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Monday, October 03, 2005

i dunno if Luka was hairy

The most amazing thing about this episode? How LMHBrent and I kept watching despite the episode sucking major butt.

Jihad Jimmy, Minister of War Crimes and Chief Defender of the Faith

Dual Live 3am Criticism of Grey's Anatomy
You are now in chat room “TioJisOKwithABC.”
TioJaime has entered the chat room.

TioJaime (9:54:45 PM): hello dere
LMHBrent has entered the chat room.
TioJaime (9:58:51 PM): dude, where's our LMHBrent?
LMHBrent (9:58:59 PM): your LMHBrent is right here
TioJaime (9:59:03 PM): hello dere!
TioJaime (9:59:12 PM): here, I have an mp3 for you...
LMHBrent (9:59:44 PM): you do?
TioJaime (10:00:38 PM): WTF?
TioJaime (10:00:40 PM): i can't send it
LMHBrent (10:00:41 PM): are we ready for grey's anatomy?
TioJaime (10:00:50 PM): oh yes, we should be ready for GA
LMHBrent (10:01:00 PM): not to be confused with Georgia
LMHBrent (10:01:03 PM): or your dog
TioJaime (10:01:06 PM): space needle!
LMHBrent (10:01:08 PM): "previously on grey's anatomy"
LMHBrent (10:01:17 PM): blackt0r 1
LMHBrent (10:01:19 PM): i mean 2
TioJaime (10:01:22 PM): blackt0r 2 and 3
TioJaime (10:01:30 PM): horse-face asian
LMHBrent (10:01:50 PM): so the baby of blackt0r 2 and horseface asian... would htat be black0r 2?
LMHBrent (10:02:03 PM): k0r = korean
TioJaime (10:02:08 PM): oh oh oh
TioJaime (10:02:10 PM): yesh
LMHBrent (10:02:11 PM): why is HFA in the bathtub?
TioJaime (10:02:16 PM): although i think she's chinese in thsi show
TioJaime (10:02:17 PM): HFA
TioJaime (10:02:20 PM): LOL
LMHBrent (10:02:41 PM): oh chinese... then blach!nk
LMHBrent (10:02:46 PM): HFA = fat stupid pregnant girl
LMHBrent (10:03:37 PM): hey the car chirped BEFORE the last door closed
LMHBrent (10:03:41 PM): they messed up
TioJaime (10:03:47 PM): oh yeah huh
TioJaime (10:04:23 PM): aww yeah Wilkerson General
LMHBrent (10:04:33 PM): where is that?
TioJaime (10:04:36 PM): there's no airport nearby the spaceneedle
TioJaime (10:04:49 PM): oh, i was kidding, i've never even heard of wilkerson
LMHBrent (10:04:53 PM): oh hehehe
LMHBrent (10:05:01 PM): maybe even a regional airport?
LMHBrent (10:05:04 PM): municipal?
TioJaime (10:05:08 PM): and really the only airfield near the space needle is Lake Union where seaplanes land
LMHBrent (10:05:09 PM): go bkact0r1
LMHBrent (10:05:13 PM): oh yeah
TioJaime (10:05:21 PM): oh sorry blackt0r2 and now blackt0r 1
TioJaime (10:05:26 PM): fuck you know what we need?
LMHBrent (10:05:29 PM): just go omalley
LMHBrent (10:05:34 PM): what do we need?
LMHBrent (10:05:36 PM): a little bit of tequila?
LMHBrent (10:05:37 PM): heh
LMHBrent (10:05:45 PM): flatline
LMHBrent (10:05:58 PM): hahaha
TioJaime (10:06:14 PM): we need a ombudsman for the blackt0r sightings
LMHBrent (10:06:21 PM): oh good call
TioJaime (10:06:27 PM): an omblackt0rsman
TioJaime (10:06:33 PM): just soembody to say
TioJaime (10:06:54 PM): "blackt0r 1" or "blackt0r xx" for whatever blackt0r is on screen
LMHBrent (10:07:14 PM): yeha i like that
LMHBrent (10:07:27 PM): who can we get to do that, though?
LMHBrent (10:07:30 PM): kapt kunt?
TioJaime (10:07:30 PM): oh yay!
TioJaime (10:07:32 PM): stupid intro!
LMHBrent (10:07:40 PM): yeah
LMHBrent (10:07:51 PM): it's getting dumber
LMHBrent (10:07:56 PM): yeah red shoes sexy
LMHBrent (10:08:05 PM): nano!
TioJaime (10:08:07 PM): ooh nano!
LMHBrent (10:08:18 PM): i finally saw my first one in real life
LMHBrent (10:08:21 PM): behind glass at walmart
LMHBrent (10:08:23 PM): haha
TioJaime (10:08:39 PM):
TioJaime (10:09:49 PM): oh fuck, remind me to change that url
LMHBrent (10:09:56 PM): hehe ok
TioJaime (10:10:24 PM): Dude, you're the President's son!
LMHBrent (10:10:31 PM): yay geena davis! yay
LMHBrent (10:10:35 PM): ugh
TioJaime (10:10:35 PM): did you watch that?
TioJaime (10:10:36 PM): back
LMHBrent (10:10:39 PM): nope
TioJaime (10:10:46 PM): blackt0r 3
TioJaime (10:10:47 PM): !
TioJaime (10:10:57 PM): mrs. blackt0r 3?
TioJaime (10:11:01 PM): mr. man?
LMHBrent (10:11:16 PM): yesh mr black man
LMHBrent (10:11:21 PM): oooh "you called mine"
TioJaime (10:11:31 PM): she's drinking Seattle's Best
TioJaime (10:11:39 PM): but they blacked out some letters
LMHBrent (10:11:46 PM): that's pretty tricky
LMHBrent (10:11:48 PM): nice
TioJaime (10:11:50 PM): oh, Petros is in Seattle right now
TioJaime (10:11:55 PM): connecting flight up to vancouver
LMHBrent (10:11:58 PM): so it said STL's BST?
TioJaime (10:11:59 PM): he called me from teh airport
LMHBrent (10:11:59 PM): hehe
LMHBrent (10:12:03 PM): oh really?
LMHBrent (10:12:07 PM): how long is he going to be there?
LMHBrent (10:12:31 PM): what is this cutting back and forth?
LMHBrent (10:12:36 PM): some sort of "cooL" effect?
TioJaime (10:12:49 PM): something stupid like that
LMHBrent (10:12:56 PM): yeah
LMHBrent (10:12:58 PM): there u go
LMHBrent (10:13:08 PM): dum dum dummmmm dramatic effect
TioJaime (10:13:50 PM): she wasn't listening
TioJaime (10:13:54 PM): and she fell down the stairs
LMHBrent (10:14:18 PM): "my name is luka... i live on the second floor"
TioJaime (10:14:26 PM): blackt0r 1
TioJaime (10:14:29 PM): LOL
LMHBrent (10:14:31 PM): wtf is blackt0r 1 trying to teach omalley?
TioJaime (10:14:32 PM): LMHLuka
LMHBrent (10:14:35 PM): HAHAA
LMHBrent (10:14:40 PM): i dunno if Luka was hairy
LMHBrent (10:14:43 PM): or lickable
LMHBrent (10:14:51 PM): yes she does have beautiful features
TioJaime (10:15:06 PM): i had my back waxed on fri-dee
LMHBrent (10:15:11 PM): nice!
TioJaime (10:15:18 PM): he stuck a Bethany's Whisper up his poo-hole
LMHBrent (10:15:20 PM): does it grow back thicker after you shave it?
TioJaime (10:15:26 PM): wax, not shave
LMHBrent (10:15:31 PM): i was going to say... let her lick his anus to test which drugs
LMHBrent (10:15:39 PM): oh well does it sgro back thicker after you wax it?
TioJaime (10:15:50 PM): OK and now since you said that? tha'ts gonna be the post title
TioJaime (10:15:55 PM): no, it shouldn't
LMHBrent (10:15:57 PM): awesome! i made title
LMHBrent (10:16:02 PM): did you lick it?
LMHBrent (10:16:07 PM): she didn't lick it
TioJaime (10:16:24 PM): no, she didn't necessarily not lick it
LMHBrent (10:16:27 PM): they're condoms
LMHBrent (10:16:30 PM): oh nevermind
LMHBrent (10:16:35 PM): wtf
LMHBrent (10:16:43 PM): what's a judy?
TioJaime (10:16:46 PM): WTF?
LMHBrent (10:16:47 PM): oh baby
LMHBrent (10:16:48 PM): nice
LMHBrent (10:16:57 PM): suh-weet!
LMHBrent (10:17:04 PM): that's kinda disturbing
TioJaime (10:17:17 PM): Ok so far, 17 minutes into the show and NOTHING interesting
LMHBrent (10:17:58 PM): can i go to sleep now?
LMHBrent (10:18:03 PM): ooh wallace and grommit!
LMHBrent (10:18:09 PM): gromit
LMHBrent (10:18:13 PM): "i like cheese"
TioJaime (10:19:23 PM): i wanna play Halo
LMHBrent (10:19:28 PM): me too
TioJaime (10:19:35 PM): you have Xbox live yet?
LMHBrent (10:19:47 PM): did i tell you i played halo last night from 5:30 pm until 3 am?
LMHBrent (10:19:54 PM): how about SOGGY JUDY?!
LMHBrent (10:20:02 PM): wouldn't that make the head go down his GI tract faster?
TioJaime (10:20:17 PM): here's the link i'll use in the [img] tag above
LMHBrent (10:20:39 PM): blacktor 3
LMHBrent (10:20:42 PM): i mean 2
LMHBrent (10:20:45 PM): carp i forgot already
LMHBrent (10:20:46 PM): 2
LMHBrent (10:21:03 PM): yes don't forget that he's chief blackt0r 2
LMHBrent (10:21:44 PM): oh is that how he got syphilis?
TioJaime (10:21:49 PM): yeah
LMHBrent (10:21:51 PM): i c
LMHBrent (10:21:53 PM): yeah you NURSE
TioJaime (10:21:54 PM): did you miss that episode?
LMHBrent (10:21:59 PM): yeah i guess id id
LMHBrent (10:22:07 PM): i was wondering why he was fighting alex
LMHBrent (10:23:16 PM): yeah pretty boring this episode is
LMHBrent (10:24:42 PM): ooh ethical dilemma
LMHBrent (10:25:20 PM): ooh the look from blackt0r2
TioJaime (10:25:42 PM): yeah these dramatic looks are getting annoying
TioJaime (10:26:03 PM): HFA
LMHBrent (10:26:05 PM): HFA doesn't lo
LMHBrent (10:26:06 PM): haha
LMHBrent (10:26:09 PM): doesn't look too good
TioJaime (10:26:21 PM):
TioJaime (10:28:07 PM): oh man, the pic i wanted to use...
TioJaime (10:28:21 PM):
TioJaime (10:28:30 PM): second row, all the way to the right
LMHBrent (10:28:56 PM): glasses?
TioJaime (10:29:04 PM): yeah
TioJaime (10:29:06 PM): HFA
LMHBrent (10:29:23 PM): did you ever get the movie tickets/
LMHBrent (10:29:30 PM): from blingo?
TioJaime (10:29:31 PM): oh yeah
LMHBrent (10:29:34 PM): suhweet
TioJaime (10:29:35 PM): haven't used em yet
LMHBrent (10:29:56 PM): yay mcdonalds coffee
LMHBrent (10:30:05 PM): so it can be spilled on a LIbEralS lap
LMHBrent (10:30:41 PM): blackt0r3's wife
LMHBrent (10:30:44 PM): yay
LMHBrent (10:30:54 PM): two blacks in a scene woo hoo seattle this is
LMHBrent (10:31:35 PM): pr3st0n
TioJaime (10:31:47 PM): raining in seattle
LMHBrent (10:31:53 PM): go figure
LMHBrent (10:32:08 PM): it could be winter.. it could be summer!
LMHBrent (10:32:10 PM): yay for rain
LMHBrent (10:33:14 PM): blackt0r 1 with ind!@n doctor
LMHBrent (10:33:22 PM): towelhead?
LMHBrent (10:33:44 PM): m3r3d!+#
LMHBrent (10:34:01 PM): dude they are not supoposed to play god
LMHBrent (10:34:10 PM): just let the guy do the blood transfusion
LMHBrent (10:34:21 PM): and let the legal department deal with the domestic abuse
TioJaime (10:35:01 PM): isn't it a whole liver transplant
LMHBrent (10:35:09 PM): oh is it?
LMHBrent (10:35:13 PM): i missed that
TioJaime (10:35:29 PM): HFA
LMHBrent (10:35:33 PM): angry women
TioJaime (10:35:34 PM): this episode sucks
LMHBrent (10:35:43 PM): it sucks AND BLOWS
LMHBrent (10:35:44 PM): hehe
TioJaime (10:36:00 PM): a mexi-nurse
LMHBrent (10:36:07 PM): blackt0r 4??!?
TioJaime (10:36:08 PM): but no filipina nurses yet?
LMHBrent (10:36:11 PM): yeah wtf
TioJaime (10:36:12 PM): this is so fucking fake
LMHBrent (10:36:19 PM): "you bumped me for a bowel obstruction?'
LMHBrent (10:36:41 PM): sick
LMHBrent (10:37:03 PM): they're not doing very well with taking care of the GI tract
LMHBrent (10:37:48 PM): hahahaha
LMHBrent (10:38:17 PM): portland!
LMHBrent (10:39:20 PM): ugh
LMHBrent (10:39:25 PM): i'm seriously hating this episode
TioJaime (10:39:28 PM): this episode su-diddly-ucks
TioJaime (10:39:45 PM): fuck i coulda been playing Halo
LMHBrent (10:39:51 PM): i don't have xbox live
LMHBrent (10:39:57 PM): although i ahve my cousin's account
LMHBrent (10:39:58 PM): i could use it
LMHBrent (10:40:05 PM): but i'm too lazy to connect it to the internet
LMHBrent (10:40:18 PM): hey are you going to get an xbox360 next month?
TioJaime (10:40:44 PM): nope
LMHBrent (10:40:55 PM): i'm trying to convince my friend to buy it
LMHBrent (10:41:00 PM): so that he can bring it to my house and we can play it hehehe
TioJaime (10:41:03 PM): i have all i want w/halo, halo 2, ncaa 06 and mvp 05
LMHBrent (10:41:11 PM): oh yesh
LMHBrent (10:41:27 PM): will they still keep making xbox original games after xbox 360 is out?
LMHBrent (10:44:06 PM): yay sappy music
LMHBrent (10:45:05 PM): HFA = liberal?
TioJaime (10:45:15 PM): not sure
LMHBrent (10:46:47 PM): wtf is with all the fucking looks?!
LMHBrent (10:47:02 PM): ther eyou go NOT MY CALL
LMHBrent (10:47:26 PM): wet seattle road
LMHBrent (10:48:30 PM): so he would donate his whole liver?
TioJaime (10:48:35 PM): this part is the best part of the episode, but this part still sucks ass
TioJaime (10:48:39 PM): what a shitty episode
TioJaime (10:49:06 PM): dr. izzy's hair looks dirty and unwashed
LMHBrent (10:49:09 PM): that's not the sound that a fist makes on a wheelchair arm
TioJaime (10:49:38 PM): ANNOYING
LMHBrent (10:49:41 PM): SHTI
LMHBrent (10:49:53 PM): fucking finally
LMHBrent (10:49:54 PM): god
TioJaime (10:50:25 PM): seattle white trash
LMHBrent (10:50:25 PM): big man talk from a little kid
LMHBrent (10:50:31 PM): yeah exactly
TioJaime (10:52:05 PM): "i designed a vaccuum cleaner that always sucks"
LMHBrent (10:52:12 PM): hahah
LMHBrent (10:52:32 PM): that's almost as bad as the "nova" car
LMHBrent (10:52:59 PM): does blackt0r 2 know she's pregnant yet?
TioJaime (10:53:01 PM): oh yay, and now they're talking after an entire two episodes of dancing around
TioJaime (10:53:09 PM): what a stupid shit of a plot twist
LMHBrent (10:54:10 PM): does omalley still have a thing for meredith?
TioJaime (10:54:14 PM): yeah
LMHBrent (10:54:40 PM): ah i see
LMHBrent (10:54:46 PM): i get it now
LMHBrent (10:55:04 PM): oooh ouch
LMHBrent (10:55:10 PM): guess that's what she needed to hear
LMHBrent (10:55:15 PM): what, no sappy music?
LMHBrent (10:55:19 PM): oh there it is
LMHBrent (10:55:21 PM): just delayed
LMHBrent (10:57:05 PM): "can i eat you?"
LMHBrent (10:57:10 PM): "eat your head?"
LMHBrent (10:57:23 PM): he jax0rs while he eats them
LMHBrent (10:58:06 PM): okay enough of this soggy episode
LMHBrent (10:59:05 PM): the "living out" poster said January 7-21 or something like that
LMHBrent (10:59:08 PM): Jan
LMHBrent (10:59:20 PM): okay dude
LMHBrent (10:59:26 PM): next sunday
LMHBrent (10:59:51 PM): yay next episode
TioJaime (11:00:06 PM): that episode sucked
TioJaime has left the chat room.
LMHBrent (11:00:52 PM): like the dyson vacuum
LMHBrent (11:01:00 PM): dyson = GA episode
LMHBrent has left the chat room.