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Tuesday, February 22, 2005

How about I sincerely shove my foot up your ass?

Your ass has been on notice, and now notice I'm upping the ante. I swear, these North Korean negotiators and propagandists must have graduated from East Harlem Community College. Dumbass Kim Jong Il...First you don't want unilateral talks, then you do. Then you want six-party talks, then you don't. Then you claim you have nukes and threaten to boycott the talks, then you say you'll go back to the table. Now you express the hope that the US will show "trustworthy sincerity" with six-party talks?? Eh?!


You liberals who are content enough to blame W for this latest failure will be reminded by me, again, that these "negotiations" (in quotes, because it's all a stalling tactic by the North Koreans, and no one has the balls to go in there and create a nuclear accident inside that backwards nation) have been going on since the Clinton administration.

Oh, and I'm really glad more people are interested in the fact that Paris Hilton's phone got hacked...FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, PEOPLE! GET A CLUE! If you REALLY cared about that story, get off of my blog immediately. You're a waste to the human race. Paris Hilton must die.