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Monday, May 23, 2005


I got home at 945pm. left the apartment at 5am. I hope i'm doing the math right, because i count 16-1/2 hours. I think.

I'm too tired to complain, so here's the rundown. If a gentle SHoPper would be so kind as to these to find the distance i travelled today, i'd be much obgliged.

Piedmont Ave., Oakland, CA to UC Merced (I-580E to I-205 to I-5N to CA-120 to US-99)
UC Merced to San Jose, CA (via 152 aka Pacheco Pass)
San Jose, CA to Milpitas, CA (via I-680)
Milpitas, CA to the Home Office in lovely Benicia, CA
Benicia, CA to sweet sweet Oakland, CA

That seems like a lot. If i wasn't so eff-ing tired, I'd do a cool deallie like this.

Instead, since it only requires a couple of command-F replace deallies in MS word for Mac OS X and a few html tags, i'll leave you w/a chat deallie... jimmy-tastic link below, but provided by SixH.

What a great friend!!! I just wish i weren't too exhausted to enjoy the photos.

chat deallie
9:45 PM
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: yo
SixHertz: yo yo [RACIAL EXPLETIVE]!
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: holy fuck my shit i just got home
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: left the house @ 5am
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: hey you have that girls peeing link again? you sent it to my work thing and i closed it
9:50 PM
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: why do i like this so much?
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: there is a God
SixHertz: figured you'd like it.
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: god there's a ton of them
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: i'm soo fucking tired, i can't even go through all of them
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: that's how tired i am right now
SixHertz: wow
SixHertz: no zoo for you
9:55 PM
SixHertz: no soup for you
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: huh?
SixHertz: nvm
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: i'm too tired to fend off your judgmentalism
SixHertz: I'm not being judgemental, dude.
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: s'OK
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: even if you were, i'm too tired anway
SixHertz: I was cracking a joke related to Sienfeld.
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: anyway
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: i don't watch that Jew show
SixHertz: you're too tired for the zoo.
SixHertz: neither do I.
SixHertz: but it's a famous line from it.
SixHertz: "No soup for you"
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: oh yeah
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: duh
On a related note, SixH's Jewish friend doesn't piss me off because he doesn't play the Neurotic Jew card. The Disgruntled Jew card, on the other hand, is by far more entertaining and never gets old. This is worth its weight in free ham.

Neurotic Jew: Woody Allen, Jerry Seinfeld.
Disgruntled Jew: Adam Sandler, SixH's friend, that kid from South Park, Krusty the Klown.

See? My hate is not w/o reason. it is surprisingly thought out and logical.

Jihad Jimmy, Minister of War Crimes and Chief Defender of the Faith