Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Critical Mass had a chance to gain my respect... but took a typical Blue-State-Fuck-Up SHIT all over Third and Brannan

This was going to be an update to the SHoP post "The weekend thus far", but it grew to the size of a whole nother post.

And yes, my use of the "word" nother was with derision.

<update date="20070702" time="2331">
I remembered what I had wanted to say about the Critical Mass pussies! At one point, I had to walk alongside them up 3rd Street away from Pac Bell. When we crossed Brannan Street, a firetruck started barrelling towards 3rd Street. What did they do? They stopped before the intersection and let the truck through.

What a bunch of fucking hypocrites. These are the same people who at Berkeley would march for Affirmative Action under the slogan "BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY" but wouldn't dare resort to physical violence or self-sacrifice. What a bunch of pussies. If they wanted to be noticed past their run-of-the-mill monthly annoyance (and yes, Blue State Fuck-Ups, nowadays you're so predictable that you've lost your edginess), they should've stopped the firetruck. Or are misdemeanors and disruption of daily life too much of an inconvenience for the Modern Left?

The Leftist Degenerates of the 60's were a force with which to be reckoned. They put the Leftist Degenerates of the 90's to shame. And don't even get me started on these Bumper Sticker Degenerocrats of today and tomorrow.