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Monday, April 04, 2005

(G) Yay for cheerleaders!

Was just finishing up dinner when I look on my iChat… SixH is away and I read his away message. It appears below.

TioJ = Tio Jaime, EIT
SixH = SixHertz, closeted [basket]ball fan
7:50 PM
TioJ: WTF?? since when do you watch [basket]ball?
SixH: Watching the NCAA finals at a friend's. GO UNC! =D
TioJ: oh i fear this is for some chick, isn't it...
So far as I know, SixH has never watched a basketball game in his life. He has always been strictly SF 49ers football and some soccer (his parents are european).

OK this post didn't have too much to say anyway, and good thing too since i'm getting distracted. Oh, sweet sweet distraction.

OK, here's one of me from a few years back in seattle... I'll tell you the story one of these days.

I miss Seattle =( and i'm still pissed i didn't get to go a few weeks back.

before i go... All Hail Blue and Gold

all my love,
Jihad Jimmy, Chief Defender of the Faith