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Monday, July 25, 2005

Can we kill some of these celebrities yet? Huh? Can we?

Ricky Martin made my shit list today. Add that to a long list of celebrity morons who think they know better than the rest of us. Here's some other folks who recently made the list:

Tom Cruise - You're damn right he's gay. I have it on good authority. Let's see if his gay lover does make good on his threat to come out and embarass him. Scientology is the cult of Hollywood.
Lance Armstrong - Married a communist (Sheryl Crow) after divorcing his wife (with whom he had several children and struggled through cancer). Would've left it at that until I saw this picture:

No, Lance. Keep your skinny ass out of politics.

Anyways, back to our friend Ricky. Just look at this dweeb and what he said:

On his first visit to the Middle East, Ricky Martin declared he will try to change negative perceptions of Arab youth in the West.
First trip to the Middle East, you say? Ah! I guess that makes you a FRIGGIN AUTHORITY on the arab culture! Please, oh please, talented musician, tell me more!

"I promise I will become a spokesperson, if you allow me to, a spokesperson on your behalf. I will defend you and try to get rid of any stereotypes," the 33-year-old singer told youngsters from 16 mainly Arab countries at a youth conference on Monday.

Here's a suggestion. Why don't you become a spokesperson for the idiotic race of celebrities who think they can solve world problems so damn easily? Tell me, Ricky, don't you know at some Muslim schools that they're taught to hate Americans? Let's reform Arab schools. How about becoming a spokesperson for that?

The children, ages 14 to 16, expressed concern about being labeled as "terrorists" by the West.

Yes, best to be labeled a terrorist only after having strapped explosives to my body and run into a crowded subway full of innocent people. Racial profiling only hurts my chances of blowing people up in the name of Allah!

"I have been a victim of stereotypes. I come from Latin America and to some countries, we are considered 'losers,' drug traffickers, and that is not fair because that is generalizing," said Martin, who was born in Puerto Rico.

I consider you a 'loser', but for a completely different reason. That isn't generalizing.

"Those comments are made out of ignorance and we have to sometimes ignore the ignorant, but we also have to educate the ignorant. You have me here as a friend," he said.

Ignorance? Whose first trip to the middle east is it we're talking about here? Holy Jeebus! People like this get press. Incredible. IN FRIGGING CREDIBLE!