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Sunday, April 17, 2005

Firing on the Feces on a pleasant SHoP Sun-dee!

The more astute amongst us will notice something quite Orwellian. I don't expect any of you to notice. And wow, this is the most Orwellian I have ever been. I've done stuff like this before, but not on this level. Damn, I'm good. Doubleplus good, even.

Jihad Jimmy, Chief Defender of the Faith

JihadJimmy = Tio Jaime, GOP enthusiast
MiniTrue = SixHertz, Senior Exalted Minister, SHoP Ministry of Truth
MiniTrue (1:38:42 PM):
JihadJimmy (1:40:12 PM): LOL only 5 or 6 are gay
MiniTrue (1:40:21 PM): that's so cool.
MiniTrue (1:45:31 PM): the libertards on CL really piss me off.
JihadJimmy (1:45:57 PM): yeah it's a goddam breeding ground
MiniTrue (1:45:59 PM): They must be destroyed.
MiniTrue (1:46:27 PM): they're all over "best-of"
JihadJimmy (1:46:40 PM): The nice thing about LIbEralS congregating around things like craigslist is that when it comes time to box them up and send them to internment camps, we'll have a handy to-do list!
JihadJimmy (1:46:55 PM): I'm shooting for the goddam SHoP quotes, baby
MiniTrue (1:46:55 PM): getting their egos stroked because they "hate GW" or say "left is right, and right is wrong"
MiniTrue (1:47:25 PM): and then more of the assholes keep pressing the 'best-of' button, and we get gypped into seeing their BS plastered.
JihadJimmy (1:47:34 PM): well yeah you post something spiteful, your spiteful friends give you mental hand-jobs and you get on Best of CL
MiniTrue (1:48:35 PM): "oh, I'm so cool. Look at me! I hate George Bush!"
JihadJimmy (1:49:44 PM): "we get gypped into seeing their BS plastered" ===> well, actually if you don't want to read it you shouldn't visit
JihadJimmy (1:50:06 PM): you know full well what you're getting into by typing it into your address bar
JihadJimmy (1:50:16 PM): much like the one or two hippies who will read the SHoP
MiniTrue (1:50:32 PM): well, I just like seeing how stupid they are.
MiniTrue (1:50:47 PM): spewing out the same self-hating garbage each post.
JihadJimmy (1:50:51 PM): OK and me too, but we really have no indignant-leg to stand on
JihadJimmy (1:50:57 PM): "on which to stand"
MiniTrue (2:04:48 PM): Okay, I'm done with the CL crap.
MiniTrue (2:04:53 PM): back to my book
JihadJimmy (2:05:09 PM): good stuff