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Monday, November 01, 2004

Liberal Media...more proof

Take a look at this Arafat-sympathizing journalist for the BBC:

But where were the people, I wondered, the mass demonstrations of solidarity, the frantic expressions of concern?

Was this another story we Western journalists were getting wrong, bombarding the world with news of what we think is an historic event, while the locals get on with their lives?

Yet when the helicopter carrying the frail old man rose above his ruined compound, I started to cry... without warning.

In quieter moments since I have asked myself, why the sudden surge of emotion?

I'm speechless. What good has possibly come from Arafat? Does someone want to tell me? I'm sorry...all the suicide bombers and corruption that he has supported makes me not give a flying crap. I'll tell you what this story tells me. It's that the Palestinian/Arab propaganda machine has completely duped the Western media. So much so that the Western media has become its spokesman.