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Thursday, March 10, 2005

Dude, Where's Your Indignant, Holier-Than-Thou Uproar?

Remember Oklahoma City? Remember how there was this uproar when it turned out that exploda-Muslim terrorists weren't behind it like everybody thought, but instead some cornhole cock-stuck-in-the-milking-machine-again farm boys?

Think we're gonna see some uproar about this latest development in the murder of a Chicago judge's husband and mother? Probably not. I ain't holding my breath.

Man Says He Killed Chicago Judge's Family

Heh, and here's the part where you LIbEralS get all grumbly-grumbly because you weren't able to point your politically charged fingers where you wanted to just this one measley time in your pitiful, Godforsaken lives...

(Judge Joan) Lefkow's response to (Bart) Ross's rambling 130-page lawsuit was a one-sentence ruling dismissing it "for failure to state a claim upon which relief may be granted."

"Judge Lefkow was No. 1 to kill because she finished me off and deprived me to live my life through outrageous abuse of judicial power," the station quoted the letter as saying. "Judge Lefkow, to her neighbors, is a church going 'angel'. To me, Judge Lefkow is a Nazi-style criminal and terrorist."

Hate groups fell under immediate suspicion after the slayings because a jailed white supremacist had earlier tried to hire someone to kill Lefkow as the result of a case she was involved in with him. The crime prompted calls for better security for judges in the United States, where crimes against the judiciary are rare.

Cline said there was no indication Ross was connected to any hate group, nor did he have a police record.
Sorry to drop trou and serve you up a Cincinnati Hotplate (see also Cleveland Steamer). Learn to live with disappointment.

Just so we're clear here, I have disdain for white supremecist groups, too. And black supremecist groups. And exploda-Muslims. And hippies. You name it. I have a vast array of hatred for the various idiot types of fuckballs on the lower end of the spectrum of my fellow man.

If you just got your panties in a bunch because I said "fellow man" and you feel excluded because you're a woman, then chances are I hate you too. Hopefully, you look like Marissa Miller, which will help defray the jimmy-hate.

If you're upset at me because I hate you and you feel that I have magically trampled on your civil rights, I hate you even more. And stay tuned, because I have a good post about how you, as a LIbEral, don't speek gewd. (If you think about it, my right to sit here and hate you completely outweighs your right to be not-hated by Jihad Jimmy. And even then, fuckstick, THAT'S NOT A RIGHT. It's a privilege. If you can't comprehend this, lean forward and choke yourself.)

Broadcasting loud and proud with 1.21 Gigawatts (heh, "jiggawatts" or "jigga wha?") of pure, unadulterated jimmy-hate from the congressional district of "Representative" Barbara Lee (dumbfuck - CA),
Jihad Jimmy, Chief Defender of the Faith