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Saturday, April 23, 2005

Heh. And I thought the MiniTrue was a tough crowd...

Found some blog while checking out a referring URL that was a google search for "Bethany Whisper". Decided to post some basic right wing jimmy, just to stir the soup. Unfortunately, my comment is awaiting moderation. So I've printed it here, because ain't no way this one's getting past that little ignoramus of a LIbEral.

Original post here. Check it out. Yay for retarded children, likely the product of American public schools! did i mention yay?

My comment on this chick's blog...
Jihad Jimmy, Chief Defender of the Faith Says: Your comment is awaiting moderation.
April 23rd, 2005 at 21:51 pm

Wow, looks like you kids are getting stupider and stupider each day.

I’m neither scared nor outraged. But don’t worry, I think I’ll sleep just fine w/o your pity. Since your pity is misguided and obviously rooted in a lack of understanding of issues of the world, you can go ahead and feel whatever you want towards whomever you want.

Your indignance at the “brilliance” seems to be just that– indignance. No logic, no arguments, just good, old-fashioned emotion. Which is fine in the context of some little girl’s blog, but when you finally decide to come to the real world, you might want to try your hand at analytical reasoning and cognitive thought.

debbie lemonhead - you’re a goddam genius. try letting up on the period key next time, ya? you didn’t seem to have the intended effect

groovebunny - this is the nature of a lame duck politician. Or are you not aware how our political system works? And this is in texas. Did it never occur to you that Texans may just want this? It may not be that this is being covertly passed under their noses. The texans may simply not share your illogical, misprioritized worldview. Thank God.

Daniel burns - the problem arises when every dumbfuck retard like yourself is allowed to procreate. And holy shit you’re a moron. We’re in the third millenium. Nice try, though, with the holier-than-thou. Go work on that.

johnny huh - i like your style, man. ad hominem attacks and use of the f-word?. Fuck yeah, dude. =) I’d like to suggest though, that the dumbest act of the 21st century was nominating John Kerry. Because seriously, you lost to W. How the fuck did you manage to do that? I like your blue state elitism, I only wish that the rest of your comrades would follow suit. Keep it up.
I don't think that little chick's gonna publish that comment, do you? Hell, even the MiniTrue keeps all comments... this one here has to be my favorite though...
Funny comment on an old SHoP post
you'd think you would'nt like gyros since they are a middle eastern food, you sick racist piece of souless shit.
This angry, angry bad man's IP address can be found here. Heh.

For those of you white, self-righteous, and self-loathing liberals just joining the SHoP, I am more diverse than you and your thought police cronies could ever possibly hope to brainwash your little shitty offspring into becoming. I'm a racial minority, grew up with racial minority parents, went to school where diversity was valued above merit, and open my mind to different viewpoints.

Oh yeah, that's right. I used to buy the old, tired, dry, and parched LIbEral bee-ess about white people being bad and racist and how the earth is in danger because of bad, white racists using up all of the resources and building too many golf courses. Lucky for me, I came to the quick realization that my head was in my ass. Unfortunately, this realization came just right after the election of Bill Clin-tard.

Anycrap, yeah. I tried a different viewpoint-- which is a lot more than I can say for you LibEralS out there-- and found that it made a lot more sense than the bullshit drivel that has been pounded into our heads ever since the 60s.

There's your diversity right there. Strap on your kneepads and take a fucking number, because Republicans like me are popping up in the strangest of places.

And you're really starting to piss us off.

Jihad Jimmy, Chief Defender of the Faith