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Friday, February 25, 2005


Kitty at lifelike pundits found a lot of cool links for your Fri-dee enjoyment... but if you're lazy and find that you have similar tastes as your Unka Jimmy, you might be able to get by with just these selections (lazy ass)...

Chris Rock, conservative?
I especially like the part where it says "on crime he’s conservative, on prostitution he’s liberal." And I somewhat agree. I have a feeling he and I would come to an agreement on legalization of drugs too... You'll like the last line, too... hilarious shit

Suffice it to say that you should never, ever let a hollywood type tell you they're smarter than you and your fellow red state fuckrods. How many normal people do you know are caught up in this Scientology shit? This was big in Seattle I'm told... it might've even gotten its start up there.

And to those of you pricks who get your panties wet when you point out that Christianity is a cult as well? Here's some rope and a nail. Attach aforementioned rope to the top of your door jamb with aforementioned nail. Proceed to piss up the rope. No shit it's a cult. We're not impressed by your out-of-the-box observations. Now go stick your genitals on your George Foreman grill.

30-Second Bunnies Theatre
This is a nice follow-up to 1) the bunny music video I posted earlier this week, and 2) my Shining post (about which I was not supposed to speak, true. Thanks for noticing. Here's some rope and a nail...).

While it now appears that I am Gay for Bunnies, fret not SHoPpers, for I am still Very Gay for Ducks.
Oh dear...

And now that Firefox has proceeded to eat everything below this line, I'm fucking pissed. I went and fucking explained the duck and the fucking paddle.


Duck: late christmas present for a friend. Got it at Kohl's. Nice because it's similarly sized to an actual duck

Paddle: for my sister. she teaches at a catholic HS in santa monica. we watched this movie Heaven Help Us a lot (it's about a catholic all-boys school in 1960s brooklyn. One of the brothers in the movie was into corporal punishment, and he had a paddle that had the woodburning "PATIENCE" on it. it was fucking bad-ass

so i was driving from san jose to san bruno a few days ago and i saw a truck and trailer headed for the san mateo home and garden show and he had all sorts of custom wood signs with the woodburning that i wanted to get! signs that said stuff like "Jimmy and Tiffany Craponyourbed's Home". You'd recognize it if you saw it, even you blue state norcal fuckups

stupid firefox. i was able to recreate almost everything I lost, but I had a window open w/all the stupid links I had to trackback. Fuck you, firefox.

F offF off,
Jihad Jimmy, Chief Defender of the Faith