"It's just gonna be another one of those days..."
How wonderful it must be for you never to have to listen to the men around you who are much smarter than you are.
Oh man, I just shot Tony Almeida in the face!
i don't like that creepy spanish mole fag
CTU: San Andreas
wouldn't that have been cool if he'd hanged himself, and surprise! no virus!
and now Jack's armed. get some
ahh, apparently it's the Ukrainians who have a virus, not some wacky Mexicans
hey look, there's my Willing Suspension of Disbelief flying away...
Oh man, I just shot Chase Edmunds in the hand!
realize, stupid kim, that you wouldn't hate Nina Myers and her hotness if you hadn't been stupid in Season One
OK i'm sorry. this is a stupider B-story. That's not chloe's kid?
oh wonderful, Chase is the father. what a stupid ending.
LOL "no you don't." / blam blam blamdude, spanish mole fag! don't you go dying on us!
maybe slap him around, michelle dessler-style?
"I'm not taking this action because THE SKY IS FALLING..."
oh sweet! it's the whore wife from OVER * THERE
Jane Saunders is somewhat of a butterface, but man oh man she has a nice rack on her. And what with Kim's shitty hair, she's likely the Belle of the Ball for this season... the bikini chicks from the KYLE SINGER storyline weren't on for long enough. Nor was his MILF-y mom.
Jihad Jimmy, Minister of War Crimes and Chief Defender of the Faith
3am Criticism of "24", Season 3, Episode 19 |
You are now in chat room "HeyAIMYourMomCalled." JihadJimmy858 has entered the chat room. JihadJimmy858 (8:13:34 PM): SHE SAID YOU SUCK JihadJimmy858 (8:13:39 PM): hello dere JihadJimmy858 (8:13:54 PM): I'm ah-feelin da-24! JihadJimmy858 (8:16:08 PM): splash screen had a gun to Ryan Chapelle's head. That was actually a pretty hardcore episode JihadJimmy858 (8:16:22 PM): here we go JihadJimmy858 (8:16:23 PM): JihadJimmy858 (8:16:38 PM): PREVIOUSLY ON 24 JihadJimmy858 (8:16:41 PM): COUNTER TERRORIST UNIT JihadJimmy858 (8:16:57 PM): PRESIDENT DAVID PALMER JihadJimmy858 (8:17:16 PM): RYAN CHAPPELLE! JihadJimmy858 (8:17:29 PM): JACK BAUER JihadJimmy858 (8:17:45 PM): (well that's nice, they gave him a spot in the Recap the episode after he was executed) JihadJimmy858 (8:18:14 PM): THE FOLLOWING TAKES PLACE BETWEEN 7:00 AM AND 8:00 AM. JihadJimmy858 (8:20:40 PM): ooh, deleted scene JihadJimmy858 (8:21:13 PM): whoa, he's crying? JihadJimmy858 (8:22:28 PM): jack cries only in the deleted scene JihadJimmy858 (8:24:08 PM): alternate take! JihadJimmy858 (8:25:13 PM): jane saunders in santa barbara JihadJimmy858 (8:25:44 PM): ooh hi jane. nice face. not. JihadJimmy858 (8:26:52 PM): plain sight swap, eh? JihadJimmy858 (8:27:02 PM): they gotta find a jane saunders look-alike JihadJimmy858 (8:30:06 PM): CTU San Francisco!!! JihadJimmy858 (8:30:35 PM): Dude! Kim Bauer? she looks shitty this season JihadJimmy858 (8:30:49 PM): Ooh, hiya Kim Kleavage JihadJimmy858 (8:31:59 PM): well shit, Kim's just a regular CTU Badass JihadJimmy858 (8:32:00 PM): not JihadJimmy858 (8:32:03 PM): 07:16:27 JihadJimmy858 (8:33:09 PM): man, i wanna be spanked hard by Chloe. she's kinda annoying, but still i wanna be spanked by her JihadJimmy858 (8:34:05 PM): that chick's not so good looking. nice rack though JihadJimmy858 (8:34:45 PM): eh, she's not so bad looking JihadJimmy858 (8:35:02 PM): OK yeah. nice legs JihadJimmy858 (8:36:36 PM): wonderful how CTU has detailed information about some 19-year-old UCSB student JihadJimmy858 (8:37:39 PM): hit him in his neck! JihadJimmy858 (8:38:13 PM): "I have weapons training" JihadJimmy858 (8:38:40 PM): WHAT A BUNCH OF CRAP. KIM IS SUCH A FUCKING RETARD. WHY WOULD ANYBODY GIVE HER A WEAPON? JihadJimmy858 (8:39:13 PM): and now she's crying. good start for a field agent JihadJimmy858 (8:39:20 PM): 07:26:44 JihadJimmy858 (8:45:40 PM): and his picture is up in the ER already JihadJimmy858 (8:45:42 PM): 07:33:04 JihadJimmy858 (8:45:48 PM): 07:37:29 JihadJimmy858 (8:46:32 PM): oh hi Jane JihadJimmy858 (8:48:18 PM): he wants to make America clean again. JihadJimmy858 (8:48:26 PM): atrocities blah blah blah JihadJimmy858 (8:49:22 PM): send him a list of american spies to JihadJimmy858 (8:51:46 PM): pull a fire alarm, grab jane saunders in the commotion JihadJimmy858 (8:51:59 PM): 07:43:39 JihadJimmy858 (8:52:04 PM): 07:48:03 JihadJimmy858 (8:52:55 PM): UCSB! JihadJimmy858 (8:53:15 PM): wow, they set that shit up fast JihadJimmy858 (8:53:41 PM): ooh yeah hotness JihadJimmy858 (8:53:46 PM): ooh hi jane kleavage JihadJimmy858 (8:54:12 PM): ooh and now she's wet JihadJimmy858 (8:54:29 PM): and there's the dude watching Jane JihadJimmy858 (8:54:43 PM): maybe you need to take your jeans off LOL JihadJimmy858 (8:55:02 PM): and now the cleaning chick is drugging Jane JihadJimmy858 (8:55:03 PM): ooh yeah JihadJimmy858 (8:55:09 PM): ooh yeah Kim as a brunette JihadJimmy858 (8:57:21 PM): aww yeah bitches, outbreak-city! JihadJimmy858 (8:58:18 PM): ooh yeah dealie-stretch on Jane Saunders JihadJimmy858 (8:58:22 PM): nice rack JihadJimmy858 (8:58:39 PM): go gauchos JihadJimmy858 (8:58:43 PM): oh man, nice tits JihadJimmy858 (8:59:23 PM): sort of a butterface JihadJimmy858 (8:59:24 PM): but nice tits JihadJimmy858 (9:00:01 PM): yeah, right Tits McGhee, try to lawyer up on Jack Bauer JihadJimmy858 (9:00:40 PM): SLAP HER! JihadJimmy858 (9:00:55 PM): boobies! JihadJimmy858 (9:01:58 PM): maybe he was just perving on Jane JihadJimmy858 (9:02:02 PM): no shame in that JihadJimmy858 (9:02:12 PM): ooh hi Kim Kleavage JihadJimmy858 (9:02:56 PM): uh oh JihadJimmy858 (9:03:06 PM): wrong perv JihadJimmy858 (9:03:16 PM): LOL Kim's gone JihadJimmy858 (9:03:23 PM): CTU: UCSB! JihadJimmy858 (9:03:49 PM): maybe you should get the UC Police to form up a hard perimeter JihadJimmy858 (9:04:16 PM): oh yes, nice job kim JihadJimmy858 (9:04:17 PM): yeah, like UCSB students would be smart enough to get down if they saw a gun JihadJimmy858 (9:04:38 PM): right, weapons training. nice job dumbfuck JihadJimmy858 (9:04:39 PM): 08:00:00 JihadJimmy858 has left the chat room. |