, but I had to wait.
2) Some dumb C.U.N.T. is complaining that our vice president didn't Queer Eye himself out before going to a Jew-tastic ceremony
3) If you think about it, Dick Cheney can wear whatever the fuck he wants to whatever Jew-tastic ceremony he wants because he's doing more to work for democracy in the Middle East than any democrud I can think of
4) Democracy in the Middle East means less Islamo-psychos strapping dynamite to themselves and their kids
5) Less exploda-Muslims means LESS DEAD JEWS

You wanna try telling me again that Dick Cheney missed the point of Auschwitz? What did you do today that took a step towards eliminating the dangerous element that is psycho-islam?

That's what I thought. Fucktard.

Yippie-kaye-yay, motherfuckers,
Jihad Jimmy

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Okay, NOW things are getting crazy with the pro sports teams' recruitment habits.

This is almost laughable. I can't even imagine this kid playing with grown adults in their 20's.

Stuff to check out ASAP before the bandwidth gets all blow'd up

got these from

funnier than that real estate house listing w/the dogs humping
needs a spanking (Careful Chester! kinda sorta SFW)
OK this was kinda uncool, especially after the butt one

OK that's enough for now... the rest is just toeing various lines of degeneracy. Even for me.

The Bluest skies you've ever seen in Seattle

Suffice it to say that Seattle is lucky that the wrath of my Berkeley-style Republicanism is confined to within driving distance of Larry's.

GOP says it found 300 illegal votes

But the best part is this blurb right here. What a bunch of hypocritical pricks...

Lawyers and Republican staffers are continuing to look county by county for votes cast by felons, in the name of dead people or by people who voted more than once, casting second votes either in other counties or other states.

"I expect this number to literally grow every day," Vance said.

Democrats are unconcerned. Their attorneys have argued that Republicans should have challenged improperly registered voters before the election.

Should we be at all surprised? No. By now you should readily expect liberal hypocrisy. You should by no means readily accept liberal hypocrisy, which is why I recommend civil disobedience, but let's stick to the surgical dismantling of the liberal "logic".

So what the democruds are saying, in effect, is that "Oh yeah, we broke the law. We did something illegal, but really the time for you to have said something is said and done. Better luck tomorrow." Think about it. Did they contest the potential illegality of the voters? FUCK NO. They're going to contest the GOP protest on technicalities.

This from the same democruddy party who kept talking about how "everybody's vote should count." Hypocrites, all of them! These same fascists don't like to count overseas military absentee ballots if they can avoid it, but they're perfectly happy flat out accepting admittedly felonious votes?

This is a truckload of bullshit, my friends. Don't fucking sit there and let this happen to us and our mandate.

Here. George Will quote, it's now one of my e-mail signatures. I'd point you to the original column, but it's not online anymore. But it was from 15 October 2004 if you're so inclined...

"Liberalism, having lost its ability to advance by persuasion, increasingly relies on litigation."

Know it. Live it. You already did in 2000. Washingtards are doing it right now. And if you want to avoid it in the future, vote Republican. You can also commit acts of civil disobedience, but mainly vote and get the word out about liberals' lies. If you need help, send a quick link to the SHoP and either SixH or myself will be glad to answer any questions your friends might have.

Template update

I updated the template for the SHoP. Quotes on the side are updated, and I took away the recommended reading list. Why? 'Cause everything written here should be considered gospel. You can always browse the archives on the left sidebar. Enjoy your stay.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

What a selfish ASSHOLE

here's a brief snippet...

Ten Die in LA Train Crash; Murder Charge Planned

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Ten people were killed and about 200 injured on Wednesday when two Los Angeles commuter trains collided after one of them hit a vehicle left on the tracks by a man contemplating suicide, authorities said.

Police and city officials said the 26-year-old man, whom they described as "deranged," watched the two trains smash into each other at high speed after leaving his Jeep Cherokee on the tracks.

The man was found wandering the scene after the accident, muttering: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Police said the man, who was not injured, was in custody and would be charged with murder.

You stupid asshole.

Just so we're all on the same page here: You think your problems are so fucking important that you need to share them not only with your friends and family, but with complete strangers who are simply doing nothing more than going about their regular LA lives with (until this morning) no clue about your insignificant life?

You stupid asshole.

OK so never mind that the best way to kill yourself probably involves laying down some Visqueen to catch blood or any organs. You obviously didn't care enough about other people to give them that very basic consideration. And also never mind that taking a drive up to san fran-fucking-cisco and stepping off of our beloved Golden Gate Bridge (about which headlines have been reappearing) would've have saved people the inconvenience of commutus interruptus (there are parking lots at either end of the bridge. try em out!). No, you decided to use a train. Which several times through out the year at my high school caused peninsula students to be late because of suiciders.

You stupid asshole.

But instead of jumping in front of a train by your lonesome which likely wouldn't derail a train, you park an entire vehicle on the tracks. Did you just not think about something like that? Nice job, shit-for-brains. But I guess since the world revolves around you and your problems, you really didn't have any obligation to the people around you.

Plain and simple: You are an Attention Whore. This title, while normally reserved for only the most whoriest and shallow of gold-digging women, is very aptly applied to you.

Congratulations, you're an insensitive asshole.

This reminds me of the time last year when some Bay Aryan was threatening to jump off of the Bay Bridge. This particular Attention Whore felt the need to stop his vehicle on the bridge during the Friday morning rush hour into the City, and stay perched atop a maintenance ledge until well after the evening commute.

He didn't kill anybody, no. But the ensuing bottleneck at the bridge (CHP had closed all but one lane from Oakland into San Francisco) lasted for over 24 hours later.

The worst part about these two insensitive, stupid, Attention Whore Assholes?

They're both alive today.

Go eat a sausage and choke on it,
Jihad Jimmy

UPDATE -- So every once in a while, the civil engineer in me will shine through... Train wreck related post, my comment follows. Was talking with SixH's MIT friend this last weekend, he was saying that i'm not the typical bookish, engineer-nerd type. This is somewhat of an accomplishment for a berkeley engineer

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

"All the NSFW that's fit to print"

More SuicideGirls! (NSFW unless you work for my company and have an office in the back)

This time from her page. If you know your jimmy-history, there's a vegas contractor by the same name.

Special hello to Dylan, who turned me on (heh) to that site...

1. What is your name?
James, Jimmy, Unka Jimmy, Tio Jaime, Jihad Jimmy

2. What color underwear are you wearing now?

3. What are you listening to right now?
nothing. no radios allowed in the office

4. What are the last 2 digits of your phone number?

5. What was the last thing you ate?
chinese food somewhere in Benicia

6. If you were a crayon what color would you be?
Republican Red (JJ: I think it's very nice that Dylan still talks to me despite my bellicose right-leanings)

7. How is the weather right now?
cold, kinda windy

8. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
DJ John!

9. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex?

10. Favorite Food?
mom's meatloaf

11. Favorite Drink?
Doctah Peppuh

12. Favorite Alcoholic drink?
Single Malt Scotch Whiskey on the rocks

13. Favorite place to shop?
Fry's Electronics

14. Hair Color?

15. Eye Color?

16. Do you wear contacts?

17. Favorite Month?

18. Favorite Fast Food?
Dick's Drive In in Seattle... best hamburgers right before 2am

19. Last Movie you Watched?

20. Favorite Day of the Year?

21. Are you too shy to ask someone out?

22. Summer or Winter?

23. Hugs or Kisses?
depends who

24. Chocolate or vanilla?

25. What books are you reading?
still reading George Will's Men at Work

26. What's on your mouse pad?
a goddam mouse. and a Parsons-Brinckerhoff logo

27. Favorite Board Game?

28. What did you do last night?
set up my iPod Shuffle!!!

30. Who inspires you?
those upon whose shoulders i stand

31. Butter, Plain, or salted popcorn?
depends on where i'm sticking it

32. Do you have a crush on someone?
more or less

33. Favorite Flower?

35. What do you say when you wake up in the A.M?
in a don imus voice, "Don and Mike?"

36. Do you still talk to your best friend from middle school?
Yes. Except when he censors my bad words and makes me take down naughty pictures.

37. What's on your desk?
a mess and dust bunnies. and Emily

38.Rock Concert or Symphony?

39. Play or Opera?
chances are a play.

40. Have you ever fired a gun?

41. Do you like to travel by plane?

42. Right-handed or Left-handed?

43. Smooth or Chunky Peanut Butter?

44. How many pillows do you sleep with?
2. got a couple of foam pillows from my grandparents

45. City and State you were born in?
Mountain View, CA

46. Ever hitchhiked?
not really

Never forget: We are the majority

While eating my gyro last night, was reading an article in the SF Chronicle about the new fad of silicone bracelets. In case you've been hiding in an Afghani Cave for the past 100 Sabbaths or so, it all started with Lance Armstrong's yellow "live strong" bracelets (i think that's what they were called).

(TJ: nevermind that LA is a cock because he's married to Sheryl Crow)

Some stupid little Can't Understand Normal Thinking of a Bay Aryan high schooler is making bracelets that say "51% IS NOT A MANDATE".

Here you go, ya bums. I found the article for you... snippet below, because i know you don't read these things even after people go through the trouble of finding them for you

Politics that you wear on your wrist

Oakland sixth-grader Natasha Berk recognized the power of the bands to send a message but didn't have time to have them produced in silicone before Thursday's presidential inauguration.

She got together with her friends and they made their own from elastic bands, which proclaim "51% Is Not A Mandate!" written with silver Sharpies.

The bracelets sell for $1 each, and so far the group has sold about 130 of them. Natasha, a student at Park Day School, plans to donate all proceeds to UNICEF to aid organizations involved in tsunami relief.

"Everybody has them, and they're so popular and this was a way to show there are lots of people who don't like Bush," she said.

You would think that I might have reservations about calling a sixth grader a C.U.N.T. I don't. Much like how Bush won, Get Over It.

Anycrap, Stupid Little Girl, 51% is very much so a Mandate. You know what definitely isn't a mandate? Would you say that garnering less than 50% isn't a mandate? What about 49.24% in 1996 and 43.0% 1992? Yeah those are pretty non-mandate-tastic, huh? I wonder whoever could have done that...

I found the website for Count Me Red. They're backordered 3-5 weeks it looks like. If somebody can find me a red bracelet that says "FUCK BLUE AMERICA" or "MANDATE, MOTHERFUCKERS, MANDATE" i would be much obliged. In fact, that would be a good thing to sell here at the SHoP, but i kinda doubt SixH would go for it.

OK so my point is: Bill Clinton never had the majority of voters, and as such neither did he have the presidential mandate. Never forget that for the next four years, we do. Never thought this day would come, but we are America, we are where it's at. Don't get discouraged by sixth graders who get mentioned in a san fran-fucking-cisco newspaper. BFD. She's just a PETA internship away from communism anyway. And that means she won't shave her legs and pits. Screw that. Figuratively, i mean.

You know what's a better mandate? 232 seats out of 435 in the House, 55 out of 100 in the Senate. Do the math, hippies.

Get Bent,
Jihad Jimmy

ps- and before i forget (realized this right at "Bay Aryan high schooler"), Fuck You microsoft you dumb posing bastards. You know what's a good idea because it's efficient? Command-N to open a new window and Command-W to close a window. You know what has become a good idea because your Wintel lemmings don't know any better? Control-N to open a new window and ALT-F4 to close a window. Fucking idiots, all of you.

MACWORLD UPDATE: Tio Jaime takes the plunge into iPod Nation

This will all be chronicled photographically this weekend, as I have found over the past six months that not having an internet connection (not even 56k) isn't that bad.

Some brief thoughts on the iPod...
1) Fuck you very much, Federal Express. It's wonderful that I had to do your job on my lunch break and deliver my own iPackage.
2) In the time it took me to charge the Shuffle, I was able to check four different places on Piedmont Avenue to find a total of zero copies of the Merc, have a gyro at the greek place, watch an episode from the Gilmore Girls Season One DVD set, and then go to the Emeryville Apple Store, play with Garageband 2 (and hmm. not as impressed as i expected to be), buy a Belkin TuneCast II FM transmitter for about $40(they had a Griffin RadioShark too! and holy fuck for $70), go to Best Buy right at their posted closing time of 9pm, check out the Belkin TuneCast I for about $30, eventually find some other no-name transmitters, and end up buying the no-name FM transmitter with a dial and lighter adapter for about $20 and a cassette adapter for about $15. All in all, about $75 worth in adapters.
3) Wow, I can now see the whole panty-moistening about the iPod being FireWire. USB sucks. Took me like 45 minutes to load a GB of mp3s (and AACs) onto the Shuffle.
4) Nice job, heralded apple design department. I like how I can only plug my Shuffle in to my TiBook Emily by itself. It forced out my hub, and as such my keyboard and mouse. Thanks, chickenfuckers...
5) And for four hours while it charged until 10:30 last night. No mouse. No full-sized keyboard
6) And nice job there, Apple, for not including instructions on how to actually load the fucking songs onto one's new Shuffle. If I wasn't such a mac-o-phile, I would never have found out how to do it. You're welcome.

Sound kinda sucktastic? That's because it was. My first four hours trying to get this thing to work were somewhat trying.

But then the Autofill from my newly edited Smart Playlist (from Top 25 Most Played to Top 240 Most Played) was complete, and she was cocked, locked, and ready to rock. I plugged in the iPod-white ear buds...

"At the End" by Iio
"Bye Bye Baby" (the SF Giants fight song)

Ooh, OK now I'm in love...

And this morning? Got the no-name FM transmitter to work.
"Yakety Sax" (Benny Hill theme song) in Orinda.
Johnny Cash's "I Walk the Line" at the 24/680 interchange in lovely Walnut Creek (yay!).
Ivy song "Djobi, Djoba" across the Benicia Bridge and through the FastTrak lane.

Oh, life is good. =)

Apple to the Core,

PS- If you're reading carefully, you're dying to know what the iPod Shuffle was named... wait for the pics this weekend

Monday, January 24, 2005

HFS, you're so fucking funny that I'm renouncing my Republican ideals and all that I hold sacred. Not.

See, even if I didn't like the President, I'd be sick of this by now.

'Catwoman,' Bush Earn Razzie 'Dishonors'

Well, I (as the republican jimmy we all know and love and are trying to find a suitable woman for) would like to think that even the staunchest of Democruds would see through these hollywood types constantly bombarding them with what they're supposed to think in order to run with the liberal elite.

The nice thing about being a Republican reading this site is that SixH and I aren't telling you what to think. You already think it and are pleased to find that there are others who share your common sense opinion. It's really very easy to find the democruddy talking points and shout them to counter-protestors in lovely downtown San Diego... down with corporate america, free palestine, la la la. But the defense of the conservative line is always one of intelligence and succinct arguments.

And every once in a while, one of us will take spray paint to democrud targets in and around San Fran-fucking-cisco and the People's Republic of Berkeley and "Representative" Barbara Lee's home district of lovely Oakland, CA.

Aim small, miss small...
Jihad Jimmy

ps- oh, and catwoman looked stupid. halle berry isn't even that good looking.

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Saturday, January 22, 2005


I was at work and didn't get to go to DC for the Inauguration. And shit, I didn't even get to watch it on TV. But here is my tribute to the President of the United States of America George W. Bush.

Silver Buckle Western Wear is going out of business after about 30 years (?) at the same place in downtown Campbell, CA. I bought these for $49.99 as an Inaugural tribute.

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of the President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the constitution of the United States."

How's that whole politics-of-division working out for you?

"I'm King of Jack Shit!"

Well crap, I'm gonna miss that big goofball. Was just as fun a target as Bubba was. He's trying though. It was nice to see him recycle his campaign schtick during Condi Rice's confirmation hearings. He let Barbara Boxer-rocks (sounds like "Box 'o rocks) borrow his shit too. Too bad she couldn't do a simple Bellarmine NFL thing like read prepared statements.

Thursday, January 20, 2005

GFY Thursday: Michael Moore -- Hypocrite Fat Ass

Fat AssGFY GrandmaWell, well, well. I wonder how many liberal 'tards are going to defend poor wittle Mikey's big fat ass? That's right. ALL OF THEM. That's right! HYPOCRITES! ALL OF YOU, LIBERALS!

NEW YORK — Filmmaker Michael Moore's bodyguard was arrested for carrying an unlicensed weapon in New York's JFK airport Wednesday night.

Police took Patrick Burke, who says Moore employs him, into custody after he declared he was carrying a firearm at a ticket counter. Burke is licensed to carry a firearm in Florida and California, but not in New York. Burke was taken to Queens central booking and could potentially be charged with a felony for the incident.

Moore's 2003 Oscar-winning film "Bowling for Columbine" criticizes what Moore calls America's "culture of fear" and its obsession with guns.
Let's not forget that while Mikey says he looks out for the poor and claims to support the military, we already know how he really feels. Wait and see if Moore bitch-slaps his bodyguard for this little incident...I wonder if the public was supposed to know his bodyguards carried guns? My guess is, no.

So, Mikey, if you weren't the anti-gun homo tard that you are, I'd be willing to accept the honest mistake of your bodyguard, bringing an unlicensed weapon into a different state. Though he's going to pay for it with a felony charge... But if President Bush is responsible for the people underneath him (totalling, oh, say, millions of soldiers and in government emploi), then so should you with the ten or so circus freaks charged with protecting your sorry ass. I'm waiting for your public apology. GFY in the meantime.

Make up your fucking minds already

On the day of President Bush's inauguration...

article from yahoo

He underscored the importance of U.S. allies at a time when many world leaders are concerned about a second Bush presidency and want him to consult more. "All the allies of the United States can know: We honor your friendship, we rely on your counsel, and we depend on your help," he said.

Many leaders, alienated by Bush's go-it-alone foreign policy and the Iraq war, would have preferred the Republican incumbent to lose. Since his victory, they have been urging him to listen and consult more.

Remember when, and it would've been exactly four years ago, Democruds and foreign leaders alike were complaining that Bush wouldn't be able to lead and his solution was to surround himself with his father's cronies? And these same assclowns who were complaining about W not having any originality are the ones who today hope that he takes a more encompassing approach.

So let me reiterate, Make Up Your Fucking Minds Already

Remember JOHN KERRY PREYS ON YOUR STUPIDITY? Well, seeing as to how the leftist, liberal media/communist machine hopes you forget the oh-so-distant past of 2001, it is only appropriate that we amend the cry to THE LEFT PREYS ON YOUR STUPIDITY.

You wanna prove to me that you're not stupid? Vote Republican. It'll feel good, trust me...

And here, in the first 45 minutes of the last half of the second Bush Administration, it's impossible to log onto Wouldn't be surprised if it is the rest of the blogosphere who didn't have to prepare a Change Order for my PM this morning.

Happy Inauguration Day!
Jihad Jimmy

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Why, yes, I do have an assload of work to do today. What's your Effing point?

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Who's a good Engineer? You are! Yes you are!

OK i'm holding off on this long-assed insignifi-post in favor of work. We need to get the invoice out today. And my boss is out sick.

Wish me luck,
Jihad Jimmy

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

No connection between Iraq and al qaeda... la la la

And if you're actually stupid enough to believe that there's no connection between iraq and al qaeda or saddam hussein and terrorists, this website i found on KSFO has lots of pictures! Yay!

Honestly, how can anybody say that there isn't a connection there? And once you mull that over for a while, how can the common american voter be stupid enough to believe these people? You know how many people believed John Kerry when he said "Iraq is not a terrorist haven?"

Dumbfucks, all of you.

You're the reason perfectly reasonable people like me say things like "This democracy thing would work out just fine if we didn't let just everybody vote."

You know what? Fuck it. If you're that stupid that you needed an explanation for the whole iraq/saddam/terrorist thing, fuck off. GTFO. I know SixH won't like me actively discouraging web traffic, but you're really just too damn stupid to count. Go away.

But leave a comment first so I can point out to everybody left why exactly you are a goddam fucking moron.

all my love,
Jihad Jimmy

Monday, January 17, 2005

Oh, hell no. You did not just do that...

If you wanna make this a holy war we can just as easily Crusade your asses again.

Stupid terrorists. If anything, my beloved Catholic Church has taken a firm stance against the United States and the iraq war.


F this Monday S. I wanna go home. I wanna go judge a speech and debate tournament in Union City, CA. Instead for your reading enjoyment, here's some random shit that can probably be found on other blogs. But you're here, no doubt, and probably on the offchance that I'll link to the two girls peeing on my xanga page.

I swear to God. Is that all you ever think about? Maybe you should look into acquiring some of this stuff in the next paragraph...

Yay for gay! Pentagon Spurned Plan to Initiate Enemy Homosexuality Well this is just funny. This does seem to be a case of Physician, Heal Thyself since we're trying to weed out chemical warfare in the middle east, but c'mon! Homos and halitosis? We're trying to give people the gay or at the very least make Listerine the new McDonald's in terms of spreading good ole American Capitalism to our vanquished enemies. How're those McNuggets, Comrade Putin? Make sure you share with Mikhail and Boris.

Oh, and that McDonald's "I'm Lovin' It" ad campaign? Makes me want to run people over with a Soviet T-72.

Found a good article via the morning show on KSFO. The title says it all: Teddy Drives the Dems Over a Bridge. Here's a short snippet to get your panties wet...

Personal responsibility? Here’s a guy who drove a car off a bridge and left a woman to die while he dithered for 8 hours before telling the police. In 1991, at age 61, (on Good Friday, no less) the perpetual adolescent roused his son and nephew from bed round midnight to go drinking with him at a working-class establishment called Au Bar. From this Kennedy field trip came charges of rape against the nephew, William Kennedy Smith. In the aftermath of the incident, our distinguished senior Senator was seen running around the Kennedy compound in his underwear.

And here's a parody I wrote just now. Sung to the tune of Simon & Garfunkel's "Mrs. Robinson". Yay!

Miss Kopechne
by Tio Jaime, GOP enthusiast
And here's to you, Mary Jo Kopechne.
Teddy loves you more than you will know.
Whoa whoa whoa.
Hey don't turn right, Teddy Kennedy.
The ferry stop is on your other side.
My my my.
My my my.

I'd like to get to you know you, can you please not tell my wife?
I'd like to help you get out of that dress...
Golly gee, I'm going that way! I'll give you a ride!
No, that isn't irish whiskey it's a Coke.

Crash crash cuh-crash, Teddy Kennedy.
Your Delta 88 is upside-down.
Oww oww oww.
Splash splash spuh-splash Teddy Kennedy.
This wasn't in your plan for getting laid.
Hey hey hey.
Hey hey hey.

Goin to a party for the staff of RFK.
Lookee over there, his little brother.
Arrogant and snooty, just a Kennedy affair.
Made your family fortune bootleggin' the booze.

Where have you gone, Mary Jo Kopechne?
Our senator has left you in the car.
Hardee har har.
What's that you see, Mary Jo Kopechne?
Chappaquiddick Teddy swims away.
Hey hey hey.
Hey hey hey.

Doors are locked and windows smashed on your new submarine.
Mary Jo was trapped and why were you not?
Later at the party, all your clothes are somehow dry.
Most of all you've got to hide it from the cops.

Why can't you breathe, Mary Jo Kopechne?
Heard you didn't drown before you died.
Aye yaye yaye.
What's that you say, Teddy Kennedy?
We'll slap your wrist and send you on your way.
Hey hey hey.
Hey hey hey.

Friday, January 14, 2005

Cute Jewish Chicks with Big Damn Guns

These chicks are somehow, and hopefully only temporarily, hotter than these chicks.

Kinda makes me want to visit with my Jewish waitress-turned-stripper tonight.

Laying dollars to donuts that any one of these jewish chicks are more Republican than any random Jewish chick picked randomly here in these our United States of America. And no. Not every jewish-american chick is a flaming liberal, but it's likely they are. That's where the gambling comes into play. Did you think I was just using a figure of speech? Here in Jimmy-land we try to mean what we say and say what we mean.

So yes, jewish chicks with guns-- Republican, and as such more apt to be declared Jimmy-licious.

Nothing brings out true conservatism like having to defend not only your way of life but your life itself. Conversely, nothing displays the rampant idiocy of liberalism like the repudiation of that which aims to self-promote and self-preserve.

Ooh, jimmy like! I'm starting to sound more and more like George Will with each passing day. Provided that George Will liked calling men and women alike the C-word and blogging about drunk chicks on a toilet.

SHoP UPDATE: Fresh Meat!

Just got this link from my PM:

(and normally i won't quote an entire article in a post, but i know you're all lazy and won't fucking click on the link. Trust, ladies, the answer is trust. And I'm sorry if i ever forwarded you androgy-porn, but seriously, trust me next time T)

Speaker Touts Stripping to 8th Graders

By BILEN MESFIN, Associated Press Writer

SAN FRANCISCO - The principal of a Palo Alto middle school may not invite a popular speaker back to an annual career day after he told girls they could earn a good living as strippers.

Management consultant William Fried told eighth-graders at Jane Lathrop Stanford Middle School on Tuesday that stripping and exotic dancing can pay $250,000 or more per year, depending on their bust size.

"It's sick, but it's true," Fried said in an interview later. "The truth of the matter is you can earn a tremendous amount of money as an exotic dancer, if that's your desire."

Fried has given a popular 55-minute presentation, "The Secret of a Happy Life," at the school's career day the past three years. He counsels students to experiment with a variety of interests until they discover something they love and excel in.

But school principal Joseph Di Salvo said Fried may not be back next year.

The principal said Fried's comments to the class came after some of them asked him to expand on why he included "exotic dancing" on his list of 140 potential careers.

Fried spent about a minute answering questions, defining strippers and exotic dancers synonymously. According to Jason Garcia, 14, he told students: "For every 2 inches up there, you should get another $50,000 on your salary."

"A couple of students egged him and he took it hook, line and sinker," said Di Salvo, who also said the students took advantage of a substitute teacher overseeing the session.

"It's totally inappropriate," Di Salvo said. "It's not OK by me. I would want my presenters to kind of understand that they are coming into a career day for eighth-graders."

That stripping advice wasn't the only thing that riled parents. Di Salvo said one mother said she was outraged when her son announced that he was forgoing college for a field he loves: fishing.

"He really focused on finding what you really love to do," said Mariah Cannon, 13.

Fried, 64, said he does not think he offended any of the students: "Eighth-grade kids are not dumb," he said. "They are pretty worldly."

Some jimmy-corrections: Jane Lathrop Stanfurd Middle School, and at least $250,000. Great.

And crap, I just remembered...

OK that was fast...

3) I applied for this. I said we had, on average, 69 visitors each day. And I forgot what comments I left, but it was probably either one of these links...

I like these chicks

What scares me about the second link is that I applied under SHoP, but sent a link to xanga... Wouldn't have this problem if a certain somebody hadn't taken a certain picture down. (you like the gratuitous URL action? you know you want it, baby.)

The bluest skies you ever seen, in Benicia!

Back in Benicia now. The Santa Clara job is still going on, but we don't need an engineer there full time nowadays. So I'm back in the main office, sitting in my old PM's office. I was unceremoniously evicted from mine while I was out on the job.

Real quick...

1) On KSFO this morning, short blurb about London crime rates versus NYC crime rates. And realize, whenever people compare crime in Great Britain to crime in the United States, it's the anti-gun crowd trying to point out that la-la, the british are civilized and don't need guns so why do we? Did I mention La-La?

Well shucks. With exception of murder, crime in London categorically trumps crime in NY (by up to 400%, for certain crimes) on a per capita basis. London is said to have public service annoucement campaigns that reference people's rights to defend themselves. Wow. What a good fucking idea.

2) PM this morning told me that on KNBR this morning, was a report of a career fair at Palo Alto Middle School, where kids were told that strippers can make up to $250,000 annually. Ooh, fresh meat!

3) Shit, I forgot what the last one was. More to follow later today... hopefully. My plate's kinda full.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

America at the Crossroads

I discovered an excellent article today from Keeping Apace. It reasonably lays out the reasons for the war on terror and its focal point in Iraq. I highly recommend reading the whole thing, which I have included here in its entirety. For those of you wavering on the edge of believing in the reasons behind the Iraqi war, this should jolt your short memory. As for you liberals, I have given up on you and your defeatism. You can just go somewhere else.


By Raymond Kraft, lawyer and writer at
Forwarded by Gen Russ Dougherty USAF (Ret), via BGen Bob Clements, USAF (Ret)

Sixty-three years ago, Nazi Germany had overrun almost all of Europe and hammered England to the verge of bankruptcy and defeat, and had sunk more than four hundred British ships in their convoys between England and America for food and war materials.

Bushido Japan had overrun most of Asia, beginning in 1928, killing millions of civilians throughout China, and impressing millions more as slave labor.

The United States was in an isolationist and pacifist mood, and most Americans and Congress wanted nothing to do with the European war, or the Asian war.

Then along came Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, and in outrage Congress unanimously declared war on Japan, and the following day on Germany, which had not attacked us.

It was a dicey thing. We had few allies.

France was not an ally, for the Vichy government of France aligned with its German occupiers. Germany was not an ally, for it was an enemy, and Hitler intended to set up a Thousand Year Reich in Europe.

Japan was not an ally, for it was intent on owning and controlling all of Asia. Japan and Germany had long-term ideas of invading Canada and Mexico, and then the United States over the north and south borders, after they had settled control of Asia and Europe.

America's allies then were England, Ireland, Scotland, Canada, Australia, and Russia, and that was about it. There were no other countries of any size or military significance with the will and ability to contribute much of anything to the effort to defeat Hitler's Germany and Japan, and prevent the global dominance of Nazism. And we had to send millions of tons of arms, munitions, and war supplies to Russia, England, and the Canadians, Aussies, Irish, and Scots, because none of them could produce all they needed for themselves.

All of Europe, from Norway to Italy, except Russia in the east, was already under the Nazi heel.

America was not prepared for war. America had stood down most of its military after World War I and throughout the depression. At the outbreak of World War II there were army soldiers training with broomsticks over their shoulders because they didn't have guns, and using cars with "tank" painted on the doors because they didn't have tanks. And a big chunk of our navy had just been sunk and damaged at Pearl Harbor.

Britain had already gone bankrupt, saved only by the donation of $600 million in gold bullion in the Bank of England that was the property of Belgium and was given by Belgium to England to carry on the war when Belgium was overrun by Hitler. Actually, Belgium surrendered one day, because it was unable to oppose the German invasion, and the Germans bombed Brussels into rubble the next day anyway, just to prove they could.

Britain had been holding out for two years already in the face of staggering shipping loses and the near-decimation of its air force in the Battle of Britain, and was saved from being overrun by Germany only because Hitler made the mistake of thinking the Brits were a relatively minor threat that could be dealt with later and turning his attention to Russia, at a time when England was on the verge of collapse in the late summer of 1940.

Russia saved America by putting up a desperate fight for two years until the United States got geared up to begin hammering away at Germany. Russia lost something like 24 million people in the sieges of Stalingrad and Moscow, 90% of them from cold and starvation, mostly civilians, but also more than a million soldiers. More than a million! Had Russia surrendered, then, Hitler would have been able to focus his entire campaign against the Brits, then America, and the Nazis would have won that war.

Had Hitler not made that mistake and invaded England in 1940 or 1941, there would have been no England for the United States and the Brits to use as a staging ground to prepare an assault on Nazi Europe.

England would not have been able to run its North African campaign to help take a little pressure off Russia while America geared up for battle, and today Europe would very probably be run by the Nazis, the Third Reich, and, isolated and without any allies (not even the Brits). The United States would very probably have had to cede Asia to the Japanese, who were basically Nazis by another name then, and the world we live in today would be very different and much worse.

I say this to illustrate that turning points in history are often dicey things.

And we are at another one.

There is a very dangerous minority in Islam that either has-or wants to have, and may soon have the ability to deliver small nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons, almost anywhere in the world, unless it is prevented from doing so.

France, Germany, and Russia, have been selling these Islamic nations weapons technology at least as recently as 2002, as have North Korea, Syria, and Pakistan - paid for with billions of dollars that Saddam Hussein skimmed from the "Oil For Food" program administered by the United Nations with the complicity of Kofi Annan and his son.

The Jihadis, or the militant Muslims, are basically Nazis in Kaffiyahs. They believe that Islam, a radically conservative (definitely not liberal) form of Wahhabi Islam, should own and control the Middle East first, then Europe, then the world, and that all who do not bow to Allah should be killed, enslaved, or subjugated. They want to finish the Holocaust, destroy Israel, and purge the world of Jews. This is what they say.

There is also a civil war raging in the Middle East - for the most part not a hot war, but a war of ideas. Islam is having its Inquisition and its Reformation today, but it is not yet known which will win-the Inquisition, or the Reformation.

If the Inquisition wins, then the Wahhabis, or the Jihadis, will control the Middle East, and the OPEC oil, and the United States, European, and Asian economies - the techno-industrial economies - will be at the mercy of OPEC. Not an OPEC dominated by the well-educated and rational Saudis of today, but an OPEC dominated by the Jihadis.

You want gas in your car? You want heating oil next winter? You want jobs? You want the dollar to be worth anything? You'd better hope the Jihad, the Muslim Inquisition, loses, and the Islamic Reformation wins.

If the Reformation movement wins, that is, the moderate Muslims who believe that Islam can respect and tolerate other religions, and live in peace with the rest of the world, and move out of the 10th Century into the 21st Century, then the troubles in the Middle East will eventually fade away, and a moderate and prosperous Middle East will emerge.

We have to help the Reformation win, and to do that we have to fight the Inquisition, i.e., the Wahhabi movement, the Jihad, Al Qaeda, the Islamic terrorist movements.

We have to do it somewhere. We cannot do it nowhere. And we cannot do it everywhere at once.

We have created a focal point for the battle now at the time and place of our choosing, in Iraq. Not in New York, not in London, or Paris, or Berlin, but in Iraq, where we did and are doing two very important things:

* We deposed Saddam Hussein. Whether Saddam Hussein was directly involved in 9/11 or not, it is undisputed that Saddam has been actively supporting the terrorist movement for decades. Saddam is a terrorist. Saddam is, or was, a weapon of mass destruction, who is responsible for the deaths of probably more than a million Iraqis and two million Iranians.

* We created a battle, a confrontation, a flash point, with Islamic terrorism in Iraq. We have focused the battle. We are killing bad guys there, and the ones we get there we won't have to get here, or anywhere else. We also have a good shot at creating a democratic, peaceful Iraq, which will be a catalyst for democratic change in the rest of the Middle East, and an outpost for a stabilizing American military presence in the Middle East for as long as it is needed.

The Euros could have done this, but they didn't, and they won't. We now know that rather than opposing the rise of the Jihad, the French, Germans, and Russians were selling them arms. We have found more than a million tons of weapons and munitions in Iraq. If Iraq was not a threat to anyone, why did Saddam need a million tons of weapons?

And Iraq was paying for French, German, and Russian arms with money skimmed from the United Nations Oil For Food Program (supervised by U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan and his son) that was supposed to pay for food, medicine, and education, for Iraqi children.

World War II, the war with the German and Japanese Nazis, really began with a "whimper" in 1928. It did not begin with Pearl Harbor. It began with the Japanese invasion of China. It was a war for fourteen years before America joined it. It officially ended in 1945 - a 17-year war-and was followed by another decade of United States occupation in Germany and Japan to get those countries reconstructed and running on their own again - a 27-year war. World War II cost the United States an amount equal to approximately a full year's GDP - adjusted for inflation, equal to about $12 trillion dollars. World War II cost America more than 400,000 killed in action, and nearly 100,000 still missing in action.

The Iraq war has, so far, cost the United States about $120 billion, which is roughly what 9/11 cost New York. It has also cost about 1,000 American lives, which is roughly 1/3 of the 3,000 lives that the Jihad snuffed on 9/11.

But the cost of not fighting and winning World War II would have been unimaginably greater - a world dominated by German and Japanese Nazism.

Americans have a short attention span, now, conditioned I suppose by 30-minute television shows and 2-hour movies in which everything comes out okay. The real world is not like that. It is messy, uncertain, and sometimes bloody and ugly. It always has been, and probably always will be.

If we do this thing in Iraq successfully, it is probable that the Reformation will ultimately prevail. Many Muslims in the Middle East hope it will. We will be there to support it. It has begun in some countries, Libya, for instance. And Dubai. And Saudi Arabia. If we fail, the Inquisition will probably prevail, and terrorism from Islam will be with us for all the foreseeable future, because the people of the Inquisition, or Jihad, believe that they are called by Allah to kill all the Infidels, and that death in Jihad is glorious.

The bottom line here is that we will have to deal with Islamic terrorism until we defeat it, wherever that is. It will not go away on its own. It will not go away if we ignore it.

If the United States can create a reasonably democratic and stable Iraq, then we have an "England" in the Middle East, a platform from which we can work to help modernize and moderate the Middle East. The history of the world is the clash between the forces of relative civility and civilization, and the barbarians clamoring at the gates. The Iraq war is merely another battle in this ancient and never-ending war. And now, for the first time ever, the barbarians are about to get nuclear weapons. Unless we prevent them. Or somebody does.

The Iraq war is expensive, and uncertain, yes. But the consequences of not fighting it and winning it will be horrifically greater. We have four options:

1. We can defeat the Jihad now, before it gets nuclear weapons.

2. We can fight the Jihad later, after it gets nuclear weapons (which may be as early as next year, if Iran's progress on nuclear weapons is what Iran claims it is).

3. We can surrender to the Jihad and accept its dominance in the Middle East, now, in Europe in the next few years or decades, and ultimately in America.

4. Or we can stand down now, and pick up the fight later when the Jihad is more widespread and better armed, perhaps after the Jihad has dominated France and Germany and maybe most of the rest of Europe. It will be more dangerous, more expensive, and much bloodier then.

Yes, the Jihadis say that they look forward to an Islamic America. If you oppose this war, I hope you like the idea that your children, or grandchildren, may live in an Islamic America under the Mullahs and the Sharia, an America that resembles Iran today.

We can be defeatist, as many Democrats and liberals, peace-activists, and anti-war types seem to be, and concede or surrender to the Jihad-or we can do whatever it takes to win this war against them.

The history of the world is the history of civilizational clashes, or cultural clashes. All wars are about ideas - ideas about what society and civilization should be like - and the most determined always win. Those who are willing to be the most ruthless always win. The pacifists always lose, because the anti-pacifists kill them.

In the 20th Century, it was western democracy vs. communism, and before that western democracy vs. Nazism, and before that Western democracy vs. German Imperialism. Western democracy won, three times, but it wasn't cheap, fun, nice, easy, or quick. Indeed, the wars against German Imperialism (World War I), Nazi Imperialism (World War II), and communist imperialism (the 40-year Cold War that included the Vietnam Battle, commonly called the Vietnam War, but itself a major battle in a larger war) covered almost the entire century.

The first major war of the 21st Century is the war between Western Judeo/Christian Civilization and Wahhabi Islam. It may last a few more years, or most of this century. It will last until the Wahhabi branch of Islam fades away, or gives up its ambitions for regional and global dominance and Jihad, or until Western Civilization gives in to the Jihad.

Senator John Kerry, in the debates and almost daily, made three specious claims:

1. We went to Iraq without enough troops.

We went with the troops the United States military wanted. We went with the troop levels that General Tommy Franks asked for. We deposed Saddam in 30 days with light casualties, much lighter than we expected.

The real problem in Iraq is that we are trying to be nice; we are trying to fight the 1% of the population that is Jihadi, and trying to avoid killing the 99% of the population that is not a threat. We could flatten Fallujah in minutes with a flight of B52s, or seconds with one nuclear cruise missile - but we don't. We're trying to do brain surgery, not cut off the patient's head. The Jihadis amputate heads.

2. We went to Iraq with too little planning.

This is a specious argument too, for it supposes that if we had just had "the right plan" the war would have been easy, cheap, quick, and clean. That is not an option. It is a guerrilla war against a determined enemy, and no such war ever has been or ever will be easy, cheap, quick, and clean. This is not television!

3. We proved ourselves incapable of governing and providing security.

This, too, is a specious argument. It was never our intention to govern and provide security. It was our intention from the beginning to do just enough to enable the Iraqis to develop a representative government and their own military and police forces to provide their own security, and that is happening.

The United States and the Brits and other countries there have trained over 100,000 Iraqi police and military, now, and will have trained more than 200,000 by the end of next year. We are in the process of transitioning operational control for security back to Iraq. It will take time. It will not go without hitches. This is not television.

Remember, perspective is everything, and America's schools teach too little history. The Cold War lasted from about 1947 to 1989 - at least until the Berlin Wall came down in 1989. Forty-two years. Europe spent the first half of the 19th century fighting Napoleon, and from 1870 to 1945 fighting Germany.

World War II began in 1928, lasted 17 years, plus a ten year occupation, and the United States still has troops in Germany and Japan. World War II resulted in the death of more than 50 million people, maybe more than 100 million people, depending on which estimates you accept.

The United States has taken a little more than 1,000 Killed-in-Action (KIA) in Iraq. The United States took more than 4,000 KIA on the morning of June 6, 1944, the first day of the Normandy Invasion to rid Europe of Nazi Imperialism. In World War II the United States averaged 2,000 KIA a week for four years. Most of the individual battles of World War II lost more Americans than the entire Iraq war has done so far.

But the stakes are at least as high: a world dominated by representative governments with civil rights, human rights, and personal freedoms - or a world dominated by a radical Islamic Wahhabi movement, and by the Jihad, under the Mullahs and the Sharia.

I do not understand why the American left does not grasp this. Too much television, I guess.

The liberals are supposed to be in favor of human rights, civil rights, liberty, freedom, and all that. But not for Iraqis, I guess. In America, but nowhere else. The 300,000 Iraqi bodies in mass graves in Iraq? Not our problem.

The United States population is about twelve times that of Iraq, so let's multiply 300,000 by twelve. What would you think if there were 3,600,000 American bodies in mass graves in America because of George Bush? Would you want another country to help liberate America?

"Peace Activists" always seem to demonstrate where it's safe and ineffective to do so: in America. Why don't we see liberal peace activists demonstrating in Iran, Syria, Iraq, Sudan, North Korea, in the places in the world that really need peace activism the most?

The liberals are supposed to be in favor of human rights, civil rights, democracy, multiculturalism, diversity, etc., but if the Jihad wins, wherever the Jihad wins, it is the end of civil rights, human rights, democracy, multiculturalism, diversity, etc. American liberals who oppose the liberation of Iraq are coming down on the side of their own worst enemy. If the Jihad wins, it is the death of Liberalism. Everywhere the Jihad wins, it is the death of Liberalism.

And American liberals just don't get it.

Clint Eastwood is my FRIGGIN' HERO!

THE ManThe OgreMan, oh, man. Finally, someone in Hollywood with the cajones to say this:

Clint Eastwood squinted like Dirty Harry Tuesday night as he took aim at Michael Moore.

"Michael Moore and I actually have a lot in common - we both appreciate living in a country where there's free expression," Eastwood told the star-dotted crowd attending the National Board of Review awards dinner at Tavern on the Green, where Eastwood picked up a Special Filmmaking Achievement prize for "Million Dollar Baby."

Then, the Republican-leaning actor/director advised the lefty filmmaker: "But, Michael, if you ever show up at my front door with a camera - I'll kill you."

The audience erupted in laughter, and Eastwood grinned dangerously. "I mean it," he added, provoking more guffaws.

Sitting well out of range at a table in back, Moore - who received a special "Freedom of Expression" award for his anti-Bush polemic "Fahrenheit 9/11" - chuckled.
Yeah, so maybe it was a joke...but you would've seen me standing up and applauding like a trained seal if I was at that awards dinner.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

MACWORLD UPDATE: The Only Thing San Francisco is Good For

Well, there's always this. And this, I suppose. Oh, and down the street from the Moscone Center is this on Howard, right where Hawthorne hits. I still have an In there, so we can see my fresh-off-hiatus Usual.

OK, so Mac World Expo, and no more mention of the Gold Club, which is like 2 minutes away... Pretty much the third reason for a good, Red State American like myself has for going into the city. You know about the first one. Heh. The second one is to see my beloved Giants.

Now, had I gone into the City for Macworld yesterday, I might not have had to wait until three weeks from now (?) for my new iPod Shuffle. An e-mail from Orquiza sparked ruminations and a call to the Apple Store - Valleyfair confirmed: the Shuffle was available yesterday at the Apple Store on Market Street! SHIT!

Orquiza has purchased his first iPod, despite being waaaaay more hardcore than myself. Nolo contendere. He has it in hand, and is quite content. My only consolation is that I may have purchased mine before his, but have not taken delivery yet. La la.

For those of you who are converts or are considering converting now in light of innovations from lovely San Fran-fucking-cisco, welcome. It's nice to have you and your buying power aboard. For you System 7'ers like myself, howdy, let's go to the Gold Club! To those giants (heh, i said giants) on whose pioneering shoulders we now stand, we thank you.


Tuesday, January 11, 2005

MACWORLD UPDATE: Buying the iPod Shuffle!

About three hours after its official unveiling, I purchased the iPod Shuffle. Should get it in about three weeks. I did this Orquiza-style, named for my friend who upon the second the G4 Titanium PowerBook was announced, was trying to log onto the apple store at Macworld 2001 to order one.

Well, I finally got through, and in a fit of Macintosh pride, ordered an mp3 player against my better judgment. Past performance says i should not buy the first generation of mac hardware as orquiza's TiBook, while prettier than all the other kids on the block, had a couple of design flaws and dead pixels.

Dear James [UPDATE date="20040627"]D******[UPDATE],

Thank you for ordering from the Apple Store. Here is a summary of your order and an estimate of your final total.

To check the status of your order, please visit You can also call us at 800-676-2775 from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. CT Monday through Friday, or from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. CT Saturday and Sunday. Please have your Web Order Number available when you call.

We're glad you chose the Apple Store and hope you continue to shop with us.

The Apple Store

Here is a summary of your order:
Order Date
01:56 PM PST
(TJ: oh that's right, bitches!)

Web Order No.

Customer Info
James [UPDATE date="20040627"]D******[UPDATE]

Shipping Address
James [UPDATE date="20040627"]D******[UPDATE]
5145 Marisa Miller Way
Benicia, CA 94510

Shipping Method
Standard Shipping

Shipping Options
Items shipped separately as they become available.

Promotion Savings are subject to verification.

Purchase Information:
Qty Ordered Items Part No. Est. Shipping Unit Price Ext. Price
1 iPod shuffle 1GB M9725LL/A 1-2 weeks $149.00 $149.00

Subtotal: $149.00
Estimated Tax: $10.99
Shipping Charge: $0.00

Estimated Total: $159.99

More Macintosh related chat with Indians here!

Bow down to my G4,


This one slipped in under the radar because i was busy moistening my man-panties (manties?) over the iPod Shuffle.

from apple's page:

Wish you could view full musical notation as you record? Now you can. Whether you’re recording software instruments or recording your own live performance, GarageBand can now generate music notation in real time, displaying it on the fly.

and also from the same page...

GarageBand 2 can now import MIDI files, the industry standard file format for music songs. That means you can more easily import music from other applications or download music files from the Internet for use in your own songs. And what about Acid loop files? GarageBand 2 supports those as well, providing even more potential sounds to use in your next musical opus.

Poke00210 = Tio Jaime
Cleopatra = Stripper Name of my token indian friend Brijinder, switched in 2001 or so?
Cleopatra (1:22:40 PM): New $500 mac
Poke00210 (1:23:01 PM): i really want to get the shuffe, despite no screen, no song selection
Poke00210 (1:23:26 PM): and i want to make out with marisa miller
Cleopatra (1:23:32 PM): who dat?
Poke00210 (1:24:55 PM): SI swimsuit model
Poke00210 (1:24:58 PM): blonde, from santa cruz
Cleopatra (1:25:01 PM): ok
Poke00210 (1:25:09 PM): oh, and garageband 2 does more of what i want it to do now
Poke00210 (1:25:25 PM): musical notation, midi support
Poke00210 (1:25:37 PM): this is a pretty jimmy-tastic MWSF
Poke00210 (1:25:43 PM): how're your piano lessons, btw?
Cleopatra (1:25:59 PM): okay
Cleopatra (1:26:08 PM): i don't practice enough, but they're coming along
Cleopatra (1:26:11 PM): still having fun
Poke00210 (1:26:34 PM): good deal
Poke00210 (1:28:18 PM): oh man, shit i just want to ditch work and go shoppign right now
Cleopatra (1:28:45 PM): I'm trying to get into the apple store
Poke00210 (1:28:47 PM): i called the valley fair apple store a few minutes after the keynote was finished like a little girl and asked them when they'd get all of this shit in
Poke00210 (1:28:49 PM): yeah, me too
Poke00210 (1:28:51 PM): no dice

apple to the core,

ps- i thought i had another of the elusive jimmy-originals, but here you can buy Manties - Panties for Men!

You see, this is why enlisted guys hate officers...

So I'm in my office here in rainy San Diego, when I get this mass-email from one of the chiefs about a Rush Limbaugh voice transcript. Here it is (with the actual names deleted, of course):

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005
Subject: FW: Rush Limbaugh

Love him or loathe him, he nailed this one right on the head

By Rush Limbaugh:

"I think the vast differences in compensation between victims of the September 11 casualty and those who die serving our country in Uniform are profound. No one is really talking about it either, because you just don't criticize anything having to do with September 11. Well, I can't let the numbers pass by because it says something really disturbing about the entitlement mentality of this country. If you lost a family member in the September 11 attack, you're going to get an average of $1,185,000. The range is a minimum guarantee of $250,000, all the way up to $4.7 million.

If you are a surviving family member of an American soldier killed in action, the first check you get is a $6,000 direct death benefit, half of which is taxable. Next, you get $1,750 for burial costs. If you are the surviving spouse, you get $833 a month until you remarry. And there's a payment of $211 per month for each child under 18. When the child hits 18, those payments come to a screeching halt.

Keep in mind that some of the people who are getting an average of $1.185 million up to $4.7 million are complaining that it's not enough. Their deaths were tragic, but for most, they were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. Soldiers put themselves in harms way FOR ALL OF US, and they and their families know the dangers.

We also learned over the weekend that some of the victims from the Oklahoma City bombing have started an organization asking for the same deal that the September 11 families are getting. In addition to that, some of the families of those bombed in the embassies are now asking for compensation as well.

You see where this is going, don't you? Folks, this is part and parcel of over 50 years of entitlement politics in this country. It's just really sad. Every time a pay raise comes up for the military, they usually receive next to nothing of a raise. Now the green machine is in combat in the Middle East while their families have to survive on food stamps and live in low-rent housing. Make sense?

However, our own U.S. Congress voted themselves a raise. Many of you don't know that they only have to be in Congress one time to receive a pension that is more than $15,000 per month. And most are now equal to being millionaires plus. They do not receive Social Security on retirement because they didn't have to pay into the system.

If some of the military people stay in for 20 years and get out as an E-7, they may receive a pension of $1,000 per month, and the very people who placed them in harm's way receives a pension of $15,000 per month.

I would like to see our elected officials pick up a weapon and join ranks before they start cutting out benefits and lowering pay for our sons and daughters who are now fighting."

Fair enough, right? I thought it was. I thought Rush made a cogent point. I don't remember if I ever talked about how upset I was at the 9/11 entitlements, but Rush certainly did it for me. He put things into perspective, for sure. At least, he did for the people who haven't a clue about what's going on in the US.

Then 20 minutes later, we all get this email from the AOIC (Assistant Officer in Charge--essentially, the XO), who is apparently in a bad mood today...

I've never resented anyone else's pay or benefits, from politicians to sports stars, or even senior officers back when I was a lowly seaman recruit in 1987. Sometimes some people, through hard work, extraordinary talent, or sheer luck, make a whole lot more money than we do.

None of us joined (or stayed in) for the money. We all may have a multitude of reasons why we joined, but wanting to defend our country was probably the prime motivator for almost all of us.

I appreciate Rush promoting better pay and benefits for the military. I just oppose holding someone else up as an easy target saying they don't earn their pay. In a free society, people can go to where the money is if that's what's most important to them. I would never run for political office, or attempt to be a professional athlete. But if I want their salary, I'm free to pursue it.

Talk about missing the point. Rush's transcript pointed out a problem with the entitlement mindset of this country. Why the hell should the US Government, aka TAXPAYERS, pay for the lives lost on 9/11? Sounds again like the familiar sounds of a broken legal system.

What do enlisted people see when they read that response the AOIC wrote? Not that it's from someone who would like everyone to strive to the patriotic ideal of serving one's nation; but from an unmarried officer making a higher salary than everyone in this office building, save one, who doesn't really give a damn that DFAS might screw up your paycheck one month and you might have problems supporting your wife and kids. It's no secret. Enlisted guys aren't paid jack. Frankly, some deserve to be paid're always going to have bad apples...but there are plenty of good ones who deserve to be paid more for the job they're doing.

Just a little lesson in leadership...and the danger of mass-emails.

Being a Mac-o-phile today was much like being Republican before 1994

The best was when my old roommate who is an off-the-record liberal complained to me that the media was biased against Apple Computer and the Mac.

"Welcome to my Personal Hell," I told him.

If you've ever complained that you were in the oft-persecuted minority of being Republican, I side with you. I take a lot of shit for being right-minded, especially here surrounded by Bay Aryans.

But I take just as much shit, maybe even more, for owning a Mac.

So I sit here, watching with intrigue the reverse-chronological updates from the MacWorld SF's keynote address by Steve Jobs... Here's what I think is the most important development, which will actually get me to buy something...

(updates from
lights come up to Black Eyed Peas
that's it - all done
Mayer finished playing
store back up - but under HEAVY load
Mayer still playing
John Mayer - up for 2 grammy's - for 'fathers'
welcomes Mayer back on stage to play song
keynote winding down - store still closed
thanks developers and engineers for working so hard
makes iPod available to a LOT more people
iPod Shuffle ad
dock & case available - $29 each
dock available
shipping today
2 models - 512 MB - 120 songs - $99
1 GB 240 songs - $149
250 MB
charge in the car
manual filling or automated
integration between the device and the jukebox
shuffle or playlist
12 hours on battery
cap covering inputs - USB
simple to use controls
weights under 1 ounce
ipod shuffle - built around shuffle playback - its TINY.
something happened in the ipod market - became most popular way to listen - shuffle
want to make something really great
forget batteries - no need to make music hard to find on player

html mine, but holy shit, an apple quality sub-$150 mp3 player?

I realize that it's kinda shitty that you can't select which song you want to play as there's no screen, but luckily for me, my mp3 collection is sleek and trim despite its being almost eight years old.

holy shit, and now they've updated the apple site... wish me luck getting in, maybe ordering? hmm. crap, really the only site i can go to right now is blogger. which doesn't help me at all in purchasing an ipod shuffle. and still isn't up yet

Apple to the Core,
Tio Jaime Poke00210 (my old Marathon handle)

People's Choice Awards

(Author's note: the link above goes to a British news service site (may need to subscribe) regarding a story on the People's Choice awards. The title, I thought, was appropriate...until I realized it referred to the movie Shrek 2, and not the Ogre and the Ass, Michael Moore)

Those of you who know me personally probably already know that I despise hollywood and a majority of its celebrities. I think award events such as The Emmy's, The Oscar's, etc. are all shams. Celebrities giving celebrities awards...super. Like I really care. I'd rather go to the dentist or have my blood drawn than sit through a celebrity award show...I'm not joking here, I really rather would.

Now, the People's Choice awards are supposed to be something different, I imagine. The people voting for their favorite movie.

The people.

Did you get a ballot for this vote? I certainly didn't!

Doesn't seem very democratic to me. Doesn't seem like a scientific vote to me, either. Seems more like horse crap. At least you don't see Republicans screaming for a recount of Moore's win or making sure the bubble was filled in by the name [reference to San Diego Mayoral race].

Friday, January 07, 2005

GFY Friday: Barbara Boxer, aka The Wicked Witch of the West, and the California Voters who were retarded enough to vote for her

The WIcked WItch of the WestGFY GrandmaImagine my (well, lack of real) suprise yesterday morning when I discovered Barbara Boxer, the Senator from this state, decided to protest the formal re-election of George Bush yesterday because of the results from Ohio, a state over which she doesn't have a lick of jurisdiction.

Okay, Barbara. Just how stupid do you think I am? If you were an Ohio Senator and had done this, you'd have a new problem on your hands. But just because you can hide behind the liberal facade of California doesn't mean you're a brave crusader in the 'anyone but Bush' crowd. You can't expect to win over the folks of other states that voted for George Bush. Extremists like yourself are what is destroying the Democratic Party. Really, that's just fine by me. I'd never want to be associated with crazy lunatic conspiracy theorists and wack jobs. That's all I have to say about that.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

You want it WHEN?!?

Found this on the San Jose Mercury News online today...

(TJ: I think you'll have to set up an account to read the article, but no worries, i'll summarize it for you if need by and pick out my favorite sentence)

Weighing shorter BART line

The article talks about how BART is trying to come to San Jose, blah blah blah, but the best part is the very last sentence...

"Under the best-case scenario, the BART extension would open in 2015, perhaps a decade later if new cash is not raised."

Oh. 2015? ***chortles*** Oh that's wonderful. Because in 10 years, we still will not have caught on and will still be living in Santa Clara, Alameda, and San Francisco Counties, right? We won't move to flyover country, but we'll just stay right where we are and pay exorbitant property taxes and keep having children to sell into various insidious industries so as to pay for our ungodly mortgages.

What we should've done 15 years ago (and budding metropolises, **coughSEATTLEcough** take note) is not pump assloads of taxpayer money into a light rail system and instead extend BART (a regional heavy rail system) to the oft-neglected nether-regions of the San Francisco Bay Area. Yay for SF Bay Aryans.

The VTA (Valley Transit Authority, or silicon valley's public transit agency)'s Light Rail has had steadily declining ridership in the past few years. Most notably, ridership levels have fallen back to when the Light Rail had been completed. This is shitty. The new lines go right by The Great Mall of the Bay Area, and actually, SixH's parent's house in lovely Berryessa. Unfortunately, nobody's riding.

I did the math once (yo, engineer right here **raises hand**). VTA's light rail services about 5% of Santa Clara County. It's a huge, left wing, enviro-fascist crock of steaming SJPD horse shit. "But TJ," i hear you whining and moaning while i cringe because i can already predict your stupid, liberal, cookie cutter argument, "it's better for the environment and besides we shouldn't be driving anyway."

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I'm not mad at you, but now I just sincerely pity you and the fact that John Kerry preyed on your Stupidity. This all starts with a typical liberal NIMBY attitude. A light rail system may take cars off the road locally, the electricity needed to power your seemingly clean public transit system must be generated elsewhere in dirty coal plants well out of the public, blue state eye.

Or you could use nuclear power. Which I'm totally in favor of, despite France's affinity for it. And surprisingly, this is one huge topic about which me and my old roommate agree.

OK back to light rail. Santa Clara County, due to its relatively low population density, would do much better to use several bus lines like the 22 which goes from Palo Alto to East San Jose. Good shit. Unfortunately I'm not on the board of directors of VTA.

Well that's it for now. I'm excited because I successfully predicted SixH's GFY Thursday! We're both in California; it shouldn't be too hard for you to figure it out as well. So for all two of you reading this, e-mail me your GFY Thursday prediction and the first one to do so gets a sweet-assed prize. (TJ: Friends, family of SHoP are prohibited from participating.)

Good shit.