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Monday, October 10, 2005

It's the Zoo, Stupid!

I've been semi-lurking at this one daily-read of mine. No real idea why this blog interests me so. No sir. Maybe you'll be able to glean something useful out of the blog?

Well, Citizen SHoPpers, the whole blog. Try to glean something useful out of the whole blog, not just the excerpted post below.

excerpt from So you wanna be a stripper? (emphasis mine)
If you are thinking of becoming a stripper there are a few things that you can do to make it easier. First, go out to some clubs in your area and scope out the situation. See which clubs are busy and what kind of people work and hang out there. Find a club that will suit you. If the girls are super hot and you aren’t, chances are you won’t do well there so try and find a skankier bar.

Although, be it not me to dissuade any female Citizen SHoPpers from joining the ranks of The Girls. Should you elect to do so, please to be commenting here when and where, such that we tip your stageshow.

Pictures of you onstage? Yes of course. Your Tio Jaime likes pictures. Send them right to the SHoP.

Oh, links above NSFW, btw. Probably should've told you that earlier, sorry. And whoops, hey, now your boss is reading over your shoulder? That ain't good...

Jihad Jimmy, Minister of War Crimes and Chief Defender of the Faith

ps- no, that blog isn't run by DJ John. hello dere.
LMHBrent: this better NOT be going on the SHoP
LMHBrent: http://[CENSORED].html
Tio J: honestly? it hadn't even occurred to me until you mentioned it
Tio J: i should go work out... i'll talk to you in a bit dude
LMHBrent: ok
LMHBrent: i'm going to bed
LMHBrent: it's 11pm
LMHBrent: eff my ess

[portions of this chat not affecting the outcome have been edited]

Tio J: sometimes
Tio J: isn't work travel nice? [CENSORED]
LMHBrent: holy fucking cow [CENSORED]!!!!!!
Tio J: jax0r
LMHBrent: that would be very bad
LMHBrent: i'd rather be paying on my own dime
8:10 PM
Tio J: oh good SHoP post coming up...
LMHBrent: don't you effing dare
Tio J: no no no
LMHBrent: oh
LMHBrent: hehe