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Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Worktime tomfoolery!

The following e-mail is true. The names have been changed to protect the innocent. And also my job security.

Fun with a Schmundergowhnd Construckshun internal e-mail!
-----Original Message-----
From: Accounts Payable Chick
Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 3:59 PM
To: Project Manager; Safety Engineer; Project Manager; demoted Division Manager; Division Manager; Jihad Jimmy, Project Engineer; Project Manager; Project Manager; Project Manager; Division Manager who has a cute daughter ten years my junior; Project Engineer; Project Manager; Division Manager
Cc: Accounts Payable Manager-Chick

Should you report meals on your expense reports, please provide more detail. If lunch is with customer or foreman please explain why.

AP Chick
Simple enough, no? If I had any more seniority I would've sent the following Reply-all...
Jihad Jimmy's would-be hijinks!
AP Chick,

So I'm guessing that it isn't enough to write on the expense reports, "Fuck, dude, I was hungry!"

all my love,
Jihad Jimmy, Project Engineer