Your party needs you now more than ever, goddamit! Don't be one of the pantywaist, establishment Republicans and sit there and complain about how you're sick and tired of the Democrats and their dirty tactics: YOU TAKE THIS WAR TO THEM!
I'm gonna go right ahead and advise you to steal a page from the Tio Jaime playbook and fucking tear down a sign already or fucking rip off a bumper sticker.
Do it because it'll feel so fucking good.
Do it because the Democrats fucking deserve it. They think that you, by the nature of your common sense and rugged individualism, are a threat to their way of life as you do not buy into their brand of government sponsored dependency. They think that you, because you do not need to suckle on the government teat, are cancerous and need to be "re-educated".
Do it because they won't hesitate to do it to you. Their bullshit, hippie past is rooted in fighting the establishment and relying on you sitting at home with your nuclear family, all with disgusted, Republican grimaces on your Republican faces watching their treachery on the 11 o'clock news. They rely on you being too tired from your 40-hour workweek. They rely on your fear and need you to be intimidated into taking that sticker off your car.
Fuck this, you need to get out there and do something about this. It's your fucking country too, not just mine, goddamit. If you really gave a fuck about America, you'd get your message out there. And no, it's not by blogging. No, it's not by watching Fox News and avoiding the liberal media.
When you drive around tomorrow, roll down the windows on your environment-wrecking car, truck or hopefully SUV, turn on KSFO or non-Bay-Area equivalent, crank up the volume until your fucking ears bleed red america Red, and blast out the Lee Rodgers, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage... all that good shit because you need to fucking evangalize, my friend.
If you see a Kerry/Edwards lawn sign on your way home today, go right the fuck ahead and stop your car in broad daylight, kick that sign out of the ground, and fucking find the next sign. They're out there, goddamit, and you should be too.
I'm doing my part. And yours too.
I fucking drove through berkeley last night and i saw them putting up their faggy-assed signs in the middle of the night. Right there on Shattuck Avenue, where all the graying, sagging hippies are gonna drive their old Volvo wagons to their socially enlightened jobs, and think to themselves, "God, George Bush is Evil!"
That's what I have to put up with, that's why I'm so pissed all of the time. I'm surrounded by fucking hippies who took one too many bong hits and refuse to grow up. Fucking surrounded by new hippies who are caught up in the fad of protesting something at Berkeley. Fucking surrounded by idiot kids-- who are rebelling against their parents who managed to succeed despite being bombarded with the shitty culture that was the 60s-- who see their favorite movie stars and singers and rappers voicing opposition to a fucking badass of a President and think to themselves, "Ooh, *I* should hate Bush too!"
You wanna do something? Tear a sign down. Do it now. Don't wait until after the election when you're *allowed* to do it.
Somebody's gonna motherfucking pay tonight. Pray that my wrath is assuaged before I reach your faggot kerry/edwards lawn sign in Oakland. Hope to the Lord my God that my fingers are numb from peeling off "Re-defeat Bush" bumper stickers before i find yours.
3... 2... 1... Over
Tio Jaime
Monday, November 01, 2004
Posted by
Tio Jaime
4:24 PM
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