Went to dinner in the City w/SF native Trosama min Asi last night, at some renowned hole-in-the-wall italian place somewhere between the Richmond and the Sunset. Good cioppino.
And shit, now I think I have to fill space so the jpg aligned to the "right" doesn't run into my lightsalmon bgcolored table.
The cioppino was very good and had fresh crab legs. Came at a price, however. And this is why I'm eating at Jack-in-the-Box this week.
Another cioppino sidenote: the last time I had cioppino was with Lord Voldemegan on Fisherman's Wharf, right across the street from where Hooters is now. Have I made it yet? This is how shittily I thought this through. I have to fill space with Lord Voldemegan.
My friends are getting better and better at referring to her as "She-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named" or "You-Know-Who". Heh. Except for Trosama min Asi, who has neither read the books nor seen the movies.
Anyway, after sun-dee's cioppino dinner, we walked back to the parking lot in Nancy Pelosi's San Francisco...
the nerve of those republicans! |
9:57 PM TioJaime: i did a bad thing today TioJaime: I love you gays... SixHertz: haha SixHertz: whatja do? TioJaime: tried to steal a "Kerry/Edwards" sticker off a car in a lit parking lot TioJaime: only managed to get the "Say No to Bush" sticker right below it 10:00 PM TioJaime: took the sticker, placed it under his passenger-side windshield wiper ![]() TioJaime: left the empty can under the driver-side wiper SixHertz: LOL SixHertz: oh, dude...you're going to get in trouble. SixHertz: a lit parking lot? TioJaime: fuck 'em TioJaime: yep. TioJaime: the nerve of those republicans! SixHertz: Be careful about posting this. TioJaime: you fucking nancy-pants, BFD, there are hundreds of parking lots in san francisco |
How's that edgy, Republican schtick working out for you Leftist Degenerates now, huh? You have your gay little "redneck roadrage inducing" signs and bumper stickers? BFD. Everybody has road rage nowadays, even shitty soccer moms who vote with their vaginas. I hope that the road rage you cause gives somebody a heart attack which causes them to lose control of their vehicles and plow over Leftist holier-than-thous driving their precious, tiny Priuses.
That's what you did, albeit in the worst-case scenario. What did I do? I probably got some fair-weather Leftist to cry. No fuss, no muss. Only targeted the people who deserve it. No need for collateral damage.
The craftier Citizen SHoPper will note that the conversation takes a turn for the apolitical right about now...
finish your essays and get to vegas |
10:45 PM TioJaime: have you booked passage to vicetivus? 10:50 PM TioJaime: vicetivus VI, dude TioJaime: you got your tickets yet? 10:55 PM SixHertz: Negative. SixHertz: No one to use the vacation package, but me SixHertz: I would have to get reg. tix. SixHertz: by myself. TioJaime: shit SixHertz: they're all full price now anyways. SixHertz: I'm so fucking hosed with grad school essays. SixHertz: goddam TioJaime: faling asleep... will talk to you later on in the week TioJaime: finish your essays and get to vegas TioJaime: don't nancy-out on us here SixHertz: ok, gdit. TioJaime: don't wanna play this card, but we're not expecting you at Vicetivus VII in october 2006... |
Quite frankly, the Council of Vicetivus Elders isn't expecting SixH at the upcoming Vicetivus VI either...
Jihad Jimmy, Minister of War Crimes and Chief Defender of the Faith