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Tuesday, August 16, 2005

All Look Same?

Years ago in college, I found a website that tested ones ability to differentiate between three Asiatic faces: Chinese, Japanese and Korean. I took it and scored fairly high. Some time later I stumbled across it and while the test hadn't changed, my score did. I suspected that since I was living in Washington at the time (where I was truly a minority), my senses weren't as finely tuned as they once were during my time in Berkeley. Then I moved to Texas. Found it again and wouldn't you know, I scored even lower! So now that I'm back in California among fellow slanty-eyes... oriental... Far Eastern... Asians, I wonder if my score will go back up. But I'm much too afraid to try now. However, I challenge SHoPpers to give it a go, if so inclined.

For now, I leave you this pic to ponder:


Edit: just for the record, I *am* Asian, though on most standardized forms I would typically be regarded as a Pacific Islander.