I realize I haven't had any run-ins with you since you bothered our lecture in Pimentel, but FUCK YOU CALPIRG!!! I'm gonna fucking leave you drunk messages on Broadway until you learn better!
Please take note Citizen SHoPpers! CALPIRG is some faggoty Leftist group which preys on the stupidity of the common Degenerocrat. Fuck 'em. They came whoring around our lectures at Berkeley, asking for money for some Leftist bullshit, and I guess they have a bunch of grownups trying to do mentally masturbating Leftist shit all around the goddam golden state.
I'm very drunk right now.
I got drunk here and then left a message at the SF calpirg office down the street because it seemed like the right thing to do.
message probably wen tsomething like: "CALPIRG, fuck you you're ruining america. go fuck yourselves, you leftist FUCKS. sixhertz dot blogspot dot com. FUCK YOU."
i hope you pigfuckers on broadway are reading this right now. Bookmark the goddam SHoP, becuase you haven't heard the last from my guerilla republican ass. Get Bent,
Jihad Jimmy, Minister of War Crimes and Chief Defender of the Faith
[update date="20051208" time="0039" reason="Tio Jaime's so fucking drunk right now"]
i'm sober enough to maintain a good 70 wpm |
12:25 AM TioJ: HOLY FUCK I'M DRUNK TioJ: CHECK OUT THE SHOP TioJ: AND mark nicodemo.mu.nu TioJ: left him some comments SixH: I saw! SixH: hfs TioJ: you like that shit, baby? TioJ: FUCK YOU GAYS TioJ: and to think... i could've stayed home and played GTA:SA SixH: oh god, you're trashed TioJ: well, not really TioJ: i'm sober enough to maintain a good 70 wpm SixH: did you drive home? TioJ: oh fuck no TioJ: trose drove SixH: ok, good. was he drunk? TioJ: nope... TioJ: FUCK YOU LEFTIST PIGFUCKERS!!! 12:30 AM TioJ: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20051208/ts_nm/security_plane_dc ![]() TioJ: "Passenger killed by air marshals?" TioJ: why "passenger" TioJ: why not "terrorist" TioJ: or "dumbfuck" TioJ: LOL TioJ: oh fuck me TioJ: poor bastard SixH: yeah, someone wasn't taking his qualudes. SixH: how do you spell qualudes? TioJ: you're asking the wrong SHoP Overlord, my friend SixH: kwayludes. TioJ: quaaludes? TioJ: for some reason i think there's an extra "a" in there somewhere SixH: dirty martini for me, rufee-colada for the lady. Giggity giggity. TioJ: fuck dude, how republican are we? we can't even spell these drugs correctly TioJ: WHO GIVES A FUCK, BITCHES TioJ: I'M HIGH ON JESUS TioJ: FUCK YEAH ![]() TioJ: fuck man, i'm going to bed TioJ: gimme a call when you're in town, yo SixH: I'll be there tomorrow. Will do. :D TioJ: SAN JOSE! FUCK YEAH! 12:35 AM TioJ: goddamit my drunken HTML skillz never cease to amaze me SixH: you posted this convo, didn't you. :D TioJ: NOT YET MOTHERFUCKER! |