Friday, November 26, 2004
Again, beyond my comprehension
Heroic acts like these are so far out of my sphere of understanding, they wouldn't even show up on my radar of ideas.
Not only am I thankful that there are men who would pick up rifles in defense of my freedom, but there are a few men who would jump on a grenade to save the lives of those other men.
And this guy wasn't even a US native. He joined up to gain citizenship.
(TJ-note:My grandfather joined the US Navy to gain citizenship, and for that I and all of my descendents will be extremely grateful. I was telling one of my Strippers about my grandfather joining the Navy and she scoffed at the idea of America asking a foreigner to fight and possibly die. But I explained away to her that: 1) the philippines was a US commonwealth and that filipinos are the Uncle Toms of the pacific rim anyway, and 2) without my grandfather doing so, I wouldn't be in america enjoying the quality of life that I do today and buying her that vodka red bull. Suffice it to say that she is the hippie-type who takes this america-thing for granted. She's still the favorite.)
Anycrap, so this marine. I have no idea... I'm sure many in the armed forces have no idea... And mathematically speaking about human nature, I'm sure that many marines have no idea how to go about justifying jumping on a grenade to save squadmates' lives-- squadmates, who, quite possibly shared nothing in common with this marine except that brotherly bond of wearing the same USMC uniform day in and day out. Or maybe it wasn't a question of justifying it or not, since maybe he saw it as part of his job? See? I would think that most people cannot comprehend this. I can't; therefore, I am thankful that there are people out there who cancomprehend this for the safety of his fellow Americans.
We cannot say this enough, but Thank You to servicemen overseas who on a daily basis risk life and limb for our American Way Of Life (heh, that spells AWOL). Thank You to the families of servicemen who make the sacrifices which pretty much dwarf any other civilian sacrifices.
Posted by
Tio Jaime
11:16 AM
Selling out, but not really since it's basketball...
"Well, when I went off to college, the guys I used to hang with were pumping gas and voting Democrat. Today they're still pumping gas and voting Democrat. Guess the Democrats didn't do much for them."
- Charles Barkley
"Republicans buy shoes too."
- Michael Jordan, refusing to back black Democrud Harvey Gantt in a race against segregationist Sen. Jesse Helms
These capitalists must confuse the democruddy party. "Silly basketballer negroes, why aren't they supporting our support of the poor downtrodden black man?"
When are people gonna learn that just because somebody has an afro or a vagina or slanty eyes or a penchant for sex with other men, they aren't necessarly going to vote for other blacks, women, orientals, or homosexuals?
If you think I'm racist and bigoted, you should check out my friends down at the Democruddy Party! Their policies of hobbling minorities will do more damage than my silly epithets can ever do. Affirmative action that tricks minorities into believing that they're successful despite lowered standards? A welfare and dependency system that lulls minorities into generational laziness? A general attitude that says minorities cannot succeed without Democrud intervention? Man, I can learn a thing or two from these oh-so-compassionate liberals.
And you better watch out, because it's not just minorities that the liberals are targetting. Hillary Clinton herself in a democruddy fundraiser admitted that she wanted to raise our taxes because she knew better how to handle your money.
It only goes without saying (but I'm gonna say it anyway because you liberals are kinda oh how can i put this lightly... FUCKING STUPID) that to support hillary clinton is to agree explicitly that you are stupid and cannot handle your money better than that lying, conniving sack of piggybacking shit.
You notice how, in the past four years, you haven't really heard/cared what Laura Bush has done? THAT'S BECAUSE SHE'S NOT A TOTAL AND COMPLETE CUNT. Fuck, now I just found my second wind. The arrogance on those clinton bastards! She knew that there were people in New York stupid enough to fall for her bullshit, and WTF some dumbasses out there elected her despite her lack of experience, elected or otherwise
And holy Mother of God, I dare you to tell me with a straight face that Hillary Clinton is capable of being Commander-in-Chief. And if you're clever, you won't try to pull some bullshit that W isn't capable (he is-- open your eyes) or wasn't when elected back in 2000
These basic assumptions are what gets in the way of intelligent conversation with liberals. You're wasting precious air by not making sure that the liberals you're debating are smart enough to agree with you on things like that. A good test is to ask them if Tax Cuts Create Jobs. Anybody worth their salt knows this is the case. If you get somebody who disagrees, stop right there, because you'll just end up feeling sorry for them when they try to debate you and your common sense.
If they use ad hominem attacks, go right ahead and call them stupid and ignorant. Don't worry about the high road.
OK very tired, must go to sleep... TioJaime
Posted by
Tio Jaime
4:59 AM
Late Entry: GFY Thanksgiving Edition!
Looks like SixH forgot to publish a GFY for Thursday...
And i'm tired because it's not really one minute to midnight like i instructed blogger to tell you. it's almost a quarter past 2am california time, thanksgiving evening...
so i'm too tired, go check out Michael Moore-on
OK goodnight. Remember that the Indians already had various forms of smallpox before dem crazy pilgrims came over and brought the whole idea of puritanism over
Posted by
Tio Jaime
1:59 AM
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
A (couple of) Modest Proposal(s), or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Hate the UN Because I Fear I Have Goth/Hipster Chick On-The-Brain
Congress has voted to cut foreign aid to countries who park illegally.
Well, instead of going through all of this trouble and making the legislative branch of the Last Remaining World Superpower (tm), we could...
...disband and execute the UN.
...or if you're a pantywaist about that, expel the UN from New York City.
Yeah, move the UN to Berkeley, CA where the town council will likely warrant boycotts against its parking and transportation department for trying to levy fines against the cream-your-shorts UN. dumb jackbooted thugs
Posted by
Tio Jaime
6:37 PM
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
This should be a good movie...
don't be scared,
Tio Jaime
Posted by
Tio Jaime
3:23 PM
GFY Tuesday: Ted Rall
Ted Rall. You are the reason why liberals should all be castrated. Your brand of "art" (if that's what we should call it) reminds me of the frustration a 5-year old feels when he doesn't get the Hot Wheels car he's been screaming about to his mom in the Toys R Us aisle. How many more liberals are going to get away with being the real racists by calling people like Condi Rice, Colin Powell, and Alberto Gonzales sell-outs? They're minorities and in high positions of power. Where were the minority power players in previous Democrat administrations? Hmm??
It's becoming a banal phrase in my posts this week, but isn't that a double-standard, Ted? Why don't you just admit that if a Black-, Hispanic-, or Asian-American doesn't hold your skewed life view, they're all sell-outs. How can you speak for them, anyways, Ted? You don't look Black, Hispanic, or Asian to me. And that goes for all the rest of you hypocrite liberal scum out there.
Oh, what's that you say? You've been fired from the Washington Post, Ted? That's too bad. I wonder why. Well, actually, I don't. GFY anyways.
Posted by
12:28 PM
Thug Life Ridaz!!!
Just watched the pistons/pacers brawl... why only just now, Tio Jaime?
well, it's really very simple:
1) Last week was Big Game week, so i had Cal/Stanfurd on the brain
2) Basketball sucks, unless it's Cal basketball because then you'll have cal cheer and the cal band (in that particular order)
So I can go into detail about the brawl and talk about the psychology behind the athletes and the fans, but since I'm such a nice motherfucker, here it is in a nutshell:
Basketball players are all thugs. If you think I'm racist, well goddam you're absolutely right. Do the goddam math already.
The sport itself sucks as there's no stragery.
I don't want to get into any more details because I have an assload of work to do before Thanksgiving. But also let me say that LaKerLiSa is hot.
Posted by
Tio Jaime
9:53 AM
Monday, November 22, 2004
Fuck the UN, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Goth/Hipster Bush-supporters with Piercings
Heard a blurb on KSFO this morning about booting the UN out of America. Here's the page and here's the petition.
One of the most notable facts which I miraculously absorbed this morning whilst driving down I-880 at a healthy clip of 75mph, but half-awake: The US contributes 22% of the UN budget despite only comprising 6% of the world's population. Shit, for that kind of contribution, I'd expect some degree of unilateralism thrown my way. And if not, just take your ball and go home. Fuck the other kids. They wanna use your ball? They better goddam let you pitch.
Yay, and here's a fine example of multilateral UN action. Did I mention yay?
So la la la, here's what comes to mind for me, a simpleton rednecky Berkeley-educated bona fide Conservative with a proclivity (both intentional and unintentional) for strippers (i'll tie that in too, don't worry):
1) It's nice to know that this is what we're paying a sizable chunk for. Yay, 22%!
2) It's a Good Thing that the media recognizes us as stupid people and is kind and generous enough to decide that this story about UN ATROCITIES isn't as important as a US marine doing his job in a situation that warrants the harsh Fist of Love that is a marine getting medieval on your terrorist ass. Yay, liberal media!
So I bet you're wondering how Strippers, Goth/Hipsters, our Commander-in-Chief, and a resent of the UN all fit into my little slice of Jimmy-Heaven... Suffice it to say that I'm still thinking about that Goth/Hipster GOP chick who was wearing a grey hipster hoodie but with a hipster patch safety-pinned on which read "UN-American". She voted for W, and my Stripper would have (thanks to the education she received by her marine recruit brother) had she registered in time. Stripper has goth leanings, but also is quite partial to pink. Yessir, pink and black. I'll post a picture soon...
Oh, and they both have really hot piercings. Goth/Hipster had that lip piercing, and Stripper has a lot of industrial piercings in her ears. Also her eyebrow... I like that one... **sigh**
Posted by
Tio Jaime
6:25 PM
This shouldn't suprise you: More Reasons Why Celebrities Piss Me Off
I'm sure you've heard of the brawls that have recently plagued the news in the past couple weeks. I'm talking about the most recent Pacers/Pistons NBA fight that was completely out of control, the Vibe Awards riot and stabbing, and the College Football fights, like the Clemson/South Carolina brawl, etc. Sadly, these are not isolated occurrences. It all stems from the idea that because of one's celebrity status, one "automatically" should be afforded more rights and dignity than the common citizen.
This "holier-than-thou" attitude of some sports stars and hollywood celebrities oftentimes infuriates me. What on earth leads these people to believe in their superiority over your average, everyday joe? It's probably because they're led to believe they live in some fantasyland where they deserve special entitlements. They grow up like this. It doesn't help how some idiots out there who lack any amount of self-respect are so infatuated with these self-important dirtbags, that they're willing to bend over backwards to worship the very ground they walk on. You know you've seen it before. You've seen them being supported despite their immoral and indecent lifestyles. You've seen adoring fans of Michael Jackson supporting him as he walked into the courtrooms despite his disgusting and self-admitted gallavanting with children. You've seen the Kobe Bryant supporters on television coming out to watch him enter the courtroom on charges of rape despite being a self-admitted adulterer. OJ Simpson. Need I go there? Yeah.
That alone is enough to make a lot of these deluded individuals maintain their own visions of grandeur when, really, they need to have a big slopping heap of humble pie served to them. And on a friggin' paper plate with a plastic spork, dammit.
What type of example is set for the more impressionable lot that look up to jerks like these? Remember, I didn't even mention Trim Spa freak Anna Nicole Smith who was a few nights ago the most drunk I've ever seen anyone on national television. Somehow, she got an extra 15 minutes of fame in her life, and look at the crap we get to look at in return. Oh, goodie.
And don't even get me started on celebrity award shows.
Posted by
12:51 PM
Saturday, November 20, 2004
i·ro·ny - n. Incongruity between what might be expected and what actually occurs
I know this is a bit grisly, but I actually laughed when I saw it. C'mon, you gotta admit this is pretty funny.
Posted by
4:59 PM
Friday, November 19, 2004
He still doesn't get it.
Okay, John. Blame Osama, blame Bush, blame Evangelicals, or even blame Canada...but the inevitable truth remains: 60 million Americans would rather see Mickey Mouse as president than you. You lost because YOU SUCK.
Exclusive: Kerry Says UBL Tape Cost Him ElectionYeah, it was Geraldo Rivera hearsay... but I still trust him more than Dan Rather in this particular situation. Man, I loathe Kerry.
Friday, November 19, 2004
NEW YORK — John Kerry believes he lost to President Bush because of the video from Usama bin Laden that surfaced just days before the Nov. 2 presidential election.
The Massachusetts senator told FOX News' senior correspondent Geraldo Rivera that he believes he lost because the tape may have scared the American electorate.
Rivera spoke to Kerry on Thursday as the senator and a slew of other notable names — including wife Teresa Heinz Kerry, actors Robin Williams and Morgan Freeman and comedian Chris Tucker — were in a holding room prior to the processional leading up to the formal opening of the Clinton Presidential Library in Little Rock, Ark.
"Tough luck, senator," Rivera said to Kerry, referring to the Democrat's election loss.
Trying to recount Kerry's words verbatim, Rivera said Kerry responded by saying:
"It was that Usama tape — it scared them [the American people]."
Rivera said Kerry said the tape came out too late for his camp to rebut and the Democratic campaign couldn't counteract it in time for the Tuesday election.
"Sen. Kerry clearly believes not only is it the security issue that cost him the election, but very specifically the Usama tapes coming out in the 11th hour," Rivera reported Friday.
Kerry also acknowledged that the security issue in general hurt him in the race, Rivera said.
The broadcast of the tape from the Al Qaeda leader jolted the campaign's closing days, accentuating the terrorism theme with a reminder of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.
In the tape, aired by the Arab television network Al-Jazeera, bin Laden spoke directly to the American people. He admitted for the first time that he carried out the Sept. 11 attacks and said the attacks would have been less severe if Bush had been more alert.
He promised to lay out "the best way to avoid another Manhattan" and told Americans, "Your security is not in the hands of Kerry or Bush or Al Qaeda. Your security is in your own hands."
The tape caused Kerry to revive his contention that Bush missed an opportunity to capture or kill bin Laden during the Afghan war. The Democratic challenger asserted throughout the campaign that U.S. forces could have run down bin Laden in the Tora Bora mountains in late 2001 if they had gone after him on the ground, and he blamed Bush for the decision to let Afghan forces lead that chase.
But during the campaign, Republicans insinuated that terrorists would prefer to see Kerry in office, saying the Massachusetts senator would be too soft in the War on Terror.
Some political observers believe that many Americans voted for Bush not only because of his strong stance in the War on Terror but because they held tight to the adage of, "you don't change horses in midstream."
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, in responding to the FOX News report, said she does believe the bin Laden tape favored the president a little but would not say it outright tipped the election.
"It was a reminder he [bin Laden] still at large," she told FOX News. "I think what we could see in the polls a real lead for Kerry and that made a couple points difference … I think it had an effect."
On another note, Kerry is thanking supporters in an e-mail for moving voters, holding Bush accountable and for helping counter "the attacks from big news organizations" such as FOX News.
"I want to thank you personally for what you did in the election — you rewrote the book on grassroots politics, taking control of campaigns away from big donors. No campaign will ever be the same," Kerry wrote. "You moved voters, helped hold George Bush accountable, and countered the attacks from big news organizations such as Fox, Sinclair Broadcasting, and conservative talk radio."
Kerry went on saying the Bush administration is planning "a right wing assault on values and ideals we hold most deeply" and that diverse opinions are being "eliminated" from the State Department and CIA with the personnel reshuffling, and the Bush Cabinet is being remade to "rubber stamp policies that will undermine Social Security, balloon the deficit, avoid real reforms in health care and education, weaken homeland security, and walk away from critical allies around the world."
Kerry also vowed to "continue to challenge this administration" on a variety of issues, ranging from election standards and health care for children.
Posted by
5:41 PM
Responsibilities beyond my comprehension...
I realize that SixH will be able to better corroborate this post from Indepundit, and that I really shouldn't scoop him here in his own SHoP, but it's somewhat important this be analyzed from the sensible, civlian viewpoint.
As a civilian, the most dangerous thing I will do in this the war on terrorism is rip off bumper stickers from liberal volvos. Some of us civilians will enlist, some will wrest control of hijacked planes. Whether or not you agree with the commander-in-chief's politics (oh, MANDATE MOTHERFUCKERS MANDATE, btw) we are in a war, and we all have our roles to play.
(Unfortunately, some of these roles are those of dissidence, and as such my role is one of covert reactionism. Somebody's gonna motherfuckin' pay...)
As civilians, it is not our place to pick up weapons and secure our nation's borders and interests abroad. As such, it is definitely not our place to pass judgment on those who do. It's the easiest thing in the world to criticize your favorite coach or manager or President, for all that requires is minimal knowledge and some key buzzwords.
A lack of experience should preclude civilians from questioning the tactics and reasoning of the best trained soldiers, sailors, marines, and airmen. Politicians included-- I would think as they are the ones making war, whereas the generals merely (heh, "merely") fight the war to produce the desired outcome.
I hope never to have to comprehend the need to shoot a human being, terrorist or no. Like I was saying, it's not my place. Suffice it to say that there are times when this is necessary, but I like most other Americans will avoid this if at all possible. That having been said, I and most other Americans have no basis on which to condemn a marine's actions in the tragedy that is war while we sit buffered by oceans and continents in the safe haven that is the Land of the Free.
Posted by
Tio Jaime
3:25 PM
We interrupt this program for a special public service announcement...
Got a MasterLock? Did you forget the combination?
A co-worker of mine forgot the combination to his MasterLock combination lock. He found this site, and was able to crack his own combination. It's really interesting the way this works. Looks like the varying combinations MasterLocks have are physically dependent on their mechanical makeup. This means you're never going to get the 64,000 (40*40*40) possible combinations you would intuitively think there were in a 40-number combination lock. Through a process of elimination detailed on this site, you will be able to reduce the possible combinations of your lock to a maximum of 100. Try it out!
Bottom Line: Use the combination locks to keep your crap safe in a locker room or anyplace else where your stuff will be protected for a small amount of time, but use standard key locks everywhere else. A determined cracker can break your lock in about 30 minutes.
Posted by
12:34 PM
Thursday, November 18, 2004
Good Blogger, Bad Blogger
The nice thing about being a SF Bay Area conservative is that my rage is not confined to any 24-hour period. For me, every day is GFY Thursday...
I remembered what I had wanted to post first thing this morning: my ex-GF kim is a psycho man-hater. I still like her, but just be forewarned. and shit, now i'm tired and want to close up the trailer, so i'll post about this tomorrow...
go bears, beat the cardinal!
Tio Jaime
Posted by
Tio Jaime
7:48 PM
GFY Thursday
I am creating a new segment because I figure it will be therapeutic, which was one of the original intents of this weblog. There are people in this world whom I feel deserve an occasional GFY thrown at them, and this segment will honor those people. No doubt, Michael Moore will be honored multiple times...but for this week our first ever winner is from the state of Canadia, eh!:
Who: Carolyn Parrish, Canadian Parliament member
Why: For constant America-bashing over the past few years. Most recently for saying that US voters are "completely out of step with most of the free world" and performing the childish stunt of stomping on a Bush doll on TV.
SixHertz says: Mind your own damn business, Canadian hippie. There's a reason people voted for Bush, and it was partly because of people like you. If someone doesn't put you in your place, when are you ever going to learn? You liberal elitist scum--You're way out of your league...oh, and by the way:
Wow, I feel much better now!
Posted by
1:45 PM
Sears/Kmart merger
I had no idea the extent of KMart's troubles until I read this article. Take a look at this excerpt:
Accustomed to the uncertainty that has dominated their jobs in recent years, local Kmart workers seemed almost relieved by Wednesday's announcement of a merger with Sears, Roebuck and Co. "Hearing they're merging with Sears sounds a little bit more stable," said an employee at Kmart's Belsay Road store in Burton.
"You're going to certainly see Kmart stores converted to Sears. I think the Sears name is the opportunity," said Gary Ruffing, senior director of retail consulting at turnaround firm BBK Ltd. in Southfield.
What's most disturbing is that Kmart people actually think Sears will give them more stability. Don't get me wrong...I love Sears. They have been around as long as I can remember, and they support the troops in Iraq. But does anyone really shop at Sears anymore? I normally see them as anchor stores at malls...but recent trends have shown decreased mall traffic. What will really be interesting is if you start seeing Sears stores replacing Kmarts. If Sears does it right, Wal-Mart may actually get some healthy competition.
Posted by
11:59 AM
Mr. 3000!
1) I totally didn't intend for this to happen, what with being the 3,000th visit on the counter
2) Had I known, i wouldn't put doing so on purpose past me
3) Bernie Mac's movie, "Mr. 3000" sucked hardcore. tom selleck's "Mr. Baseball" was a lot better
More to follow in a few minutes, lemme get some work done first...
Tio J
ps- unless SixH scoops me first, Hillary Clinton is a lying sack of Democrap, and here's why... Stay chuned for scenes from our next episode. (tell me where that's from, and i'll buy you a book of my choosing on amazon. no shit. SixHertz, Acinerba and mitch are prohibited from participating. ha ha)
Posted by
Tio Jaime
9:24 AM
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
Okay, so tell me something...
Why on earth isn't this getting more coverage in the Mainstream Media? This is a photo taken from a USA Today slideshow, which you can access here. It is the second picture in the series. The caption reads:
Marines discovered 40 vials of suspected Sarin gas while searching a house in Fallujah, Iraq. It was secreted in a briefcase hidden in a truck in the courtyard of the house. Two mortars tubes, three mortar rockets, compass and fire maps were also found.So I guess this continues to prove that there are no WMD's in Iraq because the media doesn't take stories like this seriously. To the anti-war critics: WHAT MORE DO YOU BLOODY WANT?!? You think this stuff is used for pesticides? Ahem. If you can tell me the answer to my first question, please do. I would LOVE to know why.
Update: As pointed out by folks over at Captain's Quarters, these appear to be Sarin Gas test kits, and not Sarin Gas itself.
Posted by
1:59 PM
Double Standards A-Plenty
Insurgents killed 49 unarmed army recruits in one of the bloodiest attacks on Iraq's nascent security forces. The bodies of 37 recruits shot dead on a road northeast of Baghdad were found Saturday and 12 were discovered Sunday. This video grab shows bodies of recruits found northeast of Baghdad on October 24, 2004.
But is anyone calling this a war crime? I didn't think so.
So the next idiot that starts complaining to you about a US Soldier killing a so-called "unarmed insurgent" (the same soldier who on the previous day had his face SHOT by an insurgent feigning death), you can tell 'em to go F off.
Posted by
10:04 AM
Quiz time, ooh baby feel the burn yeah
Taking a cool quiz I found courtesy of Patriot Paradox... it's pretty detailed, almost to the point of george will verbosity (is that a word?)
Oh, and in the interests of avoiding Bill Clinton making another appearance on an otherwise conservative weblog, I will answer the questions according to my actual beliefs. yay.
(no link for george will... go the the washington post website to check out his shit and think to yourself, "oh yeah, cool. i already thought that, i just couldn't say it so awesomely.")
yay, for the "moral high ground" and china... why do i have the feeling that my previous post on the insignificance of the High Ground will come back to spank me one of these days?
whoa... "Seattle or Pyongyang?" i like Seattle because 1) easier to spell and 2) Mikhaila and Wildfire (strippers)
umm, yeah. fuck "health insurance for all"
My name... is Neo!
- Want the US to be the world's unchallenged superpower
- Share unwavering support for Israel
- Support American unilateral action
- Support preemptive strikes to remove perceived threats to US security
- Promote the development of an American empire
- Equate American power with the potential for world peace
- Seek to democratize the Arab world
- Push regime change in states deemed threats to the US or its allies
- Share unwavering support for Israel
Posted by
Tio Jaime
9:43 AM
Don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry.
That's right, folks. If I hear one more dimwit liberal armchair general complain that the US troops are cruel because they are violating the Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC), I swear to God I'm gonna go permanent-marker crazy on peacenik bumper stickers here in San Diego. People have NO RIGHT to judge the troops unless they themselves have fought in the same types of battles in Vietnam, Korea, or WWII. ONLY THEN can people have a legitimate reason to argue if wars are fought morally.
And the Geneva Convention goes both ways, people. "International Law" as a fundamental precept requires that both warring sides FOLLOW international law. Because once one side decides not to follow international law, all bets should be off!
Do Iraqi insurgents have to worry about boobie-trapped american soldier bodies? Hell no!
Do Iraqi insurgents have to worry about being kidnapped and having their heads sliced off? Hell no!
Do Iraqi insurgents have to worry about the press criticizing every war crime committed by their ilk? Hell no!
It's a friggin' blank check for those guys, and the double standards here are just mind boggling.
Posted by
12:21 AM
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Oh my darlin' Condoleezza
Out of two Secretaries of State, W appoints two blacks, eh?
I can think of only one black member on "president" clinton's cabinet... and then Clinton had him killed
I like how the Democruds have managed to convince a lot of stupid Americans that they represent minorities and the downtrodden... I don't remember the Republicans telling me that I need their help to succeed in these our United States of America
It's nice to have things to dangle over people. I like dangling that I'm a minority in front of Democruds. Also that I went to Berkeley over you pantywaist Republicans. so I was thinking about this again: just how did my Jimmy Brand of Conservatism become so agitated? Well, Berkeley does that to you, i suppose. It's nice that those damn hippies were good for something.
It's almost guerilla republicanism, i'd think... I'm the renegade 527 that you're happy to have on your side. I'm all about plausible deniability.
"And my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives... You don't want the truth. Because deep down, in places you don't talk about at parties, you want me on that wall. You need me on that wall."
I'm very glad the Marines (marine recruits?) came out like they did this last weekend. It's red state boys and red state blood and red state sacrifice and red state devastated mothers that allow for a land where shitty blue state elitists can practice their tawdry, blue state form of religion.
California is nice, except for all of these goddam californians. I swear to God, they're like U$C... Everybody around them knows that they're all assholes but they themselves are deluded into thinking that they're saints while the rest of the world is a bunch of resentful pricks.
I'm still gay for that Phantom Planet song, though...
Posted by
Tio Jaime
9:37 PM
a repudiation of homosexuality from the land of the "homos in hollywood"
(reference to Jim Carville's retarded line about the "homos in hollywood")
(incidentally, brent lives in North Hollywood. go huskies)
I was reading a friend's blog because I should have been working, and i stumbled onto this post
most notably, brent cites the following:
"Only 4% of the voting public is Gay or Lesbian (or at least say they are)."
This should get you thinking. Four percent isn't a lot, that's 1 person in 25.
Liberals and the uninformed will tell you that ten percent of the population is gay. I first heard this statistic in my freshman year of high school, from one of the most liberal teachers (don't get pissed, he was one of my favorites, as he was my speech and debate coach) who told us on the first day that "ten percent of the population is gay" and as such "three people in this classroom are gay" (it was a freshman speech and debate class of about 30 people).
What the uninformed don't know and what liberals won't tell you is that the survey which declares the almighty figure of ten percent was taken in San Francisco. You've all heard the throwaway lines about The City, so let's just leave it at "Go Giants"
(FUCK YOU, ----S!)
The actual segment of the population that is homosexual is probably closer to half that, and maybe even less if you think about it. Since I'm such a nice motherfucker, I've gone ahead and thought about it for you.
I'm an engineer-in-training (CA#112257), so let me do the math. I live for these moments. It won't be hardcore math though, and i'll have to make a few semi-educated assumptions. But, heh, those assumptions will be conservative.
Figure that as a group, homosexuals are likely to be more politically active. That's their nature. If you can't agree with that, you can't continue at our level. Did we Thin The Herd a little bit? Good. Let's continue. Are they likely to have twice the turnout that normal Americans would have? Possible, but for safety's sake let's say that a homosexual is 1.5 times more likely to vote.
If you have 100 people, and 40 of them vote? 40% voter turnout.
So if you have 100 gay or lesbian people, we would think that 60 of them would vote. 60% turnout.
Sound good so far? OK, let's go a bit further
Take a population of 1000 people. And just so it won't seem like we're validating the 10% gay figure, let's say that out of those 1000, 100 spell it catsup, and the other 900 ketchup. Oh crap, almost forgot and catsup voters will have 60% turnout, ketchup only 40%.
(note: I haven't thought this through yet, i'm actually doing the math as i'm typing this. I have an inkling though...)
So the tallies will show that there were 60 catsup votes and 360 ketchup votes. Based on that, 14.29% of the voting public spells it "catsup". Remember though, that we determined that only 10% of the actual public goes "catsup". So when there's a segment of the population that will have a voter turnout higher than average, their representative slice of the voter pie will be larger.
So, la la la, even if my 1.5x likelihood of voting is too liberal you still get the basic gist of the trend.
What it all boils down to is that gays/lesbians may not even make up four percent of the population. Could be three. Could be two.
And that's 1 person in 50.
Dun't seem like that tho', huh? You wanna really be scared? Realize, then, that you're letting them hijack America. By what could be as little as one person in fifty.
berkeley engineering baby feel it,
Tio Jaime
ps- That was my S-M-R-T Smart for the week. Wasn't that fun? Deep down inside this bellicose, rednecky potty-mouth, I could actually pass for intelligentsia (not that I'd stoop to that). I bet you didn't think I could go that long without cussing and swearing. (cock. balls.) I'll be over here if you need me... I'm going back to being the bad cop.
Posted by
Tio Jaime
3:00 PM
Monday, November 15, 2004
Protest Warrior Update
Da Goddess has pictures of the Saturday protest on her website. The Indepundit was also there (we spoke to his wife). Who knew we'd find so many people from the blogosphere here in San Diego!
The Protest Warrior forum also mentions us.
Posted by
10:49 PM
Taking the High Road
It was odd taking the high road. it took me back to my High Road days-- ironically enough, at beloved Alma Mater.
When SixH and I approached the protestwarrior guarding the extra signs, I offered (as I had my spray paint in my construction lunch box) to "commit illicit acts" but she declined in the name of "taking the high road".
This is a bunch of bullshit, my fine conservative friends. And allow me to explain...
What does the High Road get us? A feeling of satisfaction knowing that we are above our opposition?
Well fuck you and your high road right there, goddamit! Why the fuck do you think the Democruds lost the election that was easily theirs? Because they thought their shit didn't stink! Think about it, what good does it do to demonstrate to opposition and bystanders alike that you think you're better than somebody? Nothing.
If you're reading this, ask yourself: "How many democruds have *I* myself personally pissed off during the duration of this our national referendum on Blue America?" And debating them doesn't count, because they quite frankly don't follow logic and that common sense thing which we as conservatives take for granted.
Do you see where I'm going with this?
If you want somebody to notice-- rather, if you want liberals to notice, you have to resort to their tactics. Are they gonna care that you have an american flag on your lapel? No. They will care if you defile that which they hold sacred. Oh believe you me, they will... Rip off that "WAR IS NOT THE ANSWER" sticker which they took gobs of their precious, progressive, socially aware time to meticulously place on their hybrid's bumper and you'll have made your message loud and clear.
If you want to speak to these children, you have to use a child's message.
Fuck the High Road. It'll only leave you with blue balls. You want a satisfying release? Go knock down a F9/11 display at Barnes and Noble or Borders. Tear off that Kerry/Edwards sticker that you pass by each and every day: admit it, despite the inherent idiocy, that sticker still bugs the crap out of you.
Do it. You'll feel a lot better.
Here's more details of SixH and I taking the high road. No mention of the goth/hipster GOP chick =(
Don't get me wrong. I'm elated that the Republicans won and won big on the national level. I haven't seen this level of vindication since 1994 when all of my democrud friends moped around because boo-fucking-hoo kathleen brown lost to Pete Wilson.
Be happy now, because we have a long war ahead of us. And it's gonna be fucking ugly. Take the High Road if you want to, but realize that it's not the high ground. Sit on your moral laurels and you'll find yourself in 2008 wondering what more you could've done.
Trust me, I'm in the bluest area of the bluest state. Nobody gives a fuck about the High Road. Get down here and fucking help me already.
3... 2... 1... over
Tio J
ps- There's blood in my stool
Posted by
Tio Jaime
8:52 PM
Saturday, November 13, 2004
Protest Warriors -- Two fewer protest virgins!
Tio Jaime came out to San Diego this afternoon for a quick visit. We were headed out to the Yard House in the Gas Lamp district for lunch when we happened to drive past a protest. Tio Jaime, accustomed to the anti-war protests in the San Francisco Bay Area, immediately began exhibiting his disgust at the protestors. As I could feel his blood starting to boil, I noticed that on the other side of the street were some Protest Warriors! Tio Jaime honked the horn for the Protest Warriors, and I clapped and gave the 'thumbs-up' sign to those supporting our troops. Tio Jaime, in his usual Tio Jaime Flava', proceeded to flip off all the anti-war protestors on the other side of the street as we drove past.
We decided to postpone our lunch and join the protest warriors--our first ever protest. We found parking close to the event and walked on over. In our ranks were several retired and active military, quite a few young marines, goths (!!), and just a bunch of other good, decent San Diegans. We were outnumbered, of course, but we were the only ones smiling and enjoying ourselves. The liberal nutcases, terrorist sympathizers, hippies, and communists on the other side of the street were their usual angry selves, often resorting to flipping us off instead of engaging in intelligent verbal dialogue. They carried their Palestinian flags, "No Blood For Oil" signs, and the other usual fare. Their purpose today? Protesting the Fallujah offensive, getting the troops out of Iraq, well as trying to promote their communist agenda. We got quite a few overt displays of support from passers-by, and we pissed off the commies just enough to get our point across! All-in-all a very successful protest!
After we were done (just over 2 hours supporting the just cause), Tio Jaime had to go back up North to Riverside. We stopped at Santana's instead (an excellent San Diego, CA burrito place) for a victory meal!
Some of our favorite quotes of the day:
"Corporate America built that bike you're riding on!!"
--SixHertz, in response to a bicyclist's invective of: 'Down with corporate America'
"I think I'm missing the real point of the protest. I just want to make out with the goth GOP chick..."
- Tio Jaime, because man that hipster/goth chick was cute *and republican*
"I AM pro-Human first! How much more pro-Human can you get by supporting freedom, democracy, and protecting our way of life?!"
--SixHertz in response to a passerby's belief that we should be 'pro-Human' first instead of pro-war.
Posted by
9:28 PM
Thursday, November 11, 2004
Looks like somebody took a shit on the Age of Aquarius, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Liberal Hypocrisy
Please to be checking out Mark Nicodemo's latest installment of The Arrogance of Liberal America
So, I'm kinda curious. I'm just some dumb asian redneck, so speak slowly. What happened to this whole compassion and tolerance thing that you liberals were always creaming your shorts over? That was just a big fucking lie, right? I mean, you were only saying all that nicey-nicey shit just to get elected, and your true feelings towards not just middle america but americans in general is one of condescension, weren't you?
I really don't think that people would have a problem your liberal arrogance and liberal holier-than-thou-ness if you were at least up front about it, much like this Wisconsinite who is just all tore up inside over living in a state that almost voted for W.
(more importantly, he and other frighteningly deluded dumb-mericans live in a *nation* that *did* vote for W. mandate, motherfuckers, mandate)
It's like Dan Rather and CBS. If they were to just come right out and say, "yeah, we're biased towards the democruds. WTF you gonna do about it?" they'd garner a whole lot more respect than this whole trying to be unbiased. Just come out of the closet already, America is ready for your lifestyle choice. Stop living a lie.
But no, the liberals just *love* to claim that they care more than you do, that they they have a better pulse on America than you do, oh! and sometimes that they have a Plan that's better than yours. Heh. yeah, g/l with that there...
Quite frankly, I've been waiting for the moment when liberals finally get mad and start cussing and swearing and spittling. It's kinda like Ned Flanders in the Simpsons when he finally loses it and gets mad.
"But Jimmy," you might be asking, "Aren't you the same guy who always posts about being pissed off at all your retarded liberal neighbors?"
To which I will respond, Yes. And the fact that I'm posting about it means that I admit to being in a constant state of irritation.
Dammit, I gotta cut this short so i can write a scathing letter In Real Life to one of my vendors who's being a bona fide prick.
Suffice it to say that I've known all along that liberals deep down inside are very angry people who will stop at nothing to see you punished merely for seeking your own pursuit of happiness.
This post is gonna blow due to the postus interruptus, but I hope you get the gist.
Oh, speaking of postus interruptus, I saw this wonderful target car last night in Oakland!!! It had five stickers, the most prominent of which said TAX THE RICH! So I parked my company truck, got into my own truck with my 1" thick permanent marker and drove back to find the tard-car... but it was gone!!!
without getting too graphic, i was sadly reminded of one of my exes, who, whilst making out when we should have been doing homework would all of a sudden have to leave abruptly. yeah, that's about as graphic as I can get.
and no, it wasn't OCD
tio j
Posted by
Tio Jaime
1:32 PM
Looks like Vincent D'Onofrio, the guy who got his start playing Leonard Lawrence in "Full Metal Jacket", is going nuts because John Kerry lost.
To celebrate this ironic turn of events, here's a listing of some of my favorite Gunnery Sergeant Hartman quotes related to Leonard Lawrence:
"Pyle, you climb obstacles like old people fuck!"Ahhh, irony: It's not just a literary device anymore!
"Oh that's right, Private Pyle, don't make any fucking effort to get to the top of the fucking obstacle! If God would have wanted you up there he would have miracled your ass up there by now, wouldn't he?!"
"Are you quitting on me? Well, are you? Then quit, you slimy fucking walrus-looking piece of shit! Get the fuck off of my obstacle! Get the fuck down off of my obstacle! Now! Move it! I'm going to rip your balls off, so you cannot contaminate the rest of the world! I will motivate you, Private Pyle, if it short-dicks every cannibal on the Congo!"
"You're so ugly you could be a modern art masterpiece!"
"Were you born worthless, or did you have to work at it?"![]()
"Private Pyle, I'm gonna give you three seconds, exactly three fuckin' seconds, to wipe that stupid lookin' grin off your face or I will gouge out your eyeballs and skull fuck you!!"
"Private Pyle you had best square your ass away and start shitting me Tiffany cufflinks or I will definitely fuck you up!"
"What is your major malfunction, numbnuts? Didn't Mommy and Daddy show you enough attention when you were a child?!"
Posted by
12:55 PM
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Who said that? WHO THE FUCK SAID THAT?
Who's the slimy little communist shit twinkle toed cocksucker down here who just signed his own death warrant? Nobody, huh? The fairy fucking godmother said it! Out-fucking-standing!
You Are a New School Democrat |
![]() You like partying and politics - and are likely to be young and affluent. You're less religious, traditional, and uptight than most Democrats. Smoking pot, homosexuality, and gambling are all okay in your book. You prefer that the government help people take care of themselves. |
I was talking to SixH about Full Metal Jacket today, on this the birthday of the USMC.
Posted by
Tio Jaime
6:24 PM
Now this is just plain lazy.
So when Greenpeace or the Sierra Club start bitching about a couple SUV's, tell 'em to go to China next time. And here's another question--why doesn't the report answer why they didn't put the fire out sooner?!? All the environmental killjoys and media in the US would have gone crazy if this had gone on here.
130-year-old Chinese fire put out
A fire that broke out more than 100 years ago at a Chinese coalfield has finally been extinguished, reports say.
In the last four years, firefighters have spent $12m in efforts to put out the flames at Liuhuanggou colliery, near Urumqi in Xinjiang province.
While ablaze, the fire burned up an estimated 1.8m tons of coal every year, according to China's official Xinhua news agency.
Local historians said the fire first broke out in 1874, Itar-Tass reported.
Hou Xuecheng, head of the Xinjiang Coalfield Firefighting Project Office, said the Liuhuanggou fire was the largest among eight major coalfield fire areas in Xinjiang.
The burning coal emitted 100,000 tons of harmful gases - including carbon monoxide and sulphur dioxide - and 40,000 tons of ashes every year, Mr Hou told Xinhua.
The continuing blaze is also thought to have caused environmental damage to the region.
Xinjiang accounts for 1.8 trillion tons, or 40.6%, of China's total coal reserves.
Posted by
4:07 PM
Constant Vigilance!
OK so this is far from over, and I have a feeling I'll be tearing off stickers for many months to come. I'm gonna get a thicker sharpie too, that'll help out *a lot*.
A couple of quick "Fuck Yous"...
...fuck you people who thought assclown was gonna win because the Redskins lost
...fuck you people who thought assclown was gonna win because stupid nickelodeon predicted W would lose
(as an aside, i thought W would lose, but not because of those two indicators. i thought W was gonna have his ass handed to him because i overestimated the amount of brainwashed people in the blue states)
and yay! for democrud double standards!
- W mangles his english, sure, but when assclown says "idearr" not a fucking peep. Or holy shit, i just realized this after reading my last post. Was assclown saying "help is on the way" or "hope is on the way" pick em! I obviously couldn't tell, as i've indicated an interpretation both ways. heh, i said "both ways"
- sen schumer (d-ny) criticized the flawed "system" that failed to re-elect his minority leader daschle, but opts to ignore that the same exact system re-elected him in a landslide
- democruds are quick to criticize republican 527s but conveniently forget about michael moore-on and george sore-ass
OK gotta work =(
Tio Jaime
Posted by
Tio Jaime
12:39 PM
Monday, November 08, 2004
Help is on the way?? Soitenly! Woob woob woob!!!
Funny how after the fact, between the stories of how the economy was doing well under the Badass-in-Chief, stories about the dysfunction of the Kerry Kamp kreep in (ha, that spells KKK! oh wait, that's not funny. sorry.) slowly and under the radar
For full effect, listen to the Benny Hill theme song while reading the article...
Poor bastard, he lost to W. I suppose if your "candidate" loses to a goofy texan the only logical conclusion in your delusional, elitist mind is that the election was once again stolen. Probably by the Skull and Bones, who have their own jack-off-in-a-coffin reasons for preferring W to Assclown.
It must suck butt, though, not to be able to comprehend why a member of the psuedo-intelligentsia would lose to an everyday kinda guy. If you're asking me, a red state californian who technically has the intelligence quotient to join the liberals but just so happens to have the common sense and morals to repudiate any liberal ideals: not only did John Kerry-Heinz shoot himself in the foot, not only did the Democruddy party shoot itself in the foot, but liberals shot liberalism in the foot by embracing the democruds.
There are progressives in middle america, since the 60s were so virulently infectious. But do you honestly think they enjoyed being told that the elite on the coasts knew everything and they knew nothing? Who the fuck would want to listen to that and from one's own party???
The nice thing about the Republican party is that it is surprisingly all-encompassing. There are ethnic minority republicans. There are women republicans. there are gay republicans. There are pro-choice republicans.
But the only parallel the democruds have are the limousine liberals who vote to increase their own taxes and seek to punish their own success.
A liberal friend of mine (and actually originally SixH's) once told me that the Republican party doesn't like me because i'm not white. But if you look at it, the democruds look down on me waaay more because they think that I need their help to achieve the american dream. Now that's insulting. Not even having faith enough in your own people And again: who the fuck would want to listen to that and from one's own party???
Which party doesn't trust Americans enough with their own money?
Which party is constantly wreaked with self-flagellation because they are the haves while so many have-nots are out there not having anything?
Which party just ran a campaign based on "anybody but that guy"?
Which party would be more likely to put our troops under the baby blue flag of the UN and the interests of the anti-american crowd worldwide? And fuck, on america's dollar?
Don't even get me started on all you Jews out there who support a party who is sympathetic towards an Organization that seeks to Liberate a People who want to see nothing more than the destruction of israel and the eradication of jews worldwide.
bottom line: I don't feel cannibalized by my party. I guarantee you I would be if I was a democrud.
tio jaime
Posted by
Tio Jaime
1:30 PM
The Blame Game
You gotta wonder what some people are smoking occasionally.
A NYT Movie News article yesterday tried to explain why the newly released film "Alfie" did so poorly at the box office this weekend. This is the line that got my attention:
Paramount's "Alfie," a remake of a romantic comedy about a roguish womanizer starring Jude Law, opened to a dismal $6.5 million in more than 2,000 theaters, far below expectations. The tepid response was the latest blow to Sherry Lansing, the chairwoman of Paramount who last week announced her plans to leave the job when her contract expires in 2005, and whose movies have performed poorly this summer and fall.
Wayne Llewellyn, the president of distribution at Paramount, said that the conservative ethos reflected in last week's election results might have hurt the film.
"It could be the mood of the country right now," he said. "It seems to be the result of the election. Maybe they didn't want to see a guy that slept around."
I never heard of that movie before today, but even if I did...can't a movie just suck anymore? I mean, when a movie sucks, it sucks. You can't go blame George Bush for everything! Ridiculous! Get some responsibility, people!
This is almost as bad as when Cameron Diaz implied that a vote for George Bush would be like legalizing rape. *sigh*
Posted by
8:32 AM
Sunday, November 07, 2004
L'il ole stupid me, I thought my work was done here...
since sixhertz is being a pantywaist about it, i've changed our names from our real AIM screennames...
NOTES: 1) Contains spicy language, 2) timestamp is difference since i was using iChat and not that fruity butt-sexage AIM
NvyStudHung11in = SixHertz
JimmyTheImpaler = Tio Jaime
You'll notice that I've censored myself. This is unprecedented, yes, but realize that even I have limits to my vulgarity. The jury (sixh and myself) is still deliberating over the decency of that particular jaime-jewel... stay tuned
9:45 AM
NvyStudHung11in: yo yo yo
10:00 AM
JimmyTheImpaler: yo
NvyStudHung11in: thought you didn't have internet at home.
10:05 AM
JimmyTheImpaler: sorry was having breakfast
JimmyTheImpaler: i'm in sj
NvyStudHung11in: np
NvyStudHung11in: ah
NvyStudHung11in: I'm trying to wake myself up.
JimmyTheImpaler: masturbates!
JimmyTheImpaler: he was masturbating!
NvyStudHung11in: LOL
JimmyTheImpaler: it was weird being home on a saturday night
NvyStudHung11in: really? normally at the zoo?
JimmyTheImpaler: was about to say "normally out" but shit now i can't remember a saturday when i didn't go to the zoo
NvyStudHung11in: hahaha
JimmyTheImpaler: here, this talks about the united states of canada
JimmyTheImpaler: which doesn't make sense
JimmyTheImpaler: as the democrud states are red
NvyStudHung11in: recopy the's an empty document
JimmyTheImpaler: "why should we believe we will ever have another fair election in this country?"
NvyStudHung11in: you get anything when you click that link?
JimmyTheImpaler: yeah
NvyStudHung11in: what' s the titleof the story?
JimmyTheImpaler: hold on, lemme try to backinto it
NvyStudHung11in: i'll look it up on google.
JimmyTheImpaler: sanfrancisco: no mood for tolerance after bush win
10:10 AM
NvyStudHung11in: found it...
JimmyTheImpaler: "i have family in idaho, but i told my wife we're not going to visit them now. it's all republicans there."
JimmyTheImpaler: i can't believe this shit
JimmyTheImpaler: do you see why my work is not yet finished?
NvyStudHung11in: unbelievable.
JimmyTheImpaler: i have to go into the true heart of the beast and start civilly disobeying there
NvyStudHung11in: these people must be destroyed.
JimmyTheImpaler: i have to go to san francisco now and deface things
JimmyTheImpaler: if you're taking this polarization so seriously that you're not going to visit your family in red states, you're going a bit too far
NvyStudHung11in: these people are hypocrite morons.
JimmyTheImpaler: see what the democruddy party did to these people? they've been fucking brainwashed
JimmyTheImpaler: no, it's not their fault! they've been brainwashed by this democult
NvyStudHung11in: you should post this on the blog and bitch.
JimmyTheImpaler: OK, but lemme finish taking a dump first
NvyStudHung11in: you're dumping now?
NvyStudHung11in: you wireless?
JimmyTheImpaler: yep, thanks to this 30' cat 5 cable
JimmyTheImpaler: no =(
NvyStudHung11in: ROFL!
JimmyTheImpaler: this is very sensual and intimate
JimmyTheImpaler: taking a dump w/my powerbook, that is
NvyStudHung11in: I read the rest of the story....I really do hope these people get the hell out.
JimmyTheImpaler: i don't think i was ever *this* intimate w/any of my past useless GFs
JimmyTheImpaler: yeah, that'd be nice
JimmyTheImpaler: i miss OCD
10:15 AM
JimmyTheImpaler: she had nice polling precincts
NvyStudHung11in: LOL
JimmyTheImpaler: since this is going in the blog... OCD = Orange County D-cups
NvyStudHung11in: did you like to cast multiple ballots in the slot?
NvyStudHung11in: remember to change my name.
NvyStudHung11in: to sixhertz...
JimmyTheImpaler: OK SixHertz (this actually had SixH’s real name, but I’ve edited it since I’m such a good goddam friend)
NvyStudHung11in: you dick!
JimmyTheImpaler: LOL
JimmyTheImpaler: yeah NP
JimmyTheImpaler: i hate san francisco
JimmyTheImpaler: [CENSORED]
NvyStudHung11in: hahahah
NvyStudHung11in: oh, mna.
JimmyTheImpaler: well shit, i should boycott san francisco then
NvyStudHung11in: I'm sure Bill O'Reilly could be convinced to start a campaign.
NvyStudHung11in: Boycott San Francisco!
JimmyTheImpaler: interestingly enough, my favorite stripper was persuaded over to the bush/cheney camp in the waning days of the campaign by her marine recruit brother
NvyStudHung11in: you and your strippers.
JimmyTheImpaler: but then again, she dances in SJ not SF
NvyStudHung11in: I remember you told me.
JimmyTheImpaler: *sighs*
JimmyTheImpaler: BOO FUCKING HOO: "i feel like the disenfranchised minority now"
NvyStudHung11in: ahahahah, I hate those people.
NvyStudHung11in: retards
NvyStudHung11in: methinks I'm going to go workout.
JimmyTheImpaler: the democruddy party is about "peace and tolerance" just about as much as islam is about "peace and tolerance"
JimmyTheImpaler: fuck these guys
NvyStudHung11in: good point.
JimmyTheImpaler: OK you workout, i'm going to wipe and post
10:20 AM
NvyStudHung11in: roger.
NvyStudHung11in: I've seen that one before...gross.
JimmyTheImpaler: LOL
NvyStudHung11in: l8r
JimmyTheImpaler: c-ya
JimmyTheImpaler: [CENSORED]
NvyStudHung11in: hehehe
Posted by
Tio Jaime
12:24 PM
Saturday, November 06, 2004
If I was a terrorist in Fallujah, I think I'd be pissing my pants right about now.
Talk about putting the fear of God into you...There's nothing that makes me more proud to be an American when I see a photo like this. The professionalism...the discipline...the courage. God bless our troops.
Posted by
3:53 PM
Friday, November 05, 2004
Yet another reason why Wesley Crusher must be destroyed
Hey, did you know that Wesley Crusher is a liberal blogging commie whore?! I didn't either until checking out his lame-ass site! Wil Wheaton has gotten desparate, it seems, trying to salvage what little of his pitiful childhood career he has left. Not only that, take a look at the link buttons on his site: What a little turd. Anyhow, here's what irked me:
"Apparently, my country holds a fundamentally different set of values than I thought we did, and that scares the shit out of me. I still believe that Bush is bad for America, and though I'm virtually certain that the next four years will be an absolute disaster. Not just because we have gotten four more years of the Bush agenda, but because this election has been an enthusiastic endorsement of that agenda."You're damned right it's an enthusiastic endorsement of his agenda. But, hey, there's good news--it's only a year's wait to emigrate to Canada! I'm sure you'll be much happier there, and we Bush supporters will be much happier that you're gone! How about that! Two birds with one stone! And hey, don't let the door hit 'ya where the good lord split 'ya!
Posted by
4:36 PM
Now, this is a great idea.
Banish the loons to the cold winters up north!!
Posted by
11:15 AM
Just for Laughs
20 reasons why you should not post your picture on the internet.
Posted by
9:35 AM
Thursday, November 04, 2004
here's what i have to fucking put up with on a regular basis
"A regular basis, Tio Jaime?" i can see you asking? well, sure why not, because these people are likely my neighbors in lovely Oakland.
Does this not illustrate to you why i am mad all of the time???
I know you're proud of me for my rabid Republican activism, but lemme tell you here's where i draw the line. I think if my smart mouth and I had been anywhere near this rally, i would've gotten my jaw broken... what kind of social fuck-ups take on cops? I mean shit, if the oakland police cop officers would've caught me doing civilly disobedient things, yeah i would've gone quietly
OK i meant to look this up a month ago, when i first saw the "Redefeat Bush" stickers on a beat-up volvo here in the bay area... check out the umbrella and imagine that design on a bumper sticker. Anycrap, so you see the texas flag design and colors and the big word "Bush"?? if you passing this up on the interstate, wouldn't you think, "ooh, texas... bush.. this person is right-minded and wants to vote for the president! yay!" and even if you saw the prefix "re-" still might you not think "re-elect"? bad planning says i. perhaps this is why JOHN KERRY LOST THE ELECTION
Posted by
Tio Jaime
6:20 PM
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
you've forgotten already, haven't you??? i sure as hell did...
I've never been too big a fan of "We will never forget" but instead...
(yeah, so i'm an engineer but i know that the line is from death of a salesman and subsequently stephen sondheim's musical assassins)
Posted by
Tio Jaime
12:54 PM
Don't let the door hit you on the way out!
Unhappy Democrats Need to Wait to Get Into Canada. Enjoy crappy socialized health-care and high taxes, ya hosers!
Posted by
12:38 PM
The Quiet Victory
I'm please to say that our prediction for the 2004 Presidential Election was wrong. Both myself and TioJaime had predicted a Bush loss, and were fully expecting a disgusting display of gloating from the Hollywood left, the Michael Moore ilk, the "Vote or Die" crowd, and the rest of the looneys.
It certainly made my day to see a lot of news outlets appear downtrodden at the results of the election. Next time, maybe they'll at least give a half-hearted attempt at impartiality.
For months, now, we pro-Bush supporters have been indirectly targeted by a non-stop flurry of anti-Bush opinions which sometimes blatantly insulted the intelligence of the Bush supporter. That, my friends, is a way to divide your country and lose elections. This election will go down in history as one where Bush supporters punished the Democrats by not only electing Bush, but destroying their positions in the Senate.
This is EXACTLY the type of result I was hoping for in this election. You know what they say about payback...
And the best part is, you won't see any gloating on the news in this country or any others. On this blog? Well, that may be a different story!
Posted by
12:22 PM
aww shit, i said i wasn't going to yell today, huh? OK, only in post titles...
ok i'll only use caps when i'm typing those tiojaime-slogans...
Posted by
Tio Jaime
12:06 PM
Getting myself all worked up...
I read this headline and I started to cuss... "WTF? Kerry you cock!"
Then I read the headline a little more closely. I thought it said "Kerry Calls on Bush to Concede Election" but lo and behold, it did not.
It's about goddam time, motherfucker... i was up until 2am here in California waiting for you to do that
Tio Jaime
ps- oh. congrats, btw, to us and our gop brethren around the nation. that's right. we won. it may not seem like it right now, but holy fucking shit, i'm going crazy right now... here are some new slogans that we get to use on stupid democruds...
and that's all the shouting you're gonna get out of me. even though this is the equivalent of my sf giants hypothetically sweeping the world series, i will calmly celebrate in hushed, non-capitalized blogging. fuck yeah.
Posted by
Tio Jaime
10:45 AM
Okay, so the Democrats lost their Senate Minority Leader, as well as several Senate seats, AND the Presidential election. Sounds like punishment for running such a dirty campaign this year. I'm so glad this is almost over.
Posted by
3:43 AM
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
Useful links on this our election day...
Here's a quiz about Michael bin Kerry!
GOP in the bluest of blue states? Welcome to my personal hell!!!
Red Sox Nation!
My favorite democruds... coming soon!
Putting the "lick" back in Republican...
Posted by
Tio Jaime
10:28 AM
Rock the Civil Disobedience!
Knocked down two ASSCLOWN/WhoHe? signs, stole two more in a period of under ten minutes in Milpitas, CA before the polls opened @ 7am.
Tio J
Posted by
Tio Jaime
9:25 AM
Monday, November 01, 2004
Herro!!! No speaky engrish!!! Prease to be blinging me apprre pie and Coca Corra!!!
You know what pisses Democruds off? When simple minorities like myself manage to work hard and succeed without government assistance in the form of racial quotas, affirmative action, or feel-good fruity-assed legislation that aims to preserve my culture. Also when simple minorities like myself manage to succeed despite the System providing a Non-Level Playing Field or despite the White Man oppressing my People and stealing our Women-folk.
Oh, btw, i think i'm jumping on the asian woman bandwagon thanks to the cute vietnamese optometrist and her cute half-korean optometry-student receptionist. Ooh yeah.
OK gotta go, for fear of giving The Man a reason to fire my non-white construction ass. But hey, if they fire me oh sweet I get to claim disenfr-- umm, no, racial profi--?? Hmm, I forget what it is now, but that's probably because I wasn't presented with the opportunities as were my white peers. (umm, Yeah and Right)
Racial defenestration? No, maybe racial lay-offitude? Yeah i like that one...
Posted by
Tio Jaime
7:05 PM
Your party needs you now more than ever, goddamit! Don't be one of the pantywaist, establishment Republicans and sit there and complain about how you're sick and tired of the Democrats and their dirty tactics: YOU TAKE THIS WAR TO THEM!
I'm gonna go right ahead and advise you to steal a page from the Tio Jaime playbook and fucking tear down a sign already or fucking rip off a bumper sticker.
Do it because it'll feel so fucking good.
Do it because the Democrats fucking deserve it. They think that you, by the nature of your common sense and rugged individualism, are a threat to their way of life as you do not buy into their brand of government sponsored dependency. They think that you, because you do not need to suckle on the government teat, are cancerous and need to be "re-educated".
Do it because they won't hesitate to do it to you. Their bullshit, hippie past is rooted in fighting the establishment and relying on you sitting at home with your nuclear family, all with disgusted, Republican grimaces on your Republican faces watching their treachery on the 11 o'clock news. They rely on you being too tired from your 40-hour workweek. They rely on your fear and need you to be intimidated into taking that sticker off your car.
Fuck this, you need to get out there and do something about this. It's your fucking country too, not just mine, goddamit. If you really gave a fuck about America, you'd get your message out there. And no, it's not by blogging. No, it's not by watching Fox News and avoiding the liberal media.
When you drive around tomorrow, roll down the windows on your environment-wrecking car, truck or hopefully SUV, turn on KSFO or non-Bay-Area equivalent, crank up the volume until your fucking ears bleed red america Red, and blast out the Lee Rodgers, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage... all that good shit because you need to fucking evangalize, my friend.
If you see a Kerry/Edwards lawn sign on your way home today, go right the fuck ahead and stop your car in broad daylight, kick that sign out of the ground, and fucking find the next sign. They're out there, goddamit, and you should be too.
I'm doing my part. And yours too.
I fucking drove through berkeley last night and i saw them putting up their faggy-assed signs in the middle of the night. Right there on Shattuck Avenue, where all the graying, sagging hippies are gonna drive their old Volvo wagons to their socially enlightened jobs, and think to themselves, "God, George Bush is Evil!"
That's what I have to put up with, that's why I'm so pissed all of the time. I'm surrounded by fucking hippies who took one too many bong hits and refuse to grow up. Fucking surrounded by new hippies who are caught up in the fad of protesting something at Berkeley. Fucking surrounded by idiot kids-- who are rebelling against their parents who managed to succeed despite being bombarded with the shitty culture that was the 60s-- who see their favorite movie stars and singers and rappers voicing opposition to a fucking badass of a President and think to themselves, "Ooh, *I* should hate Bush too!"
You wanna do something? Tear a sign down. Do it now. Don't wait until after the election when you're *allowed* to do it.
Somebody's gonna motherfucking pay tonight. Pray that my wrath is assuaged before I reach your faggot kerry/edwards lawn sign in Oakland. Hope to the Lord my God that my fingers are numb from peeling off "Re-defeat Bush" bumper stickers before i find yours.
3... 2... 1... Over
Tio Jaime
Posted by
Tio Jaime
4:24 PM
Liberal Media...more proof
Take a look at this Arafat-sympathizing journalist for the BBC:
But where were the people, I wondered, the mass demonstrations of solidarity, the frantic expressions of concern?
Was this another story we Western journalists were getting wrong, bombarding the world with news of what we think is an historic event, while the locals get on with their lives?
Yet when the helicopter carrying the frail old man rose above his ruined compound, I started to cry... without warning.
In quieter moments since I have asked myself, why the sudden surge of emotion?
I'm speechless. What good has possibly come from Arafat? Does someone want to tell me? I'm sorry...all the suicide bombers and corruption that he has supported makes me not give a flying crap. I'll tell you what this story tells me. It's that the Palestinian/Arab propaganda machine has completely duped the Western media. So much so that the Western media has become its spokesman.
Posted by
8:04 AM