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Tuesday, December 14, 2004

GFY Tuesday: Michael Moore

Da PiggieGFY GrandmaThe pig finally made GFY day! One of many, I'm sure.

I guess he hasn't learned his lesson yet. His few supporters seem to have convinced him that some sort of "silent majority" is behind him and his views, as shown by the following:

The days of trying to move the Democratic Party to the right are over. We lost a very close election (a one-state difference) by running the #1 liberal in the Senate. Not bad. The country is shifting in our direction, not to the right. But the country was attacked and people were scared. They were manipulated with fear. And America has never thrown a sitting president out during wartime. That’s the facts. Oh, and our candidate could have run a better campaign (but we’ll have that discussion another day).

Someone who bitched and moaned about the 2000 election's electoral college system and the fact Bush lost the popular vote now uses the electoral college to defend how "close" the 2004 election was? See what a manipulator this guy is, folks? And, okay, Mike. What, exactly, is your "direction"? The gutter? The fact is, most people in this country don't have a particular party allegiance. This president has been very controversial in the first place, from day one. And he still won the last election. If you're going to claim the country was "manipulated with fear", you have to include the Democratic party in that accusation as well. Sorry, no amount of discounting 9/11 and saying that there is no terrorist threat will let me forget that day.

More craziness...You comparing yourself to a domestic violence victim is not only absurd, but an injustice to actual domestic violence victims:
Any battered woman in America, any oppressed person around the globe who has defied her oppressor will tell you this: There is nothing wrong with you. You are in good company. You are safe. You are not alone. You are strong. You must change only one thing: Stop responding to the abuser.
What?! You can't be serious! And look at this excerpt from one of his books to see what he really thinks of you:
They [People elsewhere in other industrialized democracies] live in reality, where there are only going to be a few rich people, and you are not going to be one of them. So get used to it... Listen, friends, you have to face the truth. You are never going to be rich. The chance of that happening is about one in a million. Not only are you never going to be rich, but you are going to have to live the rest of your life busting your butt just to pay the cable bill and the music and arts classes for your kid at the public school where they used to be free.
What a great message, Michael. My life sucks, I need help, and the government is the only one who can help me. Thank you.

Anyone in this country can pull themselves up. It's all a question of will. It's that spirit and freedom which has made this country great and why the rest of the world can't catch up. I suggest you move out of your posh NYC residence, take your kid out of private school, and move your fat ass to Europe for a couple years. Spending a few weeks in Cannes does not make you a recognized European socio-expert. Afterwards, YOU tell ME if it's so much better and if you still want to live there. Hey, better yet, I'll tell you something right now: GFY. I'm sure it won't be the last time.