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Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Hiatus has broken

Hello dere. My days of being pissed at the Ministry of Truth to the point of not posting are over. Now I'm simply pissed at the MiniTrue enough to make it glaringly obvious in any future posts.

And I ain't rating any more of my eff-ing posts. A lot of eff-ing good it does me to go that extra mile to try to please a friend. Oh, i'll do my best to remain clean according to the new Don and Mike guidelines and even 1-Up them by limiting blasphemy. But there's no eff-ing guarantee. Learn to live with disappointment.

So where to begin?

Sophomoric potty humor on I-680 north just past the CA-24 interchange
Well, first off when I was driving to work today I passed some car with a magnet advertisement for his company. He specialized in "coin-operated entertainment" and "arcade games". And what really made me giggle like a schoolgirl was the name. Beat the Wizard.

(And oh lookee here that link has another instance of the MiniTrue's panties being in a bunch. I used a racial slur in a purely factual, non-inflammatory context, but in the interests of being Politically Correct and not wanting to hurt anybody's feelings and boosting people's self-esteem and promoting diversity, it was deleted. Should I have been surprised? Well, yes. I thought the MiniTrue more principled than that. Silly me.)

And suh-weet-ah! They have a website! OK, not a very good one... still confused about "Beat the Wizard"? Picture if you will chickens being choked or monkeys being spanked or dolphins being flogged or one-eyed gophers being polished. And shit, no, don't picture that figuratively because poof! you're a gay, but picture it literally and now perhaps you'll have a better insight into my masturbatory euphemisms. There. "Masturbatory Euphemism". There's your hint. Go with it.

Re: MiniTrue's approved video post
Cool video, I even impressed Brijinder w/knowledge of a Dr. Mario song... However, as a purist, I noted the following to the point of detracting from my enjoyment of the video...

1) Tool! The old NES never beeped when you put a cartridge in! However, blowing dust out of the cartridge was a very nice touch.
2) The a capella arrangements suck.
3) That Tetris theme was never on the 8-bit nintendo. Not even on the unauthorized Tengen version.
4) Mortal Kombat was never on the 8-bit NES. This is a good example of running out of material. The Cal Band did this a lot during halftime shows loosely tied together with a unrecognizable theme.
5) Nothing in the Hyrule overworld dies when you hit it with the boomerang, they only temporarily freeze. In the underworld, the tiny bats and tiny hershey's kisses die when you boomerang them, but that's it.

On the whole, entertaining, but college kids with time on their hands could've done sooo much more with this idea. Had MIT or Berkeley done something like this, it'd travel around the internet(s) a lot faster. It would've stuck to one system and utilized cooler theme songs like Rad Racer or Castlevania. The skits would've been way more lavish as well. We nerds put a lot of stock into authenticity and consistency.

Well, for the most part we do...

Jihad Jimmy, Chief Defender of the Faith!
Again, check out more South Park Republicans here at MVRWC.
Jihad Jimmy, Chief Defender of the Faith
The nickname Tio Jaime probably conjures up sombreros and those mexican carpet ponchos and bandoliers and fu manchu moustaches. I'll check for that on the south park avatar generator later. But for now, Jihad Jimmy will have to satiate your racial misconceptions for now.

Ooh, a brief snippet on South Park Republicans

South Park Republicans are true Republicans, though they do not look or act like Pat Robertson. They believe in liberty, not conformity. They can enjoy watching The Sopranos even if they are New Jersey Italians. They can appreciate the tight abs of Britney Spears or Brad Pitt without worrying about the nation's decaying moral fiber. They strongly believe in liberty, personal responsibility, limited government, and free markets. However, they do not live by the edicts of political correctness.
Emphasis mine. Sniping also mine. Will see you later tonight for TAR7.

Jihad Jimmy, Chief Defender of the Faith