Pretty hefty motherfucker of a post for you this morning. Can you handle it? Of course you can, Citizen SHoPper! Press on...
HFS what? |
2/8/06, 11:34 PM TioJaime: new SHoP posts for you
SixHertz: HFS SixHertz: whatup, dude. TioJaime: HFS what? 11:35 PM SixHertz: HFS, I dunno. I'm in fucking Irvine. TioJaime: HOLY FUCKING SHIT SixHertz: I KNOW! TioJaime: HOLY DOG SHIT IRVINE SixHertz: YEAH, IRVINE! TioJaime: ONLY STEERS AND QUEERS COME FROM IRVINE SixHertz: O RLY? TioJaime: YA RLY! SixHertz: NO WAI! |
Just joining us, Citizen SHoPper? Click on the links for cross-references to inside jokes. See? Not even Don and Mike do that for you.
i almost put a fake link to shitantics.blogspot but i stopped myself |
11:40 PM SixHertz: Man with large synonym for rooster. HA! SixHertz: excellent posts. TioJaime: hans bricks commented... TioJaime: and now i'm commenting on my own post in response TioJaime: i almost put a fake link to shitantics.blogspot but i stopped myself SixHertz: ok, I commented. take a look. :P TioJaime: OK 11:45 PM TioJaime: OK and i commented back TioJaime: LOL SixHertz: LOL SixHertz: okay, so what's this "arouse a dead man" euphemism? I don't listen to rolling bones. SixHertz: heh, bones. TioJaime: someting about "she makes a dead man come" TioJaime: beats me... go download the lyrics SixHertz: oh, that's right. 11:55 PM TioJaime: good stuff over @ TioJaime: fairy wire might even agree w/us 12:00 AM SixHertz: hehe, lemme check TioJaime: hey can you change the TTLB animal? TioJaime: change it to "Man with Huge Synonym for Rooster" 12:05 AM SixHertz: BOXER urges Sheehan not to challenge Feinstein?! BAAAHAHAHAHA TioJaime: oh that's gonna be great! SixHertz: So, Jesus and Muhammad walk into a bar... SixHertz: ... SixHertz: we should just make a whole bunch of lurid muhammad jokes. |
We didn't go down that route. Instead, I opted for an inappropriate non sequitur and that seemed to do the trick.
and why aren't all of them e-mailing me themselves? |
TioJaime: TioJaime: we're #1 for "bobo's scrotum polish" TioJaime: and like #5 or 6 for "john london's inferno" 12:10 AM TioJaime: OK due TioJaime: dude TioJaime: i'm going to bed TioJaime: too tired even to rub one out
TioJaime: WTF SixHertz: ugh. SixHertz: heh SixHertz: 'night TioJaime: whoa whoa, steve d is confirming w/marc h and scott b TioJaime: who are these dudes, now? TioJaime: and why aren't all of them e-mailing me themselves? SixHertz: Shiraz's brother, and his two friends. 12:15 AM SixHertz: Steve is in Minnesota, Marc lives in Chicago, and Scott lives in Denver. SixHertz: Oscar lives in North Carolina SixHertz: Lynn lives in New York. SixHertz: Merry fucking christmas SixHertz: San Diego, Oakland, San Jose, Seattle SixHertz: People from all across the country SixHertz: Actually, take back seattle. He lives in Monterey, now. TioJaime: and strippers from all across the country as well, my friend TioJaime: and handguns from austria SixHertz: fuck yeah |
This was in reference to a bachelor party e-mail I sent out earlier in the week. I'll try to post it later today.
And it seems that we've hit a slow spot in the chat. Fortunately, SixHertz and I then created what will become one of the greatest games EVER to grace the pages of the SHoP. We're surprised that nobody else has thought of this game yet. You can figure it out.
you win this round of FUCK YEAH! |
12:20 AM SixHertz: fuck N A TioJaime: ya rly! SixHertz: o rly? SixHertz: fuck no wai! TioJaime: oh f*ck ya rly! SixHertz: SHIT YA! TioJaime: F*CK YA! TioJaime: FIREARMS! FUCK YEAH! SixHertz: DILDOS! FUCK YEAH! TioJaime: TRANSVESTITE STRIPPERS! FUCK YEAH! SixHertz: HAMSTERS! SixHertz: FUCK YEAH! TioJaime: SNUFF FILMS! FUCK YEAH! SixHertz: CHICKENSHIT! FUCK YEAH! TioJaime: GOLDEN SHOWERS! TioJaime: FUCK YEAH! SixHertz: MASTURBATION! SixHertz: FUCK YEAH! TioJaime: OH FUCK YEAH! SixHertz: or FUCK ME! TioJaime: CIRCUMCISION! TioJaime: FUCK YEAH! SixHertz: FUCK NO! TioJaime: FUCK NO? SixHertz: NO WAI! TioJaime: LOL SixHertz: :D TioJaime: you win this round of FUCK YEAH! SixHertz: ROFL! 12:25 AM TioJaime: we'll play again SixHertz: hahahaha |
Still stumped? Check out Team America: World Police. Pay close attention to the soundtrack. Or shit, just download "America, F**k Yeah!" from your peer-to-peer of choice.
Again, as before, click on the link to find the origin of the inside story. Keep clicking on the link until you find the first occurrence. I know you're curious.
You are not you. You are me. |
SixHertz: get your ass to mars. SixHertz: **name that movie**
TioJaime: You are not you. You are me. TioJaime: No shit. SixHertz: lol SixHertz: u got it SixHertz: o rly TioJaime: OK dude, really gotta get to bed SixHertz: ok, night TioJaime: ya rly! SixHertz: pigfux0rs! TioJaime: picking up pittsburg(h) amy from the airporx0rs tomorrow SixHertz: P15fVX0rz SixHertz: whoah SixHertz: you never sent me a pic TioJaime: yeah TioJaime: oh fuck me TioJaime: OK tell you what TioJaime: i'm gonna save this in the drafts right now TioJaime: and tomorrow, when i make the final edit TioJaime: at work SixHertz: haha TioJaime: i'll forward you the pics TioJaime: fair enough? |
Whoa. That reminder worked like a charm! I just sent the pics out.
I didn't find the Total Recall pic I wanted. I wanted the one where Hauser is talking to Quaid via the vidscreen. I hope that this one is OK for now.
maybe we can kill it off right here in the SHoP |
SixHertz: More profanity on the SHoP. What else esta nuevo? SixHertz: I wanna start putting up upside down questionmarks on the shop TioJaime: anything less would be uncivilized SixHertz: damn right TioJaime: go for it dude! TioJaime: You're a SHoP Overlord TioJaime: oh, and check out SixHertz: just to poke fun at the faggoty ass brazilians who think their shit don't stink TioJaime: episode 2 is up SixHertz: wait...that's only spanish. SixHertz: nevermind. 12:30 AM TioJaime: what's only spanish? TioJaime: the podcast? SixHertz: the upside down ??'s SixHertz: not portuguese. SixHertz: I should know this stuff, really. TioJaime: oh i see what you're saying TioJaime: fuck these foreigners TioJaime: we should all speak in binary TioJaime: 11001001 SixHertz: 000100101010101000100101010010 TioJaime: 0 r1y? SixHertz: 110010101001010101fuck100010101all100101010foreigners0010010 SixHertz: read between the lines! SixHertz: motherf10101cker! SixHertz: ya r1y! SixHertz: haha SixHertz: n0 wa1! TioJaime: n0 wa1!!!!!!!!!1 SixHertz: ROFL! SixHertz: okay, chickenfucker, go to bed. :D TioJaime: I think we've taken internet fads and leet-speak to new lows (TJ: more on internet phenomenons here) SixHertz: haha TioJaime: maybe we can kill it off right here in the SHoP TioJaime: if not now, when? TioJaime: if not us, who? SixHertz: n0 \/\/41!!!!!11!1 TioJaime: LOL TioJaime: goodnight dude SixHertz: |\|0 \/\/41!11!! SixHertz: ok, night buddy |
The Secretary says bring flowers to the airport. I'm inclined to disagree. What say you, Citizen SHoPpers?
Jihad Jimmy, Minister of War Crimes and Chief Defender of the Faith |