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Thursday, April 06, 2006

Life has been busy...

Well, thank god for TioJaime, as he has been keeping the midnight oil burning (consistently) for the past several months. I've been keeping a low profile as you've probably noticed, since fall of last year for a couple reasons. One of which has been my second job: applying to business schools. It has paid off, and I have decisions to make. Whatever the case, I'll be leaving California...

Today, I'm in Philadelphia for Wharton's welcome weekend.

Later this month to visit: University of Chicago's Graduate School of Business. Mark Nicodemo, I'm sure you'll have something to say about this. What the hell is going on in Chi-town the weekend of the 20th-23rd? It's so friggin' hard to find a room!

Right now, and with them giving me $$ to attend, I'm leaning towards Chicago...but if any of you SHoPpers have opinions (riiiiggght, which of you don't?), my ears are wide open.