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Wednesday, February 01, 2006

You pigfucker Leftists make me sick. What the fuck else is new?

Barbara Lee is a fucking idiot, in the grandest tradition of Degenerocrat Little Brains.

You want some political grandstanding at its finest? Come to Fort Tio Jaime, your Red State Outpost in the Blue State Frontier and see Barbara Lee's home district. Oh yes, Citizen SHoPpers, your Tio Jaime lives right there at Ground Zero, right in the belly of the Leftist Beast.

Excerpt from Widow's legacy recalled in Bay Area (SJ Mercury may require registration)
U.S. Rep. Barbara Lee, D-Oakland, recalled seeing (Coretta Scott) King at a dinner soon after Lee stood alone in Congress after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 and voted against a resolution authorizing President Bush to use force against terrorism.

"She hugged me and said, 'Martin would do just that,'" Lee said Tuesday. "She said, 'This is about peace, this is not about waging war. Martin would want to see a non-violent solution to all the issues we are dealing with.'"

Yeah right. Coretta Scott King just couldn't bring herself to tell a fellow black woman, "HOLY MOTHERFUCK, YOU ARE ONE IGNORANT FUCK-UP OF A COW! DON'T YOU SEE THE REST OF YOUR PARTY VOTING AGAINST YOU?" Because that's what I would've said. That's what you would've said. And I pray to God that the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. would be pragmatic enough to say it as well.

Oh I bet your Leftist panties were wet because the widow of MLK hugged you and complimented your idiocy. Wonderful. Keep in mind that she was probably senile.

You ignorant degenerates amaze me. What with hindsight being 20/20, I can look at you and think, wow I remember when I was a liberal.

Back in grade school. Seriously, does it not bother you that your political goals and values rival that of kindergarteners and/or the mentally retarded?

Get Bent,
Jihad Jimmy, Minister of War Crimes and Chief Defender of the Faith