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Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Throw these back, Mr. Sandman...

Flighty San Francisco Women, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love M---- whoa whoa whoa, hold on there...
Three Simple Words: I AM GAY
UPDATE: Retarded Craigslist Golddigger!
No problemo.
Hi! We're San Franciscans! We're tolerant of homosexuality, bestiality, necrophelia, white-bashing, man-bashing, and Catholic-bashing!
Yay for lonely and socially retarded San Franciscans!
All I Wanna Do
Hi! I have no discernable male genitalia!
And you all wonder why Tio Jaime complains about Bay Aryan single women?



I'm sure you've picked up on it, but Tio Jaime isn't really in a yay-for-the-fairer-sex mood right now. Not sure exactly why, I had a good weekend woman-wise...

Are you an architect with a foreign accent? - 30
( mirror here)
Wow! You're shallow and illogical! Why am i not surprised you want to try to make yourself smarter w/o the actual effort and pain of learning, but instead trying to learn by some stupid far-fetched osmosis? And lemme guess, you want a sexy sounding accent, right? You won't want some engrish accented oriental architect. How about a Canadian architect? How aboot that, eh?

Shallow whore.

Help! I keep meeting Republicans! - 24
( mirror here)
You must be the unluckiest little whore in all of the bay area, because HFS you're surrounded by Leftist limp-wrists. But you want somebody who looks like a republican but votes like a dirty hippie? You poor dumbfuck of a woman.

I especially like how you want somebody who's too much of a pussy to actually carry through with the "moving-to-canada" threat. Nice job. When you want to completely satisfy your mentally retarded libido, I hope you've saved some of those republican phone numbers.

New Model, Just Released - 32 (oakland lake merritt / grand)
( mirror here)
I know she's trying her hardest to be Charming (which goes very far in Tio Jaime Nation), but this just comes off as vehicular manslaughterly irritating. I just want to test drive her. C'est tout.

come inside my warm, black box - 25 (marina / cow hollow)
( mirror here)
I liked this post title. Didn't read the rest of the ad too carefully...

posting title: [go easy on capitals] - 24 (emeryville)
( mirror here)
do you know how annoying your ad was?

do you honestly think that anybody read through the whole thing?

could you have at least posted a naughty pic of yourself and maybe your cleavage?

do you realize just how ashamed i am that you have a mac?

Innocent Looking... With a Secret - 31
( mirror here)
Oh, one of you again? What the fuck could you possibly know about quantum physics? Can you even do simple 2-dimensional kinematics?

[update time=2022]
Secretary from work found this CL post for me a few days ago, in an attempt to find a suitable Tio-Jaime-woman... my comments were in red, but our scanner only did greyscale

click thumbnails to enlarge in new window