"It's just gonna be another one of those days..."
How wonderful it must be for you never to have to listen to the men around you who are much smarter than you are.
Oh man, I just shot Tony Almeida in the face!
i don't like that creepy spanish mole fag
CTU: San Andreas
wouldn't that have been cool if he'd hanged himself, and surprise! no virus!
and now Jack's armed. get some
ahh, apparently it's the Ukrainians who have a virus, not some wacky Mexicans
hey look, there's my Willing Suspension of Disbelief flying away...
Oh man, I just shot Chase Edmunds in the hand!
realize, stupid kim, that you wouldn't hate Nina Myers and her hotness if you hadn't been stupid in Season One
OK i'm sorry. this is a stupider B-story. That's not chloe's kid?
oh wonderful, Chase is the father. what a stupid ending.
LOL "no you don't." / blam blam blam
dude, spanish mole fag! don't you go dying on us!
maybe slap him around, michelle dessler-style?
"I'm not taking this action because THE SKY IS FALLING..."oh sweet! it's the whore wife from OVER * THERE
yeah, right Tits McGhee, try to lawyer up on Jack Bauer
oh dude, pull a gun on Tits McGhee!
Would've been cooler if they'd cast John Cho as the oriental CTU dude.
FREEZUH! CTU-UH! (Did that reference escape you? Yeah, don't worry about it. You and the rest of SixHertz Nay-shun. Check out the video here.)
And sorry to disappoint any Tits McGhee fans out there, but she didn't do anything to warrant a 3amC post title.
Jihad Jimmy, Minister of War Crimes and Chief Defender of the Faith
"24", Day 3, episode 21 |
You are now in chat room "AIMisGaylicious." JihadJimmy858 has entered the chat room. JihadJimmy858 (10:26:03 PM): hello dere JihadJimmy858 (10:26:16 PM): OK so i'm gonna finish 24 tonight JihadJimmy858 (10:26:30 PM): should be done around 1:00 am. JihadJimmy858 (10:26:46 PM): lemme get a drink of water and then... JihadJimmy858 (10:28:04 PM): gotta get some work done in the background too, so these last few sould be a bit sparse. not that you're complaining... JihadJimmy858 (10:28:11 PM): so here we go! JihadJimmy858 (10:28:24 PM): JihadJimmy858 (10:28:35 PM): PREVIOUSLY ON 24 JihadJimmy858 (10:28:44 PM): PRESIDENT DAVID PALMER JihadJimmy858 (10:29:10 PM): TITS MCGHEE JihadJimmy858 (10:29:14 PM): i mean, JANE SAUNDERS JihadJimmy858 (10:29:36 PM): JACK BAUER! JihadJimmy858 (10:30:00 PM): maybe they'll recruite Tits McGhee to CTU next year... JihadJimmy858 (10:30:02 PM): TONY ALMEIDA JihadJimmy858 (10:30:14 PM): (has he made the recaps this year? i think that's the first time) JihadJimmy858 (10:30:35 PM): THE FOLLOWING TAKES PLACE BETWEEN 9:00 AM AND 10:00 AM. JihadJimmy858 (10:31:15 PM): i like how the B-stories all kinda died JihadJimmy858 (10:31:23 PM): like chloe and the baby JihadJimmy858 (10:32:13 PM): nosferatu-chick and the old black heart-attack dude JihadJimmy858 (10:32:54 PM): "Dammit!" JihadJimmy858 (10:33:43 PM): oh and the stupid manufactured drama of kim and her latest poor choice in boyffriends JihadJimmy858 (10:34:01 PM): whoa, and now Tony deleted the satellite photos JihadJimmy858 (10:34:12 PM): oh the terrorist told him to JihadJimmy858 (10:36:09 PM): oh look back to the campaign JihadJimmy858 (10:36:34 PM): and why would a Republican have the support of the AFL-CIO? again with the willing suspension of disbelief JihadJimmy858 (10:36:59 PM): oh yeah, i like how the oriental CTU-dude is named "Baker" JihadJimmy858 (10:37:13 PM): could've named him something funny like Chong JihadJimmy858 (10:38:16 PM): CTU is only one episode away from UCSB? JihadJimmy858 (10:38:34 PM): yay, Tits McGhee! JihadJimmy858 (10:39:09 PM): hey there Tits JihadJimmy858 (10:39:45 PM): ooh, ann-chick's chest is nice and sweaty JihadJimmy858 (10:43:38 PM): "[JACK BAUER] scares me." JihadJimmy858 (10:46:23 PM): ooh hi dr. hotness JihadJimmy858 (10:48:42 PM): heh John Keeler's logo looks eerily similar JihadJimmy858 (10:49:49 PM): Sherry Palmer is going to visit senator keeler? wow, way to dilute an episode JihadJimmy858 (10:55:09 PM): nosferatu-chick up to her old tricks again! JihadJimmy858 (10:55:47 PM): she has a medicine bottle in a very safe place JihadJimmy858 (10:55:50 PM): that sounds dirty JihadJimmy858 (10:56:50 PM): and Senator Keeler's logo looks like a uterus and fallopian tubes JihadJimmy858 (10:56:56 PM): 09:41:27 JihadJimmy858 (11:01:02 PM): "why are you lying to me" JihadJimmy858 (11:10:56 PM): oh, chloe told JACK what the dealie-o JihadJimmy858 (11:12:07 PM): 10:00:00 JihadJimmy858 has left the chat room. |