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Thursday, September 01, 2005

This is what social welfare does to a society.

For statistics on New Orleans demographics.

"We don't have help!"

That's the cry you get from the people currently in New Orleans. People who don't heed instructions in the first place. People with little motivation to get out of a destroyed city on their own. People who have grown up with the expectation of a government hand-out.

Why does New Orleans look like a third world country? Snipers firing at rescue workers? Riots? Rapes? Violence? Roving gangs? It can be attributed to social welfare. New Orleans is 57% white. Yet, who are the ones that are left? I really don't blame them. How easy is it to be motivated when a check comes in the mail from the government? That is the problem. No motivation to get out of a bad situation their entire lives.

How many times must I ask this question? Whatever happened to personal responsibility? We're in earthquake country here in California. How many families take it on their own to have their own emergency kit? And we don't even know when an Earthquake will strike. Conversely, the gulf coast has plenty of warning prior to a Hurricane, and the weather forecasters were preparing for the worst with Katrina. Yet every socialist keeps pointing the finger of blame at the government for not funding enough money to reinforce the levees, for giving tax cuts, for fighting the war in Iraq, etc.

This is not the picture of a proud people. Such a sad commentary during a horrible situation...but there's a solution, and it's a Savage one:

1. No African aid ($15 Billion).

2. No illegal aliens aid – medical & education ($15-30 Billion).
3. Mine low sulfur coal.
4. House displaced people in army bases scheduled for closure.
5. Price controls on gasoline for 90 days.