I have taken Shiraz's advice and written a letter to the Today Show. I encourage you to do the same. It's really easy and takes about 10 minutes to do. Below is the actual email sent just a little while ago (with actual names deleted and replaced with pseudonym):
From: SixHertz
To: today@nbc.com
Date: Jul 11, 2005 1:40 AM
Subject: Today Show Dream Wedding Contest
Dear Today Show producers:
I am enormously disappointed in the fact that you caved in to certain special interest groups when creating rules for your "Dream Wedding" contest for this year. Specifically, your acceptance of admitting engaged gay or lesbian couples to your contest.
By nature, this type of contest is based upon exclusion. People who are already married, or people without partners for that matter, are already prevented from entering this contest. By excluding gays or lesbians to your contest, you would have been doing no differently. There was no exclusion or discrimination to begin with. It could have easily been argued that they would naturally be excluded from the contest in the first place because of marriage's definition. They have never been prevented from creating their own gay/lesbian couple contest and could have completely excluded heterosexual couples.
I understand you were under a heavy amount of pressure to conform to a minority's demands, but you truly lost sight of what a majority of this country finds important as a basic principle, whether it be based upon religion or desire to uphold a special relationship and maintain family values.
I don't intend to go into a diatribe with this letter. I would like you to know that it is my first complaint that I have written to any media outlet; I believe you have stepped over the line with this decision. And here are the consequences:
I intend to boycott your station and encourage my friends and family to do the same. I will also write your advertisers and include a copy of this email as well. I urge you to reverse your decision or discontinue the Dream Wedding contest altogether.