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Friday, November 05, 2004

Yet another reason why Wesley Crusher must be destroyed

Hey, did you know that Wesley Crusher is a liberal blogging commie whore?! I didn't either until checking out his lame-ass site! Wil Wheaton has gotten desparate, it seems, trying to salvage what little of his pitiful childhood career he has left. Not only that, take a look at the link buttons on his site: Hey, look at my dumb-ass face! What a little turd. Anyhow, here's what irked me:

"Apparently, my country holds a fundamentally different set of values than I thought we did, and that scares the shit out of me. I still believe that Bush is bad for America, and though I'm virtually certain that the next four years will be an absolute disaster. Not just because we have gotten four more years of the Bush agenda, but because this election has been an enthusiastic endorsement of that agenda."
You're damned right it's an enthusiastic endorsement of his agenda. But, hey, there's good news--it's only a year's wait to emigrate to Canada! I'm sure you'll be much happier there, and we Bush supporters will be much happier that you're gone! How about that! Two birds with one stone! And hey, don't let the door hit 'ya where the good lord split 'ya!