Friday, July 20, 2007

Slow News Day, I suppose...

I shudder to think what trolls may have scraped off the bottom of the barrel in the name of a post on this a Happy Friday.

Oh Christ. I just checked, and it was business as usual. Why do I do that to myself? Take my word for it, Citizen SHoPpers, there's nothing over there. Click on a SHoP label if you're bored enough to consider checking out shitty antics elsewhere...

But even the SHoP is not immune to slow newsdays. I was shook awake for about 10 seconds this morning, but quickly concluded that it was nothing major, and went back to sleep.

Magnitude 4.2 quake rattles East Bay
4.2 temblor shakes stuff off shelves, but no major damage

I didn't think the Leftists here could ever get so bored with Bush that they'd get excited over a 4.2 earthquake.

Seriously, even Cindy Sheehan updates would've been a better read. At least those get me riled up.

Well anycrap, about the stupid "earthquake"... here's my review. It was one of the bigger ones over the past few years, but that doesn't say much. This was too big to go unnoticed, so it wasn't small. But it was too small to get me out of bed, so it wasn't very big. It was a mediocre earthquake all around. My parents about 60 miles south didn't even feel or hear about it.

I'm getting BBQ and going shooting. Ain't the Frontier great?