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Wednesday, March 23, 2005

(PG) Maybe I'm reading into this a bit too much...

So I'm at DUMPCON 2 right now, but will hold off for this quick post. Dude, SixH, your unkymood looks more like a turd than it does a chocolate Kiss. A "drop" if you will, to use the generic term. Heh, drop.

So perhaps I'm the only one who sees that SixH's mood is defecatory in nature. And that's probably because we're primed to go to DUMPCON 1. And on that note, please standby for DUMPCON 1.

And now we'll be downgrading to DUMPCON 4. "Why not DUMPCON 5?" you might be asking. Well, Dylan, call it a hunch, but today seems like one of those poop-twice-before-lunch kinda days.

Before I forget, my own unkymood is not so much a reflection on my relative grumpiness as it is my current craps-on-the-brain fixation.

It's one thing to play craps. Another thing to read about craps when you're about a hundred miles from the nearest California Craps table. Yet another thing entirely to blog about what you've read about craps when you're about a hundred miles from the nearest California Craps table. But whoa momma, I think I've managed to trump even that.

I've been tinkering around with my own Pass Line progression. And it's worked so far. I always start up in a cold streak, drop about $50 playing a $5 table (where exactly? see the link above) but then i start to hit a couple of hot streaks, and then lookee here, we hit a 4 or a 10 when I have double and triple odds. Last night before I went to bed i was up about $60. Pretty good for me playing the lightweight table.

But before leaving work last night I managed, on this lame-tastic (see the PG rating above? Learn it. Know it. Live it. Really gotta watch that movie...) Dell from which I blog to you right now I was up about $350 on the same table. This is one of those Standard-Deviation-away-from-the-norm kinda deallies. There's even a bell curve out there somewhere that shows you the distribution of people's winnings/losings when playing an hour of craps. I would've been all the way to the right (heh).

And yes, I'll let you in on the progression, but not right now, as I need to get a buttload of work done. I'll try to get it to you later today. If you need it sooner (and if this is the case, I will have to question your judgment at making the SHoP your one-stop source for news and craps strategy) call me and I'll walk you through it. And if you don't have my number, there is likely a good reason why dude you can try 877-365-3636 just send me a quick e-mail. Yep.

And Lay 70 to win 1 that Tio Jaime will not receive a genuine call/e-mail from someone who truly is going to use his craps progression today.

Just a quick check to see that I held fast to the PG rating...

3... 2... 1... over,
Jihad Jimmy, Chief Defender of the Faith