Caught up on my TV today. Here's the first of three.
Jihad Jimmy, Minister of War Crimes and Chief Defender of the Faith
3am Criticism of FX's Over * There |
You are now in chat room “AIMisPoop.” TioJaime858 has entered the chat room. TioJaime858 (12:10:07 PM): hello dere! TioJaime858 (12:10:24 PM): three days late TioJaime858 (12:10:36 PM): but here's the second episode of FX's Over There
TioJaime858 (12:11:02 PM): starring Lauren Bergfeld from the WB TioJaime858 (12:11:07 PM): from the WB TioJaime858 (12:11:16 PM): from the WB's Beauty and the Geek TioJaime858 (12:11:20 PM): not really TioJaime858 (12:11:27 PM): Previously on "Over*There" TioJaime858 (12:11:58 PM): FUCK YOU TERRORIST! TioJaime858 (12:12:25 PM): oh it's the readhead chick humping somebody that's not her husband TioJaime858 (12:12:34 PM): uh oh TioJaime858 (12:12:49 PM): ungood TioJaime858 (12:13:02 PM): crazy terrorists TioJaime858 (12:13:29 PM): "i'm a soldier, dichkead" TioJaime858 (12:13:36 PM): oops TioJaime858 (12:13:37 PM): dickhead TioJaime858 (12:14:21 PM): i hate terrorists TioJaime858 (12:14:33 PM): oops TioJaime858 (12:14:49 PM): oh he doesn't have feet TioJaime858 (12:14:53 PM): or only has foot TioJaime858 (12:15:14 PM): ooh army chick TioJaime858 (12:15:29 PM): OVER*THERE TioJaime858 (12:16:03 PM): SHoPpers, there's a replay tonight (satur-dee) of this episode if this 3amC so moves you TioJaime858 (12:17:32 PM): they're roadblocking TioJaime858 (12:18:22 PM): wonderful TioJaime858 (12:18:28 PM): still, why must you let the woman drive? TioJaime858 (12:18:33 PM): have we learned nothing from.... TioJaime858 (12:18:34 PM): umm TioJaime858 (12:18:39 PM): drawing a blank TioJaime858 (12:18:55 PM): ram this! TioJaime858 (12:19:34 PM): you figure they'd use the mounted gun on the Humvee TioJaime858 (12:19:43 PM): in the roadblock TioJaime858 (12:19:48 PM): ooh hot army nurse chick TioJaime858 (12:20:27 PM): ooh yeah momma TioJaime858 (12:22:02 PM): yeah call the black man with a gun a street punk TioJaime858 (12:22:08 PM): "honky ass!" TioJaime858 (12:22:12 PM): "white boy!" TioJaime858 (12:23:01 PM): LOL the sergeant got pissed TioJaime858 (12:23:38 PM): nice job TEERRORISTS TioJaime858 (12:23:45 PM): FUCK YOU TERRORISTS TioJaime858 (12:23:48 PM): HOW'S YOUR CAR? TioJaime858 (12:24:38 PM): wow TioJaime858 (12:24:43 PM): ooh wow TioJaime858 (12:24:59 PM): nice chick, but now i don't ever want to drink MIke's hard Lemonade TioJaime858 (12:25:08 PM): fast forwarding TioJaime858 (12:25:34 PM): commercial for Starved TioJaime858 (12:25:46 PM): will follow on the SHoP soon TioJaime858 (12:26:16 PM): oh it's gonna be some reporter huh TioJaime858 (12:29:03 PM): he wants to get back to his unit TioJaime858 (12:30:13 PM): cute chick cutting vegetables TioJaime858 (12:31:22 PM): threatening army w/60 minutes TioJaime858 (12:32:03 PM): heh TioJaime858 (12:32:12 PM): crows love terrorists TioJaime858 (12:33:29 PM): la la war bad because we might've shot civilians TioJaime858 (12:33:31 PM): commercial TioJaime858 (12:33:53 PM): a lot of good the backup camera does on your sienna if you're looking back instead of watching your camera TioJaime858 (12:34:09 PM): Always Sunny in Philadelphia TioJaime858 (12:34:32 PM): also making it's SHoP debut soon TioJaime858 (12:34:48 PM): ooh a tony sinclair commercial TioJaime858 (12:35:15 PM): oh yes! TioJaime858 (12:35:25 PM): I'm told there's over a billion ice cubes in one of those things TioJaime858 (12:35:37 PM): I'm tony Sinclair. Ready to Tanqueray? TioJaime858 (12:36:29 PM): back TioJaime858 (12:36:37 PM): skanky redhead again TioJaime858 (12:37:35 PM): not so skanky this time around TioJaime858 (12:37:52 PM): that wasn't their house in the first episode TioJaime858 (12:38:02 PM): and that kid's not 7 TioJaime858 (12:38:25 PM): yay drunk redheads TioJaime858 (12:38:59 PM): and now the sandbags are staggered? TioJaime858 (12:39:10 PM): thought they were flush in line w/each other TioJaime858 (12:40:09 PM): he's a goddam a-rab TioJaime858 (12:40:30 PM): a-rab! TioJaime858 (12:40:41 PM): well that racism is OK since he's a black guy TioJaime858 (12:42:35 PM): Jihad! TioJaime858 (12:42:52 PM): the most exciting thing to happen in these exploda-muslims lives TioJaime858 (12:43:36 PM): oh that's too bad TioJaime858 (12:44:14 PM): poor innocent terroists being blown up by their own IEDs TioJaime858 (12:44:29 PM): wow we should subsidize something to help their pain TioJaime858 (12:46:09 PM): yay it's his wife! TioJaime858 (12:46:27 PM): she should've pressed her boob up against the window Midnight Express-style TioJaime858 (12:46:49 PM): JIHAD-SUPPERS!!! WOOWEE! TioJaime858 (12:47:06 PM): they're opening the trunk of the terrorists car TioJaime858 (12:47:12 PM): shit TioJaime858 (12:47:29 PM): car blows up and shit TioJaime858 (12:47:57 PM): black dude said the a-rab was full of shit? heh TioJaime858 (12:48:39 PM): nice job, new guy TioJaime858 (12:48:42 PM): fast forarding TioJaime858 (12:48:57 PM): and that aquarium looks familiar TioJaime858 (12:49:24 PM): back TioJaime858 (12:49:56 PM): standby TioJaime858 (12:49:58 PM): i want a sandwich TioJaime858 (12:53:08 PM): OK no sandwich stuff TioJaime858 (12:53:24 PM): got chili on the stove TioJaime858 (12:53:45 PM): cute chick trying to get her husband out of the army TioJaime858 (12:55:21 PM): and something about mules TioJaime858 (12:56:35 PM): and something about a bridge being out TioJaime858 (12:56:39 PM): dude where's my chili TioJaime858 (12:57:54 PM): fuck you terrorist car TioJaime858 (12:58:01 PM): yeah whatever execution TioJaime858 (12:58:15 PM): they shouldn't have fucking kept going TioJaime858 (12:58:38 PM): dude TioJaime858 (12:58:53 PM): little terrorist chick was already dead TioJaime858 (1:00:05 PM): he's speaking terrorist to them TioJaime858 (1:00:15 PM): uh oh TioJaime858 (1:00:24 PM): shoot TioJaime858 (1:00:27 PM): SHOOT THEM DAMMIT TioJaime858 (1:00:49 PM): oh wait maybe there's nobody in there TioJaime858 (1:01:31 PM): shoot his terrorist shit up TioJaime858 (1:02:07 PM): nice job soldiers TioJaime858 (1:02:46 PM): yeah FUCK YOU TERRORISTS TioJaime858 (1:03:20 PM): this is a stupid song TioJaime858 (1:04:17 PM): can smell my chili TioJaime858 (1:04:22 PM): OVER * THERE TioJaime858 (1:04:39 PM): STAY TUNED FOR SCENES FROM THE ALL NEW EPISODE OF OVER * THERE TioJaime858 (1:04:57 PM): thought that this episode was supposed to be something in a town or something TioJaime858 (1:04:58 PM): brb TioJaime858 (1:05:00 PM): getting chili TioJaime858 (1:07:07 PM): OK this is the episode that i thought was gonna be on last wek TioJaime858 (1:07:34 PM): i mean this week TioJaime858 (1:07:37 PM): wek, if you prefer TioJaime858 (1:08:04 PM): OK see you next week TioJaime858 (1:08:09 PM): or sometimes thereafter TioJaime858 has left the chat room. |