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Thursday, August 25, 2005

Thurs-dee afternoon comics before my meeting

Had to cancel my teeth cleaning w/the cute 40-year-old hygienist this afternoon because I remembered I had a meeting at the same time. I'm headed to that meeting any second now, but first, here's a cartoon...

Yeah, I remember this Howard Dean gem from earlier this year. I remember thinking it as just some Leftist bile which served its divisional purpose. You know how you think of the zinger later on as your about to fall asleep?

Many days late, a few dollars short...
Would the Congressional Black Caucus have felt the same way if Dean had said "You think the RNC could get this many people of color in a single room? Only if they had the state penitentary in here"?
Not sure how this escaped the ever-watchful eye of the SHoP (and upon further examination of the blogosphere, thank God it didn't escape the rest of them) but funny how nobody got their panties in a bunch over Dean's assertion that black people were only meant to work in hotels.

gotta go,