Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The SHoP weighs in on Virginia Tech


The SHoP weighs in on sexual predatorialosity (???)



You've probably heard all the shit on the Left and all the shit on the Right about that crazy little fucker down in Virginia Tech...

...but have you heard two, real-life Orientals talk about the shootings??? I didn't think so.

So here you go. Don't say your favorite SHoP Overlord Tio Jaime never did anything for you.

WTF kind of korean kid takes english?!?
JihadJimmyMWCCDF (2:53:05 PM): yo dude
ProfShewseffi (2:53:43 PM): i know
ProfShewseffi (2:53:47 PM): ballistic koreans
ProfShewseffi (2:53:56 PM): gun toting kimchee eatingmother fucker
JihadJimmyMWCCDF (2:53:26 PM): I KNOW!!!
JihadJimmyMWCCDF (2:53:37 PM): here's the problem right here...
JihadJimmyMWCCDF (2:53:40 PM): i know why he was pissed
JihadJimmyMWCCDF (2:53:48 PM): he wanted to go Berkeley CE
JihadJimmyMWCCDF (2:53:54 PM): but couldn't get in
JihadJimmyMWCCDF (2:53:58 PM): and instead had to go to VA Tech
JihadJimmyMWCCDF (2:54:02 PM): and take up english
ProfShewseffi (2:54:44 PM): didn't we whoop them in football last season
JihadJimmyMWCCDF (2:54:11 PM): WTF kind of korean kid takes english?!?
ProfShewseffi (2:54:49 PM): like a preseason type game?
JihadJimmyMWCCDF (2:54:27 PM): in a fucking BOWL GAME, motherfucker!!!
JihadJimmyMWCCDF (2:54:29 PM): GO BEARS!
ProfShewseffi (2:55:08 PM): OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
ProfShewseffi (2:55:17 PM): which bowl was it?
ProfShewseffi (2:55:21 PM): las vegas?
JihadJimmyMWCCDF (2:54:50 PM): umm, maybe?
JihadJimmyMWCCDF (2:54:54 PM): no LV bowl was BYU
JihadJimmyMWCCDF (2:55:07 PM): some bowl in el paso? sun bowl?
ProfShewseffi (2:55:43 PM): we played A&M last season
ProfShewseffi (2:55:48 PM): Ohhh 2 years ago?
ProfShewseffi (2:55:51 PM): 2 bowls prior?
JihadJimmyMWCCDF (2:55:18 PM): yah i think so
ProfShewseffi (2:55:57 PM): 2004??
ProfShewseffi (2:55:59 PM): nooo
ProfShewseffi (2:56:06 PM): we lost in 2004 to Tex Tech
JihadJimmyMWCCDF (2:55:34 PM): fuck if i know, all these stupid bowl games get confusing now
JihadJimmyMWCCDF (2:55:46 PM): i liked it when we went 2-10 but still beat $C

Oh, I guess I forgot to mention that we're both Republican?

Well, really, did you expect any less here at the SHoP?

Well, so we (Professor Shewseffi and myself) are two oriental republicans who don't really like orientals. God only knows how we made it through Berkeley engineering. It sure as fuck didn't help that Coach Tom and our squad of pre-Tedford Golden Bears sucked.

and when i saw him, i ran behind a chair
ProfShewseffi (2:59:50 PM): one of my roommates is a fobby korean
ProfShewseffi (2:59:54 PM): like "harro" type korean
JihadJimmyMWCCDF (2:59:23 PM): dude, uncool
ProfShewseffi (3:00:03 PM): and when i saw him, i ran behind a chair
ProfShewseffi (3:00:06 PM): and acted scared
JihadJimmyMWCCDF (2:59:35 PM): chinese, japanese, vietnamese guys i'm OK with
JihadJimmyMWCCDF (2:59:40 PM): but not koreans
JihadJimmyMWCCDF (2:59:47 PM): oh man, that's fucking HILARIOUS

This also means we're allowed to make oriental jokes.

Well, shit, you all can too. But it's funnier when we do it. Our eyes are already somewhat slanted. And now you have insight as to which orientals are really the crazy ones.

yeah, nice job you stupid virginian fuckers
JihadJimmyMWCCDF (3:01:29 PM):
JihadJimmyMWCCDF (3:01:38 PM): yeah, nice job you stupid virginian fuckers
ProfShewseffi (3:02:55 PM): wow
JihadJimmyMWCCDF (3:02:36 PM): could've avoided some of this...

If I wasn't such a lazy ass, I'd post a useful link right here... oh fuck me, fine, here you go... Foreshadowing Tragedy at Virginia Tech by Lars Larson, courtesy OTW Mark

and really
JihadJimmyMWCCDF (3:02:38 PM): and really
JihadJimmyMWCCDF (3:02:54 PM): why is everybody making such a big deal out of the bomb threats there from a few weeks ago?
JihadJimmyMWCCDF (3:02:58 PM): it's a fucking college
JihadJimmyMWCCDF (3:03:07 PM): there are bomb threats during midterms
ProfShewseffi (3:04:30 PM): HHAHAHAHAHAH

At Berkeley, there at one point was like 27 fire alarms pulled all at once during midterms. It was some stupdi protest against some affirmative action referendum that the Californians voted down. Typical whiny hippie wannabe-revolutionaries, they pulled 27 fire alarms. I don't remember the exact number, but it was whatever number the proposition was. Stupid fucking hippies.

the police did their jobs
JihadJimmyMWCCDF (3:04:05 PM): if this had happened at berkeley?
JihadJimmyMWCCDF (3:04:21 PM): some dude could *easily* have shot people at the Units
JihadJimmyMWCCDF (3:04:31 PM): then walked over to evans hall and started shooting people
JihadJimmyMWCCDF (3:04:36 PM): chained the doors shut
JihadJimmyMWCCDF (3:04:42 PM): there's nothing anybody could've done
JihadJimmyMWCCDF (3:04:59 PM): the police did their jobs
ProfShewseffi (3:06:24 PM): ahhahahahaahhaha
JihadJimmyMWCCDF (3:06:34 PM): gun control wouldn't have prevented Full Metal Gook from getting that glock 9 or that .22
JihadJimmyMWCCDF (3:08:42 PM): fuckin' english major
JihadJimmyMWCCDF (3:09:01 PM): go watch a fucking artsy-fartsy movie or something
ProfShewseffi (3:10:05 PM): ya those gun activists are having a field day with this one
ProfShewseffi (3:10:18 PM): they fail to realize that if someone really wanted tomsething
ProfShewseffi (3:10:21 PM): they can get it on the black market
JihadJimmyMWCCDF (3:10:09 PM): yah would a handgun ban have prevented this?
JihadJimmyMWCCDF (3:10:26 PM): the CA waiting period wouldn't have prevented this

I don't want to rehash what the internet already did, anymore than I just did in that chat above. And also, ha ha, I reserve the right to delete comments. I'll delete ones that don't specifically address the whole oriental thing. Or comments that I just don't like.

Jihad Jimmy, Minister of War Crimes and Chief Defender of the Faith

ps- THE PURSWADER says hello. But don't worry. He loves debauchery and deceitful charlatans.
pps- Hmm, aforementioned jabs at english majors aside, yes, Citizen SHoPper OTW Mark was an english major, if memory serves me correctly. But 1) he wasn't some crazy oriental who wrote shitty plays, and 2) he wasn't taking english at VA Tech. For these reasons alone, this is why we have no disdain for him. Go check out his site. There's a link above.