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Thursday, March 03, 2005

Liberal Troll Bot

New addition to the SHoP. Virtual Moonbat! For those who don't know the etymology of that word, here ya go:

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Moonbat is a political epithet coined in 2002 by Perry de Havilland of "The Libertarian Samizdata," a libertarian weblog. The term enjoys great currency in the libertarian blogosphere, where it is used to disparage modern liberals, peace protestors, and other ideological opponents. It is similar to the epithets Feminazi or Idiotarian.

According to de Haviland, a moonbat is "someone on the extreme edge of whatever their -ism happens to be." Adriana Cronin defines the term as "someone who sacrifices sanity for the sake of consistency."
I especially like Cronin's defniition of the term. Alliteration aside, it appears accurate.