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Tuesday, March 01, 2005

One last quiz...

OK one last quiz. My initial prediction: Texas

You're the State of Fear!

The terrorists are coming! The terrorists are coming! At any moment, at any time, something terrible could happen. Doom is just around the horizon, and each moment could be your last! Of course, if you took a moment to realize that you have a ridiculously higher chance of dying in a car accident than via terrorist attack, you might chill out a little. Or, knowing you, stop driving altogether as well. Eventually you will realize that people are using your fear to their advantage, but even that might just make you afraid to leave your house.

Take the State Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.

Man oh man that was the stupidest fucking thing. I'm calling a week-long moratorium on quizzes here on the SHoP.

sweet COYB Girl dreams,
Jihad Jimmy, Chief Defender of the Faith