Suffice it to say that I really can't wait until The Amazing Race makes it return. Although, since they seemed to have jumped the shark, perhaps I can wait... In the meantime, here you go. i'm glad to have jumped onto this on the ground floor. I'll see you all on the way up. and please to be noting that it's not a reality show, it's a social experiment.
sorry, didn't mean to make you choke on your bile,
Jihad Jimmy, Minister of War Crimes and Chief Defender of the Faith
Season Premiere of Ashtard Kutcher's Beauty and the Geek You are now in chat room “batg.”
TioJaime858 has entered the chat room.
TioJaime858 (7:53:49 PM): hello dere
TioJaime858 (7:54:23 PM): OK
TioJaime858 (7:54:32 PM): well Bad Girl's Guide took a huge shit
TioJaime858 (7:54:38 PM): didn't even want to bother w/it
TioJaime858 (7:54:53 PM): so tonight, premier of Ashtard Kutcher's Beauty and the Geek
TioJaime858 (7:54:57 PM): let's hope this pans out
TioJaime858 (7:58:53 PM): OK using my rice cooker for the first time since Seattle
TioJaime858 (7:59:23 PM): picked up some Kung Pao Tofu from the chinese place next to the zoo
TioJaime858 (7:59:31 PM): and now i'm just waiting for that Ashtard
TioJaime858 (8:00:00 PM): oh great
TioJaime858 (8:00:03 PM): the WB student council
TioJaime858 (8:00:13 PM): this better fucking be good
TioJaime858 (8:00:17 PM): oh yeah right
TioJaime858 (8:00:28 PM): hot chicks are brought to tears by dorks
TioJaime858 (8:00:43 PM): they searchedall of america to find these seven geeks
TioJaime858 (8:00:57 PM): "I attempted to get drunk once"
TioJaime858 (8:01:05 PM): and they searched the country for these seven beautiful women
TioJaime858 (8:01:09 PM): ooh ooh ooh ooh
TioJaime858 (8:01:11 PM): ooh
TioJaime858 (8:01:15 PM): ooh
TioJaime858 (8:01:19 PM): ooh
TioJaime858 (8:01:22 PM): ooh
TioJaime858 (8:01:30 PM): OK so far, i like the chicks
TioJaime858 (8:01:37 PM): LOL
TioJaime858 (8:01:37 PM): "
TioJaime858 (8:01:42 PM): "this is not a dating show"
TioJaime858 (8:01:48 PM): "this is a social experiment"
TioJaime858 (8:02:13 PM): LOL
TioJaime858 (8:02:16 PM): OK this shoudl be funny
TioJaime858 (8:03:02 PM): "i just realized how superficial girls that look like us can treat guys that look like them"
TioJaime858 (8:03:04 PM): oh that's great
TioJaime858 (8:03:07 PM): Beauty and teh
TioJaime858 (8:03:09 PM): the Geek
TioJaime858 (8:03:13 PM): oh this should be good
TioJaime858 (8:03:17 PM): so far no Ashtard
TioJaime858 (8:03:20 PM): Brad, Mensa Member
TioJaime858 (8:03:22 PM): dick
TioJaime858 (8:03:29 PM): Shawn, Asst. Boy Scout Master
TioJaime858 (8:03:32 PM): no, not named dick
TioJaime858 (8:03:36 PM): Chuck, med student
TioJaime858 (8:03:40 PM): Joe, Never been on adate
TioJaime858 (8:03:46 PM): Eric, Computer programmer
TioJaime858 (8:03:57 PM): Bill, VP Dukes of Hazzard Fan Club
TioJaime858 (8:04:03 PM): Richard, Never Kissed a Girl
TioJaime858 (8:04:11 PM): these guys don't seem so bad
TioJaime858 (8:04:18 PM): i bet i'd like to hang out w/these guys
TioJaime858 (8:04:23 PM): and well OK folks
TioJaime858 (8:04:32 PM): that says a lot about yoru Tio Jaime
TioJaime858 (8:04:41 PM): OH YES BRING ON THE HOT WOMEN
TioJaime858 (8:04:51 PM): Mindi, Sorority Girl
TioJaime858 (8:04:57 PM): ooh kleavage
TioJaime858 (8:05:04 PM): Scarlet, Beer Spokeschick
TioJaime858 (8:05:06 PM): Krystal, NBA dancer
TioJaime858 (8:05:10 PM): Cheryl, cocktail waitress
TioJaime858 (8:05:17 PM): Caitlin, Aspiring Fashion Expert
TioJaime858 (8:05:24 PM): Lauren, Lingerie Model w/a IQ of 500
TioJaime858 (8:05:34 PM): Erika, "Life-size Barbie Model"
TioJaime858 (8:05:35 PM): wonderful
TioJaime858 (8:05:59 PM): LOL
TioJaime858 (8:06:03 PM): 'thank you"
TioJaime858 (8:06:10 PM): you also have something else in common
TioJaime858 (8:06:12 PM): umm
TioJaime858 (8:06:25 PM): OK I don't know what it's like to score 1600 and be valedictorian
TioJaime858 (8:06:49 PM): your task is to pass some of your brains along to some of these beauties
TioJaime858 (8:06:57 PM): "they need help w/social skills"
TioJaime858 (8:06:58 PM): OK
TioJaime858 (8:07:03 PM): oh man, this is gonna be fucking great
TioJaime858 (8:07:10 PM): Beauty and the Geek, dammit
TioJaime858 (8:07:15 PM): you hear me google, you pigfuckers?
TioJaime858 (8:07:25 PM): OH HOLY SHIT, $250,000
TioJaime858 (8:07:36 PM): oh 250,000 will give you more to spend? no shit
TioJaime858 (8:07:46 PM): dude, that guy'd buy the General Lee!
TioJaime858 (8:07:47 PM): nice
TioJaime858 (8:07:49 PM): i like these guys
TioJaime858 (8:08:14 PM): he thought to himself, "OK, self..."
TioJaime858 (8:08:16 PM): tool
TioJaime858 (8:08:21 PM): but he's a med student
TioJaime858 (8:08:24 PM): ooh wow
TioJaime858 (8:08:30 PM): that's a lot of hot in that room
TioJaime858 (8:08:41 PM): and he's speechless
TioJaime858 (8:08:42 PM): nice
TioJaime858 (8:08:46 PM): commercial break!
TioJaime858 (8:11:30 PM): and chuck is still speechless
TioJaime858 (8:11:52 PM): ohh, he's a sincere doctor!
TioJaime858 (8:11:54 PM): yay
TioJaime858 (8:12:03 PM): ooh hi
TioJaime858 (8:12:06 PM): Caitlin?
TioJaime858 (8:12:11 PM): ooh Caitilin
TioJaime858 (8:12:20 PM): KITE-ell-inn
TioJaime858 (8:12:24 PM): yeah nice name
TioJaime858 (8:12:42 PM): ooh hi beer chick
TioJaime858 (8:12:55 PM): "wow, this is an interesting group of guys"
TioJaime858 (8:13:01 PM): "much better now"
TioJaime858 (8:13:10 PM): and they don't know the sixers
TioJaime858 (8:13:19 PM): Brad
TioJaime858 (8:13:24 PM): the boy scout dude?
TioJaime858 (8:13:32 PM): oh it's the uber-nerd dude
TioJaime858 (8:13:34 PM): i like this guy
TioJaime858 (8:13:41 PM): Richard, who has never kissed a girl
TioJaime858 (8:13:55 PM): opening the Harem curtain, looking at the best looking of God's Children
TioJaime858 (8:14:03 PM): oh, he's an annoying Jew isn't he
TioJaime858 (8:14:10 PM): LOL
TioJaime858 (8:14:14 PM): and nobody wants him
TioJaime858 (8:14:26 PM): ooh hi
TioJaime858 (8:14:32 PM): Mindi
TioJaime858 (8:14:40 PM): LOL he's the white urkell
TioJaime858 (8:14:50 PM): LOL let's do one bed
TioJaime858 (8:15:00 PM): oh what a tool
TioJaime858 (8:15:06 PM): she's gonna spoon him later
TioJaime858 (8:15:11 PM): "are you gonna feed me?"
TioJaime858 (8:15:16 PM): get him out of his nerd shell
TioJaime858 (8:15:25 PM): oh holy jesus Scarlet
TioJaime858 (8:15:36 PM): Shawn the boy scout dude
TioJaime858 (8:15:41 PM): who the fuck was the other one?
TioJaime858 (8:15:50 PM): yeah guys
TioJaime858 (8:16:00 PM): joe, never been ona date
TioJaime858 (8:16:05 PM): Joe from Minnesota
TioJaime858 (8:16:19 PM): OK that guy's kinda cool
TioJaime858 (8:16:31 PM): ooh hi nice legs
TioJaime858 (8:16:39 PM): Erika, whoa she's hot
TioJaime858 (8:16:44 PM): wow she's tall
TioJaime858 (8:17:05 PM): Lauren, hi
TioJaime858 (8:17:08 PM): "i love to party"
TioJaime858 (8:17:16 PM): "love to go shopping, don't like to read so much"
TioJaime858 (8:17:52 PM): ooh and this guy's stuck w/the janky one
TioJaime858 (8:18:18 PM): prepare for the first challenge!
TioJaime858 (8:18:55 PM): they're going to dance
TioJaime858 (8:19:01 PM): You have teh rest of the night to prepare
TioJaime858 (8:19:27 PM): and one of them got a bloody nose
TioJaime858 (8:19:34 PM): I'm like what, huh
TioJaime858 (8:19:38 PM): ooh hello legs
TioJaime858 (8:20:11 PM): oh they have to study fifth grade shit and then dance
TioJaime858 (8:20:12 PM): great
TioJaime858 (8:20:37 PM): oh an armoire!
TioJaime858 (8:20:52 PM): I'm white to the point of being clear
TioJaime858 (8:21:02 PM): this is a fucking rad show
TioJaime858 (8:21:13 PM): i like the tool guy
TioJaime858 (8:21:16 PM): richard?
TioJaime858 (8:21:19 PM): the annoying jew
TioJaime858 (8:21:34 PM): ooh yeah
TioJaime858 (8:21:48 PM): yay, i'll just scream!
TioJaime858 (8:22:55 PM): and Bewitched looks really good
TioJaime858 (8:25:09 PM): Berkeley Hall elementary school
TioJaime858 (8:25:19 PM): quiz time
TioJaime858 (8:25:37 PM): ooh lauren is hot
TioJaime858 (8:25:41 PM): spell Tattoo
TioJaime858 (8:25:50 PM): d'oh
TioJaime858 (8:25:56 PM): T-a-t-o-o
TioJaime858 (8:26:01 PM): tard
TioJaime858 (8:26:18 PM): oh yes 50 states
TioJaime858 (8:26:24 PM): what state is eastof W VA
TioJaime858 (8:26:30 PM): massachusetts?
TioJaime858 (8:26:37 PM): at least she didn't say virginia
TioJaime858 (8:26:40 PM): i mean east virginia
TioJaime858 (8:27:09 PM): oops which state is more south South Dakota or North Carolina
TioJaime858 (8:27:15 PM): lake michigan and lake erie
TioJaime858 (8:27:19 PM): the DC stands for...
TioJaime858 (8:27:29 PM): District of Columbia!!!
TioJaime858 (8:27:32 PM): nice job hotness!
TioJaime858 (8:27:36 PM): name three states w/New
TioJaime858 (8:27:40 PM): new mexico
TioJaime858 (8:27:54 PM): d'oh!
TioJaime858 (8:28:00 PM): new york, new jersey, new hampshire
TioJaime858 (8:28:05 PM): nice job hotness
TioJaime858 (8:28:07 PM): =(
TioJaime858 (8:28:12 PM): calendar
TioJaime858 (8:28:18 PM): oops
TioJaime858 (8:28:23 PM): c-a-l-e-n-d-e-r
TioJaime858 (8:28:36 PM): OK she would've hit spell check
TioJaime858 (8:28:54 PM): what city is the state capital of new england
TioJaime858 (8:28:57 PM): huh?
TioJaime858 (8:29:05 PM): yeah
TioJaime858 (8:29:13 PM): what kind of shitty trick question is that?
TioJaime858 (8:29:22 PM): oh yay for Mindi!
TioJaime858 (8:29:29 PM): IA is the abbreviation for...
TioJaime858 (8:29:31 PM): iowa
TioJaime858 (8:29:42 PM): nice job hotness!
TioJaime858 (8:30:18 PM): and nice job w/the stupid elimination shit
TioJaime858 (8:30:37 PM): OK this is tard-tastic
TioJaime858 (8:30:57 PM): LOL his nose is bleeding
TioJaime858 (8:31:07 PM): nice job bloody nerd
TioJaime858 (8:31:34 PM): "we cannot have these bloody noses ruining everything!"
TioJaime858 (8:32:58 PM): oh you're angry.... get mad dude
TioJaime858 (8:33:06 PM): oh and now he's turning on his hot chick
TioJaime858 (8:34:03 PM): oh yeah forget the check
TioJaime858 (8:34:13 PM): the winner of the dance competition is... w/35%
TioJaime858 (8:34:17 PM): ooh, commercial
TioJaime858 (8:34:20 PM): tease
TioJaime858 (8:37:58 PM): and they're back...
TioJaime858 (8:38:10 PM): Richard!
TioJaime858 (8:38:13 PM): nice job dude
TioJaime858 (8:38:26 PM): and your chick isn't that bad
TioJaime858 (8:38:39 PM): yes, stop thinking about it
TioJaime858 (8:38:43 PM): just show the hot chicks some more
TioJaime858 (8:38:57 PM): whoa
TioJaime858 (8:39:00 PM): hot tubbing
TioJaime858 (8:39:46 PM): ooh and they're all kinds of naked
TioJaime858 (8:39:53 PM): yeah you poor smart bastards
TioJaime858 (8:40:02 PM): women say they want that, but it's all A BUNCH OF SHIT
TioJaime858 (8:40:11 PM): they don't really want somebody smart and trustworthy
TioJaime858 (8:40:41 PM): oh and they're moving in on the nerds
TioJaime858 (8:40:44 PM): go hot chicks
TioJaime858 (8:40:56 PM): oh he'll be fine
TioJaime858 (8:41:00 PM): so you kissed another dude
TioJaime858 (8:41:15 PM): eh, you'll be fine dude
TioJaime858 (8:41:18 PM): the other chicks like you
TioJaime858 (8:41:30 PM): good call dude, you'll be fine
TioJaime858 (8:41:38 PM): ooh hot chicks with boobs
TioJaime858 (8:42:06 PM): yeah see, when the hot chick tries to strategerize, she's gonna get shot down by the Jew
TioJaime858 (8:42:45 PM): oh just let the hot chick be the bad guy
TioJaime858 (8:43:01 PM): well...
TioJaime858 (8:43:03 PM): commercial
TioJaime858 (8:43:06 PM): like we didn't see that coming
TioJaime858 (8:43:59 PM): Ok despite the racial stupidity, the Honeymooners looks pretty cool
TioJaime858 (8:44:06 PM): got some good movies coming up
TioJaime858 (8:45:49 PM): who's it gonna be?
TioJaime858 (8:45:51 PM): well...
TioJaime858 (8:45:58 PM): i am picking cheryl and erik
TioJaime858 (8:46:01 PM): and erika and joe
TioJaime858 (8:46:06 PM): ooh hi boobs
TioJaime858 (8:46:34 PM): yay
TioJaime858 (8:46:37 PM): pack your bags
TioJaime858 (8:47:11 PM): oh yes,gonna be quizzed on pop music
TioJaime858 (8:47:22 PM): and down the stretch they come!!!
TioJaime858 (8:47:57 PM): oh yes answer questions! and losing team will be sent home immediately!
TioJaime858 (8:48:08 PM): oh i hope the hot chick wins
TioJaime858 (8:48:22 PM): umm... whoa erika, no cheryl
TioJaime858 (8:48:24 PM): she's the janky one
TioJaime858 (8:48:31 PM): who was al gore's runnign mate?
TioJaime858 (8:48:33 PM): oh man
TioJaime858 (8:48:39 PM): Joseph Lieberman
TioJaime858 (8:48:40 PM): d'oh
TioJaime858 (8:48:50 PM): erika chooses 3
TioJaime858 (8:48:59 PM): georgewashington on the $1
TioJaime858 (8:49:17 PM): prime mininster of england?
TioJaime858 (8:49:24 PM): tony blair
TioJaime858 (8:49:29 PM): i might've gotten that
TioJaime858 (8:49:38 PM): which party is represented bya donkey
TioJaime858 (8:49:43 PM): nice job hot chick
TioJaime858 (8:49:47 PM): why even bother?
TioJaime858 (8:49:55 PM): who was president during the civil war?
TioJaime858 (8:50:26 PM): erika: which former president is a former governor of arkansas?
TioJaime858 (8:50:35 PM): no, it's not george bush, hot chick...
TioJaime858 (8:51:05 PM): questions based on popular music
TioJaime858 (8:51:10 PM): joe picks #3
TioJaime858 (8:51:15 PM): his song "in da club"
TioJaime858 (8:51:17 PM): 50 cent!
TioJaime858 (8:51:18 PM): nice job
TioJaime858 (8:52:03 PM): something about britney speras
TioJaime858 (8:52:06 PM): and now something about vogue
TioJaime858 (8:52:12 PM): eh
TioJaime858 (8:52:38 PM): saturday night fever
TioJaime858 (8:53:37 PM): cheryl/eric i'm sorry to tell you you've been eliminated from the mansion
TioJaime858 (8:57:40 PM): oh sweet! a california cheese commercial!
TioJaime858 (9:03:02 PM): OK sorry to have dropped off there... was chatting w/somebody else
TioJaime858 has left the chat room.