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Sunday, November 06, 2005

late night adult chat SHoP party line

Do you wanna meet right-minded political junkies like yourself who believe in smaller government and a strong military? Meet singles from your area who want to party and talk ALL NIGHT LONG!!!

Dial 1-900-69-HERTZ to speak to hot and sweaty sexy Republicans who are waiting to talk to you!

Must be 18 or older

Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, and Paypal accepted. Or at least buy Tio Jaime something off of his Wishlist.

1:20 AM
TioJ: would you like a complimentary subscription to "Black Enterprise?"
TioJ: i got spam offering a year's subscription for FREE
TioJ: oh yay!
SixH: thoooper!
1:40 AM
TioJ: Ok it's xb0x0r time
TioJ: this is all Bush's fault...
SixH: oh of course. Anything related to muslims and arabs being unhappy is obviously the fault of neocons.
SixH: just victims they are.
TioJ: and well, this is a stretch, but Bush Lied...
TioJ: and i'm surprised shitantics hasn't found this little bush-bashing tidbit...
TioJ: this one... surprisingly not Bush's fault
TioJ: but i'm still pissed about it...
1:45 AM
TioJ: these news items from yahoo! just need Crazy Aunt Cindy Sheehan to start drumming up her retard-support
SixH: I'm pretty sure they'll find a way to blame "BushCo" for the Monica Lewinski scandal.
TioJ: i like how democrats pick and choose their special prosecutors
TioJ: fitz? good! starr? evil!
SixH: Finazi,
1:50 AM
TioJ: finazi?
SixH: nvm
SixH: go play xbox
TioJ: also bush's fault, but we'll forgive him for this:
SixH: hey now.

If you're a discerning Citizen SHoPper, you'll ask yourself briefly, just who deemed certain racial invectives inappropriate for use? Well heck, wouldn't you know it's the very people who use that very same racial invective gratuitously...

Tio Jaime, Ministro de los Crimenes de Guerra y del Principal Defensor de la Fe

[update time="0240"]
Fucking SixH. Lemme play San Andreas already! No more naughty adult chat!

you sound like a liberal
2:15 AM
TioJ: OK. new post up on SHoP. all i wanted to do was play GTA: San Andreas, man...
TioJ: look what you made me do
SixH: don't be hatin'
SixH: you sound like a liberal
SixH: blame me for everything
SixH: you homo
SixH: ;)
TioJ: i'm gonna stick my balls on your forehead
2:20 AM
SixH: you go ahead and do that, mr. underhill
SixH: or Chavez, or steve, or Leila, or whoever the f*ck you are.
TioJ: that chavez fucker is an annoying, deluded, uninformed mexi-fuckup [Yeah, I left that in there. And no, not all Mexi-dudes are Denegerate Fuckups. Just Chavez, off the top of my head. --TJ]
TioJ: whatta fuckin' cheesedick
SixH: what gets me is that these nimrods put the freeway blog signage up that says "bush lied, 2000 died" bullshit, yet they don't give a crap about the troops. In fact, wasn't it them that said republicans should be drafted?
SixH: so what is it? Do they want the war to be prolonged, or not?
SixH: moonbats.
SixH: sacrifice sanity for the sake of consistency.
SixH: or is it really consistency to begin with?
SixH: is it....CRACK COCAINE?
TioJ: not so much consistency as it is contrarianism
TioJ: although i'm somewhat guilty of that as well...
SixH: "i'm an anarchist! Let's take umbrage with...EVERYTHING!"
TioJ: well shit, look at our Crazy Aunt Cindy! trying to snipe Hillary Clinton?
TioJ: WTF? that makes no sense whatsoever
SixH: by the way, let's smoke weed and stick it to the man!
2:25 AM
SixH: yeah, well, let's just ignore her now.
SixH: and she'll magically disappear!
SixH: Cindy who?
TioJ: no no no! it's more fun to remind the Left of how retarded a poster-child they chose!
TioJ: they're embarassed by her now
TioJ: so it's up to the Right to maintain the link
SixH: I was speaking as a moonbat
TioJ: oh, that makes more sense then
SixH: isn't it ironic?
SixH: don't ya think?
TioJ: It's like sticking balls / On Tio Jaime's forehead
SixH: Dean wants to play hide the salami