Monday, April 30, 2007

Go suck a big one, Information Superhighway

This here says that my commute shouldn't be affected tomorrow...

This one says it will be...

This Caltrans page has some useful information...

But this one is absolutely fucking useless...

This Republican Caltrans engineer is crying "Go check out that fourth link right now before they change it and make this post obsolete!" all the way to work while thinking about Sandra Bullock's nippy-nips.

So I'm still not sure which freeway I'll end up taking tomorrow. I'll probably take the city street shortcut which'll spit me out right next to the bridge collapse. Or not. I really don't care. Alls I know is that everybody and their fucking uncle will be chomping at the bit tomorrow to get some shit done to help out the emergency repair.

But oh mark my words, there won't be any thing for us to do except call a few Caltrans engineers whose phones have probably been ringing off the hook since early Sun-dee morning after this accident. And the nature of our Caltrans outfit (in relation to Caltrans Construction) will be such that we won't get involved for at least another few weeks. But that won't stop people from telling us Caltrans engineers to pester other Caltrans engineers with our phone calls.


Why, thank you kindly! But you can go suck a big one too...

OK I think I'm OK since I'd take 580 East to 80 East (which, confusingly enough, is the same freeway just north of this interchange) and that ramp is unaffected. Coming home, if I don't take 780-680-24 like I normally do... wait, I still might be in the clear, since the flyover that collapsed merges on the right with the 80 West to 580 West ramp.

I think. You confused? I don't blame you. That's why this is called the Macarthur Maze. Welcome to the Blue State Frontier. I'm your host, Tio Jaime, broadcasting to you loud and proud from Fort Tio Jaime, your Red State Outpost.

OK the politicking was a stretch. Sorry.

Anyway, fun stuff. I'll let you know tomorrow morning how the commute was.

Jihad Jimmy
Director, SHoP Department of Pubic Works (and Public Works)

<update date="20070430" time="0925">
Commute this morning was fine. I charged head-first into the Macarthur Maze and it was the same commute I see every morning. Better, even, because people were scared off from the freeway-- there were three cars in line to go to the freeway where there are usually near twenty. People left before dawn and found out there was no traffic. Duh.

What'll be fun will be the evening commute. I didn't mention this last night in the post above, but the morning commute shouldn't even be affected. The ramps that are damaged aren't "to the Bay Bridge" like the second post above says. They're "from the Bay Bridge". People who are smart will leave at 3, 3:30 today to avoid the impending traffic snarls.

And I'm leaving at the normal time and taking 780-680-24. Like I normally do. Maybe I'll stop by Fry's.

<update date="20070430" time="0934">
Oops. You're too late if you didn't catch the fourth link earlier this morning. I've taken the liberty of stealing an astoundingly shitty-even-for-Caltrans graphic and linking to a page that tells us nothing we didn't know already.

My favorite piece of Caltrans wisdom that their shitty website tries to pass off as informational? This little ditty right here...

Oh, "personally inspected the damage". Right.
Caltrans Director Will Kempton has personally inspected the damage.

Looks like the second post is out as well, maybe it's just slow? Eh. You get the idea: Bay Area Little Brains running around all willy-nilly. I'm surprised Gavin Newsom hasn't declared a state of emergency like how Willie Brown did on 9/11.