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Monday, March 14, 2005

What a waste of money. Next time, just pay me to watch TV and read newspapers. I'll tell you the exact same thing.

Well, I suppose you have to employ these stupid Journalism majors somewhere, right?

I'm gonna put the whole article here, emphasis mine, Jihad Jimmy commentary when necessary.

BONUS: I'm gonna swear Don and Mike style today! If it turns out well, I'll try it for the whole week!

pulled this from yahoo news. Yes, I realize that this is the equivalent of reporting that Marisa Miller is hot. Again, gotta keep these journalists busy, lest they start forging documents or something.

Study Shows U.S. Election Coverage Harder on Bush
No, seriously. They needed a study to tell them this. Stop laughing.
By Claudia Parsons

NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. media coverage of last year's election was three times more likely to be negative toward President Bush than Democratic challenger John Kerry, according to a study released Monday.

The annual report by a press watchdog that is affiliated with Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism said that 36 percent of stories about Bush were negative compared to 12 percent about Kerry, a Massachusetts senator.

Only 20 percent were positive toward Bush compared to 30 percent of stories about Kerry that were positive, according to the report by the Project for Excellence in Journalism.

The study looked at 16 newspapers of varying size across the country, four nightly newscasts, three network morning news shows, nine cable programs and nine Web sites through the course of 2004.
OK what about now? Now do you LIbEralS believe me? Your own Columbia School of Journalism is telling you this. I ain't making this ess up as I go along. And no, this isn't some wacky conservative propaganda. If it was, we would've used Berkeley's graduate "school" of journalism.

As an aside, I probably could've gotten a masters in journalism between my CE classes in Davis Hall and catching lunch on Euclid Avenue. The journalism school is smack-dab between the two, about 200 feet from each.

And this is just eff-ing lovely. Click on the berkeley civil engineering link above. That dude in the yellow hard hat? Oh yeah, his hat's on backwards. I pray to God that this is a stock photo.
Examining the public perception that coverage of the war in Iraq was decidedly negative, it found evidence did not support that conclusion. The majority of stories had no decided tone, 25 percent were negative and 20 percent were positive, it said.

The three network nightly newscasts and public broadcaster PBS tended to be more negative than positive, while Fox News was twice as likely to be positive as negative.
Actually I'd like it if Fox News dropped the whole Fair and Balanced act and acknowledged that they have a right bias. Likewise, Dan Rather and CBS should've done the same thing. We all know it, these news outlets just need to admit it. Instead of "Fair and Balanced" try "Alternative News from the Other Side of the Aisle" or something like that...
Looking at public perceptions of the media, the report showed that more people thought the media was unfair to both Kerry and Bush than to the candidates four years earlier, but fewer people thought news organizations had too much influence on the outcome of the election.

"It may be that the expectations of the press have sunk enough that they will not sink much further. People are not dismayed by disappointments in the press. They expect them," the authors of the report said.

The study noted a huge rise in audiences for Internet news, particularly for bloggers whose readers jumped by 58 percent in six months to 32 million people.
SixH tells me that we've had our 7,000th hit. Go us.
Despite the growing importance of the Web, the report said investment was not keeping pace and some 62 percent of Internet professionals reported cutbacks in the newsroom in the last three years, even more than the 37 percent of print, radio and TV journalists who cited cutbacks in their newsrooms.

"For all that the number of outlets has grown, the number of people engaged in collecting original information has not," the report said, noting that much of the investment was directed at repackaging and presenting information rather than gathering news.
Well, I can't really argue w/that there, as all I've really done was copy-and-paste this article and some [blockquote][table border="4" bgcolor="khaki"][tr][td][font color="black"] tags here and there...

But seriously now, 90% of the press voted for Bill Clinton. You mean to tell me that this very same journalistic institution and tradition from whose loins hath sprung Jayson Blair would never do something so unprofessional as let personal feelings get in the way of reporting the news?

Try again. If these journalists were really interested in preserving the integrity that is unbiased coverage, they would have kept the number of negative stories close and even erred in Bush's favor to keep themselves safe.

Unfortunately for the media, I didn't stop by North Gate Hall between classes and lunch to earn a masters in journalism. As such, they were not medicated with a liberal dose of the Jihad Jimmy.

And dammit, I have a hankering for Cal's Chinese Food now. Their kung pao chicken was pretty good, considering the price and speed.

Semper Hungry,
Jihad Jimmy, Chief Defender of the Faith