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Sunday, February 20, 2005

I can't believe it's not Xanga!

Was gonna relegate this to the Xanga Province of Tio Jaime Nation, but there are some links to entertaining stuff below

and gratuitous scantily clad-ness

Poke = Jihad Jimmy's old marathon handle
SpacemanSpiff = Jihad Jimmy's old roommate's old marathon handle
12:30 PM
SpacemanSpiff: yo yo yo
Poke: yo
Poke: whattup dude
SpacemanSpiff: are there any plans for your birthday?
Poke: oh fuck that's right
Poke: joe's saturday night?
SpacemanSpiff: plans besides playing lots of halo
SpacemanSpiff: once you get the xbox
Poke: OH and SHIT
SpacemanSpiff: joe's saturday night
SpacemanSpiff: i'm about fifteen minutes away
Poke: and how
SpacemanSpiff: zoo afterward?
Poke: probably
Poke: although not too much zoo
Poke: going to the casino on sunday w/my grandma
SpacemanSpiff: nice!
Poke: ohyes
Poke: you wanna come w/?
Poke: i'll teach you craps
Poke: and how to properly cuss @ slotmachines
Poke: oh yes, bow down to my html, xanga chickenfuckers
Poke: i did a 3am criticism of The Graduate, you might like it
SpacemanSpiff: haha
SpacemanSpiff: send me the link
Poke: comes w/cool borders & shit
12:35 PM
Poke: yeah if you a/o rachel a/o karim are free, you're all cordially invited...
Poke: ooh joes man
Poke: been getting the veal a la parmagiana (sp?)
Poke: good shit, very tender
SpacemanSpiff: I can leave the woman at home
Poke: your call, but she is cordially invited
SpacemanSpiff: okay, dustin hoffman is man-pretty
SpacemanSpiff: haha
Poke: he *is*
Poke: well, he *was*
SpacemanSpiff: haha
SpacemanSpiff: good stuff
Poke: i fucking fell asleep
Poke: got too damn tired
SpacemanSpiff: it was pretty late
Poke: but on the upside, i learned about html tables
12:40 PM
SpacemanSpiff: haha, good stuff
SpacemanSpiff: tables is where it's at in html
Poke: oh, did you see all the TAR6 links?
SpacemanSpiff: no
Poke: i'm quite pleased w/firefox
SpacemanSpiff: what's this hayden site?
Poke: that's her personal modeling site
Poke: but you can buy a "subscription"
Poke: whatta whore
Poke: mmm underwear
Poke: i can't save these pics, can i?
SpacemanSpiff: screenshot that shit
Poke: they're embedded in some flash shit?
SpacemanSpiff: booyeah
Poke: dude i'm there
SpacemanSpiff: she looks better here than she did on the amazing race
Poke: yeah dude!
Poke: was just about to say
Poke: she doesn't have an old head here
SpacemanSpiff: man, she fucking broke down on the last few episodes
Poke: and man, normally i'm not a boob-guy...
Poke: yeah, "Do something before i hyperventilate!"
Poke: i liked it when Aaron would talk shit about her to the camera
12:45 PM
Poke: yay!
SpacemanSpiff: that was funny
Poke: ooh ohmy
janky rebecca!  might be dreads, not cornrows???Poke: she got hot towards the end
Poke: whoa, and she's all kinds of naked on her page
Poke: oh my
Poke: eww... what's w/the cornrows?
SpacemanSpiff: nekkid?
Poke: almost nekkid
Poke: i like the rebecca one when she's wearing the ski cap
Poke: a thong
Oops!  Look what I did!Poke: and she's daintily pulling her jeans down below her butt
Poke: "oops, look what i did!"
SpacemanSpiff: her website is annoying
Poke: yeah
Poke: that song dude
SpacemanSpiff: the content is way at the bottom
SpacemanSpiff: underneath her vertically scrolling name
SpacemanSpiff: grrrrrr....
Poke: if i had a website because i was a model, i'd put the Klingon Long Song
SpacemanSpiff: haha
Poke: oh i'm still a n00b at this website shit
SpacemanSpiff: so, do you update this xanga site regularly?
Poke: i didn't even notice the name
SpacemanSpiff: is this your blog?
Poke: eh, not as much as i'd like
Poke: i put a lot of soggy stuff here
Poke: most of the time i post at my friend's blog
Poke: but that's more polical
Poke: fuck
Poke: political
12:50 PM
Poke: yay!
Poke: see that's bad, because now you can send cock pics to hayden & rebecca @ the same time
Poke: and chip & reichen too, i'm sure, if you dig enough
Poke: oh her name actually does scroll down... yeah, umm OK
SpacemanSpiff: chip and reichen
SpacemanSpiff: haha
SpacemanSpiff: forgot about those dudes
SpacemanSpiff: what's the gimmick for the next amazing race
SpacemanSpiff: two people from survivor?
SpacemanSpiff: or something
Poke: Boston Rob in TAR 7
Poke: yep
Poke: that's shitty
Poke: that's like celebrity mole
SpacemanSpiff: remember the big brother tie-in
Poke: but TAR doesn't need the gimmick!
SpacemanSpiff: that team sucked balls
Poke: no what was that again?
12:55 PM
SpacemanSpiff: remember, I think it was during the chip and kim season
Poke: they must've gotten booted early
SpacemanSpiff: yeah, they were the second off I think
Poke: yeah yeah, now that you mention it, it's starting to come back to me
Poke: can't remember who it was though for the life of me
SpacemanSpiff: some annoying blonde and a racially-ambiguous guy
Poke: LOL racially-ambiguous
Poke: yeah
SpacemanSpiff: i gotta go
SpacemanSpiff: but I'll talk to you laterz, yo
Poke: OK dude, i'll talk to you soon

Hope these stupid colors turned out OK. Although I'm told that using the font tag is outdated???

Jihad Jimmy, Chief Defender of the Faith

UPDATE: OK tried style inside the strong tags, but for some reason it's not working. Is this because i'm in a table??? Please advise