It's no surprise who I've voted for in the 2004 election. You can see by scrolling down to the picture from my absentee ballot. Was my ballot an exercise in futility? After all, I am voting in the blue state of California... Well, probably. But I knew I wouldn't feel good about myself unless I did my part.
This entire election season has opened my eyes much more than it did in 2000. The 2000 elections were not nearly as important to me. I didn't like either candidate. I was still bitter that my man John McCain wasn't the one who was in there. Reluctantly, I cast my vote for George Bush. I sensed in George Bush, ironically to some Democrats, that he had a liar's demeanor...I likened him to a slippery used car salesman back in 2000. And, yes, I thought he was none-too-bright. But I disliked Al Gore even more. Not only was he a reminder of the Clinton presidency (who brought dishonor to the office of the executive), but Gore was arrogant and self-serving. And to me, that was worse.
My years in the US Navy taught me that just because a person doesn't have "full mastery of the english language" or speaks slowly or mispronunciates words does not mean he is not intelligent. And I was pleasantly suprised by the determination shown by the President who has fought the war on terror bravely and consistently. Has he made mistakes? Sure. Is he doing the best he can? I believe so. Is he a liar? No more than President Clinton ever was, if you believe GWB even lied at all. I don't believe this president "misled" us into a "diversion" despite what I said in April 2003 that if there turned out to be no WMD's found in Iraq, Bush would likely lose in '04. Like everyone else, I was almost certain we'd find them and was disappointed when we didn't.
But my personal experiences have shown me that this world is a lot more dangerous than a lot of people are willing to believe, and it was that way long before 9/11. And despite what bad feelings people have about GWB, I think history will be a much better judge of his actions. Perhaps history will bemoan the actions of the mainstream media in 50 years. I do that right now.
My prediction on who will win? Unfortunately, my gut tells me it will be Kerry. Sure, President Bush will get millions more this time 'round with the evangelical and uber-christian vote (who may have stayed at home after 2000's October suprise), more jewish voters, and 10% more of the black vote, but I do not think it will be enough to go against the 18-24 crowd in the critical swing states. I think they will take the victory away from him. I do not have faith in the crowd who will irresponsibly let themselves be influenced by smarmy Hollywood-types who think they know better than everyone else. I am loathe to think what poor winners the left could be.
Mark my words though, the Kerry presidency, should there be one, will be disastrous. They will blame everything on Bush. I can guarantee right now it will be a one-termer unless the economy continues to improve (not due to the actions of Kerry). And if the GOP is smart, they will pick John McCain in 2008.
Pessimistic? No. I'm a realist, folks. Deal with it.
Sunday, October 31, 2004
Some final thoughts before the election
Posted by
12:50 PM
Trey Parker and Matt Stone's take on Vote or DIE
Here's a clip from the South Park episode spoofing this whole election. Enjoy!
Posted by
11:07 AM
"Outsourcing" of US Soldiers
Something I just realized--Ain't it convenient for Kerry when he says we "outsourced" the capture of Osama Bin Laden to Afghan "Warlords" and the Pakistani Army? Makes it sound kinda bad, using a term like "outsource" to describe bringing our allies there together. Hey wait...Isn't that what Kerry claims he will do in Iraq? "Bring our allies together"? What a bloody piece of work this guy is, huh?
Posted by
12:12 AM
Saturday, October 30, 2004
Check out these bumper stickers
Courtesy of The Leatherneck Chronicles:
Posted by
10:45 PM
Hippies piss me off.
I'm sure TioJ can attest to how stupid Seattle hippies are.
Posted by
12:11 PM
Kerry keeps proving how much of an ass he is...Are you listening??
Captain's Quarters makes light of Kerry using Osama Bin Laden's most recent terror tape as a political tool. Even the New York Times' David Brooks sees that Kerry can be " nakedly ambitious that [he] offend[s] the people [he] hope[s] to impress." How are we going to get accountability from this guy when he's no doubt going to blame Bush et al for every bad thing that happens during his term?
Posted by
11:37 AM
Friday, October 29, 2004
My new favorite baseball player
Less than a year after leaving the NL West, former Giant-killer Curt Schilling has redeemed himself for being a Arizona Diamondback and looking a lot like Dave Coulier.
A couple of things:
1) I like how Schilling takes the time in the national spotlight to advance the Republican party,
2) Nice that he's making some campaign stops with President Bush,
3) John Kerry is such a cockmaster. He would be better off donning BDUs and driving a tank to "Lambert Field" to play ball with "Manny Ortez".
Shit, now i wanna go out and get a schilling jersey
Posted by
Tio Jaime
5:48 PM
Excellent Media Watchdog Group
I wanted to share this with you if you didn't know:
Media Research Center
Take a look at it, and you'll see why people like me have been screaming about liberal bias this entire campaign season. Inevitably, I'll get a comment which says something like, "Well, what about Fox News?" To which I'll reply, "Well, what about NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, and The New York Times (among many others)?"
The point is, that yes...I do believe Fox News has a certain amount of conservative bias. The most obvious example being the "Fox and Friends" show every weekday morning. They're ridiculously and unabashedly pro-Bush, though they try to spin themselves as being in the middle. I attribute the behavior to mainly an attempt to balance the liberal bias of the other networks, which I see just as plainly as I do the bias in Fox News. I'm sure it's something the commentators on the show feel is an uphill battle.
This should concern you. It should concern you that more opinion is being purveyed in the news rather than facts. And before you vote on November 2nd, make sure the reason why isn't based upon the opinion of someone else.
Posted by
10:46 AM
Et tu, SixH?
Oh, I see you're censoring me now. I see how it is. I distinctly said "shit" and not "sh*t". Are you one of those little girls on xanga who can't swear?
BOOYAH! THAT WAS JUST A TEST! Censorship has no place when it is government sponsored. That's the whole stink about that First Amendment thing we've all heard so much about. But when it comes to your friend's blog, it is a private possession, and therefore should be subject to private, non-governmentally sanctioned opinions and regulations. (Read: He should feel free to edit your politically incorrect ass at his leisure.)
By the same token, you aren't a victim of censorship if your faggy, hollywood ideals cause your fanbase to become pissed off at you enough that they start breaking your CDs or boycotting your shitty movies. That's just your own lack of foresight, not an effort by Big Brother to suppress you and your retarded bohemian ideals.
And holy Christ, how do you big government democrats manage to equate Big Brother with the Republicans? Who pulled FBI files in order to cover up Travelgate? Well, OK, I'm sure the Republicans have done stuff like that in the past, but seriously, which one of us *loves* big government and all the ailments that come with?
Cock. Balls.
all my love,
tio j
Posted by
Tio Jaime
10:26 AM
Thursday, October 28, 2004
San Francisco Chronicle Turning Conservative?
Any more editorials like this, and that's what I'll start to believe.
Posted by
9:01 AM
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
Someone out there has a ballot registered to me
I just got my absentee voter packet for San Diego County, and I got this extra letter along with it:
"Dear Voter:
Our records show that you have been issued two ballots for the Presidential General Election November 2, 2004.
Voting twice constitutes a crime. Please sign the enclosed pink second ballot form and return it to us as soon as possible.
We appreciate your interest in voting, and hope you will feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Maria Alvarado, Election Processing Supervisor
Absentee/Mail Ballot Section"
So, the obvious question remains...who the *$&# has my other ballot?! And how is a sissy little pink ballot form going to stop someone from casting another vote in my name?!
Posted by
5:19 PM
Welcome to Socialized Healthcare, Now Wait in Line
Got doctor shortages? Yet another reason to just say 'no' to socialized healthcare.
Posted by
3:49 PM
Disenfranchise THIS!
Every election year, there are buzz words. One of the ones Democrats just love to use this year is "disenfranchise". What does it mean, exactly?
\Dis`en*fran"chise\, v. t. To disfranchise; to deprive of the rights of a citizen.
Let me tell you, folks. Just because you didn't double-check your ballot to make sure you didn't punch the wrong holes doesn't mean your rights as a US citizen were taken away. It just means you're an idiot. Don't blame the government or anybody else for "disenfranchising" you when the blame rests fully on your shoulders.
And let's clarify the difference between "rights" and a "privilege". As a US citizen, you have rights. Within those rights is the privilege to vote. Privileges aren't granted to everyone. And there are certain rules which protect those that do vote. You may not cast more than one vote. Because the last thing you want to do is disenfranchise the educated, legally voting member of society by letting someone who doesn't have that right to cast a vote or have a single individual voting more than once. That, my friends, is disenfranchising the voter. The problem the media and some democrats fail to see is that the issue here is one citizen, one vote. No bloody immigrants, no bloody felons, no bloody voting at any other precinct other than the one you're supposed to go to. If millions of poorly-educated Afghans who have never voted before line up in droves, understand and cast their ballots, then so can you.
This is saying nothing of some of the more retarded voting campaigns out there. P. Diddy's inane "Vote or Die" campaign is laughable, but dire in its consequences. It promotes the idea of an irresponsible voter.
So, here's the kicker, folks. Because of these campaigns by idiotic groups,
I am being disenfranchised by irresponsible voters.
Think that's a crazy statement? Perhaps. But if people are going to use the term "disenfranchised" as liberally as they do today, I think I have a certain entitlement, hmm?
Posted by
11:16 AM
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
California Conservative Crusader
If you were driving in Northern California midday today, in the South Bay, around Winchester and Stevens Creek, you may have noticed a Kerry supporter on the corner, and holding a Kerry-Edwards sign.
Also know that our very own Tio Jaime, while driving his company vehicle was also in the South Bay on Winchester and Stevens Creek, saw this Kerry supporter, and at the top of his lungs he yelled out his side window so that the entire intersection could hear, "GET A F*CKING JOB!!!"
Liberals beware. California conservatives aren't staying quiet any longer. The California Conservative Crusader strikes again.
Posted by
3:36 PM
yay, another day of blogging @ work
Howdy SixH... You'll be pleased to know that I'm somewhat of a tool. I loaded up your page, saw your counter was @ 1,999. So naturally, I reloaded the page so I could be 2,000.
That doesn't make up for all the 5k milestones I missed on my truck because I was busy trying not to crash or spinout, but it's a step in the right direction.
And just to maintain a certain level of *gravitas* (a stupid buzz word, btw, which W has all but disproven) let us never forget
all my love,
Tio Jaime
ps- oh, and speaking of never forgetting: We have forgotten what happened on 9/11. We were quick to forget, in fact, since the liberal media decided to stop showing the planes hitting the towers. Do I think that the media is conniving enough to calculate something like the correlation between their dumbtard, captive audience seeing thousands of Americans die at the hands of Muslims and the popularity of a conservative president? You can bet that if Al Gore had managed to steal the election (that's not dwelling. we did almost let them steal it) his liberal media cronies would've totally squeezed every last ounce of bleeding-heart bullshit out of that day just to get the populace to reluctantly back a clueless liberal in a situation which called for a no-nonsense conservative.
pps- Do you think that Hillary Clinton would make a wonderful Commander-in-Chief? If so, John Kerry loves you *to death* because you're a fucking, gullible idiot who doesn't have the slightest clue how to apply correctly your obviously undeserved privilege of voting in free elections! Have fun with your taxes and shitty socialized medicine, dumbfuck
ppps- Goddamit, you liberals piss me off so much, I'm gonna engage in more civil disobedience later on today. I Sharpied one sticker last night in the safeway parking lot because the dumb cunt cut me off while i was driving home yesterday. This morning, ripped off a "Defoliate Bush" sticker off a Lorelai-looking green Tacoma (what a stupid sticker, btw, why the fuck would you put something that stupid on a $20,000 pick-up truck?!?). You have brought this upon yourselves. I cannot hold back my hand of vengeance any longer. My name is Tio Jaime. You have taken a collective, liberal shit on my country. Prepare to die.
Posted by
Tio Jaime
10:29 AM
Monday, October 25, 2004
Obey My Duck!
Not sure why, but I'm kinda gay for ducks... This manifests itself in two ways:
1) One of my favorite strippers (recently retired) is from Oregon, where the premier (really, by default) public university is the University of Oregon, home of the U of O Ducks
2) Mallard Fillmore! (fuck yeah!)
The Duck says, "Voting, much like driving, should be a privilege, not a right."
(And dammit, SixH, fucking check out George Will already... more specifically, his column from 21 October 2004 on voter responsibility. shit, i think you may need to register for the articles)
Posted by
Tio Jaime
3:12 PM
The Ashlee Simpson Saturday Night Live video
I'm getting a crazy number of hits from people searching for this video, due to the fact I didn't spell her name correctly (Ashley, instead of Ashlee) in my post immediately after I viewed the live event. Should you stumble across this site while searching for the video, here is a link to make it easier:
While you're here, feel free to peruse the site and bookmark it! Welcome!
Posted by
11:45 AM
Kerry Lied. Again.
It was anticlimactic, as I predicted. The story in the Washington Times, to summarize, highlighted that the many statements Kerry made about meeting with the UN Security Council members never happened, or were highly exaggerated.
Click here for the full Washinton Times article.
Kerry's supporters don't have a viable response to this article, other than it comes from what they call a "conservative" and "lightly-circulated" publication. What does all this mean? Nothing more than has already been highlighted, except by proving again that Sen. Kerry can't be trusted. But it's nothing that is going to make the "anyone but Bush" crowd change their minds.
I'm still waiting for my October Surprise.
Posted by
11:37 AM
Sunday, October 24, 2004
I stopped watching X-Files early in the series, back in the days of Mr. X.
No, that's not my apartment, that's our office trailer. Because I'm at work right now. On a Sunday. Dammit.
1) Buy masking tape, preferably charging the tape to your company because they can spare a 67 cent roll of tape in exchange for your time on the weekend.
2) Go to your window.
3) Make a "W"
4) Irritate the hell out of your neighbors in lovely, liberal Oakland, CA
Tio Jaime
Posted by
Tio Jaime
7:23 PM
Saturday, October 23, 2004
Ooops! Saturday Night Live Screw-Up
I just about died laughing. Ashley Simpson just messed up her song on live TV. And there were some other issues as well (lip-synching accusations forthcoming??)...I'm on the East coast now, but if you're on the West coast, be sure to watch in a couple hours.
Update: Ashley Simpson said it was her band that started playing the wrong song. So, what, 4 people in your band start playing the same song and Simpson thinks it's a different one? That sounds like your own fault, babe. That's a great way to take responsibility for your group. Sounds like a Kerry supporter to me. ;)
Posted by
11:51 PM
October Surprise?
I've been around long enough to not place lots of importance on things like this. Sounds like a case of anti-climaticism is's interesting to note, though.
Posted by
7:38 PM
Misguided Liberals
My speedy analysis of the "Stolen Honor" documentary has gotten me some speedy criticism from the left. I want to share with you my responses to the comments made:
"John Kerry is guilty only of hurting the feelings of some pussy soldiers. I thought these were supposed to be tough guys... Men who endured imprisonment for years in Vietnam. I guess what being a POW did to them is turned them into whimpering simps. "Girly-men" who blame their problems in life on the fact that Kerry said something that they didnt agree with - something that hurt their feelings. I feel bad for these guys. Do they have a "candy-ass" ribbon or medal to give to thin-skinned ex-GIs who cry at weddings and kodak commercials? Maybe it should be a pink ribbon. Do you really buy the "War Criminal" argument?"Incredible. How can I respond to this? I've never seen such hatred of US Soldiers from our own citizens. Of all people, these men have every right to criticize John Kerry. And I don't believe these men have "problems" in their lives. They appear to be just as well-adjusted as most Americans...only that someone who happened to hurt them over 30 years ago happens to be applying for the most powerful position in the world.
I wouldn't go around saying the 'pussy soldiers' comment in front of a lot of people. Not all Vietnam Vets had the opportunity to say what they felt in this documentary. My father is in that category. Although he was drafted in the Army, he was proud of his service and got his citizenship in the United States by serving his country. He remembers the anti-war crowd and still holds a grudge against them.
"Have you seen Kerry's 1971 testimony or read it?"Yes. I've seen it on CSPAN and read it. And if we are to take his testimony at his word, then to be fair, we must take the testimony of those POW's at their word and make the final judgements ourselves.
"I'd recommend that you read it before you start slinging accusations."You got it.
"I don't think that it is going to change my mind, but I will try to be open minded about it."
Yeah. I don't think it will, either.
"Are you in a Sinclair market? Were you able to see the program when it aired on Friday night?"To my knowledge, I don't believe it was played at all. Sinclair pulled the airing. That's why it has been offered on the internet.
"OK, I've paused the movie.There are several things wrong with his testimony. Kerry is a very smart man. He chose to issue a blanket statement giving the impression that a good majority of the soldiers in Vietnam were taking part in committing atrocities and war crimes. By taking it upon himself to speak for the enlisted and officers serving the country, this former, very junior Lieutenant in the Navy was filling shoes he should never have done. Indeed, while John Kerry may have believed he was acting for the good of the soldiers, others never saw it his way and felt very betrayed by him.
I feel really bad for these guys - they went through true horror... But what does that *really* have to do with John Kerry?
If you read Kerry's 1971 testimony, you will see that he was speaking out against the war - FOR the soldiers fighting there. He wanted the war to end. He wanted to stop the suffering that was being endured by our servicemen in Southeast Asia."
Once Kerry joined the public arena, he must have known that the fallout from his testimony would eventually reach him. i'm just suprised he chose to look back on his Vietnam service with fondness; it's why it struck such a bad chord with old vets.
"Answering your questions:You can separate building lifelong friendships due to a common experience and actually serving your country in a conflict. Sure, Kerry did his job in Vietnam; I don't deny that. But how can you look back fondly on your service in Vietnam after those actions of 1971? There had to have been some anger there. And to use his service as a vehicle for his campaign for the President of the United States? That's a cause for anger of some Vietnam vets.
1. Is Kerry a hypocrite when looking back fondly on his Vietnam war service? No, he isn't. Not any more or less than anybody else who served. I would imagine that Kerry's two enlisted tours in the Navy (2 years of which took place in Vietnam) were bittersweet overall. I'm sure that there were good moments and bad. He certainly fell into some enduring friendships there."
"2. Is Kerry a war criminal or a criminal liar due to his testimony? No, of course not. He wasn't accusing the soldiers (who he again saw as victims) of being war criminals. He didn't sugar coat his participation in violent acts. These things occurred during war. Nobody has been held responsible. Why should he? One of the great things about the Kerry/McCain relationship is that they can work together, setting aside the Vietnam chapter as something that happened in the past. Did Kerry lie? Absolutely not. Read the transcript. Kerry testified as to what testimony he heard from other ex-GIs in the course of the winter soldier investigation."The winter soldier investigation was with, what, 150 vets? Kerry probably didn't lie as much as he exaggerated. Simply put, all war is horrible. But the point is that Kerry took part in damaging the good name of many soldiers who fought in the conflict. He chose to make the statement as he did, and should be prepared to face the consequences.
"3. Is it stupid for the media to scrutinize Bush's TANG service? Well, it doesn't really matter, does it? I mean, the scrutiny is gone and it backfired. America clearly doesn't care that Bush received preferential treatment so why beat a dead horse? I even think that daddy pulling strings to keep GW out of Vietnam is nothing to be ashamed of. Like Kerry, I believe that it was a senseless war and if I had been a powerful father during Vietnam, I would have pulled strings to keep my sons out of the war as well."Much like Clinton, when daddy sent him away to Oxford to escape Vietnam. Isn't it funny now that because it has backfired on the liberals, it's now a non-issue?
"4. My support for Kerry had previously been in the "anybody but Bush" category. I have grown more fond of him in the past couple of weeks, however, and support him more enthusiastically now."Now that he's finally started nailing down his shifty positions...I suspect there are many more voters out there in the "anybody but Bush" category who are more misguided in their decision-making skills.
"My question for you is to ask question #4 right back at you.I'm a McCain republican. Socially moderate, a fiscal conservative, and very pro-military. While I don't agree with some of what GWB believes, he has everything that is important to me. And additionally, the Democrats made a very divisive and poor choice with Kerry as their candidate.
How on earth can you support George W. Bush as president?"
"OK, I've seen it.1. Big change from when you called them "Girly-men" earlier. I agree. I can't imagine going through what they did for as many years as they did.
What can I say other than:
1. Gee, it's unfortunate that those guys had such a bad time serving their country in Vietnam. They are true heroes.
2. What on earth does this have to do with John Kerry?
This seems lika (sic) great deal of misdirected anger.. There are a lot of people who these POWs can blame for their hardships. Realistically, blaming John Kerry is a major stretch."
2. Maybe after spending 6 years in a prison camp I could tell you.
Perhaps it is misdirected anger. I don't know. There are other people with whom to be angry, but to my knowledge, they are not running for President of the United States.
"By the way, I read that a Chinese-dubbed version of Stolen Honor has been created. Any idea where I can download it?"Sorry, no idea.
There's more criticism of me here: The Liberal Avenger
Posted by
7:04 PM
Stolen Honor: Wounds That Never Heal
I've gone through the film, which is now offered free through the internet. After seeing this documentary, you will at the very least:
1. See how John Kerry is a hypocrite when he looks back fondly on his Vietnam service.
2. See how John Kerry is either a war criminal by admitting he committed those very crimes, a criminal liar by falsely given testimony before congress, or both.
3. See how incredibly STUPID it is of the media to focus on President Bush's comparitively insignificant deeds in the Texas National Guard, seeking to disparage him, and doing nothing to investigate or bring to light Kerry's infamous actions in the early 1970's.
4. Wonder how on earth people can support this man as the President of the United States.
I am and have always been convinced from the time Kerry won the primaries and we younger folks learned of his treachery many months ago, that not everyone in the military will remain there if Kerry becomes elected. His promise to increase the military by 40,000 people will not only never happen, but I predict you'll get a significant exodus out of the military. No doubt the media will fault it on the Iraq war, though...Just you wait...
After the election, I'll have to write more about my assertion that the Baby Boomer generation has taken a great part in seriously destroying the fabric of our great nation. It's left to generation X'ers to fix the mess left to them by the Baby Boomers.
Posted by
12:07 PM
Friday, October 22, 2004
Beer is on the way!
I'm 1st-generation Portuguese-American, and H-K reminds me of my own mom. That being said, God help us, all.
Posted by
11:04 AM
Thursday, October 21, 2004
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
There you go again...
Well, it appears as if we're ensconced in yet another blog war (the first one, yay!)... and upon further review, the play stands and I feel I have used "ensconced" correctly. As bellicose and jingo-istic Republicans, we can easily settle into war as a final option.
(Remember those retarded "WAR IS NOT AN OPTION" bumper stickers? Yeah, it sucks when you have to exercise non-options like war to do things like get rid of Hitler and shit like that, huh? What a bummer.)
So it all started when some troll who ganked his name from a mediocre Coen Brothers movie started in with the cookie cutter, liberal responses. I swear to Christ, it's like they all take the same Stupid Pills, all liberals sound alike. So when responding in SixH's comment window, some crybaby ad came up for something stupid like "Save my liberal blog from Republicant trolls".
Which is an invitation for a Republican response on a liberal blog. First things first, I checked to see if there was a quorum present: TioJ makes 1, and so we're good to go. I clicked on the link, and here's what I found!
Here's the retarded post. A bunch of liberal drivel...
And my response is as follows...
> Are you retarded? It's not a rhetorical question.
> The draft was a democrat idea, introduced only to tell the
> daft American public that it was W's idea. The democrat who
> introduced it, in fact, himself voted against it.
> Open your eyes, and stop complaining about Republican trolls,
> you stinky hippie.
Anybody who can't comprehend that Bush does not want to institute a draft, please return your voter registration cards to your local Registrar of Voters. Congratulations, you are hereby ruining the representative republic that is America!
Just you wait, The Dude will comment on this post and say something that's supposed to garner admiration and provoke thought, but in reality does little more than leave us sadly wondering how somebody who has enough dexterity points to type on a QWERTY keyboard can lack the common sense that God has granted to one of us simpleton Republicans.
all my love,
Tio Jaime
Posted by
Tio Jaime
4:19 PM
This wacko was our President?!?
I couldn't believe my eyes when I read the transcript of yesterday's Hardball with Chris Matthews. Jimmy Carter has got to be nuts. Either that, or he's delusional, becoming more senile every day:
AUUUUUGH! The Revolutionary war was an UNNECESSARY WAR?! This is a former US PRESIDENT that's saying this! So, no Declaration of Independence?! No revolutionary document called the US Constitution?! The past 228 years be damned? Newsflash, buck-o: If it wasn't for the United States having the revolutionary war, then Canada, India, and Australia would probably still be under British rule!MATTHEWS: Let me ask you the question about—this is going to cause some trouble with people—but as an historian now and studying the Revolutionary War as it was fought out in the South in those last years of the War, insurgency against a powerful British force, do you see any parallels between the fighting that we did on our side and the fighting that is going on in Iraq today?
CARTER: Well, one parallel is that the Revolutionary War, more than any other war up until recently, has been the most bloody war we‘ve fought. I think another parallel is that in some ways the Revolutionary War could have been avoided. It was an unnecessary war.
Had the British Parliament been a little more sensitive to the colonial‘s really legitimate complaints and requests the war could have been avoided completely, and of course now we would have been a free country now as is Canada and India and Australia, having gotten our independence in a nonviolent way.
I think in many ways the British were very misled in going to war against America and in trying to enforce their will on people who were quite different from them at the time.
Carter says the Revolutionary War was our bloodiest in history. Take a look here. Chris Matthews called Carter a historian. There are 7 other wars in our history that have taken more lives.
I don't know what kind of company former Pres. Carter is keeping these days, but I think he should stick to building houses and eating peanuts. This guy is crazy.
Posted by
1:23 PM
La-di-fucking-da, ain't this newsworthy?
Laugh because it's funny, then cry because kids are fucking stupid.
Linda Ellerbee is a fucking dumbtard, btw.
I *love* the last quote at the end about W losing the popular vote. HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!! For the party whose dirty work is done by, they haven't really let go of the fact that W won the election fair and square. I've moved on, why can't they?
ps- I drop the F-bomb all the time because I'm in construction, among other things. Deal with it. I'm passionate about my opinions and am not afraid to use language that illustrates so. If you like that I say bad words all the time, please to be visiting Tio Jaime, the Director's Cut.
Posted by
Tio Jaime
1:16 PM
Is Iraq Better Off? Ask The Iraqis
From the LA Times:
By Steven E. Moore
John Kerry is playing the prophet of doom in the most important foreign policy initiative of our generation. In Pennsylvania, Kerry described Iraq as "the wrong war, wrong place, wrong time." In New York, he opined that murderous cleric Muqtada Sadr "holds more sway in suburbs of Baghdad than Prime Minister [Iyad] Allawi." In Columbus, Ohio, the senator claimed to have a more accurate perspective on the situation in Iraq than did the interim prime minister, whose favorability rating of 73% among Iraqis, it's worth noting, is higher than Kerry's 48% favorability rating among Americans in the latest polls. Kerry, of course, has never set foot in Iraq.
I was there from July 2003 to April 2004, conducting about 70 focus groups and a dozen public opinion polls and advising L. Paul Bremer III, then the civilian administrator, on Iraqi public opinion. Whatever you might hear from Kerry, Michael Moore, the mainstream media and anyone else to whom defeating President Bush is more important than the fate of the Iraqi people, those who know best what's going on in Iraq — the Iraqis themselves — are optimistic about the future.
Iraqis consistently say in nationwide polls that the situation in their country is improving. In polls over the course of the summer, for example, more than half of Iraqis said their country was on the right track. The vast majority of Iraqis — 72% — see the same benefits in democracy as Americans do: the hope for peace, stability and a better life. Most polls show that 75% of Iraqis want to vote for their leaders rather than have clerics appoint them.
In a recent speech, Kerry charged that Saddam Hussein's brutality "was not, in itself, a reason to go to war." Iraqis disagree, as should any supporter of human rights. Nearly 55% of Iraqis say that toppling Hussein was worth the price of the current difficulties. These figures are easy to understand when you look at another set of numbers. In an Op-Ed article circulated this year among the more than 200 independent newspapers now published in Iraq, an Iraqi democratic activist observed that Hussein tortured and killed as many as 750,000 of his own people. Iraqis don't understand the debate about whether Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. To them, Hussein was a weapon of mass destruction.
UNICEF, hardly an apologist for the Bush administration, estimates that 5,000 Iraqi children a month died of starvation and malnutrition while Hussein siphoned funds from the U.N.'s oil-for-food program to build his palaces and enrich French politicians.
Americans are only now learning of the extent of Hussein's corruption of this humanitarian program; the Iraqis have known about it for quite some time. When asked to rate their confidence in the U.N., Iraqis gave the organization a 2.9 on a scale of 1 to 4, with a 4 meaning absolutely no confidence. In contrast, more than 60% of Iraqis tell pollsters that the Iraqi government has done a good job since the June 28 hand-over.
Polling in Iraq is done much as in any developing country. Interviews are conducted face to face by highly trained Iraqi interviewers. For a 1,500-person sample, for instance, 75 qada (the Iraqi equivalent of precincts) would be chosen at random, with interviews conducted in 20 randomly chosen households in each.
Though difficulties abound, the cooperation rate is usually more than 80% — much higher than in the U.S. Iraqis are amazed that, for the first time, somebody cares about their political opinion, and they frequently want interviewers to interview cousins and friends.
From 20,000 to 30,000 insurgents, many from outside Iraq, are trying to prevent Iraqis who want democracy from achieving it. Kerry has said he would begin withdrawing U.S. troops six months after his inauguration. Iraq's autocratic neighbors are vigorously supporting the efforts of extremists to derail Iraqi self-government. Hastily withdrawing U.S. troops for political reasons would be a mistake for which we would pay for decades.
A look at the nightly news confirms the finding that six out of 10 Iraqis are worried about security, but what's being given short shrift are the strides being made and the intensity of Iraqi optimism.
Posted by
11:57 AM
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
Now that's what I call a sticky situation
I especially like the deputy sergeant's advanced method for determining whether or not the package was dangerous. Click here for the story.
Posted by
1:58 PM
Humor: A Tragedy
Presidential candidate John Kerry visits a primary school classroom. They are in the middle of a discussion related to words and their meanings. The teacher asks Mr. Kerry if he would like to lead the discussion on the word "tragedy". So the illustrious Senator asks the class for an example of a tragedy. One little boy stands up and offers: "If my best friend, who lives on a farm, is playing in the field and a tractor runs him over and kills him; that would be a 'tragedy'."
"No," says Kerry, "that would be an accident". A little girl raises her hand. "If a school bus carrying 50 children drove over a cliff, killing everyone inside, that would be a tragedy".
"I'm afraid not" explains Mr. Kerry. That's what we would call a 'great loss'.
"The room goes silent. No other children volunteered. Kerry searches the room. "Isn't there someone here who can give me an example of a 'tragedy'?"
...Finally, at the back of the room a small boy raises his hand. In a quiet voice, he says: "If your campaign plane, carrying you, Mr. Kerry, were struck by a 'friendly fire' missile and blown to smithereens that would be a 'tragedy'." "Fantastic!" exclaims Kerry. "That's right. And can you tell me why that would be a 'tragedy'?" "Well," says the boy, "because it certainly wouldn't be a 'great loss' and it probably wouldn't be an ‘accident’”
Posted by
9:20 AM
Monday, October 18, 2004
Dear Limey Assholes
Incredible. Anyone who can't see through this is obviously a regular reader of the Guardian. The original story was for Guardian readers to email voters in an Ohio county. Well, they got responses...just as they would get a response from me if someone had the temerity to email me telling me how to vote...especially from someone in another country. But look at what The Guardian posted on its web site as Americans' responses. First, they never posted regular samples of the thousands of emails sent to Americans (only 3 from highly-regarded Britons). Secondly, there is no example of constructive, critical responses from Americans, unless it is from the pro-Kerry side. Just what does the Guardian expect to accomplish?
Posted by
5:41 PM
More Kerry Ads
I remember hearing this when I drove up around New York about two weeks ago.
Posted by
9:03 AM
Sunday, October 17, 2004
My JohnKerryLies O'Lantern!!!
Here is the pumpkin I was boldly displaying in my window last week. It has since rotted, and now I have to carve a new one. One might think that it's not a good idea to put a JKL O'Lantern in the same neighborhood where Kerry/Edwards bumper stickers have been mysteriously turning up defaced (heh), but lucky for me liberals are just a bunch of giant pussies.
Much like how I don't like it when people around me claim to suck at golf, I also don't like it when people around me claim to be politically incorrect.
Posted by
Tio Jaime
8:52 PM
Why you can't trust the media: The New York Times Endorses John Kerry
Herein lies the entirety of the New York Times OpEd endorsing John Kerry as President. In red are my comments:
John Kerry for PresidentWhat a wonderfully original title.
Senator John Kerry goes toward the election with a base that is built more on opposition to George W. Bush than loyalty to his own candidacy. But over the last year we have come to know Mr. Kerry as more than just an alternative to the status quo. We like what we've seen. He has qualities that could be the basis for a great chief executive, not just a modest improvement on the incumbent.Over the last year, the NYT has made the determination that Kerry is able to lead this country? With a record of multiple terms in the senate, the NYT fails to find any past efforts of Kerry that would make him that valued of a leader. A record that shows him to be a socialist-leaning, military-scoffing senator, he would be a danger to military morale and shake the very foundation of this country's libertarian roots.
We have been impressed with Mr. Kerry's wide knowledge and clear thinking - something that became more apparent once he was reined in by that two-minute debate light. He is blessedly willing to re-evaluate decisions when conditions change. And while Mr. Kerry's service in Vietnam was first over-promoted and then over-pilloried, his entire life has been devoted to public service, from the war to a series of elected offices. He strikes us, above all, as a man with a strong moral core.Speaking to an audience of 50+ million people was never an easy task. More people are suited to do it than others, and some past presidents of this nation that never had to deal with the microscope of public attention or media scorn as this administration would have fared worse. And having "wide knowledge" and "clear thinking" is no guarantee of success in an office such as this. Many successful businessmen in this nation did not succeed by their own personal virtues alone, but by the fact that they surrounded themselves with an impressive array of advisors who were not only brilliant, but would not be a subservient bunch of "yes-men". And calling Kerry "blessedly willing to re-evaluate decisions when conditions change" is perhaps the grandest euphamism of describing a flip-flop that I have ever seen. A life entirely devoted to public service should make the public wary, especially one so devoid of any significant accomplishments. And to briefly repudiate the notion of Kerry having a "strong moral core", I can mention that Sen. Kerry has admitted in his testifying before Congress in the early 1970's to performing brutal acts against Vietnamese civilians during the Vietnam war and grouped his fellow soldiers and sailors into the very same category as his. Strong moral core, indeed. He is either a war criminal, a liar, or both. And to someone who made the very foundation of his campaign the Vietnam War, John Kerry should make people think twice about casting a ballot in his favor. Additionally, Kerry's divorce after six years of separation from a wife battling depression should also make some people question his belief in the sanctity of marriage. This in particular is not something I pay excessive attention to, but the fact that Newt Gingrich and John McCain were hammered by the media for similar acts, makes me wonder about the double standard the mainstream media has in its criticism of certain public figures.
There is no denying that this race is mainly about Mr. Bush's disastrous tenure. Nearly four years ago, after the Supreme Court awarded him the presidency, Mr. Bush came into office amid popular expectation that he would acknowledge his lack of a mandate by sticking close to the center. Instead, he turned the government over to the radical right.The NYT is disenfranchising the millions of voters who cast a vote in Bush's favor by this paragraph alone. People are notoriously fickle. Indeed, if the election was held just one month earlier in October of 2000 according to Gallup Poll numbers, President Bush may have been elected by a margin of 13 points. Is that a sufficient number for a mandate? The president had an approval rating of 87% two months after 9-11. Is that a sufficient number for a mandate? Sticking close to the center would have brought on accusations of President Bush being a lame-duck president. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
Mr. Bush installed John Ashcroft, a favorite of the far right with a history of insensitivity to civil liberties, as attorney general. He sent the Senate one ideological, activist judicial nominee after another. He moved quickly to implement a far-reaching anti-choice agenda including censorship of government Web sites and a clampdown on embryonic stem cell research. He threw the government's weight against efforts by the University of Michigan to give minority students an edge in admission, as it did for students from rural areas or the offspring of alumni.Insensitivity to civil liberties? Why is it "insensitivity" to a civil liberty when someone fights for the right of an unborn child? Why is it "insensitivity" to a civil liberty when someone fights for Second Amendment rights? And again, what is with this misconception about the government clamping down on embryonic stem cell research? When is the government not using taxpayer funds called a "clampdown"? President Bush is the first president in history to start federal funding of stem cell research for pre-existing lines. Private funding has no restriction on stem cell research. The government does not penalize companies who do either. And whether you believe it or not, voting for John Kerry isn't going to make people with spinal cord injuries get up and walk again. Stem cells have not been proven to help people at all, rats not included.
When the nation fell into recession, the president remained fixated not on generating jobs but rather on fighting the right wing's war against taxing the wealthy. As a result, money that could have been used to strengthen Social Security evaporated, as did the chance to provide adequate funding for programs the president himself had backed. No Child Left Behind, his signature domestic program, imposed higher standards on local school systems without providing enough money to meet them.My despisal of the Social Security system won't be elaborated on at this time. And neither will my similar feelings about the Department of Education, which I believe is a black hole for progress in education. The monetary waste also lies at the city and local level for schools. If people want the schools to improve, the parents have to be involved in the school system, and they have to work with the teachers instead of working against them. Relying upon government alone to educate your child is a recipe for disaster, yet what a lot of teachers are seeing with the current crops going into the introductory grade levels are children devoid of many of the basic skills they should have prior to entering into the schools: When teachers spend time teaching 1st and 2nd graders basic manners and how to recognize letters and numbers instead of what they're supposed to learn, they're always going to be behind. No government program can solve this without turning the children over to the state.
If Mr. Bush had wanted to make a mark on an issue on which Republicans and Democrats have long made common cause, he could have picked the environment. Christie Whitman, the former New Jersey governor chosen to run the Environmental Protection Agency, came from that bipartisan tradition. Yet she left after three years of futile struggle against the ideologues and industry lobbyists Mr. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney had installed in every other important environmental post. The result has been a systematic weakening of regulatory safeguards across the entire spectrum of environmental issues, from clean air to wilderness protection.Exactly how wise is it to hold ourselves to drastically higher environmental standards than the up-and-coming industrial powerhouses of India and China? Environmental improvements are steadily occurring. Air and water quality are better now than they were four years ago in the United States. And in another example of media's distortion of the facts, the NYT is hoping that people will have forgotten what actually happened with Christie Whitman. Nowhere in her resignation statement did she say that she was disgruntled with the administration. Instead, her letter highlighted the administration's successful efforts to clean the country's air, water and land.
The president who lost the popular vote got a real mandate on Sept. 11, 2001. With the grieving country united behind him, Mr. Bush had an unparalleled opportunity to ask for almost any shared sacrifice. The only limit was his imagination.
He asked for another tax cut and the war against Iraq.*sigh* Tax cuts spur consumer confidence and spending; necessary after such a disastrous day in American history. And I won't get into Iraq at this time...
The president's refusal to drop his tax-cutting agenda when the nation was gearing up for war is perhaps the most shocking example of his inability to change his priorities in the face of drastically altered circumstances. Mr. Bush did not just starve the government of the money it needed for his own education initiative or the Medicare drug bill. He also made tax cuts a higher priority than doing what was needed for America's security; 90 percent of the cargo unloaded every day in the nation's ports still goes uninspected.The alternative: RAISE taxes? The millions of jobs lost after 9-11 would have been compounded without the tax cuts. There is very little else a government can do to turn an entire economy around short of a second "New Deal" program...and thankfully, our situation never became that serious. Lowering taxes was a smart move.
Along with the invasion of Afghanistan, which had near unanimous international and domestic support, Mr. Bush and his attorney general put in place a strategy for a domestic antiterror war that had all the hallmarks of the administration's normal method of doing business: a Nixonian obsession with secrecy, disrespect for civil liberties and inept management.I know some people who would call it "disciplined" instead. It's only a secret when someone else covets that secret. With a mainstream-media so uncooperative and filled with hate, I would probably do the same thing if put into the shoes of this administration. The media should do their jobs and focus on reporting the news instead of creating government exposés.
American citizens were detained for long periods without access to lawyers or family members. Immigrants were rounded up and forced to languish in what the Justice Department's own inspector general found were often "unduly harsh" conditions. Men captured in the Afghan war were held incommunicado with no right to challenge their confinement. The Justice Department became a cheerleader for skirting decades-old international laws and treaties forbidding the brutal treatment of prisoners taken during wartime.In 1861, President Lincoln declared martial law, suspended Habeas Corpus, had tens of thousands of US citizens arrested, and ignored the decisions of the US Supreme Court, yet is arguably the greatest president in American History.
Mr. Ashcroft appeared on TV time and again to announce sensational arrests of people who turned out to be either innocent, harmless braggarts or extremely low-level sympathizers of Osama bin Laden who, while perhaps wishing to do something terrible, lacked the means. The Justice Department cannot claim one major successful terrorism prosecution, and has squandered much of the trust and patience the American people freely gave in 2001. Other nations, perceiving that the vast bulk of the prisoners held for so long at Guantánamo Bay came from the same line of ineffectual incompetents or unlucky innocents, and seeing the awful photographs from the Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad, were shocked that the nation that was supposed to be setting the world standard for human rights could behave that way.The Abu Ghraib prison scandal was entirely the fault of the media. The military was already conducting an investigation and about the adjudicate the matter when the photos were leaked, and all hell broke loose. The unfortunate truth is that when you have 18-20 year olds doing a job, despite the best efforts to get them to act and perform their job properly, things like this happen. It is not tolerated, but ask anyone who has served in the military, and they will tell you it is unavoidable.
Like the tax cuts, Mr. Bush's obsession with Saddam Hussein seemed closer to zealotry than mere policy. He sold the war to the American people, and to Congress, as an antiterrorist campaign even though Iraq had no known working relationship with Al Qaeda. His most frightening allegation was that Saddam Hussein was close to getting nuclear weapons. It was based on two pieces of evidence. One was a story about attempts to purchase critical materials from Niger, and it was the product of rumor and forgery. The other evidence, the purchase of aluminum tubes that the administration said were meant for a nuclear centrifuge, was concocted by one low-level analyst and had been thoroughly debunked by administration investigators and international vetting. Top members of the administration knew this, but the selling went on anyway. None of the president's chief advisers have ever been held accountable for their misrepresentations to the American people or for their mismanagement of the war that followed.Being misrepresented is a matter of interpretation. I never felt misrepresented, but of course, I was privvy to military intelligence at the time, as was John Kerry (who knew much more than I did, being on the Senate Intelligence Committee). Everyone was duped into believing Iraq had WMD. And as I've said before, terrorism is like a cancer. Only attacking the biggest tumor (Afghanistan), and you'll leave the others growing until they're too big for you to handle. What did we know? Iran and North Korea were already too hot to handle when 9/11 came around. Iraq? They were desperately trying to obtain WMD, and the threat wasn't going away. Saddam provided $20,000 rewards to Palestinian suicide bombers' families, among a host of other infamous actions during his rule. Uday and Qusay were thought in some circles to be even more dangerous than their father before them. No, Iraq was stopped before they became too big to handle.
The international outrage over the American invasion is now joined by a sense of disdain for the incompetence of the effort. Moderate Arab leaders who have attempted to introduce a modicum of democracy are tainted by their connection to an administration that is now radioactive in the Muslim world. Heads of rogue states, including Iran and North Korea, have been taught decisively that the best protection against a pre-emptive American strike is to acquire nuclear weapons themselves.The results of the effort are arguable. The news media tends to ignore achievements, but magnify the few failures, playing into the hands of the enemies of the United States. When power levels in Baghdad finally surpassed pre-war levels, I had to read it on an independent web site; I heard nothing about the achievement in the mainstream media. Is it not irresponsible to constantly report about power failures, yet laud the achievement when the Americans and Iraqis, working together against all odds, restore the power grid? Americans have always been villified, especially magnified since the fall of the Soviet Union. Call it jealousy, call it hatred...when you're the king of the hill, there is no other potential energy but downwards. And rogue states have always strived for nuclear weapons. Calling the efforts of rogue nations to obtain nuclear weapons primarily because of the United States' pre-emptive strike against Iraq is pathetically glib. What about the competing argument regarding Libya and its forfeiture of nuclear weapons and other WMD? I'd call that a successful example of the Bush Doctrine.
We have specific fears about what would happen in a second Bush term, particularly regarding the Supreme Court. The record so far gives us plenty of cause for worry. Thanks to Mr. Bush, Jay Bybee, the author of an infamous Justice Department memo justifying the use of torture as an interrogation technique, is now a federal appeals court judge. Another Bush selection, J. Leon Holmes, a federal judge in Arkansas, has written that wives must be subordinate to their husbands and compared abortion rights activists to Nazis.The president doesn't confirm the choices of judges, the legislative branch does. If you don't like the choice of a judge, tell your state representative.
Mr. Bush remains enamored of tax cuts but he has never stopped Republican lawmakers from passing massive spending, even for projects he dislikes, like increased farm aid.Okay, well, I don't like government spending either...but it doesn't make me believe Kerry will not do the fact, I'm less confident about Kerry's spending habits where they matter most. Government funding of social programs frighten me.
If he wins re-election, domestic and foreign financial markets will know the fiscal recklessness will continue. Along with record trade imbalances, that increases the chances of a financial crisis, like an uncontrolled decline of the dollar, and higher long-term interest rates.Alan Greenspan was part of the Clinton as well as the Bush administration. And trade imbalances were also at their respective record levels during the "bubble market" of the late '90's. Economics is a highly involved, interrelated, and complex study, and is not solely the responsibility of the executive.
The Bush White House has always given us the worst aspects of the American right without any of the advantages. We get the radical goals but not the efficient management. The Department of Education's handling of the No Child Left Behind Act has been heavily politicized and inept. The Department of Homeland Security is famous for its useless alerts and its inability to distribute antiterrorism aid according to actual threats. Without providing enough troops to properly secure Iraq, the administration has managed to so strain the resources of our armed forces that the nation is unprepared to respond to a crisis anywhere else in the world.I am amused at the media's lack of understanding of the Homeland Security alert structure. Just why is it so useless? Hurricanes have five categories of severity. The military has alert status structures for everything. It does just what it says: IT PUTS US ON ALERT! I haven't heard a better idea that would work for such a large population in the United States. You can't expect a system created a couple years ago to work perfectly from the get-go. The administration has also said repeatedly that they would take the advice of its military commanders with regard to troop numbers, and they have done so. Realize that much like throwing money into a social program, throwing soldiers into a battle does not necessarily equate to success. Nowhere have I seen anyone in the media analyze the drawbacks of adding more troops to a region, of which there are many. And when John Kerry and his media lap dogs cite General Eric Shinseki calling for more troops, they neglect to mention the other generals and admirals in the room recommending the other point of view.
Mr. Kerry has the capacity to do far, far better. He has a willingness - sorely missing in Washington these days - to reach across the aisle. We are relieved that he is a strong defender of civil rights, that he would remove unnecessary restrictions on stem cell research and that he understands the concept of separation of church and state. We appreciate his sensible plan to provide health coverage for most of the people who currently do without.At this point, I want to smack this guy.
Mr. Kerry has an aggressive and in some cases innovative package of ideas about energy, aimed at addressing global warming and oil dependency. He is a longtime advocate of deficit reduction. In the Senate, he worked with John McCain in restoring relations between the United States and Vietnam, and led investigations of the way the international financial system has been gamed to permit the laundering of drug and terror money. He has always understood that America's appropriate role in world affairs is as leader of a willing community of nations, not in my-way-or-the-highway domination.Thou shalt not take thy Senator John McCain's name in vain. And I would always support America's role in world affairs as a leader of a community of nations...the unfortunate fact is that they're not willing...they're petty. And if they don't take a tough stand against world terror, they're useless as a unified body.
We look back on the past four years with hearts nearly breaking, both for the lives unnecessarily lost and for the opportunities so casually wasted. Time and again, history invited George W. Bush to play a heroic role, and time and again he chose the wrong course. We believe that with John Kerry as president, the nation will do better.Here we go again with liberals using military deaths as a political tool. Lives were not unnecessarily lost in Iraq. They were unnecessarily lost on 9/11. Those were the innocent. They were the people this nation has a duty to protect. That is what President Bush promised to do and is doing right now. No attempt to paint a falsely idyllic picture of what could be with John Kerry can change what the world is like today.
Voting for president is a leap of faith. A candidate can explain his positions in minute detail and wind up governing with a hostile Congress that refuses to let him deliver. A disaster can upend the best-laid plans. All citizens can do is mix guesswork and hope, examining what the candidates have done in the past, their apparent priorities and their general character. It's on those three grounds that we enthusiastically endorse John Kerry for president.And it is on those same grounds that I enthusiastically crap on your choice.
Posted by
2:46 PM
Ahhh, gotta love the media...
It's something I've been noticing recently and quite often in the they headline and choose to report the stories they present to the public. This is really dangerous for a passive population that bases its knowledge on what they see and hear on television or some papers. Add CNN to that list of providers that did the same thing.
Posted by
9:11 AM
Saturday, October 16, 2004
The decline of a nation
I stumbled upon this article today. It was written over 10 years ago, but frighteningly appropriate for us. Here's an excerpt:
History has shown that the average age of the great civilizations is around two hundred years. Countries like Great Britain exceed the average while other countries like the United States are just now reaching the average age.Update: Interesting...a few hours after I posted this, I heard Rick Roberts filling in for Michael Savage, quote this exact paragraph. Coincidence?
Each of the great civilizations in the world passed through a series of stages from their birth to their decline to their death. Historians have listed these in ten stages.
The first stage moves from bondage to spiritual faith. The second from spiritual faith to great courage. The third stage moves from great courage to liberty. The fourth stage moves from liberty to abundance. The fifth stage moves from abundance to selfishness. The sixth stage moves from selfishness to complacency. The seventh stage moves from complacency to apathy. The eighth stage moves from apathy to moral decay. The ninth stage moves from moral decay to dependence. And the tenth and last stage moves from dependence to bondage.
These are the ten stages through which the great civilizations have gone. Notice the progression from bondage to liberty back to bondage. The first generation throws off the shackles of bondage only to have a later generation through apathy and indifference allow itself to once again be enslaved.
Posted by
12:01 AM
Friday, October 15, 2004
Keep an eye on this one...
In case you don't know history: Israel hit Bushehr once before in the early eighties to prevent Iran from developing nukes...what will happen this time??
Bushehr Completed
MOSCOW (Reuters) -- The Federal Atomic Energy Agency said Thursday it had finished construction of the Bushehr nuclear power plant in southern Iran -- a project the United States fears Tehran could use to make nuclear arms.
"We're done. All we need to do now is work out [with the Iranians] the agreement on sending spent fuel back to Russia," an agency spokesman said.
To allay U.S. concerns, Russia has promised not to start the plant up until Tehran guarantees to return to Russia all spent nuclear fuel.
Alaeddin Boroujerdi, head of the Iranian Parliament's Foreign Affairs and National Security Commission, was in Moscow on Thursday for talks with atomic energy agency and Foreign Ministry officials.
Posted by
8:52 AM
Thursday, October 14, 2004
This is my comment on this incredibly lucid post made by a non-Republican at Vodkapundit
Click here for the original post.
"...As a Bush supporter, I have no problem with a Kerry supporter as long as that voter makes that decision for him/herself. I may not agree with the arguments that voter may make, but they definitely have the right to their own thought-out opinion. For example, if you like socialism, great. Vote for Kerry. I may think you're an idiot, but I'd still respect your opinion.
It's the "anyone but Bush" crowd that I'm much more wary of and with whom I'm mightily displeased. For it is this crowd that I feel the uninformed voter THRIVES.
I, too, have become frustrated with the DNC and what they've done to divide/indirectly support those who do divide the country (ie, Michael Moore). And while I don't agree with everything Bush says and does, it is my EXTREME displeasure with the DNC that makes me even more proud to cast my vote against all for which it stands."
Posted by
11:31 PM
Sarah Smile
I'd like to point out, that much like my Martha Stewart fixation, my Sarah Degenhart fixation was miles ahead of the pack. Only now, several days after I mentioned her repeatedly in my 3am criticism, is there a fan page.
Fucking posers, all of you.
Posted by
Tio Jaime
4:34 PM
Labels: 3am Criticism
Life is hard; It's harder if you're stupid. -John Wayne
Kerry supporter? Ask yourself a few questions before you go to the polls:
Do you really think you're going to have a health care program run by the government without taxes being raised on the middle class?
Do you really think the media, being HUMAN and politically involved, are giving you an unbiased view of the political candidates?
Are you letting musicians and hollywood, often infused with high school and college drop-outs, influence your vote on election day?
Do you really think wars are cakewalks and bloodless? How many countries in history do you know of that were conquered with such low allied casualties?
How do you explain the massive support of the current administration among our current soldiers and sailors (myself included) of over 70% for active, national guard, and reserve forces?
Did you know that our current flu shot dilemma has been caused by the bankruptcy of domestic health care companies due to litigation and no tort reform?
Did you know that Kerry voted against Persian Gulf War I?
Furthermore, did you know he was against the Tomahawk missile, AEGIS Cruiser, and many other defense-related equipment during the height of the cold war, which has also caused US casualties to be CONSIDERABLY lower than most any other battles in history since the beginning of time?
You thought Jimmy Carter was bad with his massive tax increases and slashed defense budgets? Kerry has a more liberal record than even he does.
Has the "division" of this country come about because of George Bush, or because the Democrats seeked to create the divide that was never there in the first place? The country that was united by 9/11 was torn down by power-hungry democrats and their supporters, still sore from their loss in 2000.
Think life is hard now? Considering all we've been through collectively as a nation because of 9/11, it's not that bad.
Don't make it harder.
Posted by
3:28 PM
TURN: Unfunded mandate of NCLB is actually good
So if I remember my high school forensics correctly (I only debated for a couple of years, the rest of the time I did IE), a turn is where you concede an opponent's argument, but argue that the disadvantages associated with his argument end up causing more harm.
Example: NEG says that AFF's plan will increase the number of styrofoam cups produced nationwide, which is bad because it's styrofoam and not paper. AFF turns this argument saying, "Oh shit yeah, we're increasing the number of styrofoam cups" and that styrofoam cups require less energy to produce than do paper cups, thereby saving an assload of energy. Don't use the words like "shit" and "assload" in HS Speech and Debate. Go Bells.
John Kerry has taken great pains to attack the president about not funding his own touted No Child Left Behind (NCLB) legislation. That's fine and dandy with me, since the more money you pump into public schools, the shittier our kids do.
Well, *your* kids. I don't have kids, just a truck and a laptop and a dog who really isn't even mine anymore as she lives with my sister in Santa Monica, CA.
Last time I checked, California was 49th in the union when it came to test scores, but first in terms of money spent per student. Why the fuck would you want to spend any more then, huh? The problem with public schools is not that not enough money is spent on them, but instead that too much money is spent inefficiently. Huge, bulky school bureaucracies and administrations need to be trimmed down so that the money already spent for public schools is better distributed to teachers and supplies. Go take a look at parochial schools, check out how streamlined they are. When I was a wee lad back in the Reagan Administration going to school at Saint Lawrence the Martyr Elementary School with SixH, I remember having a principal and a secretary in the office. That's it.
If public schools complain that NCLB is an unfunded mandate that their evil president is forcing upon them, I'll be the first to say, "Fuck you. You go straight to hell." We've all seen what happens when education budgets are increased. It's about time we learned from our mistakes. These public schools can and will have to make do with what they have already.
Posted by
Tio Jaime
12:54 PM
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
The LiveBlog of the Final Presidential Debate
(5:57:35 PM) You have just entered room "JOHN KERRY IS A HOMOTARD."
TioJaime (5:57:40 PM): hello dere!
TioJaime (5:58:00 PM): OK i've opened up a chatroom
TioJaime (5:58:14 PM): with luck, SixH will be joining us
TioJaime (5:58:44 PM): Fortunately for me, I have no woman, and as such I can 3am Criticize this at almost no inconvenience to myself
TioJaime (5:58:51 PM): yessir, fortunately for me. heh.
TioJaime (5:59:00 PM): dammit, if you're reading this, find me a woman
TioJaime (5:59:07 PM): watching on Fox News Channel
TioJaime (5:59:13 PM): really, the only way to watch
TioJaime (5:59:18 PM): Brit Hume is talking about baseball now
TioJaime (5:59:45 PM): I bet you John Kerry can't tell you who's pitching for Boston tonight
TioJaime (6:01:09 PM): this dell sucks ass
TioJaime (6:01:46 PM): Bob Sheefer! (sp?)
TioJaime (6:01:53 PM): he was on the Don and Mike Show last week...
TioJaime (6:02:06 PM): yay, domestic affairs
TioJaime (6:02:18 PM): Dude, Where's My SixHertz?
TioJaime (6:03:12 PM): "audience has agreed to remain silent, except for right now..."
TioJaime (6:03:23 PM): yeah if I was in the audience, i wouldn't agree to greet John Kerry
TioJaime (6:03:45 PM): OK herein: Bush = W and Kerry = ASSCLOWN
TioJaime (6:04:16 PM): first question to ASSCLOWN: will our children ever live in as safe a world as we grew up in?
TioJaime (6:04:32 PM): ASSCLOWN
TioJaime (6:04:42 PM): i'm gonna keep that in my clipboard
TioJaime (6:04:51 PM): here, watch the time stamp
TioJaime (6:04:52 PM): ASSCLOWN
TioJaime (6:04:53 PM): ASSCLOWN
TioJaime (6:04:53 PM): ASSCLOWN
TioJaime (6:04:54 PM): ASSCLOWN
TioJaime (6:04:55 PM): ASSCLOWN
TioJaime (6:04:55 PM): ASSCLOWN
TioJaime (6:05:18 PM): LOL
TioJaime (6:05:24 PM): forgot about that
TioJaime (6:05:41 PM): why does ASSCLOWN look diferent each time i see him on TV?
TioJaime (6:05:58 PM): yeah, talk to kennedy again
TioJaime (6:06:02 PM): ALLIANCES?!?
TioJaime (6:06:24 PM): said he who destroys our alliances by having his sister campaign against our australian ally in his reelection bid
TioJaime (6:06:40 PM): W!
TioJaime (6:07:01 PM): did somebody say "19-y-o afghan woman"
TioJaime (6:07:17 PM): hey, they should let Sarah Degenhart moderate
TioJaime (6:07:20 PM): she was *dreamy*
TioJaime (6:07:52 PM): la la la, ASSCLOWN says that we let osama escape
TioJaime (6:08:27 PM): OK folks, seriously... if that *really* happened, don't you think the LIBERAL media would've had a field day?
TioJaime (6:08:57 PM): *EXAGGERATION*
(6:09:26 PM) SixHertz has entered the room.
TioJaime (6:09:33 PM): get in here, goddamit
SixHertz (6:09:47 PM): I'm here, mofo
TioJaime (6:09:50 PM): oh man, that was funny, did you see him just now?
TioJaime (6:10:03 PM): yeah, i know
SixHertz (6:10:19 PM): George is doing well right now.
TioJaime (6:10:35 PM): yeah, he went straight for the kill w/the terrorism as nuisance
SixHertz (6:10:42 PM): absolutely.
TioJaime (6:10:52 PM): this is a stupid question right now
SixHertz (6:10:53 PM): What? Not f*cking working?
TioJaime (6:11:07 PM): what the shit is he talking about?
SixHertz (6:11:10 PM): I think Bush is ultra-prepared for this debate.
SixHertz (6:11:15 PM): Arizonians?
SixHertz (6:11:24 PM): I'm from Canadia.
SixHertz (6:11:27 PM): duhhh
TioJaime (6:11:30 PM): i prefer "Arizoners"
SixHertz (6:11:57 PM): right, "I will fix EVERYTHING" f*cker...
SixHertz (6:12:06 PM): "I HAVE A PLAN!!!"
TioJaime (6:12:13 PM): that wasn't the fucking question, you fucktard
SixHertz (6:12:20 PM): AHAHAHAHAHAHAH
SixHertz (6:12:27 PM): A littany of complaints!
TioJaime (6:12:29 PM): LOL
SixHertz (6:12:31 PM): THAT WAS GREAT!
TioJaime (6:12:49 PM): dude, he's bringing his A game tonight
SixHertz (6:12:53 PM): nice...he better get the saliva off his mouth.
TioJaime (6:13:00 PM): i missed the saliva
SixHertz (6:13:08 PM): We have choice.
SixHertz (6:13:22 PM): OOOH! he f*cked himself there.
TioJaime (6:13:37 PM): yeah, because we'll have choice with a big government, great society socialized healthcare system
TioJaime (6:13:57 PM): OK watch, the question is about john kerry
SixHertz (6:13:57 PM): just see if people start coming over here for health care.
TioJaime (6:14:33 PM): la la la, bush "lost" jobs
SixHertz (6:14:50 PM): my plan this, my plan that.
SixHertz (6:15:16 PM): and completely F*CK business.
SixHertz (6:15:32 PM): I think I need to bleep out my french in the posting. ;-)
TioJaime (6:15:38 PM): nah, you'll be fine
TioJaime (6:15:43 PM): don't censor
SixHertz (6:15:50 PM): I have an Idea. I think we should find out HOW we get that awful hairdo of yours.
TioJaime (6:15:57 PM): part of being politically incorrect is cussing like a sailor
TioJaime (6:16:01 PM): and aren't you a sailor?
SixHertz (6:16:07 PM): :D yah.
SixHertz (6:16:14 PM): yeah, smile it up, kerry.
TioJaime (6:16:26 PM): tell you what, i'll swear like a sailor, and you can have a construction mouth
SixHertz (6:16:30 PM): ooooh, he's ON with the numbers.
TioJaime (6:16:45 PM): yeah, i like it when he's eggheaded
SixHertz (6:17:02 PM): the middle class
SixHertz (6:17:05 PM): ahaha, called it.
SixHertz (6:17:19 PM): damn, Bush...clean your lip....
TioJaime (6:17:26 PM): yeah, i was thinking the same thing
TioJaime (6:17:32 PM): didn't want to say anything though
SixHertz (6:18:06 PM): man, he prepped well for this debate.
TioJaime (6:18:11 PM): yeah, totally
SixHertz (6:18:35 PM): I'm astonished.
TioJaime (6:18:50 PM): i like his goofy smirk
SixHertz (6:18:57 PM): hah
SixHertz (6:19:35 PM): uh.
SixHertz (6:19:37 PM): uh.
TioJaime (6:19:41 PM): ASSCLOWN
SixHertz (6:19:45 PM): uh
SixHertz (6:19:46 PM): uh
SixHertz (6:19:54 PM): uh....he's speechless
TioJaime (6:19:56 PM): oh, i mentioned before you came in, kerry = ASSCLOWN
SixHertz (6:19:58 PM): TONY SOPRANO?
SixHertz (6:20:00 PM): WTF?
TioJaime (6:20:01 PM): huh?
TioJaime (6:20:05 PM): whoa, i missed that shit
TioJaime (6:20:27 PM): gasoline prices would be lower if DEMOCRATS didn't vote for gas taxes
SixHertz (6:20:29 PM): guess what america! There was a bubble, assclown.
TioJaime (6:20:48 PM): or if DEMOCRATS didn't prevent us from drilling in alaska because it's pretty up there
SixHertz (6:20:52 PM): guess what america...if the liberals didn't prevent new refineries from being built, gas would be the same price as before.
TioJaime (6:20:59 PM): ASSCLOWN
SixHertz (6:21:02 PM): ASSCLOWNS!
TioJaime (6:21:15 PM): (i have ASSCLOWN on control-V)
SixHertz (6:21:21 PM): HAH
TioJaime (6:21:31 PM): what kind of fucking leading question is that?
SixHertz (6:21:32 PM): eh?!
SixHertz (6:21:45 PM): I will promise you ANYTHING for your vote.
SixHertz (6:21:50 PM): OHH!
SixHertz (6:21:53 PM): playing field?!
SixHertz (6:22:25 PM): a nanosecond.
SixHertz (6:22:28 PM): let's see that shit.
TioJaime (6:22:29 PM): huh?
SixHertz (6:22:44 PM): how much shit can he pull from his ass and keep it clean.
SixHertz (6:22:58 PM): his shit don't stink!?
TioJaime (6:23:18 PM): what the shit is this?
SixHertz (6:23:18 PM): uh...
TioJaime (6:23:23 PM): ASSCLOWN
TioJaime (6:23:35 PM): the American Economy doesn't center on the american worker
TioJaime (6:23:43 PM): it centers around American Profit
SixHertz (6:23:56 PM): NICE.
TioJaime (6:24:02 PM): and i don't want a president who is gonna be in bed w/the american unions anyway
SixHertz (6:24:07 PM): damn right it's money in my pocket.
TioJaime (6:24:21 PM): numbers!
SixHertz (6:24:33 PM): and you have MORE CONFIDENCE
TioJaime (6:24:38 PM): do you know how many watermelons you can buy with $1700?
SixHertz (6:24:46 PM): nice, NICE PREZ BUSH!
TioJaime (6:24:47 PM): hello dere!
SixHertz (6:24:50 PM): haha
SixHertz (6:25:02 PM): just like you, eh kerry?
SixHertz (6:25:05 PM): ASScLOWN!?
TioJaime (6:25:14 PM): ASSCLOWN
SixHertz (6:25:58 PM): LOL!
TioJaime (6:25:58 PM): LOL
SixHertz (6:26:09 PM): he fixed his saliva lip...thank god.
TioJaime (6:26:15 PM): yeah i hate gays too
SixHertz (6:26:22 PM): LOL
TioJaime (6:26:29 PM): i mean, "i hate all people, equally"
SixHertz (6:26:32 PM): DAMN PERFECT ANSWER
TioJaime (6:26:48 PM): i like how he toned it down.... it's all about controlling the tempo, baby
SixHertz (6:27:02 PM): very nice...damn...his lip still has the white crusty.
SixHertz (6:27:17 PM): uh oh...
SixHertz (6:27:37 PM): he's defending the point well...
SixHertz (6:27:54 PM): very moderate explanation.
TioJaime (6:28:04 PM): WHAT THE SHIT
TioJaime (6:28:05 PM): ASSCLOWN
SixHertz (6:28:06 PM): we're all God's children, bob.
SixHertz (6:28:11 PM): UH?!
SixHertz (6:28:14 PM): WTF?!
TioJaime (6:28:19 PM): LESBIAN-TASTIC!
SixHertz (6:28:24 PM): DIck Cheney is the only one he can think of?!
SixHertz (6:28:31 PM): struggling?! WTF?!
TioJaime (6:28:34 PM): i don't hate lesbians, btw... at least the hot kind
SixHertz (6:28:34 PM): he's blowing it?!
TioJaime (6:28:50 PM): oh, if anybody asks, we're not gays
SixHertz (6:29:08 PM): unbelieveable constitution.
SixHertz (6:29:12 PM): I like that quote.
SixHertz (6:29:17 PM): LOL!
TioJaime (6:29:22 PM): yes you can
TioJaime (6:29:26 PM): you ASSCLOWN
SixHertz (6:29:28 PM): Kerry: "Unbelievable Constitution"
SixHertz (6:29:43 PM): Kerry doesn't believe in the constitution!
SixHertz (6:29:44 PM): ;-)
TioJaime (6:30:00 PM): well, i wouldn't say it's a sin
TioJaime (6:30:14 PM): but it definitely goes against catholic teachings
SixHertz (6:30:28 PM): la la la I don't know what I'm saying al la la
TioJaime (6:30:39 PM): FUCKING ASSCLOWN
SixHertz (6:30:40 PM): where are you taking this, johnny?
SixHertz (6:30:56 PM): He is f*cking this one up.
TioJaime (6:31:16 PM): that's because he has to suck off the feminazi crowd in his party
SixHertz (6:31:31 PM): hmmm...
TioJaime (6:31:34 PM): yeah, you're obviously not following it then
SixHertz (6:31:44 PM): he thinks on his feet, but I think they're smelling tonight.
TioJaime (6:31:51 PM): yeah, equality isn't a tenet of the Catholic church
SixHertz (6:32:44 PM): ooh.
SixHertz (6:32:52 PM): I didn't know he voted against that law.
TioJaime (6:33:03 PM): which law? i was distracted
SixHertz (6:33:12 PM): partial birth abortions.
TioJaime (6:33:15 PM): ahh
TioJaime (6:33:27 PM): yeah, Teresa Heinz-Kerry should definitely practice abstinence
SixHertz (6:33:32 PM): ROFL!
TioJaime (6:33:46 PM): lawyers
TioJaime (6:33:54 PM): insurance companies
TioJaime (6:33:57 PM): fuck 'em
TioJaime (6:34:36 PM): yeah, man he's real comfortable and constructive up there
SixHertz (6:34:41 PM): he is. big time.
TioJaime (6:34:48 PM): nice, W
TioJaime (6:34:51 PM): tie that in, baby
SixHertz (6:34:56 PM): EXCELLENT!
SixHertz (6:35:04 PM): Wow...he is on his friggin' game tonight.
TioJaime (6:35:21 PM): maybe i'm biased... heh, maybe.... but it's nice how he forces ASSCLOWN to keep attacking him
TioJaime (6:35:41 PM): makes ASSCLOWN seem too adversarial
SixHertz (6:35:47 PM): I like how he lined that up.
TioJaime (6:35:50 PM): yep
TioJaime (6:36:05 PM): ASSCLOWN: it's the administration's fault
TioJaime (6:36:23 PM): umm, less expensive drugs IS NOT A RIGHT
SixHertz (6:36:24 PM): okay, you KNOW he has a better response to that than last time.
SixHertz (6:36:41 PM): yeah, YEAY SOCIALISM.
TioJaime (6:36:41 PM): well shit, if it belongs to me, i want it back
TioJaime (6:37:05 PM): $139 million?
SixHertz (6:37:13 PM): billion, i think he said.
TioJaime (6:37:16 PM): that's pennies on a national scale
TioJaime (6:37:19 PM): oh did he?
TioJaime (6:37:31 PM): LOL yeah bitch
TioJaime (6:37:36 PM): YEAH BITCH
SixHertz (6:37:37 PM): :-)
TioJaime (6:37:40 PM): "NO RECORD OF LEADERSHIP"
TioJaime (6:37:44 PM): TAKE THAT ASSCLOWN
TioJaime (6:38:08 PM): there *are* amendments
TioJaime (6:38:27 PM): "I'm a proud socialist!"
TioJaime (6:38:29 PM): =)
SixHertz (6:39:08 PM): Like we believe those shitbags.
SixHertz (6:39:12 PM): mainstream media.
TioJaime (6:39:13 PM): hey I have an idea! ANSWER THE QUESTION
SixHertz (6:39:18 PM): LOL
TioJaime (6:39:32 PM): where are you getting the money, the liberal moderator asked...
TioJaime (6:39:35 PM): la la la
SixHertz (6:39:44 PM): ZING HIM BACK BUSH!
TioJaime (6:40:03 PM): No Child Left Unaffected by Socialized Medicine
SixHertz (6:40:08 PM): oh, jesus.
TioJaime (6:40:11 PM): bullshit
SixHertz (6:40:26 PM): don't jpeolple see right through this crap?
TioJaime (6:40:31 PM): unfortunately no
SixHertz (6:41:06 PM): HAHAHA
TioJaime (6:41:14 PM): i wasn't listening, did he just say he was gonna cure diabetes?
SixHertz (6:41:21 PM): hahah, I zoned out there.
TioJaime (6:41:30 PM): and WTF did W just do?
TioJaime (6:41:40 PM): did he just brain hiccup?
SixHertz (6:41:51 PM): no, I'll tell you later.
TioJaime (6:41:54 PM): OK
SixHertz (6:42:06 PM): ABSOF*CKINGLUTELY
SixHertz (6:42:19 PM): ABSO F*CKING LUTELY
TioJaime (6:42:31 PM): GODDAM-RIGHT
SixHertz (6:42:34 PM): nice answer.
SixHertz (6:42:50 PM): wtf is kerry doing with his hands?
TioJaime (6:43:03 PM): yeah right
TioJaime (6:43:13 PM): oh oh, here we go
TioJaime (6:43:16 PM): BAM
SixHertz (6:43:19 PM): OH, mAN is bush on his game.
TioJaime (6:43:25 PM): yeah, my grandparents have VA coverage now
TioJaime (6:44:21 PM): media lies
SixHertz (6:44:24 PM): yup
TioJaime (6:44:26 PM): liberal media lies
TioJaime (6:44:37 PM): Think Different
TioJaime (6:44:59 PM): moynihan died?!?
SixHertz (6:45:41 PM): I know what Kerry is going to say:
SixHertz (6:45:49 PM): "Why didn't you do it in your first term"
SixHertz (6:46:04 PM): HAHAAHAHH
TioJaime (6:46:18 PM): i don't recognize ASSCLOWN as a fellow American
SixHertz (6:46:22 PM): lol
SixHertz (6:46:38 PM): How is that a disaster?
TioJaime (6:46:55 PM): it's a disaster because democrats will have less control over your money and life
SixHertz (6:47:02 PM): bullcrap.
TioJaime (6:47:13 PM): la la la
SixHertz (6:47:39 PM): Oooh, he brought up greenspan.
SixHertz (6:47:50 PM): Moderator is GOOOOOOOD
SixHertz (6:48:01 PM): LOL!
SixHertz (6:48:06 PM): nineteen ninety something
TioJaime (6:48:12 PM): that was a good year
SixHertz (6:48:16 PM): ROFL!
TioJaime (6:48:23 PM): with exception of President Bill Whats-his-face
TioJaime (6:48:37 PM): 2075?
SixHertz (6:49:01 PM): Bush should bring up the Nobel Laureate who agrees with Bush tax cuts.
SixHertz (6:49:10 PM): EH?
SixHertz (6:49:26 PM): did he just say "when social security gets into trouble"?
TioJaime (6:49:32 PM): missed it
SixHertz (6:49:38 PM): he keeps f*cking repeating himself.
SixHertz (6:49:48 PM): "I have a plan"
TioJaime (6:50:05 PM): i like secret, mystery plans. those are the *best*
SixHertz (6:51:08 PM): SMOKING!
SixHertz (6:51:22 PM): ABSOF*CKINGLUTELY!
TioJaime (6:51:39 PM): yay, immigrants
SixHertz (6:51:41 PM): immigration...okay, new question
TioJaime (6:51:54 PM): what say ye?
SixHertz (6:51:55 PM): wow.
TioJaime (6:51:57 PM): LOL
SixHertz (6:52:12 PM): goddamn, he must've had some caffeine tonight.
TioJaime (6:52:16 PM): anti-mexican drones!
SixHertz (6:52:51 PM): hmmm...the cards are controversial...
TioJaime (6:52:58 PM): update: Red Sox trailing Yankees 1-0 B5
SixHertz (6:52:59 PM): but it courts the mexican/latino vote.
SixHertz (6:53:02 PM): roger.
TioJaime (6:53:07 PM): you ever watch Geoge Lopez?
TioJaime (6:53:11 PM): his daughter is hot
SixHertz (6:53:13 PM): heh
TioJaime (6:53:19 PM): she's no Joan of Arcadia, but she'lld o
SixHertz (6:53:21 PM): Singapore has those programs.
SixHertz (6:53:35 PM): if the foreigners stay longer than they're supposed to, they're caned.
TioJaime (6:53:38 PM): nice
SixHertz (6:53:45 PM): CANING FOR DEMOCRATS!
TioJaime (6:54:10 PM): huh?
SixHertz (6:54:15 PM): I wanna be able to use my hands like that.
TioJaime (6:54:26 PM): i just wanna be able to follow his train of thought
SixHertz (6:54:27 PM): it's like he's on E
TioJaime (6:54:37 PM): my anti-drug is the Republican Party
SixHertz (6:54:41 PM): LOL!
TioJaime (6:54:56 PM): oh *W* is promising a plan?
TioJaime (6:55:04 PM): God Forbid ASSCLOWN
SixHertz (6:55:20 PM): EH?!
TioJaime (6:55:39 PM): ha ha
SixHertz (6:55:42 PM): NICE
TioJaime (6:55:49 PM): equipment like "anti-mexican drones"
SixHertz (6:56:06 PM): ALLEGEDLY!?
TioJaime (6:56:18 PM): that looked gay
TioJaime (6:56:24 PM): Yes
SixHertz (6:56:29 PM): Aliens from mars are ALLEGEDLY coming across the f*cking border.
TioJaime (6:56:35 PM): I *allegedly* had sex with Josie Maran last night
SixHertz (6:56:39 PM): HAH!
TioJaime (6:56:47 PM): shit i missed thte question
TioJaime (6:56:49 PM): oh
SixHertz (6:56:54 PM): minimum wage.
TioJaime (6:56:57 PM): umm, no... raising minimum wage bad idea
SixHertz (6:57:01 PM): talk about deestroying business.
TioJaime (6:57:05 PM): yep
TioJaime (6:57:22 PM): this should be an easy one for W
TioJaime (6:57:28 PM): oh la la la, yay for women
SixHertz (6:57:41 PM): yay for f*cking chuckie the pimply teenager.
TioJaime (6:57:55 PM): he's debating for under a million dollars for a bunch of dumb housefraus?!?
SixHertz (6:58:07 PM): eh?!
TioJaime (6:58:10 PM): WRONG QUESTION
TioJaime (6:58:15 PM): wrong question, wrong time
SixHertz (6:58:39 PM): oh, such crap.
TioJaime (6:58:43 PM): oh, *now* you like consumption?!?
TioJaime (6:58:47 PM): LOWER TAXES, ASSCLOWN
TioJaime (6:59:09 PM): OK, umm, W...
SixHertz (6:59:21 PM): i don't know where he's going with this one.
TioJaime (6:59:24 PM): yeah
TioJaime (6:59:35 PM): i can see where he's coming from... but it's a stretch
TioJaime (6:59:49 PM): we need anti-stupid drones
TioJaime (6:59:59 PM): NO
TioJaime (7:00:04 PM): FUCK MINORITIES
SixHertz (7:00:28 PM): hah
TioJaime (7:00:44 PM): interesting factoid: Rosa Parks was functionally illiterate
TioJaime (7:00:56 PM): j/k
SixHertz (7:00:59 PM): heh
SixHertz (7:01:07 PM): uhh...
SixHertz (7:01:15 PM): ummm...
TioJaime (7:01:21 PM): uhh, what about the 2nd amendment, ASSCLOWN
SixHertz (7:01:26 PM): no shit. the judge isn't supposed to...unless it's a f*cking amendment.
TioJaime (7:01:33 PM): CHOICE is not a RIGHT
SixHertz (7:01:35 PM): yes, let's go a step further.
TioJaime (7:02:16 PM): didn't W shoot this "president no fund NCLB" already?
SixHertz (7:02:19 PM): how is this the judge question?
TioJaime (7:02:29 PM): shit, there was a judge question?
TioJaime (7:02:46 PM): LOL, W using the "liberal" label again
TioJaime (7:02:56 PM): simmer down now, W
SixHertz (7:03:14 PM): you've been using percentage increases, assclown.
TioJaime (7:03:19 PM): so?
TioJaime (7:03:25 PM): so they lose programs
TioJaime (7:03:27 PM): BFD
SixHertz (7:03:28 PM): what does after school programs HAVE TO DO WITH FF*CKING READING!?
TioJaime (7:03:35 PM): SO WHAT
SixHertz (7:03:44 PM): duhh, I play basketball. Me likey ready.
TioJaime (7:03:51 PM): ASSHOLE
TioJaime (7:04:12 PM): ooh, i got a backdoor draft for you...
SixHertz (7:04:17 PM): "I would stop it"TioJaime (7:04:51 PM): oh. again, bad judgment on president's part
SixHertz (7:04:56 PM): I like how W is staring at assclown.
SixHertz (7:05:20 PM): I would like to magically take 40,000 americans....RIGHT OUTTA MY ASS!
TioJaime (7:05:29 PM): well shit, mr. fantasyland, why don't we just deploy rambo and Detective John Kimball
SixHertz (7:05:29 PM): and put 'em into the Nat'l Guard!
TioJaime (7:05:40 PM): I'm a cop, you idiot!
SixHertz (7:06:01 PM): eh?!
SixHertz (7:06:26 PM): Nice.
TioJaime (7:06:40 PM): oh... "up to 200 billion" now??? what happened to the "200 billion" we could've used for education and other fruity shit
TioJaime (7:07:00 PM): nice how he slows it down with intangibles
SixHertz (7:07:20 PM): very good judgement.
TioJaime (7:07:28 PM): yes
TioJaime (7:07:35 PM): damn, this guy's fucking good
SixHertz (7:07:46 PM): he's put on the defensive.
TioJaime (7:07:50 PM): yeah right
SixHertz (7:08:08 PM): Jesus H. Christ.
TioJaime (7:08:13 PM): oh, who put US troops under UN control and made them wear the fruity UN flag?
SixHertz (7:08:15 PM): NICE
TioJaime (7:08:16 PM): was that bill clinton?
SixHertz (7:08:18 PM): NIC E NICE NICE!
SixHertz (7:08:27 PM): HE BROUGHT UP THE 90 GULF WAR!
TioJaime (7:08:29 PM): uh oh
SixHertz (7:08:29 PM): F*CKING NICE!
TioJaime (7:08:31 PM): d'oh
TioJaime (7:08:35 PM): LOL
TioJaime (7:08:39 PM): EAT IT ASSCLOWN
SixHertz (7:08:47 PM): Advantage: Bush.
TioJaime (7:09:17 PM): yep
SixHertz (7:09:29 PM): ABSOLUTELY! Move to fighting crime.
TioJaime (7:09:30 PM): kinda obvious, but yep
SixHertz (7:09:35 PM): EXCELLENT SEGWAY.
SixHertz (7:10:06 PM): And you hunt Vietnamese.
SixHertz (7:10:24 PM): How is the DA a law enforcement officer?
TioJaime (7:10:32 PM): I'm a cop, you idiot!
SixHertz (7:10:34 PM): Kinda like a backdoor draft.
SixHertz (7:10:53 PM): Well, AK-47s were illegal before too.
SixHertz (7:11:08 PM): That's stupid.
TioJaime (7:11:15 PM): legality of AK-47s probably wouldn't stop drug dealers
SixHertz (7:11:22 PM): ?!
TioJaime (7:11:32 PM): who, by the nature of their occupations, don't deal with legal substances anyway
SixHertz (7:11:33 PM): Easy answer. HELL NO!
TioJaime (7:11:51 PM): Regretabbly
TioJaime (7:11:55 PM): lalala
SixHertz (7:12:09 PM): Equal playing field != equal results.
TioJaime (7:12:30 PM): != ?
TioJaime (7:12:33 PM): not?
SixHertz (7:12:34 PM): not equal
SixHertz (7:12:46 PM): science geek coming out in me.
TioJaime (7:12:50 PM): i'm more of a "<>" kinda guy
SixHertz (7:13:03 PM): gotcha.
SixHertz (7:13:09 PM): btw, what is kerry blubbering about?
TioJaime (7:13:10 PM): i think....
TioJaime (7:13:15 PM): something about travelling
TioJaime (7:13:21 PM): GOOD
TioJaime (7:13:28 PM): GOOD
TioJaime (7:13:29 PM): GOOD
TioJaime (7:13:33 PM): who like jesse jackson?
SixHertz (7:13:36 PM): oh, kerry just f*cked himself.
TioJaime (7:13:51 PM): yeah, nevermind that Condoleeza Rice IS BLACK
TioJaime (7:13:58 PM): BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL
SixHertz (7:14:15 PM): yeah, but she's castigated by blacks as a 'traitor'.
SixHertz (7:14:21 PM): SOME blacks.
SixHertz (7:14:25 PM): LIBERAL BLACKS.
TioJaime (7:14:29 PM): that's because black people don't know how to succeed
TioJaime (7:14:41 PM): their solution is to call somebody an uncle tom and pray for reparations
TioJaime (7:15:01 PM): she likes football
TioJaime (7:15:20 PM): OK i missed both of the responses
TioJaime (7:15:38 PM): hmm, good question
SixHertz (7:15:42 PM): very.
TioJaime (7:16:14 PM): good, see how he doesn't ram it down your throat like st. ASSCLOWN the martyr of massachusetts
SixHertz (7:16:20 PM): LOL
TioJaime (7:16:28 PM): umm, yeah, muslims aren't fit for western civilization
SixHertz (7:17:11 PM): well, he can't bring up islamofascists, unfortunately.
TioJaime (7:17:27 PM): I believe that God wants me to have sex with Josie Maran
TioJaime (7:17:42 PM): but...
SixHertz (7:17:45 PM): BUT
SixHertz (7:17:47 PM): BUT
TioJaime (7:18:13 PM): embryonic stem-cell research is a gift from God, yes
TioJaime (7:18:29 PM): so are semi-automatic weapons
SixHertz (7:18:36 PM): hehe
SixHertz (7:18:47 PM): because of plessy v. ferguson?
TioJaime (7:18:53 PM): VOUCHERS
TioJaime (7:19:19 PM): umm, the founding fathers didn't intend for a Godless America
SixHertz (7:19:38 PM): true dat.
TioJaime (7:19:43 PM): umm, i just burped up cotton candy
SixHertz (7:19:45 PM): a COMPLIMENT!?
SixHertz (7:19:51 PM): HOLY F*CKING SHIT!
TioJaime (7:19:53 PM): although i haven't had cotton candy in years
TioJaime (7:20:05 PM): yay! hugs for everybody!
SixHertz (7:20:08 PM): LOLQ
TioJaime (7:20:14 PM): Hugs, not Bombs
SixHertz (7:20:19 PM): Because the democrats SPREAD LIES!
TioJaime (7:20:47 PM): "idear"
TioJaime (7:20:56 PM): fuck john mccain
SixHertz (7:21:02 PM): yeah, we're all one big f*cking happy family because of Kerry.
TioJaime (7:21:12 PM): what? you've had reacharounds in the aisle?
SixHertz (7:21:34 PM): John McCain is just setting himself up as a Prez. candidate in 2008
TioJaime (7:21:37 PM): bullshit, democrats are never about uniting shit
SixHertz (7:21:39 PM): I'll vote for him.
TioJaime (7:21:51 PM): i would've voted for him, but he retracted his "gook" comments
TioJaime (7:21:53 PM): fucking pussy
SixHertz (7:21:56 PM): heh
TioJaime (7:22:02 PM): actually, he's not a pussy
TioJaime (7:22:07 PM): i'd like to rescind that
TioJaime (7:22:20 PM): but i would've respected him more if he stuck to his gook-guns
SixHertz (7:22:24 PM): heh
SixHertz (7:22:40 PM): I have to stay away from the 'gook' comments, since I am not asian. ;-)
TioJaime (7:22:50 PM): LOL
SixHertz (7:23:10 PM): HAH!
SixHertz (7:23:14 PM): retreat and defeat!
TioJaime (7:23:18 PM): damn, last question
TioJaime (7:23:26 PM): Bush has been cleaning up tonight
SixHertz (7:23:32 PM): Some hotter than others.
TioJaime (7:23:35 PM): ooh yeah daughters
SixHertz (7:23:39 PM): LOL!
SixHertz (7:23:41 PM): AHAHAHAHAHAH
TioJaime (7:23:44 PM): LOL
TioJaime (7:23:48 PM): oh shit that was funny
SixHertz (7:23:48 PM): WINNER!
TioJaime (7:24:02 PM): ooh yes, i'd love to have strong women around me too
SixHertz (7:24:20 PM): hahah
TioJaime (7:24:23 PM): i'd like to have Josie Maran in a cop uniform handcuff me and beat me
TioJaime (7:24:27 PM): LOL
TioJaime (7:24:33 PM): oh man, this guy is funny!
SixHertz (7:24:33 PM): He is SO cleaning up.
TioJaime (7:24:40 PM): sweet!
TioJaime (7:24:42 PM): Midland, TX
TioJaime (7:24:50 PM): oh hey, go see "friday night lights"
SixHertz (7:24:54 PM): awww...
TioJaime (7:25:03 PM): is he gonna criticize bush now?
TioJaime (7:25:18 PM): LOL yeah actually taht was kinda funny
SixHertz (7:25:22 PM): true.
SixHertz (7:25:23 PM): :-)
SixHertz (7:25:39 PM): Hey, gotta respect that.
TioJaime (7:25:45 PM): shit, i wanna marry rich
TioJaime (7:25:51 PM): don't wanna marry crazy
TioJaime (7:26:04 PM): oh, are you in need of integrity, senator?
SixHertz (7:26:04 PM): oh, man, teresa scares the ever loving piss out of me.
SixHertz (7:26:21 PM): I hear she makes a mean pumpkin cookie.
TioJaime (7:26:26 PM): jesus... her in a dominatrix outfit would make me shit my pants
SixHertz (7:26:30 PM): LOL
TioJaime (7:26:35 PM): ASSCLOWN
SixHertz (7:26:46 PM): now, he has to shift to his hate message.
TioJaime (7:26:47 PM): oh jesus, he looked like a member of the undead right there!
SixHertz (7:26:50 PM): LOL
TioJaime (7:26:59 PM): "idearr"
SixHertz (7:27:00 PM): Ideee err?
TioJaime (7:27:02 PM): "ideaerr"
SixHertz (7:27:03 PM): hehe
TioJaime (7:27:17 PM): "I have gonnorheaar"
SixHertz (7:27:22 PM): ROFL!
TioJaime (7:27:40 PM): yeah right
SixHertz (7:27:43 PM): his left eye is lazy.
SixHertz (7:27:54 PM): holy crap. I never noticed that.
TioJaime (7:27:56 PM): you'd roll over and let the French give it to you if it was the pollitically popular thing to do
TioJaime (7:28:04 PM): whoa, crazy zombie hands
SixHertz (7:28:18 PM): and pissed on abroad.
TioJaime (7:28:20 PM): umm, yes, let's go out and Trust John Kerry
TioJaime (7:28:26 PM): oh, forever?
SixHertz (7:28:27 PM): I believe you can't say that yet.
TioJaime (7:28:42 PM): well shit, if he's promising forever i'm there
TioJaime (7:28:45 PM): just throw in josie maran
TioJaime (7:28:52 PM): sorry, let's go W
TioJaime (7:29:03 PM): see, now he's invoking Reagan
SixHertz (7:29:18 PM): damn right.
TioJaime (7:29:23 PM): (ASSCLOWN said he wanted our trust. i was kidding)
TioJaime (7:30:01 PM): "rally armies of compassion"
TioJaime (7:30:02 PM): ?
SixHertz (7:30:09 PM): reminds me of jesse jackson.
SixHertz (7:30:11 PM): weird.
TioJaime (7:30:24 PM): his english is a bit better though
TioJaime (7:30:26 PM): (W's)
SixHertz (7:30:29 PM): good on him.
TioJaime (7:30:34 PM): nice job, W!
SixHertz (7:30:36 PM): Game, set bush.
TioJaime (7:30:47 PM): ooh, go sun devils
TioJaime (7:31:13 PM): TH-K looks pissed
TioJaime (7:31:28 PM): oh hi barbara bush
TioJaime (7:31:34 PM): she's the better looking of the twins now
SixHertz (7:31:44 PM): hey, didn't the first lady say she'd wear blue?
TioJaime (7:31:46 PM): ewww, kery daughter
TioJaime (7:31:51 PM): that was @ the second debate
SixHertz (7:32:01 PM): oh, shit. that's blogged that one.
TioJaime (7:32:30 PM): that kerry daughter looks like heidi fleiss
TioJaime (7:32:35 PM): OK dude, time for dinner
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9:53 PM