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Thursday, October 20, 2005

It's the Uncle Tom, Stupid!

I'm just gonna do all the Leftist Degenerates out there a favor and pre-emptively call Bill Cosby an Uncle Tom. A House Negro. A Pickaninny. All those things you hear being hurled at successful blacks in the oppressive white world.

Cosby: Parents Must Set Goals for Kids

And no, your culture isn't as important as Goals and Success. And no, the way out of the ghetto and to success isn't the NBA so much as it is an MBA. I shouldn't have to tell you this so bluntly in the new black and gray hues that is the House of Pain, but you angry minorities out there who found this SHoP post by blingo-ing "Bill Cosby Uncle Tom Pickaninny" really aren't getting the picture.

Next January, please to be celebrating Kwan-Jimmy in the days leading up to MLK day. You make up your holiday(s), I'll make up mine.