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Thursday, April 28, 2005

late night chat w/tio jaime while he drinks beer

sorta seems relevant to the world at large, what with disputes about Asia's "Heat of the Moment"

at the very least, us band dorks go online waaaay too much and the MiniTrue will appreciate the hits. band dorks: don't be scared. just skip over the overtly Republican parts if those kinds of things bother you. you might not be as entertained, but i'm just looking out for you

jihad jimmy, chief defender of the faith

JihadJimmyCDF = Jihad Jimmy, Chief Defender of the Faith
SuperSticc = Jihad Jimmy’s marching band friend
4/27/05, 11:34 PM
SuperSticc: What's up, Big Poppa?
JihadJimmyCDF: yo
SuperSticc: Have you been following the CBAA Thread?
SuperSticc: on "Heat of the Moment"?
JihadJimmyCDF: no, why?
SuperSticc: I think Drew is wrong.
SuperSticc: Are you on the list?
11:35 PM
JihadJimmyCDF: no
JihadJimmyCDF: cani access w/o signing up?
SuperSticc: I'm not sure...
SuperSticc: you can probably start navigating there through
SuperSticc: Heat of the Moment - Asia

Oh, and if I'm singing it right in my head, it was:
3/4 3/4 4/4

Great. Now I have that intro stuck in my head.

What do I win?

I remember doing Royal Exchange one time when Nick Fuentes directed it in an
almost sober state. He did a great job.

And I agree. It's a great song. It should be in the packet more often.

Go Bears!

--- "neebop ." wrote:
> Well shoot, maybe I'm really not remembering right. I think maybe instead
> of 5/4, it was alternating bars of 3/4 and 4/4? All I remember is that is
> had a weird time signature... and I like it.
> -Renee
JihadJimmyCDF: 3, 3, 4
SuperSticc: I guess you're right...
SuperSticc: I was thinking that it could work as 4, 2, 4 as well.
JihadJimmyCDF: it would, but it was arranged 3, 3, 4
SuperSticc: Shieeeeeeeeet...
SuperSticc: and who arranged it?
JihadJimmyCDF: that and the phrases are better broken up 3, 3, 4
JihadJimmyCDF: not sure
SuperSticc: Word.
SuperSticc: The list doesn't get much traffic at all.
SuperSticc: You should join.
JihadJimmyCDF: go tell cbaa i said so
SuperSticc: Maybe an average of one message a week?
SuperSticc: In other words, spurts of 3-4 messages per month?
11:40 PM
JihadJimmyCDF: 4, 2, 4 would make the guitar chords @ the beginning waay too awkward
SuperSticc: Are you listening to it?
JihadJimmyCDF: nope
SuperSticc: You are amazing, James.
JihadJimmyCDF: man, i know that song
SuperSticc: It appears that you really do.
JihadJimmyCDF: pay no attention to the html tags
SuperSticc: And does [em] have anything to do with Emy Donavan?
JihadJimmyCDF: this may make the blog
JihadJimmyCDF: ahh, no
SuperSticc: You have a blog?
JihadJimmyCDF: [/em]
JihadJimmyCDF: yeah
SuperSticc: You just throwin' the emphasis down, eh?
SuperSticc: Well...where is it?
JihadJimmyCDF: let's see...
JihadJimmyCDF: i have links posted on my friendster "blog"
SuperSticc: Ok...
JihadJimmyCDF: brief descriptions there too, depending on just how much jimmy you're looking for
JihadJimmyCDF: i take that back
SuperSticc: I want all the Jimmy I can get.
JihadJimmyCDF: my xanga page sucks butt
JihadJimmyCDF: oops
SuperSticc: Ok.
JihadJimmyCDF: it's primarily political
JihadJimmyCDF: run by my kindergarten friend
JihadJimmyCDF: i've diluted it w/jimmy
SuperSticc: Ok.
JihadJimmyCDF: hold on, lemme find you a good post
JihadJimmyCDF: just to get you started
11:45 PM
SuperSticc: Ok...
SuperSticc: the link doesn't seem to work.
JihadJimmyCDF: click on the sixhertz, not sxhertz
SuperSticc: I typed it in.
SuperSticc: Yup.
SuperSticc: Blogger said page not found.
JihadJimmyCDF: i'm on it right now...
SuperSticc: Weird...
SuperSticc: it actually suddenly materialized...
SuperSticc: after sitting there in an error-like state for a couple minutes.
SuperSticc: Ok, I taped Alias and will watch it now...
SuperSticc: catch ya later.
JihadJimmyCDF: here...
JihadJimmyCDF: not sure how good that is...
11:50 PM
JihadJimmyCDF: shit, that one sucked
JihadJimmyCDF: there
JihadJimmyCDF: tha'ts classic jimmy
11:55 PM
12:00 AM
JihadJimmyCDF: should keep you busy for a while