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Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Proof Positive that Hard-Leaning Leftists are MORONS

It's started. The predicted accusations from leftists blaming George Bush for Hurricane Katrina...

Katrina Should be A Lesson To US on Global Warming

Here's an example of Assholery in Action:

The toughest commentary of the day comes from Germany's Environmental Minister, Jargen Trittin, a Green Party member, who takes space in the Frankfurter Rundschau, a paper owned by the Social Democrats, to bash US President George W. Bush's environmental laxity. He begins by likening the photos and videos of the hurricane stricken areas to scenes from a Roland Emmerich sci-fi film and insists that global warming and climate change are making it ever more likely that storms and floods will plague America and Europe. "There is only one possible route of action," he writes. "Greenhouse gases have to be radically reduced and it has to happen worldwide. Until now, the US has kept its eyes shut to this emergency. (Americans) make up a mere 4 percent of the population, but are responsible for close to a quarter of emissions." He adds that the average American is responsible for double as much carbon dioxide as the average European.
Leave it to an environmentalist to take a weather event (fortuitous for his/her own causes, of course) and blow it completely out of proportion. First of all, it's not like there wasn't ever a Cat. 5 storm that passed through that area in the past. We only have 100 years or so of data...the last ice age was 10,000 years ago... But, oh, he lives in Germany...he's an expert on North American climate patterns. Secondly, yes, we may make up a mere 4 percent of the population...and we may be responsible for close to a quarter of the emissions...but what he neglected to say was how we've reduced our responsibility from 37% in 1975. AND WE'RE RESPONSIBLE FOR 1/3 OF WORLD ECONOMIC OUTPUT. It's time to stop making the US a scapegoat, especially from some goose-stepping gutter trash fischkopf. Finally, suck an egg, Europe. We're responsible for double as much as you turds because we work twice as hard as you. Take your 30 hour work weeks and shove 'em up your corn hole.

Conclusion: Dumbass!! Call me when a hurricane hits California and I'll give you the time of day...but maybe only after the social democrats of Germany name their paper after something that isn't a weenie.

Which brings me to my main point...where's Hollywood? They were OH SO QUICK to respond with money and concerts for the tsunami survivors in Asia...but Louisiana is a red state. Somebody start a timer and see how long it takes for Green Day to give a crap for American Idiots.