I would've just stuck this in MiniTrue's comments for his last post, but really I'd think that this deserves its own follow-up post. That and I'm sure I can stick a picture or two to make it all nice-nice.
Let's just say that Jihad Jimmy and other likeminded hardcore Republicans weren't around. I dunno, use your imagination. We're all permanently in Las Vegas or something. Come find me at the craps tables at New York, New York where their complimentary scotch is The Glenlivet. God, I hope I get to go to Vicetivus V. Anyway, the only Republicans around are you softcore, holier-than-thou, ess-doesn't-stink Republican'ts. And you're driving to and from work in the San Fran-effing-cisco Bay Area and oh yay, you're bombarded with these stupid signs all over overpases and pedestrian bridges and even a block up the hill from Larry's in North Beach. I actually saw this one at the top of Kearny... cops around, though, else you would've seen me in that pic.
Anycrap so there you are. You're driving by these stupid signs and instead of making you think enlightened thoughts, they're actually driving up your blood pressure each and every time you drive by them. You go home, yell at your wife for effing up the chicken pot pie, kick your bichon frise, and then keel over from a heart attack. And why? Because none of you Republican'ts could be bothered to take down a simple sign. These simpleton idiots were able to put it up, but you didn't even care enough about your wife and bichon frise to remedy that. And don't give me that "I have a job and these hippies don't" boolsheet because my friend, The Life You Save May Be Your Own. (I know you english majors wet your panties whenever this engineer-in-training tosses a Flannery O'Connor reference your way.)
[ThankYouCaptainObvious]This is a worst-case scenario, of course.[/ThankYouCaptainObvious] This should still illustrate my point though. If all of us Republicans take the High Road who will take down that sign? It offends no one, sure, but you're the one who's one step closer to that heart attack.
9:56am - Ok gotta go out to the field to pick up prints, look at two jobs, and then go to Westlake Joe's for lunch. No really, it's in the area. The first job is by Trosama min Asi's childhood home, and the other 13 mins away towards SFO. Joe's is just between them. And I'll be there around lunchtime. Oh most glorious, glorious day!
2:46pm - Yet again have my attempts at a Westlake Joe's lunch been thwarted. One of my foremen has already looked at the two jobs on the peninsula, and as such I stayed in the east bay. Dammit
Look, my point is, the reality of this culture war is that you need guerillas such as myself to do your dirty work. I was once like you. Indignant at liberal media bias, and oh such high hopes I once held for the common american. Eh. Eff it. Eff the liberal media-- I'll just listen to right wing radio where they admit and are comfortable w/their obvious bias. Eff the common American-- you're going to elect Hilliary Clintard and there's nothing I can do about it. Hopefully I'll be able to shame you after the fact once you realize how much of a dumbfuck you are, but that's just wishful thinking.
We will be embroiled in the Culture War much longer than any Iraq war this my beloved Vast Right Wing Conspiracy can cook up in the interests of protecting our SUV-lovin', Assault Rifle totin', Jeebus-praisin' Red American ways. (And note to liberal media-tards: Next time you want to try to convince us that we went to War for Oil, try timing it next time so a gallon of 87 octane isn't gonna break the $3 cherry. Thanks, see you next time!) It is my sincere hope that many more of you nice-nice republicans learn to play a little dirty and start taking the war back to the politically retarded. You can complain until you're blue in the face that the hippies are taking over, but until you start ripping signs out of hippie hands and shoving them up hippie butts, all you can do in the meantime is sit in the safety of your home and read all about it on the SHoP.
Reason won't work. Indignance won't work. And even peaceful protest won't work. Did it work on you? No. And you're smarter than they are. You wanna get a message through to a bunch of immature, spoiled brats who now have their choice between two presidential elections about which to whine? Try spray paint. At the very least it'll make you feel better.
Just look at the effing smile on my face. Ear to ear, baby.
Jihad Jimmy, Chief Defender of the Faith