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Monday, October 31, 2005

Samuel Alito: Always a good decision

Samuel Alioto: Always a good decision!
I couldn't resist making a photoshop of this. Needless to say, with the news that Alito is a strict constructionist, I'm very happy with Bush's nominee.

Update 1: Looks like our [sarcasm]favorite[/sarcasm] California Senator had her few words already:
"I believe this nomination is aimed at appeasing the most right-wing elements of the president's political base," said Sen. Barbara Boxer.
Wrong, Bar, you filthy, dirty turd. The last nomination was proof that Bush didn't care about his political base...unless you're a conspiracy theorist. I think this nomination is more of a kick in the nads to the president's opposition...and I couldn't be happier.

Also following the story (and to spread the photoshopped label):
Blogs For Bush
Michelle Malkin
Six Meat Buffet